Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Wei Qian, you ..."

Lin Feng looked dumbfounded, only to realize that Li Weiqian's hand had never left Xiao Cunxin's pulse along the way, nor did he stop passing Xiao Chongxin's body into Taoism. Her fatigue is clearly caused by excessive qi consumption!

"Don't talk about it, let's see how far away it is from the fairy cave." Li Weiqian took a deep breath and forced herself to rejuvenate.

Lin Feng hurriedly turned out the sketch and glanced at it, saying, "It should not be too far, it's only tens of miles. It's just ... just Wei Qian, even if we go to the fairy cave, can we save Xiao Cunxin's life?"

Along the way, this question has been wandering in Lin Feng's mind, but he has been pressing it forcibly, not letting himself ask. However, at this moment, Li Weiqian's tired and tired look finally couldn't hold back and asked.

Li Weiqian's pupil shrank suddenly, and the already-tightened eyebrows were already tight, and immediately tightened again. He shook his head and murmured, "I ... I don't know. However, since Yao Ting said, asking us to send Cunxin to the fairy cave, there must be his reason. Don't be wordy, keep going!"

Listening to Li Weiqian's words, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and didn't say much. He glanced at Xin Wuhen, then the two pulled out their bodies at the same time, opening the way for Li Weiqian.

There are only a few tens of miles left. This sounds very comforting, but in fact, the pressure on Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng in the last few tens of miles even exceeds the sum of the previous hundreds of miles.

There is no reason for it. As we get closer and closer to the fairy cave, the number of fairy beasts in the vicinity increases sharply. The three of them no longer just encountered fairy beasts in individual activities, and even began to encounter groups of fairy beasts.

It is impossible for Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen to want to rush all the way. The three had more choices to avoid and bypass.

However, the number of fairy beasts is constantly increasing, and there are always those who can't avoid it and can't get around. Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng have to fight with them with all their strength. Slowly, both of them have bruises on their bodies.

And Li Weiqian also had to separate her attention from Xiao Cunxin, and from time to time Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen released the siege. As a result, the most direct consequence is that Li Weiqian's qi has consumed faster, and her complexion is more and more tired, and even her footsteps are beginning to stumble.

"Uh ... puff!"

Lin Feng, who was madly opening in front, suddenly heard a mumble from behind, and was shocked in his heart. He looked back hurriedly, and saw Li Weiqian spit out a **** mouth with pain.

"Wei Qian, you broke your tongue !?" Lin Feng exclaimed in a heartache.

Li Weiqian smiled bitterly and said, "There is no way, only in this way ... Let me stay awake. Feng, time is running out, and ... how far is it."

Lin Feng really wanted to take Xiao Cunxin from Li Weiqian's hand, but at this time Li Weiqian had almost exhausted her strength, so she was almost impossible to fight with the fairy beasts. After the heartache, Lin Feng could only endure it.

"It's almost time, just a few miles away! Wei Qian, you must stick to it!"

Li Weiqian nodded vigorously and said in a subtle voice, "Relax ... rest assured, I ... hold on!"

"Dog Day's beasts, come to life!"

The heartache for Li Weiqian was completely transformed into anger. Lin Feng roared like a mad lion and rushed out to the fairy beasts in front of him. They all flew out.

Looking at Lin Feng's mighty figure, Li Weiqian's mouth showed a sweet smile. Although she has always been recognized as not allowing her eyebrows, she is a girl after all and longs to be able to hide behind a man and enjoy the feeling of being protected.

Xin Wuhen was also anxious, not stingy about his own morale, his palms were twitching like cramps, and with the outbreak of Lin Feng, he struggled to kill among the fairy beasts.

Stepping on the bones and blood of the fairy beast, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen were like a tank car, and they made a smooth journey in the fairy beast group for Li Weiqian and Xiao Cunxin!


Seeing the fairy cave right in front of me, all of a sudden, there was a trembling blast that came over. Lin Feng felt the ground beneath his feet, as if he had come alive, trembling.

"What's the situation?" Lin Feng's subconscious turnaround was next to Li Weiqian, and he turned and asked Xin Wuhen.

Xin Wuhen's face suddenly became unprecedentedly dim, and he stared blankly at the front, as if he had not heard Lin Feng's inquiry, and he did not respond for a long time.

Lin Feng subconsciously followed Xin Wuhen's gaze, and when he was standing, a heart was as if it had been penetrated by the cold current, and it was almost frozen.

In front of them, there are countless fairy beasts coming in, looking at the number, not less than a thousand heads. All kinds of gathering together, the whole is a torrent of fairy beasts!

These fairy beasts were carried out alone, and most of them, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen can kill in one move, but now they have gathered into a torrent, but it is enough to make Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen sweat upside down, and the heart is completely desperate!

"God thief, are you playing with me?"

