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"Do you know where the ancient treasures were born?" Lin Feng's first sentence made Xin Wuhen's heart happy. As for the second half, he subconsciously ignored it and completely ignored it. +

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "Of course! This is your second brother's credit!"

Xin Wuhen immediately felt depressed again.

What is a brother? With a sneer and sneer on the lips, the heart lay down his life, this is the brother! Looking at Lin Feng's meditation on Xin Wuhen, Wan Dong felt the affection between the two. In his heart, some negative impressions of Daomen Dajie were actually weakened.

In fact, people living in the Daomen world are also people, and people are good and bad, and they can never be generalized!

With the joining of Xin Wuhen, Wan Dong and his party were accompanied by four people, and they had a lot of fun on the road. Especially when looking at Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen fighting each other, the smile on Wan Dong's face was rarely broken, and even Li Weiqian, who was cold and frosted, changed his personal appearance and kept sending out bursts of crisp smiles.

However, the joy of Wan Dong, Li Weiqian, and Lin Feng is more or less based on Xin Wuhen's 'pain'. Because every time he fights with Lin Feng, it is almost Xin Wuhen who suffers. Xin Wuhen is very helpless, because Lin Feng has a strong thug-Li Weiqian.

Whenever Lin Feng struggles with Xin Wuhen, it is when Li Weiqian shoots. In this way, Xin Wuhen's ending, either Lin Fu, Lin Feng, was ridiculed by Lin Feng, or the fight was won, but the result was ruthlessly packed by Li Weiqian, the ending is even worse.

At the end, even Wandong couldn't bear it anymore. From time to time, he pleaded for Xin Wuhen or something. Slowly, Xin Wuhen's "hostility" towards Wan Dong, the second elder brother, was apparently resolved. The second brother's name also became more and more smooth.

Mount Xumi is tens of thousands of miles away. With the cultivation of four people, it is full of speed. It is not a matter of a day or two to feel the location of the fairy cave, not to mention, there are many fairy beasts on the way, especially the closer to the fairy Caves, the greater the number of fairy beasts, the stronger the fighting power.

"My mother, how far is it?" After flying in the jungle for three days, Xin Wuhen was impatient, sitting on the ground and howling.

It's rare that Lin Feng didn't pack him this time, just glared at him fiercely, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and turned to Wan Dong to ask, "Brother, how far do you see?"

Although Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen are both at the peak of Xuanhen, they are better than Wandong, but Wandong has realized the true meaning of some winds, and he has more control over the laws of wind. The two are slightly slower and more labor-saving than the two.

I galloped for three days in a row, but I didn't feel how tired, as relaxed as Li Weiqian showed.

Taking out the sketch from his arms and taking a closer look, Wan Dong murmured and said, "From this eastward, I might be able to go to that fairy cave someday."

Lin Feng yelled and stared at Xin Wuhen, "Hear it, there is still a day to go!"

Finally, with hope, Xin Wuhen took a long breath, and his expression was no longer as painful as it was at first. He looked up and said to Lin Feng, "rest, you will get a fiery blood crane to roast and roast."

"Stinky boy, you are so big, that your boss is here !?" Where did Lin Feng get used to him, his eyes glared, and he waved his fist.

After losing for three consecutive days, if Xin Wuhen doesn't remember any more, it will really be no different from a mallet. He is not afraid of Lin Feng's fist, but Li Weiqian's fist is terrible.

Quickly waved his hand, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong! I'll get it, I'll get it ..."

Lin Feng snorted softly and closed his fists proudly. Darkness in my heart, only three days, the majesty of his boss is more and more full.

"Help! Help!" Xin Wuhen was about to get up to find a flaming blood crane, and a cry for help suddenly sounded from a distance.

The brows of the four people were simultaneously tightened, and they all flicked in the direction of the call for help. It didn't matter how far the four men ploughed out. A graceful figure, but her steps were impeccable. The young woman covered with a little peachy blood on her clothes stumbled out of a bush.

"Cunxin !?" Li Weiqian recognized her with a sharp eye and shouted in surprise.

The girl named Cun Xin looks slightly younger than Li Weiqian. She has an oval face, delicate facial features, and a pretty appearance. She has a doll-like cuteness. At this time, Qiao's face was mostly covered by dirt and blood stains, and it looked a bit sad.

"Sister Weiqian !?" The girl named Cunxin looked up to see Li Weiqian, his face was immediately occupied by a thick saved joy, and it seemed that he was greatly aggrieved and frightened. Tears also flashed.

Li Weiqian was about to open her mouth to ask her why she made it like this. Unexpectedly, the heart suddenly gave a loud bang, and the whole person passed out.

Li Weiqian exclaimed and hurried up to support her. After several calls, there was no response. Li Weiqian's complexion changed, and she hurriedly reached into the girl's chest to examine her injury.

