Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 295 Shenzhou, The Beginning Of Chaos!

Chapter 295 Shenzhou, the beginning of chaos!

When Xiao Han's voice fell, the performance field was dead silent, everyone's pupils shrank, and all the surprised eyes converged on Xiao Han instantly.

Xiao Han said, if Long Yingyu can repel him in the slightest, don't mention it?

At this moment, everyone suspected that there was something wrong with their ears. It was unbelievable. Is Xiao Han questioning Long Yingyu's strength? 1-Star Dou Saint is going to challenge 6-Star Dou Saint?

"It's crazy!" The Dragon Army soldiers looked shocked. In their opinion, this kind of action didn't make much sense. Xiao Han's words were a little too big.

"What is this guy doing?" Long Ling'er looked at Xiao Han suspiciously. This guy is not a reckless person, how can he say such a thing.

"You, are you sure?" Long Yingyu's indifferent beautiful eyes also had a slight fluctuation, and then she said, obviously she was also a little surprised by this remark.

"Sure." Xiao Han nodded with a smile, and then said, "I said earlier, if you beat me back, I didn't mention anything about the winemaking, but if you didn't beat me back, then you will be dedicated to helping me in the future. I make wine, how?"

Hearing this, Long Ling'er and the others were all startled, dare this guy still have the idea of ​​winning? 6-Star Dou Saint's blow, even if it's an ordinary blow, are you sure you can take it?

"As you wish!" Long Yingyu glanced at Xiao Han with her beautiful eyes. She wanted to see where this guy's confidence came from. If Xiao Han could really take her blow, then she would admit defeat. , even if the wine is specially made for this guy in the future.

Xiao Han smiled, then walked to the central area of ​​the martial arts field, and Long Yingyu also walked over.

The two stood opposite each other, an invisible momentum was brewing, and the dragon Ling'er and others on the side quickly retreated and handed over the venue to the two. bearable.

The movement in the martial arts field, some people from Dragon Clan who passed by also noticed it, especially when they saw that Xiao Han actually met Long Yingyu, 1-Star Dou Saint met 6-Star Dou Saint, one was Their new master, one of them Dragon Clan's famous and unique beauty, such a confrontation is naturally very eye-catching.

For a time, outside the martial arts field, there was a sound of breaking wind, and many people from Dragon Clan gathered towards this side. Looking at the two facing each other in the field, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Commander Yingyu, please!"

Xiao Han stood on the spot, with his hands behind his back, just standing there calmly, invisibly giving off a very strong confidence, that kind of demeanor, surprising, but facing 6-Star Dou Saint, Is it self-confidence or conceit?

Long Yingyu didn't talk nonsense any more, the red ying spear in his hand picked up, and suddenly a few gorgeous fiery red spear flowers were provoked in the void, and the space was agitated.

The next moment, Long Yingyu's beautiful eyes narrowed, and an incomparably powerful Dou Qi suddenly swept out like a tide, and a terrible aura permeated the entire battle circle in an instant, completely shrouding Xiao Han, and then she raised her wrist. , a red ying long spear in his hand suddenly stabbed towards Xiao Han.


The long spear pierced, and Dou Qi, the heaven and earth in this space, suddenly violently rioted, Long Yingyu spear out like a dragon, and above the extremely sharp spear tip, there was a loud dragon roar, and then I saw countless words. The giant dragon phantom flew out from the tip of the spear, and the giant dragon phantom roared into the void, running towards Xiao Han with the momentum of ruining the sky.

The phantoms of the giant dragons filled the sky and covered the earth, and in an instant, all of Xiao Han's escape routes were completely surrounded.

Therefore, when the phantom of each giant dragon swept in, it was like a thousand sharp spear points, surrounded by such a terrifying battle, and it was also erupted by a 6-Star Dou Saint. Know how terrifying that power is.

At this moment, watching Long Yingyu's attack, all the onlookers held their breaths. Their eyes were fixed on Xiao Han who was at the center of the attack. At this moment, Xiao Han was like a small boat. It could be smashed into slag at any time.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, at the moment Xiao Han just stood there silently, the terrifying attack swept into a terrifying storm, making his clothes rumble.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Xiao Han, and there was a bit of surprise in their eyes. Facing such a terrifying attack, could Xiao Han really take it?

Before everyone could think about it, the thousands of phantoms of the giant dragons roared down, crushed by the incomparably terrifying mighty force of heaven and earth. Under this force, Xiao Han undoubtedly seemed too insignificant, and in an instant Xiao Han That tiny body was completely swallowed up by the phantoms of thousands of giant dragons.


A huge roar broke out on the martial arts arena, and the billowing smoke spread out, blocking everyone's sight.

"The new master will be fine, right?" Everyone's eyes were staring nervously at the thick smoke billowing in the center of the arena, and they felt a little worried in their hearts.

