Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 232 The Strange Poison In The Western Regions, Mandala!

Chapter 232 The strange poison in the Western Regions, mandala!

The morale of the Shenyin Army was high, and the fighting spirit was overwhelming, like a fierce tiger rushing into the poison gate army, unstoppable, and in an instant, the poison gate army was killed and defeated.

For a time, the poisonous door, the army was defeated like a mountain, and countless soldiers fled in a hurry.

At this moment, looking at the disintegrated Poison Sect army under the city, Long Danni and the other Demon Sect soldiers on the city tower, they are all excited and feel extremely happy.

Last night, they were attacked by lightning from the poison gate, and they were chased and beaten all the time. Seeing such a counter-kill scene at this moment, it is naturally heart-warming, and the eyes of many devil gate soldiers who were depressed also burst out with fiery fighting intent. Obviously, Xiao Han's timely support , so that the morale of the people in the magic door is high!

In a war, the morale of the army is extremely important. An army with high morale, sometimes the outbreak of combat effectiveness is quite terrifying, and it is not impossible to beat ten.

Xiao Han is very clear about this, because he is very interested in Sun Tzu's Art of War. Sun Tzu's Art of War, the canon of military families, has been passed down for thousands of years and never fades. The records on the way of marching and using soldiers in it have extraordinary reference significance in any era. .

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

Xiao Han's remarks just now before the battle were naturally aimed at boosting morale, and now it seems that the effect is good.

After looking at the army of Poison Sect that was defeated by the Golden Divine Sound Army, Xiao Han nodded with satisfaction, and then he flashed and swept towards the Dragon City Tower, Feng Sheng followed closely.

"See the Hall Master!" Seeing Xiao Han coming over, Long Danni and other people from the Demon Sect immediately saluted respectfully. They had already seen Xiao Han's horror just now. Although the figure in blue shirt in front of him is young, he is strong enough. crush them.

"Are you the Lord of Dragon City?" Xiao Han waved his hand casually, then looked at Long Danni in golden armor and asked.

"Well, my subordinate Long Danni!" Long Danni said, Mei Mu was secretly looking at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "Longcheng Lord, at this moment, our army's morale is in full swing, and the Poison Sect reinforcements haven't arrived yet, it's time for us to fight back!"

"Everything is up to the palace master to dispatch!" Long Danni said.

"Okay, pass my order, the generals of the Dragon City, the strength of Dou Sovereign and others, are all listed!" Xiao Han's body vacated, his eyes swept below, and he shouted in a deep voice, very majestic.

As soon as the voice fell, one after another silhouette quickly swept out, and soon assembled, a piece of blackness.

"All soldiers, go out to battle, follow me to shame!"

Xiao Han let out a deep snort, then took the lead and walked away. Seeing Xiao Han taking the lead, all the generals in Longcheng were full of fighting intent. Before, they had been chased and beaten, but now, can they finally fight back?


In an instant, Long Danni and the others burst out with a terrifying aura, soaring into the air, followed by Xiao Han.

Then, under the leadership of Xiao Han, the generals of Longcheng also quickly entered the battle circle below. The Shenyin Army was also excited to see Xiao Han taking the lead in killing the enemy, and the fighting spirit was overwhelming.

For a time, the sound of killing was loud, and the battle was pushed to a climax in an instant!

On the chaotic battlefield, Xiao Han strolled leisurely. Every time he took a step, an invisible sword qi swept away.

Therefore, when Xiao Han takes one step down, a row of detox goalkeepers will fall. Whether it is Dou Sovereign or Dou Ancestor, one step down is death.

Killing one step at a time, leaving a thousand miles behind!

That kind of killing method makes everyone in the Poison Sect feel terrified, it's too weird.

At this moment, looking at the figure in the green shirt walking on the battlefield, let alone these people from the poisonous sect, even the people from the demon sect feel shivering, too strong!

In the eyes of everyone, that figure is like a killing god!

Seeing that it had a certain deterrent effect, Xiao Han also stopped, and then his body vacated, his sharp eyes glanced at the battlefield below, and a shout came out:

"People of the poison door, those who surrender, can be spared death, those who do not surrender will be killed without mercy!"

Xiao Han's shout was wrapped in Dou Qi, and the sound resounded in the sky like a dull thunder. It didn't dissipate for a long time, and could be clearly heard throughout the vast battlefield.

After the voice sounded, the vast space on this side was suddenly silent.

The fighting has also stopped.

Countless poison gate soldiers heard this voice, their eyes flickered, and then they looked at the warlike Shenyin army and Xiao Han who was like a killing god. The poison gate people were terrified. All the soldiers in the door put down their weapons, raised their hands, and chose to surrender.

The defeat is set, and there is no need for them to die for it.

