Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 237 Sword Demon Pass, The Situation Rises!

Chapter 237 Sword Demon Pass, the situation rises!

Sword Demon Gate.

It is a fortress on the border of the Demon Gate, and it is praised as the first heroic pass by the Demon Gate!

Before, the Shadow Guards led by Leng Frost fought in this area, because once the Sword Demon Pass was lost, the road to the Demon Gate headquarters would be unimpeded.

Therefore, the geographical location of Sword Demon Pass is very important!

Because of this, the location of the final battle of the poisonous goalkeeper was set here.

In this battle, if the Demon Sect is defeated, then the Sword Demon Sect will be the burial place for all the people of the Demon Sect!

Looking down from the sky, the Sword Demon Gate is like a fierce tiger squatting on the desolate frontier. There are two tall beacon towers standing on both sides of the city gate, like two sharp swords standing there.

And if you look at the city gate from below, the two beacon towers are like fangs sticking out from the mouth of a demon, ferocious and terrifying, like swords and demons, which is the origin of the name of Sword Demon Pass.

Of course, this also shows the importance of the geographical location of the Sword Demon Gate, otherwise the Demon Gate would not have spent a huge amount of money to build such a border fortress.

Quietly, in the chilling cold wind over there, two days passed.

In the past two days, the various armies of the Demon Sect also arrived at the Sword Demon Pass one after another.

War is imminent!

Therefore, for a while, the breath of war quietly filled the air, and the entire Sword Demon Pass was enveloped by an extremely tense and depressing atmosphere.

Tomorrow is the real decisive moment!

And tonight, for some unknown reason, the people of the Demon Sect felt that the night tonight seemed to be extraordinarily long. They had no end and tension for the decisive battle tomorrow, and the night was naturally more lonely and long.

Tonight, there is a moon.

A round of border cold moon, hanging high in the desolate sky, the moonlight sprinkled on the earth, without the meaning of softness, but more and more chilling and lonely, making this border city also exudes a majestic and desolate feeling under the moon.

At this moment, on the roof of the city tower, a figure in a green shirt is sitting there, holding a pot of strong wine in his hand, looking at the cold moon in the sky, he will take a sip from time to time, making his face slightly red, but the strong wine Entering the throat, it quietly dispels the coldness of the body, but the coldness in the heart cannot be erased.

At this moment, the space fluctuated, and Leng Hanshuang and Leng Hanjiao walked out.

Leng Hanshuang looked at Xiao Han, her beautiful eyes flickered, but she didn't speak. She naturally knew about the magic sound.

"Xiao Han, you...don't be too sad." Leng Hanjiao walked over, patted Xiao Han's shoulder lightly, and comforted.

"Sister Jiao, I'm fine." Xiao Han took a sip of strong wine, glanced at Leng Hanjiao, a smile barely appeared on his face, then he looked at Leng Yue and drank by himself.

Seeing this, Leng Hanjiao shook her head, sighed, and said no more.

"If there is a chance tomorrow, I will kill the poisonous son." At this time, Leng Hanshuang on the side spoke, his voice was very cold.

"No, I said, I want to make him pay with blood and blood, and the entire poisonous sect must be buried with the devil. They all deserve to die!" Xiao Han suddenly squeezed the jug in his hand, and the blood slipped from his palm. , there was also a palpitating coldness in his tone.

Hearing this, and seeing Xiao Han's appearance again, Rao is a strong person like Sister Lenghanshuang. At this moment, they also feel a kind of coldness from their souls. They have no doubt that if Xiao Han has strength, the poisonous door will be sturdy. People will surely die horribly.

However, Leng Hanshuang and the two also knew that Xiao Han was only the strength of Dou Ancestor Peak, and it was still somewhat impossible to overthrow such a powerful force as the Poison Sect.

After looking at each other and looking at Xiao Han again, the two girls Leng Hanshuang shook their heads, and then the delicate body also disappeared quietly. At this time, let him be alone.

After the two girls left, a white shadow also swept up on the roof of the tower, looking at Xiao Han's appearance, Xiao Yixian's beautiful eyes flickered, but he didn't say anything, just walked over, took out the medicine box and helped Xiao Han gently Bandage the injured hand.

After doing this, Xiao Yixian sat quietly by the side, just quietly accompanying Xiao Han. Sometimes, a quiet company may be worth a thousand words.

