Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Moreover, the ghost knows what kind of scene is in that fairy cave? Considering only the benefits and not the risks, this is by no means Wan Dong's style. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it? What's more, Lin Feng's heart is open-minded. In Wan Dong's view, he is definitely a good person.

"Shenxian cave !? That said, the baby inside must be indispensable. Weiqian, let's be here too."

Lin Feng said with a happy face.

Li Weiqian chuckled and said, "Why don't you feel wronged now?"

Lin Feng laughed loudly and reached up to embrace Wan Dong's shoulders, saying, "Of course I will not be wronged! This time I will go to the mainland, even if I can't get the baby in the fairy cave, I am worth it!

Lin Feng's words were really good. He walked through the Ascension Continent, and the harvest was indeed quite fruitful. Love, friendship, burst Yuandan, and also found the opportunity to cultivate for breakthrough, really can be said to have made a profit!

Li Weiqian heard the meaning of Lin Feng's words, her cheeks turned red, and a blush flew across her eyebrows. Speaking of this, her trip to Ascension to Mainland China seems to have gained a lot!

"There is not much time, let's start now!"

Wan Dong is a little worried about Xiao Lang. The one-horned golden lion is a fairy beast stronger than the fiery blood crane. I do n’t know if Xiao Lang can cope with it. He looked forward to arriving at the Fairy Cave earlier and meeting Xiao Lang. In addition, Wang Yangde and Luo Xiao's situation on their side, Wan Dong could not be completely assured.

The fairy beasts in Mount Xumi are all strengthened by some kind of mysterious power, and there are also children of the Daomen Second Grade Family who are active in Mount Xumi. Although as Lin Feng said, these children are second-line children of various families, but in Ascension Mainland, they are almost invincible.

Li Weiqian and Lin Feng nodded one after the other, saying that their activities in Ascension Mainland this time had time limits.

The three of them were about to leave, and Wan Dong suddenly thought of it, splitting out several wind-blade palms, and took out the cores of the five flaming blood cranes, including the flaming blood crane leader. These are all good things and cannot be lost casually.

In particular, the core of the leader of the fiery blood blood crane is enough to refine a blast Yuandan.

Just as the three of Wandong rushed towards the location of the fairy cave, in the depths of the jungle about a few tens of kilometers away from them, a young man with a handsome face dressed in a green robe was not like an elephant, but he had an elephant trunk The fairy beast, the fight is hearty.

The power of this fairy beast is comparable to that of the Blazing Blood Crane, which is slightly inferior to the leader of the Blazing Blood Crane. The skin is thick and thick, the limbs are thick and healthy, although the body is not very flexible, but it has a lot of strength, especially the long elephant trunk, swept away, like a steel whip, even if the two giant trees hug It can't stand its nose.

This young man's cultivation is not bad, and is equivalent to Lin Feng, also the peak of Xuan marks. A gleaming blue sword in his hand, from time to time rolled up the sky sword mansions, and kept leaving blood marks on the fairy beast.

"Dirty beast! Come on your life!" Looking at the opportunity, the handsome young man suddenly squeezed a sword tactic, the sword in his hand, and immediately burst out a lightning-like sword awn, and instantly broke through the sky, only to hear a cry. With a soft sound, a blood hole full of fists was opened at the neck of the fairy.

The proboscis monster groaned, and immediately fell to the ground without a sound.

The handsome young man smiled coldly and flew forward, just about to dissect out the inner core of the elephant trunk fairy beast, and a sharp wind suddenly came behind him and blasted. Junxiu Youth was obviously taken aback, but he was not panicked. After raising his eyebrow, he quickly swung his sword and turned around, only to hear a crisp sound. The sharp wind, hitting the sword of Junxiu Youth unbiasedly. .

The powerful force was beyond the expectations of Junxiu Youth, and he drove him back five or six steps.

"Who !?" The handsome young man's complexion suddenly changed, his gaze full of vigilance and anger stared in the direction of the strong wind.

"Ling Qingshui, it's been two years, so your cultivation style has grown a little bit?"

Accompanied by a slightly cold voice, a dark-skinned, sturdy, sturdy young man, slowly turned out from behind a tree.

"Pingzhanhu !?" When the handsome young man named Ling Qingshui saw this person, his eyes narrowed immediately, and the alertness of his eyes instantly turned into a strong hostility.

"Unexpectedly, my first prey would be you!"

The flat-faced tiger's cold face showed a dark smile, and the killer was released unscathed.

"Prey? What do you want to do?" Ling Qingshui's complexion instantly changed, and the sword in his hand was raised to his chest.

"What do you say?"

Ping Zhan Hu Xie Xie smiled, his figure suddenly slid forward, and the speed was extremely fast. The blinking time had reached Ling Qingshui, and his right palm was like a devil's claw, and he shot directly at Ling Qingshui's chest.

Ling Qingshui was so disturbed that he couldn't speak, but his body retreated sharply, while he spurred his sword at the palm of the war.