So far, the battle of Longcheng ended with the defeat of Poison Gate.

Next, Xiao Han didn't stop. Now that the Demon Sect's troops are in full swing and their morale is like a rainbow, they should naturally continue to fight back.

Since the Poison Sect caught them off guard last night, let the Poison Sect have a taste of it today!

"Go, go and take back the previous cities, shame on you!"

With a big wave of his hand, Xiao Han took the lead and swept away towards the sky ahead, followed by the Demon Sect army, which immediately gathered into a vast crowd, and marched forward in a mighty manner!

In one day, Xiao Han led the army to retake five cities in a row and fought a beautiful turnaround!

However, after retaking the five cities, Xiao Han's Shenyin army did not advance any further, because the city in front of him called Fengcheng was guarded by a strong Pseudo-Saint!

The Windy City is guarded by the poison gate Pseudo-Saint. Moreover, Xiao Han and others suffered a big loss, because the poison gate Pseudo-Saint strongman is very good at using poison. When attacking the city, many soldiers were poisoned to death. , extremely scary.

In terms of strength, Feng Sheng on Xiao Han's side is not afraid of the poisonous sect Pseudo-Saint at all, but the poisonous power of that Pseudo-Saint makes Feng Sheng extremely headache and cannot get close to him at all.

Therefore, Xiao Han and others stopped in the Windy City, and the Shenyin Army was also stationed under the Windy City.

In the handsome tent, everyone sat in separate seats. Xiao Han sat in the first place with a dignified expression on his face. Feng Sheng, Long Danni and others all sat silently aside.


At this time, a soldier of the Shenyin Army quickly walked into the handsome tent with a look of urgency on his face, obviously something had happened.

"Qi Xiao Shuai, something has happened. Suddenly, a strange purple smoke drifted into the army in the Windy City. Many soldiers became unconscious, and the army was in chaos!" The soldier said eagerly.

"Purple smoke?" Hearing this, everyone was startled, Xiao Han frowned, and then walked out of the handsome tent first. He looked up and saw that on the sky not far away, purple smoke filled the sky, the whole The sky was rendered extremely eerie.

"Oops, it's Mandala Flower powder!" Seeing this, Xiao Han's pupils shrank, and he was immediately shocked. As an alchemist, he naturally saw the origin of the purple smoke at a glance.

There are strange flowers in the Western Regions, of course, to be precise, it is a strange poison, and that is the Mandala Flower. Once its pollen is released, it is a unique weapon for killing people. If you smell the pollen, people will firstly lose consciousness and experience hallucinations. Falling into a state of madness, and finally, in the madness, Qiqiao bleeds to death, the state of death is extremely terrifying!

"Pass my order, the Shenyin Army will quickly withdraw!" Xiao Han's face was solemn, and he immediately issued the order.

The Demon Sect army quickly evacuated, but the purple smoke was like a gangrene with bones, and they were chasing after him. Xiao Han ordered it directly, not even the five cities he had just recaptured.

In the end, Xiao Han and the others withdrew to Longcheng. Longcheng was used as a choke point to guard the headquarters. Therefore, Longcheng had a certain defense mechanism.

After returning to Longcheng, Xiao Han ordered Long Danni to activate the defense mechanism of Longcheng. It is a huge energy circle, which can block certain attacks. Of course, if the army launches a collective attack, this circle cannot hold up.

Soon, purple smoke also followed, filling the sky over the entire Dragon City, but with the aperture blocking, the purple smoke did not come in.

From a distance, in the flames of war, Longcheng exudes a purple light, which is extremely strange.

"Xiao Shuai, what should I do now?" Above the tower, Long Danni Liu Mei was wrinkled, her pretty face was full of worry, she asked Xiao Han, she had already seen the horror of this purple smoke just now, At this moment, if the army of poison sects kills, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Feng Lao, please send me to the Medical Saint Sect immediately!" Xiao Han said to Feng Sheng, who was a pharmacist after all. He was at a loss for this strange poison in the Western Regions. Now he naturally had to ask Xiao for help. Yixian too.

"Okay!" Feng Sheng nodded, and naturally knew Xiao Han's plan. The time was urgent, so he didn't say much, and directly started to tear the space channel.

"Feng Lao, Lord Long City, I have a few Alchemy Pills here to avoid poison. If the poison gate attacks the city later, you will go out of the city to resist for a while, and I will go back when I go!"

Xiao Han said to Feng Lao and the others, and then he stopped wasting time. With a flash, he swept into the space passage in front of him.

A year ago, the Medical Sage invited Xiao Han to go to the Medical Sacred Sect when he had time. However, he never thought that the first time he went to the Medical Sacred Sect was to ask for help...

(End of this chapter)

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