Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 271 Where Is Xiao Han's Bastard?

Chapter 271 Where is Xiao Han's bastard?

Xiao Han's stealing, unknowingly.

Watching the furious Xia Huang and his party chasing after Wujie frantically, Xiao Han's mouth also had a schadenfreude smile, and this fat fat man still wanted to trick him into the water, then he would be rude. , He Xiao Han has never been afraid of anyone.

"Sir, if that fat monk is caught, he will definitely be beaten inhumanly." Luo Youyou looked at the large group of people who had gradually moved away, and said sympathetically.

"That dead fat man is ruthless, don't worry." Xiao Han smiled, this dead fat man has the guts to pit so many people, he must have a way to escape.

"Let's go. After going to the Thousand Layers Waterfall Cultivation for a while, I'm ready to go to other areas to collect treasures."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Han stopped wasting time. With a flash, he took the lead in turning into a stream of light and quickly swept towards the sky, followed by Luo Youyou's delicate body flashing.

Thousand Falls.

This is one of the ancient monuments where one's body is forged. Even with the vicissitudes of the past, it is still picturesque.

The Thousand Layers Waterfall is located in a very hidden canyon. Dou Qi is full here. On both sides of the canyon, there are many trees and lush greenery. In the canyon, the sound of running water echoes gently, and sometimes there are bursts of birdsong. The reverberation of the sound of nature made this canyon even more secluded.

At this moment, Xiao Han and Luo Youyou came to this quiet and almost isolated canyon. The two landed in the canyon, causing the sound of long-lost footsteps to sound quietly in the canyon that had not been stepped on for many years.

"The environment here is so good, I can't imagine that there is such a beautiful scenery in a thousand-year-old historic site." Luo Youyou walked to the creek in the canyon. The clear water reflected her delicate face, and she looked at the water with beautiful eyes. , with a charming smile on her pretty face.

"Are you praising the scenery here, or praising yourself in the water?" Xiao Han grabbed the palm of his hand, and a pebble flew into his hand. A cynical smile appeared on his face, and then he threw the stone. The beautiful reflection that just fell into Luo Youyou's water, the water splashed Luo Youyou.

"Disgusting!" Luo Youyou, who was admiring her beauty, also came back to her senses, then turned around and glared at Xiao Han with her beautiful eyes, looking a little embarrassed and angry.

"It's already very beautiful, no need to take pictures." Xiao Han said with a smile.

Hearing this, Luo Youyou, who was still a little embarrassed just now, suddenly had a smile on her pretty face.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Han didn't stay any longer and walked straight towards the depths of the canyon. Luo Youyou smiled and followed, as if she was in a good mood.

Soon, Xiao Han and the two came to the depths of the canyon.

Xiao Han and the two looked up, with a look of surprise in their eyes. They saw a huge mountain in front of them, but the mountain seemed to be broken by someone with a giant axe. On the broken wall of the mountain, There is a giant waterfall that stretches for nearly a thousand meters.

From a distance, the waterfall looks like a huge net hanging from the sky. Under the waterfall is a huge deep pool. The boulders are scattered in the pool, and the waterfall falls from the sky, causing a shocking shock in the pool. The roar, that voice, makes the soul tremble.

Standing under the waterfall, you will feel a majestic momentum that swallows the sky and the earth, and the scene is extremely shocking.

"Thousands of waterfalls are really spectacular!"

Xiao Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration. Such waterfalls are really rare in the world. No wonder this is an excellent place to forge your body. I don't know what kind of terrifying currents you will endure if you stand under that waterfall. impact.

"Master, are you sure you want to temper your body here?" Luo Youyou looked back from the thousand-layered waterfall, still a little surprised, this way of tempering your body is crazy.

Xiao Han smiled, but there was some fiery color in his eyes, and then he stopped wasting time, and with a flash, he went straight to the bottom of the thousand-layered waterfall.

Approaching the waterfall, Xiao Han stood in the void, so close to the waterfall, he felt an extremely terrifying gravity sweeping towards him, and the huge roar made his eardrums shatter. His heart was also trembling fiercely, and this thousand-layered waterfall seemed to tear apart everything in the human body mercilessly.

"The pressure of gravity is even more terrifying than the eighteenth floor of the gravity tower..." Standing in front of the waterfall, Xiao Han couldn't help but sighed, the sense of gravity pressure was suffocating.

Xiao Han stepped out and stepped into the falling water curtain.


