Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 938: Spirit pattern!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Not good!" Xiao Lang shouted subconsciously at this situation.

Wan Dong hurriedly waved his hand, beckoning him to be restless. Just don't look at Wan Dong's apparent calmness, in fact his mood is more tense than Xiao Lang. This is the only phantom demon in his hand. If it is ruined by the white fire dragon, then he really can't cry. But what's the use of being nervous? Phantom Demon Pill has been swallowed by a white fire dragon, can it still make it spit out again?

And even if it can spit it out, it is too late. As soon as the phantom demon entered the mouth of the white fire dragon, he burst into pieces in the sky's blaze, and turned into stars and stars of different colors. I was afraid it would be difficult to converge.

"Brother, how do I feel a little dangling, if only I can get more magical demon pill!" Xiao Lang leaned over and said with some doubt and anxiety in his expression.

Wan Dong was about to answer the call, Xiao Lang suddenly shot his head and said, "How can I forget, this is the treasure house of Yuntianmen, if there is extra magic demon Dan, maybe it will be hidden here, I will find it."

Wan Dong stretched out his hand and dragged Xiao Lang to hold his head, shaking his head and said, "Brother, since this phantom demon is so precious, how can the Ping family give more? Even if the Ping family gives more, they will definitely carry it with them, how can they hide it? it's here?"

"But ... but ..."

Xiao Lang was unwilling to be persuaded by Wan Dong and was about to say something more. Then the white fire dragon suddenly opened his mouth and sipped a few times, his expression was disgusted, as if he had eaten a fly. Not only Wan Dong, even Xiao Lang could see it.

"Brother, it ... what does it mean?" Xiao Lang asked with a surprised face.

Wan Dong also frowned, and as he continued to grow, the expression of this white fire dragon became richer and his personality became more prominent.

The white fire dragon took a few sips, and of course it was not water, but the ignition seedling. Fortunately, Wandong responded fast enough to extinguish in time, otherwise this treasure house of Yuntianmen had to be turned into ashes by a fire No way.

After a few sips, the white fire dragon still seemed a little uncomfortable and shouted at Wandong. Daolongyin, the trembling Wandong's ears buzzed, but he didn't understand what it meant.

"This guy will be angry?" Xiao Lang looked blankly, more and more curious about the white fire dragon.

Feng Nan and Zhai Lan were shocked, and subconsciously hid in the corner.

Seeing that the white fire dragon seemed to be endless, Wan Dong's face was suddenly cold, and his mouth made a burst of drink "enough, shut me up!"

Probably feeling Wan Dong's anger, the white fire dragon finally calmed down.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and asked politely, "I ask you, can you use the fairy grass in this treasure trove to copy the magic demon pill?"

Wan Dong's voice just fell, and the white fire dragon who had just calmed down began to "excite" again, jumping up and down, shaking his head, seeming to be talking about something with Wan Dong. It is just that the expression of the white fire dragon is obviously much more complicated. Wan Dong looked at it for a long time and failed to express the meaning expressed by reading its physical movements. Only through the idea, the white fire dragon seems to be very dissatisfied. As for why it is dissatisfied, Wan Dong would not know.

"Brother, what did this guy mean for a long time?" Xiao Lang was anxious.

Wan Dong shook his head with a bitter expression, and his communication with the white dragon was limited after all.

After a while, Wan Dong was suddenly annoyed, no matter what it meant by the white fire dragon, he pointed his hand and shouted, "You will refine me a magic demon immediately, immediately!"

Wan Dong is planning to ‘overlord ’s bow,’ who can let the white fire dragon understand his words, but he ca n’t understand the language of the white fire dragon?

This time, the white fire dragon did not toss, but it shook the faucet decisively and simply, without Wandong's interpretation, even Xiao Lang could see it, and the heart could not help but sink. "Brother, this white fire dragon seems to be unable to make the magic demon. what."

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "I don't think it can be cultivated, but I don't want to practice it at all."

Listening to Wan Dong saying this, when Xiao Lang looked at the white fire dragon again, he really read more meaning from its expression. The expression was clearly full of disdain, just like Wandong's insult to him by refining it.

Wan Dong breathed a sigh of breath and asked tentatively, "Can you make better than Phantom Demon?"

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, the white fire dragon immediately turned the faucet mad, and there was a faint expression of pride and pride in his expression.

Wan Dong and Xiao Lang glanced at each other, and their hearts were overjoyed, Wan Dong hurriedly shouted, "So what are you waiting for, get me trained!"

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, the white fire dragon roared and roared among the thousands of fairy grasses.

Some fairy grasses, Wandong can still call the name, but the vast majority are Wandong unheard of, unseen, there are dozens of species, one after another automatically vacated from the shelf, directly swallowed by the fire dragon.

"Awesome! Brother, I am more and more certain that this white fire dragon is by no means ordinary, and it is likely to have a long history!" Seeing the white fire dragon showing great power, Xiao Lang's eyes were envy or envy.