"Humph!" The Tigers snorted coldly, the palm of his right hand remained unchanged, and at the same time his left hand was flexed with his fingers, and the wind came first.

"What !?" Ling Qingshui exclaimed. Under the powerful wind, the sword immediately lost its accurate head and swayed to the side. At this time, the speed of the right palm of the Ping Zhan Tiger suddenly increased suddenly. It was printed on Ling Qingshui's body.

Although Ling Qingshui is also a second-line child, he is definitely in the top of the second-line children's camp of the Ling family, and his response is surprisingly fast. He was struggling to maintain his balance on the occasion of a desperate attack, and at the same time waved his hand against the tiger of the war .

Along with a thumping noise, Ling Qingshui's feet seemed to be equipped with pulleys, and the whole person stepped back uncontrollably for more than ten steps, and a mouthful of blood could not help but rushed out.

"You ... you ..." Ling Qingshui's injury was not serious, but not light. His face was full of pain and resentment.

"The obedient hands will kill, and I might be able to give you a happy heart!" The Ping Zhan Tiger stared at Ling Qingshui, and the grin on his face grew thicker.

"You dare to kill me? Are you not afraid of our Ling family's revenge?"

"Hahaha ... Only you and me here, and who would know that you died in my hands? Besides, do you think our family will fear your revenge from the Ling family? It's a joke!"

"Although your cultivation base has reached the first stage of the earth wheel, if I run away with all my strength, you may not be able to kill me! When I return to the Daomen World, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

"Okay, then you run away!" Ping Zhanhu smiled coldly, his face full of care.

Ling Qingshui gritted his teeth. Although he fled in embarrassment, he was somewhat embarrassed. Compared with his life, this face was really not worth mentioning.

"Is my Ling family's child so bully? Lingkong splits the wind!"

With a loud roar, Ling Qingshui suddenly pulled up to a height of tens of feet. The sword in his hand was waving like rain. A large piece of green-green sword awn was like a waterfall that was pouring down, and he slashed straight towards the Pingzhan Tiger.

"Linging in the air? Humm ... but it's just flower fist and embroidered legs!" Facing Ling Qingshui's so fierce offensive, the pingzhan tiger didn't move, just waiting for Jianmang to fall three feet away from him. Then Huo held up his palms, palms facing the sky, five fingers suddenly snapped, the road roared immediately, the piece of swordmang released by Ling Qingshui was actually unable to support even a breath, and then landed Collapse!

Ling Qingshui's eyes suddenly locked, and he no longer had the courage to fight. His body folded, and he swept away into the distance.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" Ping Zhanhu sneered, his body suddenly, an invisible, but extremely terrible coercion, immediately rushed open, Ling Lingshui was immediately covered.


The pressure and body, to Ling Qingshui, is like not hitting with a sap. The sound of the head buzzing, the original light body, suddenly weighed more than a thousand, and there is no chance to react at all. , Ling Qingshui's figure fell heavily from the air.

At the same time, a painful heart spreading from the whole body and the internal organs of the internal organs, and that feeling, just a moment, already made Ling Qingshui sweaty.

"Hey ... Why don't you run away?" Ping Zhan Hu Xie Xie smiled, his figure walked over like a stroll.

Ling Qingshui's facial features are almost squeezed together, and his eyes are full of horror as he looks at the Ping Zhan Tiger, clenching the steel teeth and saying, "You ... your cultivation is ..."

"Ha ha ha ... do you only see it now? Yes, my cultivation has been promoted to the middle level of the earth wheel! Therefore, it is not wrong for you to die in my hands."

"Shameless! This time the six major families agreed clearly that the disciples should be trained to never exceed the first stage of the earth wheel. You ... how can you even say this without faith?"

"Shameless? I think it's your five big families who have no brains! Let me tell you the truth. I not only want this ancient treasure, but also let your children of the five big families die here and lose their faces!"

"Damn! I ... I'm fighting with you!"

Ling Qingshui knew that he was no longer alive, and with a roar, he took the initiative to pounce on the tiger.

"act recklessly!"

Ping Zhanhu snorted, ignoring Ling Qingshui's offensive, flew a kick, and directly flew Ling Qingshui to the kick. When Ling Qingshui wanted to stand up, the figure of the war tiger was forced to his body, and his right foot stepped directly on Ling Qingshui's chest.

"Ping Zhan Hu, your family is so shameless, the five big families will never let you go, your family will wait for the dust to die!"

"Joke! Our Pingjia family is not afraid of the three major first-class families, are we afraid of your five major second-class families?"

"You ... what are you talking about?"

"I said ... you can go to death!" The flat war tiger's eyes were suddenly cold, and a foot stepped on Ling Qingshui's chest suddenly exerted a strong force, like a slamming a door with a heavy hammer. Ling Qingshui's internal organs were all turned into minced meat.

Ping Zhanhu sneered, reached out and took Ling Qingshui's exclusion ring off, then flew freely, kicked Ling Qingshui's body out, and his face was covered with a grinous smile: "This It ’s the first prey, and there are four more. It seems ... It ’s time to speed up! "-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402450->

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