Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong took a closer look, and turned out to be the core of the Blazing Blood Crane. He was a little surprised in his heart. He was a little surprised and said, "The Blazing Blood Crane was killed by you. This core should belong to you.

The man just lowered his head and hurriedly supported the grill without raising his head. "The core of this fiery blood crane is useless to me. I only care about its meat. You just need it. You do n’t need to be polite with me. ! "

This person's personality is so picky, and so generous, it really makes Wan Dong have a lot of favors for him.

He said that the core of this fierce **** crane was useless to him, which was obviously a lie. He could not see Wan Dong's cultivation practice, but Wan Dong knew his cultivation practice clearly. The peak of Xuan marks is much weaker than Xiao Lang. And this strengthened core of the fiery blood crane, even if it is to Xiao Lang, can have a lot of benefits, not to mention to him.

"Ah, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your cultivation is poor, I just think that this core is more useful to you." See Wan Dong for a long time without echoing, the man seemed to have thought of something, suddenly He raised his head and said to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and felt more and more that this was a friend he could make.

"Thank you so much!" With some kindness from others, Wan Dong didn't quit anymore and smiled and put away the core of the fierce blood crane.

Not to mention, this guy's cooking method really has a set. It did n’t take long for an unusually rich and attractive fragrance to disperse.

Speaking of fact, Wan Dong is actually a foodie. When they were in the villa of Hidden Sword, the two Ye Qingyu sisters, relying on good cooking skills, only kept Wan Dong alive for several days. At this time, smelling the fragrance, Wan Dong immediately followed the index finger.

"Hey ... what a brother, I didn't lie to you?" The man said with a smug smile when he saw Wan Dong's eager look.

Wan Dong nodded heavily and gave the man a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, the meat of this fiery **** crane will only taste the most delicious when it is roasted until it is fully cooked."

"Come on, then I will add more fire!" Wan Dong was really anxious.

The man hurriedly shouted at him, saying, "Brother, you can't be in a hurry, there are counts of the fire! One point of prosperity and one point of weakness will directly affect the final taste. You are still waiting to be honest! "

If waiting for someone is a kind of torment, waiting for the food to be released is even more tormenting!

The man glanced at Wan Dong and chuckled lightly, "Brother, we all know each other, but I don't know your name yet."

Wan Dong hurriedly said, "My name is Xu Yaoting, I haven't consulted my brother's name ..."

The man waved his hand and said, "Big brother is not big brother, you just call me Lin Feng!"

"You are Lin Feng !?" Wan Dong could not help but exclaimed.

Lin Feng looked strangely to him, and touched his face, na n said, "Is Lin Feng so famous, even you have heard of the brothers living in the Ascension Continent?"

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head bitterly. No wonder he felt so good about Lin Feng. Just half an hour ago, he almost got a sword for this guy.

"Brother Lin, did you offend a cold-faced woman in white?"

Wan Dong inadvertently asked Lin Feng to change his face, and he couldn't even take care of the flaming blood crane that was roasting. He stood up with a moment of anger, and he was very nervous in his expression. "Brother, have you seen Li Weiqian?"

"Li Weiqian?" Wan Dong shook his head. "I don't know her name, but the frost on that woman's face ..." Wan Dong described the appearance of the woman in white to Lin Feng carefully.

The more Lin Feng listened, the more he panicked, and suddenly he shot a thigh and said, "It's broken, it's really Li Weiqian! Brother, this crazy mother-in-law is terrible. I'm just afraid that this fiery **** crane can't eat it. Enjoy it slowly! "

Having said that, Lin Feng looked at the fiery blood crane that had been roasted to half-cooked with nostalgia, and once he gritted his teeth, he turned and left.

Wan Dong hurriedly stopped him and smiled, "Brother Lin doesn't have to be nervous, then Li Weiqian went in a similar direction. At this time, I'm afraid I've gone too far!"

"Really?" Listening to Wan Dong's words, Lin Feng halted his steps and asked Wan Dong suspiciously.

Wan Dong nodded affirmatively, Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief, and said repeatedly, "Fortunately, fortunately! If caught by this woman, the person who roasted on the shelf would become me!"

Wan Dong knew that some things should not be asked, but he couldn't help but wonder, "Brother Lin, how did you offend the woman?"

Wan Dong asked Lin Feng's expression as if she was about to cry, not ordinary depression: "Grandma's, Xin Wuhen's king and **** framed me! If he suddenly attacked and pushed me forward, With Li Weiqian ’s boudoir, where is the trouble today? "

"Ah? Just pushed you into the woman's boudoir, and the woman would chase you down from heaven and earth, this ... what's the point?"