The cold moon is fading, and no matter how long the night is, there will eventually be dawn.

The next day, when the morning sun tore through the thick clouds and poured over the earth, the desolation and majesty of Guan was also quietly awakened.


At this time, outside the Sword Demon Pass, a horn that shook the heavens and the earth suddenly sounded. The sound was powerful and reverberated between the heavens and the earth for a long time.

That is, the sound of warhorns!

Hearing this sudden sound of war horns, the heartstrings of countless Demon Gate soldiers instantly tightened on the tower of Sword Demon Gate.

The battle trumpet starts, the battle is coming!

At this moment, on the main city tower, Leng Hanshuang, Leng Hanjiao, the Three Sages of the Demon Gate, Xiao Han and other three hall masters appeared for the first time, and everyone's faces were more or less with A bit of a dignified color.


At this time, on the sky not far away, an incomparably huge space channel emerged, and then, under the nervous eyes of everyone, a black army quickly poured out of the channel, like a black tide. .

After a while, the black army descended under the Sword Demon Gate. For a time, the sky filled with smoke and sand, and an extremely strong killing aura permeated from the army, which made people tremble.

Then, over the army filled with killing aura, more than ten figures appeared. The leader was a middle-aged and stern man in black robes. If you look closely, you will find that this middle-aged man The man is somewhat similar to the poison boy.

There is no doubt that this person is the Sect Master of the Poison Sect, Poison Ash!

Behind Du Jin, there are more than a dozen figures standing, which are naturally the high-ranking members of the Poison Sect. Among them, there are six Pseudo-Saint powerhouses, a Dou Saint powerhouse, and several high-level Dou Venerable powerhouses. The son is also in it.

At first glance, the lineup of Poison Sect seems to be indistinguishable from Demon Sect.

"Leng Hanshuang, today your Demon Sect will be defeated, and you still have to fight to the death?"

At this moment, Du Jin walked out, and a pair of sharp and cold eyes looked directly at Leng Hanshuang on the city tower, and said lightly, with a sense of domineering.

"How can you know that my Demon Sect will be defeated before the war begins?" Leng Hanshuang responded coldly with icy eyes.

"Do you really think that my Poison Sect only has this strength? Naive!" The corners of Du Jin's mouth lifted slightly, and there was a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

As soon as the voice fell, the space above the Poison Sect army was fluctuating again. Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone in the Demon Sect, four figures came out of the space. It seemed that the four of them had no breath. However, They stood there, and the space between the heavens and the earth seemed to be shaking, giving people a strong sense of oppression from the soul.

And to give people this feeling, there is no doubt that those four people are all Dou Saint powerhouses!

Together with the two poison embers, the poison door, there are actually six Dou Saint powerhouses!

This lineup is luxurious!

"Six Dou Saints?!"

Seeing the luxurious lineup of the Poison Sect, the hearts of countless Demon Sect soldiers on the city tower trembled fiercely. Once the battle started, this lineup would be enough to wipe them out in an instant.

"How, your Demon Sect still has the ability to resist?" Du Jin looked at Leng Hanshuang and said lightly. Before, their Poison Sect had just unified the land of the Western Regions. Therefore, the remnants of many powerful forces provoked large-scale rebellions everywhere, so the rest The strong Dou Saints were sent out to suppress the rebellion.

Two days ago, the rebellion in all parts of the Western Regions had just subsided, and the rear had been consolidated. Therefore, Du Jin just decided to break out a decisive battle today!

Today, the six Dou Saints from the Poison Sect gathered to destroy the Demon Sect!

At this moment, looking at the terrifying lineup of the Poison Sect, the soldiers of the Demon Sect, people are panicking, how to fight this? Everyone felt a deep despair in their hearts.

For a time, the magic door, the military heart turmoil.

Leng Hanshuang's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she swept over the terrifying lineup of the Poison Sect, with a look of shock in her eyes. After looking at the disturbed Demon Sect generals, her eyes fell on Xiao Han again. She knew that Xiao Han was already prepared.

Xiao Han nodded slightly to her, then he stepped out and shouted to the void:

"Senior Medical Sage, Senior Sword, please show up!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sword Demon Gate was over the sky, and in an instant, the wind and clouds stirred, and a huge space channel slowly emerged, and a strong breath permeated from it...

(End of this chapter)

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