Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 991: Fire Cloud Leopard!

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"You ... do you want to die like this?" Wan Dong's attitude immediately froze the fiery red woman, her eyes full of doubts and puzzles, as if it was the first time she met someone like Wan Dong. Like, there was even a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Tips. Read the book network

"Are you sick? In this world, who lives well and wants to die? But can I do it without dying, would you let me go?"

"Ah?" Looking at Wan Dong's excitement, the fiery red woman was startled, and then she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The fiery red woman's smile is like the winter coming to spring, the warm sun is in the sky, the snow is melting, and the willow branches are sprouting. It seems that all the best things in the world are all gathered in her smile.

Wan Dong couldn't help but sigh, if this girl is released, it will definitely be a role of alluring country!

"Look what? Look at me and dig out your eyes!" When Wan Dong's eyes were found, the fiery woman's face suddenly froze, and a mouthful of contempt came out.

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head bitterly. This girl was indeed not as gentle as Mu Lian, nor even comparable.

"Hey, do you kill me or not, I will leave!"

"Go? Hum ... do you think you can walk away? I thought that with a set of steps, I could break into the forbidden land of my Huangfu family, and you are too naive!"

"Huangfu's house? What's the Huangfu's house?" Wan Dong froze for a moment, and did not respond for a moment.

When anger gradually accumulated on the face of the fiery red woman, Wan Dong's heart suddenly shuddered, his eyes widening, Nana said, "Wouldn't it be the Huangfu's family, one of the three great first-class families in the Daomen World? "

"You are right! Now you know the seriousness of the matter ..."

The fiery red woman was about to make her speech more serious, and scared Wandong well, but unexpectedly Wandong did n’t even take her words to her heart. Before she finished, she shouted with excitement, "You mean Say, this is the Daomen World? "

"Your kid wants to pretend to be crazy and sell silly in front of this girl?"

The flaming woman's phoenix raised her breath, and her breath was sharper.

"It seems that this is really the Daomen World!" Wan Dong was full of excitement at this time, where can he still care about the fiery woman?

A pair of eyes, eagerly glanced around, a beautiful landscape, even the sky seemed extraordinarily clear. Taking a long breath, a breath of heaven and earth swelled around him, and immediately flowed into his mouth. Although the richness was slightly inferior to the trial treasure land, but compared to the ordinary small world and Ascension Continent , But it is more than ten times stronger. ,

Being able to grow up in such a world, even if you never practice martial arts, as long as you are tempered by the spirit of this world every day, you can definitely grab a place in the small world of ordinary people. What is more dead than popular, Wan Dong understands.

Can't help but look back at the fiery red woman, quite disdainful in her expression. If he had been born here since childhood, and he still has the huge resources of the Yipin family as a support, his current cultivation will definitely not be worse than that fiery woman.

"Why does this matter, what are your eyes ?!" The fiery red woman is curious, wondering what Wandong is thinking, and suddenly sees that he has cast a clear and disdainful glance at herself, and immediately makes the flame red The woman was furious.

"Ah? No ... nothing, it's just that a beautiful woman like a girl is really rare, so you can't help but look a few more times."

There was a chill in Wandong's heart, yy returned to yy, he could steal the music, but if he showed it, he would be very unwise.

"Humph! It's not a good thing to see you kid, trespassing on my forbidden ground of Huangfu's house, according to the rules of my Huangfu's house, killing all of you! Do you break it yourself, or do you want the girl to start?"

"Huangfu girl, you know, I came here unintentionally, but I did n’t intend to break in. Just because there is no one here, it ’s better if you do n’t see me, just let me go. Big deal, I promise to do it again next time. Don't step into your forbidden place! "

"And next time? Go for your spring and autumn dreams!"

The fiery red woman roared loudly, and she was about to shoot. Suddenly, a beast roar filled with violent and fierce breath passed over the air. Before Wandong responded, a volleyball-sized fireball, carrying a terrible breath, slammed into Wandong and the fiery red woman.

The fiery red woman's reaction was really fast enough, and she turned sharply, a long sword-sword, bursting out of the air immediately, with a bang, and hit the fireball. The fireball was immediately annihilated by Jianmang, but the fiery red woman's figure couldn't help but take a step back. It seemed that it was evenly matched.

Wan Dong's heart was shocked, and he quickly turned to look in the direction of the fireball, and saw a white body, only a pair of eyes showing an orange behemoth, and slowly came out of the jungle.

That body shape, that mighty power, is like a past who is patrolling his territory, proud, cruel, and contempt for everything!

"Isn't this ... the fire cloud leopard !?" Seeing this slow-moving beast, Wan Dong's heart was suddenly half cold. This big world is indeed ten thousand times more dangerous than the ordinary small world.