The terrifying gravitational pressure of the flowing water was crushed crazily, Xiao Han's body trembled violently, and was slammed down directly from the void, and finally fell into the deep pool below.

Xiao Han jumped up from the pool, and his body trembled. This power is too powerful, the power of heaven and earth, and it is extremely terrifying.

After trying the power of the thousand layers for the first time, Xiao Han didn't dare to take it any further. He directly used the second realm Buddha body, Incarnation, a golden Buddha, and swept back to sit cross-legged on a boulder below the waterfall, terrifying flowing water. The shock wave just fell against his body, hitting his body frantically.

Although the second-level Buddha body was called, Xiao Han's body was still shaking violently under the impact of the terrifying water current, and it was a little shaky. , even the soul is torn, and the pain is unbearable.

However, Xiao Han still insisted on gritting his teeth, he knew that after this period of time, his body would be reborn.

Looking at Xiao Han who was clenching his teeth under the waterfall, Luo Youyou, who was not far away, was also shocked. Even though she was so far away from the Thousand Layers Waterfall, she was still horrified. What a pain that would be, this guy, it's crazy.


Xiao Han and the two in the canyon naturally didn't know anything about the outside world.

Outside, Wujie, who was pursued by Xia Huang and the others, finally gave up. Due to the situation, Wujie also handed over the Sky Profound Spirit Fruit.

It’s okay if you don’t pay, and it was this one that exposed the fake Sky Profound Spirit Fruit.

When it was discovered that this Sky Profound Spirit Fruit was fake, on the spot, not to mention Xia Huang and others were blinded, even Wujie was instantly dumbfounded, it was actually fake, how could this be possible? This Sky Profound Spirit Fruit, Wujie was picked by his own hands, and everyone can see it.

Xia Huang and the others suspected that Wujie used fakes to fool them, but after beating up the dead fat man, they found that Wujie didn't lie, this Sky Profound Spirit Fruit was really fake, but ,how can that be? Where did the spirit fruit go?

They chased Wujie all the way, Tianxuan Lingguo has never left Wujie's body, how could it be lost by others?

Thinking of this, everyone looked suspicious, it was hell.

After thinking about what happened for a while, everyone quickly discovered a loophole, a big loophole.

That is, Xiao Han!

Before, everyone had seen it with their own eyes. The Sky Profound Spirit Fruit stayed in Xiao Han's hands for a moment. If it was said that it was stolen, then it must be only Xiao Han!

"Brother Xiao Han, you are such a jerk!" Wujie, who was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, scolded up to the sky, and that guy actually said that he was not interested in Lingguo, what a complete bastard!

"Damn, it turned out to be stolen by that bastard. It's really his uncle's yin, he actually gave us all a piece of yin!" Someone in the crowd was also scolding, it was too yin, and they Not everyone found out.

"Let's go and find that bastard, I'm going to press him to the ground and rub him hard, and he's actually playing shit with me!"

Xia Huang's face was extremely gloomy, and he was extremely angry when Xiao Han played it in front of him.

Immediately, a group of people went back the same way, inquiring about Xiao Han's traces everywhere.

There are so many people and great power, this is really true. In addition, Xiao Han's reputation for picking treasures is very loud in this area. Therefore, it didn't take long for Xia Huang and others to find Xiao Han's location.

Thousand Falls!

After learning the exact location, Xia Huang's group immediately rushed towards the Thousand Layers Waterfall angrily.

Seeing that this terrifying lineup all rushed towards Xiao Han, many people were also extremely curious, what did Xiao Han do?

Out of curiosity, many people rushed towards the Thousand Layers Waterfall quickly.

Therefore, for a while, a large-scale flow of people began to appear in the central area of ​​the historic site, and the scene was shocking.

And in that direction, it all points to the Thousand Layers Waterfall!

Soon, the mighty crowd rushed outside the Thousand Layers Waterfall.

I saw that on the sky above the canyon, Xia Huang and other Heavens Pride characters were all standing in the air.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on a graceful and delicate body standing above the canyon. Naturally, it was Luo Youyou, Xiao Han was in Cultivation, and she was protecting the law outside.

Seeing such a terrifying lineup coming, Luo Youyou's pretty face paled, and her beautiful eyes were full of worry, what should I do?

Xia Huang's indifferent gaze swept to Luo Youyou, anger was accumulating in his heart, he said coldly:

"What about that bastard Xiao Han?"

(End of this chapter)

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