The sound of a wild beast roaring came from the forest of Qinshan Mountain, and the sound was winding and spreading around.

On the top of the mountain, the sheep standing next to the fire suddenly looked up, looking at the foot of the mountain, with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

The sheep's hoof also hit the ground anxiously.

It felt the danger and a strange breath, approaching the top of Qinshan Mountain.

The existence that can make it feel the strange existence, and even before it gets close, transmits the breath to its location, is stronger than it.

The sheep kicked its hoof a few times anxiously, and a different cry came out of its throat.

Jiang Nanhe raised his head slightly, his heart was in a panic, and the sheep's irritable behavior confirmed his guess. He reached out and pulled the sheep's hair, a little at a loss.

The lamb lying on the ground also noticed the strange atmosphere. It stood up in confusion and came to Jiang Nanhe, not knowing what happened.

The sheep did not speak, it just lowered its head silently, picked up Jiang Nanhe's collar, put him on its back, then called to the lamb a few times, and ran out of the temple quickly.

The temple is no longer safe. It's not that the sheep doesn't want to put the lamb and Jiang Nanhe in the temple and face the danger by itself, but it knows that once it does this, Jiang Nanhe and the lamb may not survive.

The temple is too conspicuous on the top of the mountain. The owner of the temple, before that existence has not returned, the temple is not a good place to live.

Yang'er took Jiang Nanhe and the little sheep and quickly left the top of the mountain from another direction, but what surprised Yang'er was that the breath it sensed paused for a while and then rushed towards their direction.

What this meant was obvious. The target of the unknown thing was them.

At the same time, Yang'er also understood that the target came during the period when the general did not come back, which meant that the guy might have been monitoring them for a long time, so he chose to act at this time today.

According to Yang'er's understanding of the general, the general could come back at any time, so what it had to do was not to fight with the unknown guy, but to protect the safety of Jiang Nanhe and the little sheep.

Obviously, the unknown monster also understood what Yang'er understood.

It knew that it had little time, so it would act as soon as possible to ensure that it had done what it wanted before the general came back.

Yang'er quickened his pace and wanted to find a safe area.

But in its perception, the entire Qinshan seemed to have a strange aura all of a sudden. In its perception, there was no safe place here.

The lamb followed it, already panting with exhaustion. It was too small, and it couldn't stand running for so long.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the lamb, holding its hair with both hands. His heart beat faster and faster, and the sense of crisis was getting closer and closer to him.

He didn't know what to do? He couldn't do anything.

He didn't even have a weapon in his hand. Even if he had a weapon, he couldn't lift it.

He was just a toddler. Even if he could walk now, it would be of little use. In his heart, he had never felt so panicked and desperate as at this moment.

The lamb moved quickly in the forest, but the more he moved, the more he felt the obstacles around him.

Those trees that looked particularly ordinary and common seemed to be the source of obstacles. It had never felt that the road in the forest was so difficult to walk.

The lamb running fast beside the lamb gradually fell behind, and then was tripped by a tree root from nowhere. The lamb fell to the ground and cried out in panic.

The lamb's tender cry made the lamb pause for a moment. It stopped anxiously and looked back at the lamb lying on the ground.

The lamb stopped running forward and stood there for a few seconds, then turned around and continued to run away. Jiang Nanhe grabbed the lamb's wool with some force, causing the lamb to turn its head and look at him.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the lamb looking at him, and anxiously pointed at the lamb on the ground. The lamb shook its head at him and then licked his cheek.

For the lamb, Jiang Nanhe and the lamb were both its children, but in this crisis, it could not protect the two lambs.

The lamb continued to run forward, but it only ran two steps, then turned around again and ran quickly to the lamb's side.

It helped the lamb on the ground

It stood up and rubbed its cheek. It couldn't protect both children, but it didn't want to give up the other one.

The lamb had a hoof injured and couldn't stand up. The lamb urged it, but the lamb tried several times and fell to the ground every time.

Seeing this, the lamb lay down slightly and took Jiang Nanhe off its back. Then it used its hoof to dig a hole in the direction of an exposed tree root and stuffed Jiang Nanhe and the lamb in.

The lamb stood up and took a look at the man and the lamb hiding under the tree hole, and then it ran in the opposite direction of them.

The back of the lamb gradually disappeared in the eyes of Jiang Nanhe and the lamb. Jiang Nanhe spoke in a panic, but the baby's underdeveloped vocal system could not convey his voice. Only some vague sounds dissipated in the wind.


Jiang Nanhe wanted to go out, but the tree hole was too small. Before leaving, the lamb filled it back with some soil.

So if Jiang Nanhe wanted to get out, he had to push out some of the soft soil before he could crawl out.

Jiang Nanhe was getting more and more panicked. This feeling stimulated him and his whole body began to tremble. As if sensing his panic, the lamb next to him moved and blocked him behind him.

The roar of monsters and the high-pitched cry of sheep came from the air. Jiang Nanhe had only heard the gentle cry of sheep, and he had never heard such a sharp cry of sheep.

He looked into the distance, eager to see the sheep return safely, but he was destined to be disappointed.

The cry of wild beasts in the distance became louder and louder, and the voice of sheep became weaker and weaker.

Listening to the chaotic sounds coming from the air, Jiang Nanhe's heart became heavier and heavier.

There were many sounds in the air, the sounds of various animals fleeing in a hurry, the sound of trees being broken, and the sound of sheep becoming weaker and weaker.

The call of the beast was getting closer and closer to him. The lamb beside Jiang Nanhe seemed to sense something. It stood up and pushed Jiang Nanhe inside, blocking the entrance of the cave.

The moonlight in the sky seemed to be much dimmer, but even though the moonlight was dim, Jiang Nanhe could still see the monster rushing towards them through the gap between the entrance of the cave and the lamb's body.

With the help of the illusory moonlight, Jiang Nanhe was completely desperate. The monster was not any species in his memory.

It was three meters tall, with a green face and fangs, and a pair of sharp teeth even glowed coldly in the night.

The monster was at least three meters tall, with green hair all over its body. It had a human-like body, but it was not a human. The tail behind it looked like a steel rod. It was slightly swung and hit the ground, making a muffled groan.

The moment he saw the monster's body, Jiang Nanhe's eyes moistened a little, and the fear inside dissipated, replaced by sadness. The sheep left him.

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