Lin Feng's sword suddenly pointed to the sky, and there was an angry question in his mouth.

The light of hope that was finally ushered in was completely strangled in less than a second. This kind of blow, I am afraid that no one can keep calm.

"It seems ... we are destined to speak to Yao Ting." Li Weiqian shook her head, his face full of unspeakable bitterness and guilt.

Not to mention that Li Weiqian's morale was almost exhausted at this time. Even when she was in full bloom, she was afraid that there was no way to face such a torrent of fairy beasts. Not to mention Xiao Cunxin, who was unconscious in her arms at this time.

"Feng! There is no other way. You can take Xiao Cunxin and escape!" Li Weiqian glanced down at Xiao Cunxin, suddenly suppressed her head, and said firmly to Lin Feng.

"You let me leave you again? No! Even if Lin Feng is dead, I will die with you!"

"Feng! Do you only have me in your heart, but you forgot to give up your brother for your life? Let Xiao Cunxin live, this is Yao Ting's last wish, do you have the heart to let him hate Jiuquan?"

"Then ... Then you go with Xiao Cunxin, and I stay to block the fairy beasts!" Lin Feng's eyes burst into tears, almost roaring with a crying cry.

Li Weiqian laughed, she was right after all, Lin Feng was a spine, can bear, really reliable man! In Li Weiqian's heart, how much do you want to go on like this with Lin Feng, but God is not beautiful! However, there is not much resentment in Li Weiqian's heart, and the man who really belongs to himself and makes himself proud, even if he is only together for a day, is enough to be worth the happiness!

"Feng, you know, I have no strength, I can't escape at all, here ... destined to be my destination ..."

"No! Don't talk nonsense! Even if this is your home, I will be buried here with you!" Lin Feng wiped a tear and turned his head to look at Xin Wuhen, and said with a roar, "Boy, Xiao Cunxin I'll leave it to you, spread your feet, and run away! "

"What are you talking about? You let Lao Tzu betray you and sell your friends to steal a life? You're as good as a sword to kill me!"

When Xin Wuhen heard it, he immediately yelled at him, and he looked like he was kicking Lin Feng. But in the screams, Xin Wuhen failed to restrain his tears, and finally had to follow it.

"No time, I am the boss, you must listen to me!"

"Roll the calf! If you tell me this again, I will cut off my leg with a sword!"

Xin Wuhen stared at his eyes angrily, facing Lin Feng's anger and sulking, he was unable to make a move.

"Xin Wuhen, I'm Lin Feng's mother, why did you give you such a stupid brother! You stupid x!" Lin Feng couldn't help it anymore, burst into tears, raised his head, facing the sky, trying hard not to let himself Tears flowed down, but the tears still rolled down.

"Hahaha ... Did you know that? I'm just silly x! Hahaha ..."

"Okay! Let's die! Wait until Yincao Difu, let's confess to Yaoting Koito! But no trace, if you are reborn in your next life, you must be my little brother."

"Fuck your eggs! It's my turn to be my boss in my next life!"

"Hahaha ... everything! Anyway, in my next life, Lin Feng will be a brother with you! Wei Qian, will you be my wife in my next life?"

"Lin Feng! The old lady puts the words here. If you dare to marry someone in your next life, I will make you an eunuch!"

Li Weiqian shouted with all his strength, tears in his eyes, but his face was covered with a bright smile, just like a hundred flowers blooming!

"Okay! It's a word! No trace, this group of animals rushed over in a while, I can't care about you, you ... take care of yourself!"

"Bah! Lao Tzu doesn't care about you! Similarly, Lao Tzu won't care about you! No matter who of the three of us falls first, no one else should watch, don't ignore, just kill ... kill!"

Xin Wuhen's hoarse roar, as if to penetrate the sky, is full of intimidating power and moving tragic!

Fairy beasts are rolling in, and in a blink of an eye, they are only ten feet away from the three. From the clamor of the sky, what Lin Feng smelled was **** besides death. Tightening the hilt in his hand, Lin Feng's other hand caught Li Weiqian's waist. Lin Feng can die with his beloved one in this life, there is no trace of regret in Lin Feng's heart, and no fear at all.

But Li Weiqian didn't even look at the fairy beasts, but held her head and stared closely at Lin Feng's face, as if to use this last time to imprint Lin Feng's appearance on his own. In my mind, even if I drank Meng Po soup, I would never forget it.

"Grandma's! You herds of animals, burial to the young master!"

Xin Wuhen exploded with a roar, and the qi in his body turned to the extreme, instantly poured into his palm, and he rushed up and started the final fight!

However, when Xin Wuhen was about to move but hadn't moved yet, a gigantic figure suddenly fell from the sky and fell directly in front of the three people, making Lin Feng, Li Weiqian, Xin Wuhen three people, all trembling ...-- by : dad856 | 55634 | 14402458->

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