Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong has no reason to refuse Xiao Lang! In fact, for him, this is simply a good thing!

In the ordinary small world, even in Ascension Continent, he took Luo Xiao and his brothers to run wild and dominate. + But in the Daomen World, the real world that belongs to the strong, rely on them, let alone run wild, survival alone is a problem.

shelter! Strong shelter is exactly what they desperately need. A second grade family is undoubtedly the best choice!

"Brother, you don't have to worry! I know, you have your own ambitions, and you are not willing to live forever! Even if you join our Xiao family, it will only be a cooperative relationship. You still have a free body!"

As you can see, Xiao Lang is very urgent and sincere!

"With such rich conditions, would your senior Xiao family agree?" Wan Dong had his worries.

"Yes! I will convince them!" Xiao Lang said heavily.

"Why, you have to go back to Daomen Dajie World? You didn't mean that you will never go back?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "For the future of my Xiao family, I have to go back to say anything! After all, I am still a child of the Xiao family!"

"Oh ... I'm relieved! If so, let our brothers join forces to create a great cause in Daomen World!"

"So, you ... did you agree?" Xiao Lang's face was so excited that the whole person seemed to be flying.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "This kind of favorable conditions is also the face of the elder brother. I have no reason not to agree?"

"Okay! Okay! Hahaha ..." Xiao Lang laughed loudly, and the dust on the beam of the trembling house fell away.

After laughing for a while, Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Wan Dong, and said, "Oh, you just said something happened to me, what is it now?"

Xiao Lang said that Wan Dong's expression suddenly dignified, turned his head and looked at Marriott Marquis, saying, "Dad, can you tell me about my mother now?"

The reason why Marriott Martial is not far away is to find Wandong in Shenlei City. First, it is naturally eager to think, and second, it is also to follow Wan Youqi's persuasion, and is ready to entrust Wandong's birth to Wandong.

After all, it is Wan Dong ’s biological mother. Wan Dong certainly has the power to know his whereabouts. In addition, Marriott Yung also sincerely hopes that Wan Dong will one day bring his wife back from Daomen World. Over the years, the courage in his heart has never become cold, and as time goes by, he slowly enters his old age. This courage has been heating up.

Nodded heavily, Marriott Martial took a breath and said, "I always thought that I knew your mother very well, but I didn't find out until my mother was taken away by force. It was too little. At that time, you were young, only a few months old, and two peerless strongmen suddenly broke into our home, and your father and I did n’t even have a chance to fight back, so they were controlled by others. live……"

Speaking of which, Marriott's face was slightly pale, and his tight fists shuddered. Obviously, even after more than two decades have passed, when it comes to the situation, Marriott Marvel still can't let go.

"Wait, uncle, are you talking about Yaoting's goddess?" Xiao Lang was a bit confused, and could not help asking.

Wan Dong and Marriott Marquis gave each other a wry smile, both of them were too involved and neglected this. Marriott Marquis nodded casually, but did not answer Xiao Lang positively, because he misunderstood, and then said, "They stopped me before they said that they came from the Daomen World, the purpose is to take your mother back." At the beginning, your mother didn't get along, who knew that the two of them finally threatened us with our father and son, and your mother couldn't help but cry and say goodbye to our father and son. Thinking about that time, I was really useless, only I looked at it, but I could n’t stop it. Especially the desperate look before the mother left, I ... my heart was bleeding ... "

"Yes! After the sister-in-law was taken away, the eldest brother shut himself in the room for three days without eating or drinking, and finally his majesty the emperor opened the door and forced the elder brother out of the room. I still have Remember, when the eldest brother walked out of the room, it was like a new person, pale and terrible, as if he was twenty years old. "

Wan Youqi also fell into memory, murmured with sadness and heartache on her face.

Wan Dong shook his head, never thought that their father and son had experienced the same thing!

Wan Dong understands why the Marriott Marquis opposed the marriage with Mulian so firmly. Not at all as he thought, Marriott Martial Arts hopes to consolidate his power through the marriage of Wandong and Shangguan Yunzhu. Instead, he was worried that Mulian, whose origins were unknown, would one day be taken away by force like his mother. Marriott Martial would not want his son to taste the pain he had experienced.

"Why ... Why do people from all over the world can beat mandarin ducks casually and tear apart a pair of people in love?" Wan Dong couldn't help but burst into a grudge, his teeth gritted.

