Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 936: Wan Dong's meeting ceremony!

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Seeing this scene, let alone Feng Nan and them, even Xiao Lang was completely calm.

In the Daomen World, every big family has its own swordsmith, and the Xiao family of the second-grade family is no exception. Xiao Lang had personally seen the swordsmiths of this family casting swords, but the whole process, unlike what Wan Dong did at this time, seemed to be different.

The swordsmiths of the Daomen Great World used the fire of Dao Qi when casting swords. The fire of Dao Qi melted the metal. This step made no difference. Before melting the metal, the swordsmiths of Dadaomen World will always engrave a mold, and the material of the mold has very high requirements.

Generally Xuanyang jade is the best! First, Xuanyang jade can withstand high temperature, and will not be deformed and damaged by high temperature. Second, Xuanyang jade is very stable and pure. Before the formation of the Shenbing, it will not mix too many impurities into the Shenbing, thereby reducing the Shenbing. Of the material. In addition to Xuanyang jade, stainless steel and sunstone are also good materials for carving molds. But no matter what material is used, the swordsmiths of Daomen World must have a mold when casting the sword.

Like Wandong, Xiao Lang didn't rely on the mold at all.

When Xiao Lang was surprised, the liquid floating in the air began to creep slowly. Slowly, the outline of a long sword gradually became clear.

"Is this kid still human?" Xiao Lang could not help but exclaimed, only a feeling of dizziness.

Instead of relying on molds, only relying on ideas, let the molten purple gold liquid automatically form in the air, this method, Xiao Lang is unheard of. No, even if he had heard of it, he would never believe it easily. While using the idea to hold the purple gold liquid in the void, at the same time, it is necessary to use the idea to slowly solidify the liquid into a sword shape. This requires a lot of mental power, which is absolutely beyond imagination.

As for Feng Nan and Zhai Lan, they were already stunned. They looked at the miracle like a pilgrimage, and they could not hold their breath.

"This kid is definitely a freak!" Xiao Lang couldn't help but sighed again and shook his head again and again.

Wan Dong's cultivation practice is indeed inferior to him, but Wan Dong's spiritual power must be far above him. This undoubtedly shows that Wandong's future achievements will definitely be far above him. There is such a wicked brother, which is not only the driving force for continuous progress, but also the unparalleled pressure. Xiao Lang really does not know whether to cry or laugh.

About the time of half a cup of tea, the purple gold liquid finally wriggled into place, and a purple gold magic soldier with a liquid state suddenly came into view. Although it has not yet been finally formed, the light of its militia has begun to gleam faintly. The hearts of the four Feng Nan suddenly jumped up, because Wan Dong told them that this Zijin Divine Soldier was specially built for them.

When the Zijin Divine Soldier showed the most perfect state according to Wan Dong ’s idea, Wan Dong ’s wrist suddenly turned, and the Dao Qi in his body operated rapidly according to another special law of heaven and earth. The stocks were replaced by trembling chills.

Xiao Lang's pupil shrank suddenly, Wan Dong's sword-making method completely subverted his cognition, and Wan Dong's use of Dao Qi exceeded his imagination.

From the hottest to the coldest, Wandong has almost finished turning his hand. The use of Daoqi is so pure that it travels back and forth at both extremes without obstruction. Even freaks are not enough to describe it. .

The last step of sword-making is to quench the sword, and Wan Dong is very beautiful. After a loud squeal, the Zijin Shenhuo Huo Ran formed, and a purple mandrel, instantly communicating the world, immediately shocked Xiao Lang's heart.

Wan Dong has cast a lot of magic soldiers with Zijin, and he is already extremely skilled. After the Zijin Magic Soldiers are cast, they do n’t look at them. With one wave of their hands, the Zijin Magic Soldiers have turned into a purple mane and flew straight to Zhai. In Lan's hands, he laughed, "Girls first, this sword will be given to girl Zhai first."

When Zhai Lan heard it, she was overwhelmed and hurriedly thanked her. Then she seemed to caress her lover, stroking Zijin Divine Soldier carefully.

Perhaps Wan Dong made up his mind at the beginning, and gave this first purple gold magic soldier to Zhai Lan, so when casting, he deliberately cast the sword body with a light and delicate appearance, and even embellished with butterfly-like patterns on it. It looks exquisite and exquisite, and is very pleasing to the girls.

Feng Nan, Zhang Lei and Ge Xiang were about to get closer and watch carefully. Xiao Lang suddenly reached his hand in a slanted stab and said, "Girl Zhai, can you lend me a look?"

Zhai Lan was a little reluctant, but Xiao Lang had to give her face, oh, and passed the sword over.

As soon as the sword started, Xiao Lang determined that this sword would never insult the word "Shen Bing"!