In this inspection, Li Weiqian's complexion immediately added a little bit of dignity and worry, "The meridian is broken, the five organs are displaced, she ... how could she be hurt so seriously?"

"No! Xiao Xiaoxin's girl is so cute, who could have such a poisonous hand?" Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen glanced at each other, and asked with some surprise on their faces.

"What do you call her?" Although this is the Ascension Continent, life and death are commonplace. At first, Wan Dong only felt subconscious in his heart, but did not care too much. At this time, he suddenly heard Lin Feng calling out The girl's full name suddenly raised Wan Dong's brow.

"Xiao Cunxin, have you ever heard of it?"

Lin Feng looked at Wan Dong with some doubts, full of curiosity. Although my brother lives in the Ascension Continent, he seems to know a lot about the world of Daomen.

"Surname Xiao? Isn't ... she is Xiao's son?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yes! Originally, the children that the Xiao family wanted to send to Ascension Mainland were not her, but she did not hesitate to seek death in order to see her brother Xiao Lang. The adults of the Xiao family only agreed But I did n’t expect that Xiao Cunxin had seen her elder brother before, and he was hurt like this.

This Xiao Cunxin really is Xiao Lang's sister. As a result, Wan Dong didn't sit by and ignore it.

"Sister-in-law, how is Cunxin's injury?"

Along the way for three days, Wan Dong was affected by Xin Wuhen, and he also called Li Weiqian's sister-in-law. At first, Li Weiqian was a little bit shy, but she shouted it for three days and was used to it.

"It's very heavy! She must be healed immediately, otherwise her life will be in danger. I don't know who this girl met, and the shot was so vicious, every photo and every type was called for life."

The relationship between Li Weiqian and Xiao Cunxin seems to be good on weekdays. Seeing that Xiao Cun was so sad, there was a killer in his eyes.

"No ... don't kill me, I ... I can't die, I haven't seen me ... my brother, I miss him, I miss ... I miss ..."

Xiao Cunxin, who was tilted in Li Weiqian's arms, suddenly struggled and closed his eyes, his mouth kept talking like a dream, and two lines of sour tears passed through the closed eyelids and followed Her pale cheeks fell down.

Upon hearing that Xiao Cun was so sad, Wan Dong's heart was not regretful. He knew that he had never given the life-saving golden pill to Xiao Lang. Now he is convinced by Xiao Cun and he can heal even if he is seriously injured.

"What are you waiting for? I'll heal her!"

Wan Dong seemed more anxious than Li Weiqian at this moment, and said anxiously.

"No! There is a very destructive ethic in Cunxin's body. With the cultivation of your Xuan mark's middle level, it can't be resolved at all. In the end, maybe you will be killed together with Cunxin." Li Weiqian shook his head.

"What about you?" Healing this kind of thing, really can't come hard, Wan Dong can't help it no matter how anxious, can only put hope on Li Weiqian.

Li Weiqian said lightly, "I don't have full assurance, Feng, you have to help me!"

"Is there anything to say? No problem!" Lin Feng agreed without thinking.

Li Weiqian nodded, and was about to sit up Xiao Cunxin, ready to heal her, and a surly laughter suddenly came out of the air.

This laughter contains qi, which is very uncomfortable to the human ear. Wandong's brows are wrinkled, and the qi in his body automatically turns crazy, a very strong sense of danger, and he instantly grabbed Wan Dong's body and mind.

"Who !?" At the same time, Li Weiqian, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen also changed color at the same time. Obviously, this laughter also brought a lot of pressure to the three of them.

"Hey ... It seems that today is my lucky day to draw the tiger. One of the four prey is not here, all here."

Accompanied by a cold voice, the figure of the tiger was drawn into the air.

"Pingzhan Tiger !?" Li Weiqian's pair of eyes suddenly squinted at the sight of this person, and Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng's complexion also turned cold.

"Yes! It's Pingmou! Since you met here, then your trip to the mainland will come to an end!"

"What are you talking about?" Li Weiqian's expression grew colder.

"I said, today is the death of the four of you!"

"Ha ha ha ... Ping Zhan Hu, are you crazy! Who do you think you are? You alone, want to kill the three of us? It is too arrogant!"

Lin Feng roared sharply, and suddenly punched, punching like a huge wave of rivers, with bursts of roar, straight towards the Pingzhan Tiger smashed past.

"Diaodiaoxiaoji, dare to prestige in front of Pingmou?"

The flat-eyed tiger's eyes were cold, his figure was still, his right palm was raised flat, his five fingers suddenly curved, Lin Feng was instantly struck by lightning, his face paled instantly, the blood in his mouth came out thinly, and his foot breathed back It took only five or six steps to stand still again, and his face was covered with horror ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402453->

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