This makes Xiao Lang a little embarrassed, after all, he is also in the door. Having said that, he was also very sympathetic to Marriott's experience.

"Even our mundane small world needs to be a good person, not to mention the big world. We are in the eyes of others, but it's just humble ants!"

"Bah! One day, I have to let them see who the ants are!" Wan Dong snorted, his eyes cold.

After a pause, he calmed down, Wan Dong asked Marriott Martial, "Daddy, what is my mother's name?"

"Your maiden name is Chen, it is Chen Yi! It seems to be a big family from the Daomen World. Of course, I listened to those two people and didn't know the truth."

"Big family?" There are many families in Daomen Dajie World. There are six second-class families, and there are more third-class families and non-influential families. Xiao Lang is very familiar with Daomen World, and only he can carry it. This is why Wan Dong kept him.

"Brother, as far as you know, is there a big family surnamed Chen in Daomen World?"

Xiao Lang ’s complexion suddenly became a little weird, Nana said: "It really has, and there are two, no! Strictly speaking, it should be one, but then it was divided into two. One of them is the head of the house, which is a woman. It ’s also called Chen Yi! "

"What !?" Xiao Lang exclaimed, and Wan Dong and Marriott Martial Exclaimed together.

"Xiao Lang, can you tell me what the woman named Chen Yi looks like?" Marriott took Xiong Lang's hand tightly and asked with a very rapid voice.

"That ... that Chen Yiyomo in his forties, looks very beautiful, has a special temperament, makes people feel very gentle, as if ... it seems ..." Xiao Lang tried hard to find a suitable one Words to describe Chen Yi, but it seems difficult.

Marriott Marquis couldn't wait, suddenly pulled out a portrait from his arms, and opened it in front of Xiao Lang. The portrait was just a portrait of a very gentle and beautiful woman. mother. Unexpectedly, for so many years, Marriott Marquis has been collecting her portraits personally, which shows that Marriott Martial Arts has a deep affection for Chen Yi!

"Look, see if she is!"

"Yes, it's exactly the same!" Xiao Lang just looked at it, recognized it, and said firmly.

Xiao Lang's affirmation was like opening the gate of Marriott's tears, and tears immediately poured out of his eyes.

Wan Dong's mood is also great. The Daomen World is a lot more space than the ordinary world. Finding someone there is definitely ten times harder than finding a needle in a haystack. But now it is fine. With a clear direction, finding Chen Yi is extremely simple.

From small to large, Wan Dong didn't know how many kinds of his own biological mother he imagined. Today he finally saw the portrait of his mother, and Wan Dong's eyes straightened immediately. The more I look at it, the better I feel, the more I look at it, I feel more intimate. I just feel that all the women in the world are added together, which is not as good as Chen Yi in this painting. Of course, Mulian is the exception. Correct! At this time in Wan Dong's eyes, Mulian and Chen Yi are the two most beautiful women in the world!

A small portrait instantly brought the distance between Wan Dong and Chen Yi infinite!

"Xiao Lang, my wife, she ... is she okay?" After wiping her tears for a long time, Marriott Marquis asked with concern.

In Wandong's view, since Chen Yi is your homeowner, that day should have been pretty good. However, beyond his expectations, Xiao Lang shook his head, his expression dignified.

Wan Dong's heart suddenly mentioned his throat, and he hurriedly asked, "Brother, did my mother have a bad life?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and said, "Even if it is good, I am afraid it will not be much better."

"How do you say this? Xiao Lang, please tell us carefully!" Khan Xiong, Marriott's anxiety, came down.

Xiao Lang sighed and said, "When the Chen family was not separated, it was quite a force, and it was the best among the three-pin family. But later I don't know why, about ten years ago, the Chen family suddenly split into two. , Left the original station, travelled a long distance, moved to another place, and reopened the school. Originally Chen Tiande, oh, the aunt ’s father, the third of the three brothers of the Chen family, originally fought against him before he was sick In the Daomen world, he still has some status, but six days ago, Chen Tiande suddenly became seriously ill, and his whole life was completely exhausted, and even his life had to be maintained by various precious fairy grasses. Aunty's situation suddenly became difficult. After another year or so, Chen Tiande's condition worsened, and it was impossible to deal with family affairs, so he passed the position of the head of the family to her aunt. But after all, the aunt was Women will inevitably be bullied. In order to survive, the aunt has no choice but to lead the family to the family of Lin who belongs to the second grade family. "-By: dad856 | 5563 4 | 14402414->

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