"Mr. Yingyu, is he going to be okay?" Long Ling'er also quickly swept up to Long Yingyu's side, Meimu stared nervously at the center of the field, in her opinion, the 6-Star Dou Saint's blow, even if it was A casual blow can make her disappear in an instant.

"Don't worry, I didn't do my best, but I'm afraid this guy is going to sleep on the bed for a while..." Long Yingyu raised her hand, the spear was withdrawn, and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, but she had not finished speaking. , it stopped abruptly.

"Commander Yingyu, don't jump to conclusions too soon."

At this moment, only a light laughter could be heard from the billowing smoke. At this moment, the field was silent, and a slight movement of the quilt made one's nerves instantly tense, and everyone's eyes immediately turned towards the light smile. The sound came together and went away.

I saw the thick smoke billowing and dissipating with the wind, Xiao Han's figure clearly appeared in everyone's eyes again, dressed in a blue shirt, neat and clean, with no traces of smoke and dust on his body, as if he had just received a terrifying blow, right. For him, it doesn't hurt at all.

"There's nothing at all?" Seeing Xiao Han's figure, everyone was startled, their eyes widened, all with expressions of surprise, a little unbelievable, 6-Star Dou Saint's blow actually looked like a It's not surprising that it's the same as no one, and not even the clothes are broken.

"Amazing!" Long Ling'er gave Xiao Han a thumbs up, no wonder this guy dared to boast about Haikou, it turned out to be really capable.

"Commander Yingyu, in the future, you will have to make wine for me." Xiao Han walked over to Long Yingyu, glanced at the latter, and said with a smile.

"I'm willing to admit defeat, I have nothing to say." Long Yingyu narrowed her eyes, looked at Xiao Han meaningfully, and said, "How did you do it?"

Xiao Han smiled, just as he was about to speak, Long Chen's figure appeared on the side, he said with a smile: "Yingyu, your bet is a bit of a loss, with our new master's current strength, let alone If you take a move, if you fight with all your strength, I am afraid that you may not be the opponent of the new master."

As soon as Long Chen's voice fell, the audience was shocked, and everyone was stunned. Patriarch said, Commander Ying Yu is not Xiao Han's opponent? They knew that Long Chen, who was a Patriarch, naturally wouldn't open his mouth, and there must be a reason.

"Your strength is more than 1-Star Dou Saint?" Long Yingyu's beautiful eyes narrowed, her eyes fixed on Xiao Han, this was the only reasonable reason she could think of.

"4-Star Dou Saint." Xiao Han laughed.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Didn't the new master just break through to Dou Saint, why did he suddenly 4-Star Dou Saint?

"Our new master is really not easy." Everyone from Dragon Clan sighed.

"Humph!" Long Yingyu was equally surprised, but after she glared at Xiao Han, she turned and left.

"Hey, Commander Yingyu, why are you going?" Xiao Han shouted.

"Wine!" Long Yingyu turned her head, gave Xiao Han a blank look, and said angrily.

Xiao Han smiled helplessly, it seemed that he had offended this woman, offended a woman, and she was also a woman with a personality, which was not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han unconsciously glared at Long Chen, this guy suddenly ran out to join in the fun.

Long Chen smiled embarrassingly, he was just by the side, Xiao Han's shot was quick, but he was keenly aware of the burst of breath at that moment, Xiao Han, 4-Star Dou Saint, although he didn't know how Xiao Han did it , but Long Chen didn't think much about it, how could someone who can control four pieces of divine ice be an ordinary person?

"New master, you have a good time." Long Chen said with a smile, then turned around and left.

"Hee hee, Xiao Han, you're done, you even dare to offend Teacher Yingyu." Long Ling'er gloated.

Xiao Han smiled wryly. He was thinking, will he drink the wine made by Long Yingyu later, or not?


Three days later.

In the Dragon Palace today, there is a lot of excitement, and the people of Dragon Clan are very excited, because they want to follow the new master to fight in Shenzhou again!

Above the square, there is a huge space passage, from which a strong power of space is released, and the surrounding space is faintly rippling.

Under the space passage, an army dressed in crimson armor stood neatly. In front of the army, Long Chen, Long Yingyu, and many Dragon Clan powerhouses gathered. The terrifying aura was fluctuating around them. Such a terrifying lineup , which is luxurious.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are looking at a figure in a green shirt in the void.

Xiao Han's eyes swept over the people below, and then he waved his hand and said:

"Go, follow me to mess with China!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Han's figure flashed, and he stepped into the space passage first, followed by Long Chen and others with hot eyes. Shocking scene.

In the forbidden area of ​​the East China Sea, Dragon Clan is born!

What kind of bloody storm will be set off in the vast China?

(End of this chapter)

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