Wan Dong subconsciously thought of the treasure box in the storage ring. The secret of the white fire dragon may only be unlocked in the Daomen World.

About half an hour later, the white fire dragon suddenly made a long roar and flew to Wandong. A dragon's mouth, a seven-dove egg-sized spirit pill, fell in the palm of Wan Dong's palm.

"What's this?" Xiao Lang's eyes were full of doubts as he looked at Ling Dan in Wandong's hands.

First of all, this is by no means Phantom Yaodan, and the difference between it and Phantom Yaodan is not so big. As long as it is not a blind man, even a fool who knows nothing can easily distinguish it.

Wan Dong did not know, but according to the meaning of the white fire dragon, this is a better thing than the magic demon! But what's so good, Wan Dong really can't see it. As a pseudo-alchemy master, once he lost the fire dragon, he was afraid that even those alchemy apprentices would be inferior.

"Huh? This is ..." Just when Wan Dong was puzzled, Xiao Lang seemed to see a ghost, and he was shocked, and his eyes were bigger than the bull's eyes.

The busy one picked up one from Wandong's hand, placed it in the sun, and watched carefully. This time even Wandong found a difference. I saw that the golden pill on the whole body was faintly covered with a few light purple magic lines. Under the sunlight, it flashed from time to time.

"Brother, did you see that pattern?" Although Xiao Lang tried his best to suppress it, Wan Dong still heard a trace of shock and excitement in his voice.

Wan Dong nodded anxiously, Xiao Lang's voice was more excited and said, "Brother, do you know what that pattern is? Then ... that is a spirit pattern! It is a spirit pattern that only appears on the top grade spirit pill! Not to mention, this spirit pattern alone is enough to prove the value of this spirit pill. "

Wan Dong didn't really know what the spirit pattern is. It can be seen that Xiao Lang is so excited. Presumably this spirit pattern is indeed extraordinary. It's just ... Wandong frowned, and said, "Brother, do you know what's the use of this spirit pill? Even if there are more spirit marks, but if it's useless, what's the point?"

"Nonsense! How can the spirit pill appearing useless? I suspect that this spirit pill is an enhanced version of the magic demon pill." After that, Xiao Lang had to put the spirit pill into his mouth.

Wan Dong was shocked and hurriedly stopped him, anxiously said, "Brother, don't you come here! Before you figure out the usefulness of this panacea, be careful!"

"Hahaha ... rest assured brother, I'm not a fool, how can I do something that I'm not sure about?" After that, ignoring Wandong's obstruction, he swallowed that spirit pill.

As soon as Lingdan entered, Wandong immediately felt the difference. I saw the momentum bursting from Xiao Lang's body, which had increased at an alarming rate, and soon made Wan Dong feel a terrible pressure that was almost crushed.

Wan Dong was taken aback. When Xiao Lang broke through the mid-level of the earth wheel, he was on the spot. He had the most intuitive feeling for the momentum possessed by the mid-level monks of the earth wheel. But the momentum that burst out from Xiao Lang at this moment was clearly far beyond the time when he broke through.

As for whether Xiao Lang's momentum at this time has reached the peak of the earth wheel, Wan Dong can't say anything.

At this time, Xiao Lang's expression suddenly became extremely excited, a pair of eyes, inside and out, are all shocked.

"Xu ... Mr. Xu, Xiao ... Xiao Xiaoxia ..." Just when Wandong's mood was ups and downs, a faint call woke him up.

Looking around, I saw Feng Nan and Zhai Lan snuggled in the corner. The four people had almost shrunk into a ball, and their faces were covered with pain and sweat. Obviously, Xiao Lang's momentum has exceeded theirs. Withstand range.

Xiao Lang soon noticed this. His body was like a sharp arrow out of the string, so he shot out of the treasure house, followed by a huge blast like a cannon, even the treasure house. Following this noise trembling.

Wan Dong hurried out, and at a glance, there was a faint, almost imperceptible shadow in the air, dancing endlessly, and countless purple and energetic energies, as if coming from the sky like a storm. The originally familiar surface, in just a few breathing moments, has turned into a mess. Everywhere there are deep and shallow, big or small pits, looking from the top down, it seems to have reached the surface of the moon.

Wan Dong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, even if he attacked with all his strength, even if he exerted all his strength, I was afraid that he could only barely support a breath, and there would be no scum left.

It took about a time for a cup of tea, and the stormy purple mansions only gradually converged, and Xiao Lang's figure slowed down a little bit, and finally smoked back to the treasure house like a smoke.

As soon as he returned to the treasure house, Xiao Lang immediately collapsed and sat on the ground, as if he had just finished a ten-kilometer off-road. The whole person was breathing like a bellows, and his face was slightly white, and his expression was a little white. Tired ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402432->

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