The sword used by Xiao Lang was also cast with a mysterious metal not inferior to purple gold, but although the material is indispensable, Xiao Lang clearly felt that the sword created by Wan Dong for Zhai Lan had better quality Outperform! This undoubtedly also shows that Xiao Lang's sword-casting skills are better than his Xiao Jia's sword-casting skills!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but stunned! The Xiao family is a second-class family. Of course, the swordsmiths it owns cannot be ordinary goods. In fact, the chief swordsmith of the Xiao family is not only ordinary, but also a famous figure in the Daomen world. In addition to the sword masters in the three major first-class families, there is no better character than their Xiao family sword masters.

In order to be able to get a magical soldier cast by his Xiao Sword Master, the other five second-rate families have once spared no expense! For the Daomen family with a particularly good face, this is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of the Xiaojia Sword Master. But the sword-caster of the Xiao family is not as good as the young people of a small world, which is like a fantasy to Xiao Lang!

But now, this fantasy is really happening!

Xiao Lang turned his head subconsciously to Wandong, and at this time, Wandong had already begun to cast the second purple gold magical soldier. Wherever he is, it is very ordinary.

"Xiao Xiaoxia, you ... have you finished reading?" Seeing Xiao Lang holding the Zijin Divine Soldier, he just looked at Wan Dong in a daze, and he had no intention of returning it. Road.

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled, "This sword is worthy of the name of Divine Soldier, you can get it, it is your creation, hope you can use it in the future!"

"Huh!" Zhai Lan nodded heavily, a flash of gratitude flashed in her eyes.

The magical and alchemy alchemy of the white fire dragon is enough to surprise Xiao Lang, but now Wan Dong has displayed the unpredictable sword-casting technique of ghosts and gods, giving Xiao Lang a feeling of being incredible in a dream. With these two samples alone, even if Wandong did n’t know anything about martial arts, and reached the world of Daomen, it would definitely exist in the wind and rain!

Wan Dong's sword-casting technique is already pure in the fire, and at this time, the cultivation was soared to the first level of Xuan marks, and when casting technique was cast, it was even more handy!

It took about two hours before and after, and Feng Nan, Zhang Lei and Ge Xiang all had their own Zijin Divine Soldiers.

Wan Dong not only cast Zijin Shenbing for Feng Nan, but also tailored them for them. The four purple gold soldiers are different, either light or heavy, long or short, wide or thin, but the quality is the same outstanding!

Feng Nan held the Zijin Divine Soldier and felt that the whole person seemed to be dreaming. The life was hard to save a moment ago. At this moment, the Zijin Divine Soldier was in hand. I have to say that fate is really a magical thing.

Yun Tiannan used to cast hundreds of tons of purple gold for the treasure trove of gates, and forging four purple gold soldiers used at least a hundred pounds. This is because this piece of purple gold is not very pure and contains many impurities. However, a round hole through which one person could pass was still fused on the gate of the treasure house.

Wan Dong took a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at the stunned Xiao Lang, and beckoned, "Brother, what are you doing, come on!"

Wan Dong laughed bitterly, pulled himself up, and came to Wan Dong, shaking his head and said, "Brother, in the end you have some incredible skills, say it in a brain, lest one day, your brother and I will be surprised."

Wan Dong knew that Xiao Lang was referring to his sword-making skills, and he smiled and said, "It's just a little skill of carving insects, it's not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning ..."

"Not worth mentioning?" Xiao Lang suffocated in his chest, and there was an urge to strangle Wan Dong alive.

If this is just a trivial technique of carving insects, I do n’t know how many swordsmiths in Daomen World want to wipe their necks with anger.

"Since it's a skill of carving insects, then when you come to the Daomen World in the future, you might as well teach us the sword caster of the Xiao family and let him improve."

"What's so difficult about it? All that listens to Big Brother is!"

Xiao Lang couldn't help but froze when listening to Wan Dong's answer. He just said that, only three points are serious, but seven points is a joke. This kind of sword-making and alchemy techniques are more precious in the Daomen World than all kinds of immortal tactics. Especially the top sword-casting technique like Wandong is the unsecured secret of every family to guard against death. Where is it easy to pass on like Wandong?

"Brother, I know that you will agree so readily because of my relationship. In fact, the eldest brother just made a joke with you, I didn't want to really make you ..."

Waiting for Xiao Lang to finish his speech, Wan Dong smiled and waved his hand. "I understand the meaning of the elder brother, but this sword-casting technique is really nothing. I have passed it on to others, and I don't care about it to your sword-caster of the Xiao family."

"What? Have you ever taught this skill to others?" Xiao Lang was immediately taken aback, looked at Wan Dong and looked at it again. There was an urge to cut Wan Dong's head and see. What is Wandong thinking about?

Wan Dong nodded and said, "This is my grandfather Liu Yunxi who came to Ascension China this time. The Liu family are all sword-setters for generations. Isn't it reasonable for me to pass the sword-sword technique to them?"

Xiao Lang stopped talking, Wan Dong's free and easy, it really made him admire, and at the same time a little lighter in his mood, since that is the case, let Wan Dong give pointers to their Xiao family's sword casting master, it should really not be what Things that embarrass Wan Dong. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402430->

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