He had just been there for less than half an hour. He first met the fiery red woman in Tiange Realm, and then met the fire cloud leopard. If this is the welcome ceremony held by Daomen World for him, then this ceremony is really not a grand ceremony.

"Shut up! It's your fault. I could have ambushed this beast, but now I was attacked by this beast!"

The fiery red woman gave Wan Dong a fierce look, her eyes full of annoyance.

Wan Dong understands why he hit the buttocks of this fiery red woman. Presumably she was lying there at that time, waiting to ambush the fire cloud leopard, and she never expected that it would not rain or snow in the sky. Suddenly a big living person got down.

If not, relying on her cultivation of the heavenly realm is more than just being smashed by Wan Dong.

Wan Dong couldn't help but sighed, and he was still playing with him.

The fire cloud leopard is extremely overbearing, and wherever it lives, within ten miles of it, no living creatures are allowed! Wan Dong and the Fiery Red woman obviously violated its taboo. The pair of orange eyes of the Fire Cloud Leopard immediately flashed a sky-high murderous opportunity.

The Fire Cloud Leopard is definitely a high-level fairy beast. Fortunately, the ordinary world is not there. Otherwise, only one head is enough to turn over the entire ordinary world.

Looking at the fire clouded leopard in front of him, he is clearly grown up and powerful. It looks better than the fiery red woman. If this is not the case, why would the fiery red woman hide in advance, ambush the fire cloud leopard, you can be fair and upright, and kill it directly.

In any case, it is never wise to fight hard with the Fire Cloud Leopard positively. Before the Fire Cloud Leopard is fully activated, apply oil to the soles of the feet and run away. This is the best choice.

However, when Wan Dong turned to escape, the fiery red woman suddenly blocked his way, Shen said, "Listen to me, when facing the fire cloud leopard, escape is definitely not a good strategy to survive. Because, you are impossible It runs faster than Fire Cloud Leopard. "

Wan Dong stunned and thought about it. The words of this fiery woman really made sense.

"Then ... what should I do?" Wan Dong gave some gratitude to the fiery woman. She looked very fierce, but at the critical moment, her heart was still very good, at least remind him.

"You have to face the Fire Cloud Leopard, stare closely at its eyes, and don't move it for a moment, and your eyes must be very firm, and you must not show the slightest fear and cowardice."

"Just ... just like that?"

In the end, the fiery red woman is a strong man in the heavenly realm, and is also a member of the Huangfu family of the Yipin family. Anyway, he is always more experienced than him. At this time, Wan Dong had no other choice but to listen to her and do what she said.

It ’s just that it ’s really not easy. The look of the fire cloud leopard is beyond the imagination of the brutal bloodthirst, which is Wandong. , Will be scared away.

Fortunately, Wan Dong had already had the experience of playing against the Nine You Yin Fire Dragon. Although he was extremely nervous, he was able to do what the Red Woman said.

Wan Dong stared tightly at the Fire Cloud Leopard, and the Fire Cloud Leopard also fixedly stared at Wan Dong. The animal nature in his eyes continued to unite and improve, and the killing became more and more prosperous.

Wan Dong's heart was a little uneasy. Looking at the posture of Huoyun Leopard, he stared at him again, Huoyun Leopard had to swallow him alive.

"Girl Huangfu, what's next? Will the Fire Cloud Leopard retreat?" Wan Dong's heart was pounding like a drum.

"Of course not! Fire Cloud Leopard never misses its prey."

Wan Dong couldn't help but stunned, nana asked, "What do you mean by keeping me still and staring at it?"

The fiery woman suddenly gave a giggling grin and opened her mouth, saying, "In this way, you can at least die with dignity!"

As soon as the flaming woman's voice fell, Wan Dong's entire lungs exploded, and he thought that the flaming woman was kind-hearted, but unexpectedly put her together. Just when Wan Dong was about to yell at the fiery red woman, the Fire Cloud Leopard suddenly gave a loud roar, leaped high, and rushed towards Wan Dong with a predominance.

At the same time, the fiery red woman slipped, her figure fluttered back. As for her entire movement, Huoyun Leopard didn't seem to see it at all. She ignored it. A pair of tiger eyes still locked Wandong.

Obviously, thanks to the fierce red woman, Wan Dong's provocative eyes before, successfully attracted all the hatred of Huoyun Leopard to him alone.

"Don't you have a wonderful pace? When you don't show it at this time, when will you wait?"

Wan Dong: "! 4 ¥ ...... 36!"

Of course, Wan Dong scolded the eighteen generations of the flaming woman, but he still had to listen to the words of the flaming woman, and hurriedly started the true pace, his body looked like rootless duckweed Escaped this skill of fire cloud leopard swooping ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402485->

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