Lin Feng coughed and seemed to be dripping with bile in his bitter complexion. Na Na said, "If it were just like this, of course it wouldn't. But ... but Li Weiqian was taking a shower at the time, but Xin Wuqin was harder and stronger. , Pushed me directly into Li Weiqian's bath, but I was not able to pass water, and suddenly fell into the water, subconsciously grabbing, and as a result ... I caught something that I shouldn't grab ... "

"You ... what did you catch?" Lin Feng's series of mistakes made Wan Dong have a headache.

Lin Feng swallowed, and the expression on his face seemed to be non-smiling, with a hint of aftertaste. He blinked at Wan Dong and said, "Of course it is more prominent and easy to catch, hehe ... you know."

"You grabbed Li Weiqian's chest ?!" Looking at Lin Feng's slightly sly expression, Wan Dong felt like he could understand the anger contained in Li Weiqian's sword of death.

"This ... this can't really blame me. People who don't know how to water will definitely be in a panic when they fall into the water! So I accidentally grabbed her chest, and then accidentally touched her thigh, and then didn't Carefully squeezed a hand on her butt, you know, I was all about living at that time, struggling subconsciously ... "

Wan Dong's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines. According to Lin Feng's statement, it was better to say that he accidentally lied Li Weiqian up and down, which was more appropriate. After a long time, this Lin Feng is clearly a cheap man!

"Hey! Saying ten thousand and ten thousand, it's all Xin Wuhen's fault! Don't let me touch him here, otherwise I must twist his head down and kick the ball!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth. The swear swore.

Wan Dong is really speechless. Lin Feng's face is really thick enough. If Na Xin Wuhen knows that Lin Feng has taken such a big advantage on Li Weiqian, he will regret it. Why didn't he push himself forward.

"I already knew that it would cause such a big trouble. At first, it would be better to give Li Weiqian that girl. In that case, maybe I am now Grandpa Li."

Wan Dong couldn't help but shook his head, just because of his cultivation of the mysterious peak, I was afraid that Li Weiqian hadn't done it, but let Li Weiqian slaughter first.

Wan Dong made up his mind when he was neutral, and Lin Feng's feeling of this product was indeed good. Well, apart from being a little bit **** and a little traitorous, he was basically a good person. But even so, he had to keep a distance from Lin Feng. There is no way, this product is a deadly feud with Li Weiqian, too close to him, more vulnerable to the disaster of Yuchi!

"Hahaha ... you're done! Brother, come and try!" In the speech, the fiery blood crane was ten mature. Lin Feng laughed aloud, and didn't care about the hotness. He directly tore off a fat and juicy crane leg and handed it to Wan Dong.

The current cuisine is not too much to think about. Wan Dong hurriedly settled his thoughts and took the crane legs over. With a bite at the entrance, the outside is tender and tender, the juice is juicy and delicious, and a single scent is not enough to describe the taste of this crane leg.

"Slow down, slow down, how can there be no good wine with good meat?" Lin Feng chuckled and took out an animal skin wine pouch from the storage ring on his finger like a trick.

In the end, it is a child of Daomen Dajie, and he casually takes out something. In Wan Dong's eyes, it is a rare treasure.

Let's just say this animal skin wine bag, the appearance is ordinary, but the animal skin is extremely extraordinary. It is covered with cloud-like patterns. Although Wandong doesn't know what the skin of the fairy beast is, just looking at the cloud pattern, Wandong can conclude that the level of this fairy beast is much higher than the earth fire dragon. More importantly, even if the animal skin has been made into a wine bag, it is still aura. It is conceivable that no matter what kind of wine is contained in this wine bag, even after years and centuries, the taste of the wine will not change at all.

Of course, no matter how good the wine bag is, it is also second, the key is still wine!

When Lin Feng pulled the stopper, a strong, refreshing wine aroma immediately caused Wan Dong to squint his eyes, almost subconsciously desperately twitching his nose, just to inhale some of this rich wine aroma .

Under the influence of Marriott Martial, Wandong is also a good wine. Later, Xu Yaoting reborn and entered the Xu family, and even encountered Xu Wenchuan, a wine-class character. He has drunk a lot of fine wines in the world, which may be comparable to Lin Feng's, but it is unique. No, not even if it can be compared to one in 10,000!

"Okay! At first sight, my brother is a good wine drinker, and it fits my temper!" Looking at Wan Dong, who narrowed his eyes and savored his taste, Lin Feng called out.

Passing the wine bag to Wandong, Wandong took three mouthfuls in one breath. The wine smelled fragrant and drank into the mouth, and it was endless. It seemed like a sweet spring, flowing down the throat, and then it swelled, not the scorching fire, but the coolness and comfort of the autumn wind.

What surprised Wandong even more was that after the wine entered the intestine, although a trace of it was faintly diffused, it was very pure, but it was very pure Dao, which immediately added to Wandong's Yuan Mansion.

Drinking can actually boost your morale! ? Such a magical thing, do n’t say it to Wan Dong, even if I have n’t heard it! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402439->

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