The next day after Jiang Nanhe cultivated his inner strength, he still got up early.

But today he didn't have a medicinal bath. According to the general, the medicinal bath could be stopped.

Jiang Nanhe had already cultivated his inner strength, and he didn't need to use external forces such as medicinal baths to improve his strength in the future.

Of course, it's not that these are useless, but their current conditions are too simple and there are no rare materials.

The effect that ordinary herbs can achieve can make Jiang Nanhe successfully cultivate his inner strength, which is not easy.

Jiang Nanhe got up slowly, washed his face, and walked happily outside to continue practicing.

He no longer practices basic skills, such as horse stance, walking on the platform, lifting stones, etc.

Now he practices the mental methods and formulas in "Eight Clouds Skills", as well as the moves that are connected one by one.

Jiang Nanhe stood on the top of the mountain, with a very full posture. He used both hands and legs to slap the sandbag tied to the tree in front of him.

If you look closely, you will find that Jiang Nanhe's palm seems to be swirling with an inexplicable air. With a slap, the sandbag flew out, and the sand inside was directly exposed from the sandbag.

The sandbag hit the tree it was tied to, and there was a sudden explosion. Jiang Nanhe looked at the broken sandbag and jumped in a good mood.

The sandbag was sewn by the general with rabbit skin. Now it can't be used. Jiang Nanhe can only change his target. His new target is the big tree where the sandbag is tied.

He took a deep breath and slapped the tree several times continuously. The tree shook under his attack.

The general shook his head. In the first few slaps, Jiang Nanhe could still exert force according to the record of "Yayun Gong", but the rhythm was completely messed up afterwards.

He held a small bamboo stick in his hand and tapped Jiang Nanhe's head lightly. Jiang Nanhe silently finished the exercise and exhaled, then raised his hand and rubbed his head.

He then took a stance and slowly hit the tree with one palm after another. The stone bracelet on his wrist actually cracked directly under the effect of Jiang Nanhe's internal force.

The cracked bracelet fell to the ground, and Jiang Nanhe shook his hands. He was still a little uncomfortable for a while. When the morning training was over, his hands were a little swollen.

Practicing kung fu does not end when you have internal force. You still have to practice many things.

Although Jiang Nanhe is now a little master with the help of internal force, he is still pitifully immature compared to those guys who have been famous for a long time, so he still has to work hard, but it is much easier than before.

The general has prepared hot water for Jiang Nanhe. He poured some paste-like precious medicine into the hot water. The precious medicine will dissolve when it comes into contact with water. Jiang Nanhe soaked his hands in hot water to reduce swelling.

The tree that was destroyed by Jiang Nanhe for an unknown period of time, some yellow leaves on the branches fell off sporadically, leaving only bare branches.

The surrounding wind blew, blowing up the fallen leaves, making the originally clean and tidy top of Qinshan Mountain a little messy.

Jiang Nanhe sniffed the wind, and he smelled a little chill in the wind. He suddenly realized that it turned out that time had come to autumn without knowing it.

Qinshan is relatively high compared to the surrounding mountains, so it gets cold quickly. When the trees at the foot of the mountain are still warm and the branches and leaves are green, there are already many trees on the top of the mountain, which gradually block the supply of nutrients to the leaves. The leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall to the ground.

Xiaoyang has completed his homework very well recently, and was allowed to rest for a few days by the general. At this time, he is collecting dry branches on the mountain to use as firewood for Jiang Nanhe for the winter.

There are also some dry leaves. Xiaoyang picked some that he liked and collected some to store some dry food for himself.

Jiang Nan took his hand out of the basin. The hot water in the basin had already cooled down. He shook his hand. His hand, which was originally a little sore, had now subsided and the pain was much less.

Xiaoyang carried a large bundle of collected firewood on his back and ran from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. His body was getting bigger and bigger, but his speed was not affected. He ran fast. He soon reached the top of the mountain, shook his body, and piled the firewood together.

The general was harvesting in autumn, and the taro branches planted by Jiang Nanhe had dried up.

The general stepped forward and quickly pulled out the taro one by one. These were the reserve food for Jiang Nanhe and the lamb.

This job was actually quite troublesome, but the general did not feel tired, so he did it quite quickly.


Jiang Nanhe sat on the ground, staring blankly at the general busy in the taro field. Sometimes Jiang Nanhe would wonder, if he had not met the general, or if there was no such strange life as the general in this world, how would he live?

After all, with the general, he now lives a carefree life. He only needs to practice martial arts and calligraphy every day, and doesn't need to worry about anything else. The general takes care of everything in his life, whether it is the planting of grain or the big and small things in life.

Jiang Nanhe didn't dare to think about it, how would he live if there was no general? But there are not so many ifs in the world. When he was just born, if he hadn't met the general, he might have frozen to death, and if he hadn't met the sheep, he might have starved to death, but he met them, and he survived. Jiang Nanhe stood up, with a big smile on his face.

He walked happily to the taro field and piled up the taro dug out by the general.

The general dug a cellar behind Jiang Nanhe's cabin on the top of Qinshan Mountain. He covered the cellar with a stone platform he got from a mountain lion.

Jiang Nanhe put the taro on a piece of animal skin. He didn't know what animal the bark was from, after all, it had been there for a long time.

The lamb came over, grabbed a corner of the animal skin, and pulled the pile of taro towards the cellar.

Jiang Nanhe followed the lamb to prevent the taro on the animal skin from falling. The lamb came to the cellar, exerted a little force on its hooves, and pushed the two horns on its head against the stone.

The stone slowly slid back, revealing a hole in the ground.

He threw the taro on the animal skin into the hole, and completed a transportation, but Jiang Nanhe felt that using animal skin was too slow, so he installed two buckets on the lamb.

He followed the general and threw the taro on the ground into the bucket. When the bucket was full, he let the lamb carry it to the cellar.

In addition to these taro, Jiang Nanhe also planted a small piece of wheat, and of course, some wild fruits in the mountains.

There was not much wheat, and Jiang Nanhe was reluctant to eat it. These were for seeds. After a small piece of wheat was harvested, the grain produced was only about three pounds.

As for those tree fruits and raspberries of different colors, Jiang Nanhe picked them and prepared to smash them and boil them into jam. Jam can not only be spread on barbecue, but also boiled into sweet soup.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the ground, with mud on his little hands.

He didn't feel tired. After practicing internal strength, his physical fitness was much stronger.

He felt that he now had the strength of an adult, so he was very fortunate that he practiced martial arts strictly according to the general's instructions and did not give up. This was indeed the capital for his survival.

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