Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 335 A Handful Of Loess

Chapter 335 A handful of loess

Seeing Xiao Xuan's dazed appearance, Xiao Yan, who was beside him, was confused and looked at Xiao Han unconsciously.

Xiao Han also smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't know about this. He just heard the Snow Queen mention it by chance in Snow Wind City. The controller of Thunder God Bing must be a woman of peerless elegance, so when the Snow Queen said that the man's surname was Xiao, he had such a guess in his heart.

After many years, now I finally see Xiao Xuan, and he also confirmed his speculation back then. Although Xiao Xuan didn't say it clearly, judging from his reaction after sensing the Thunder God Bing, he must have had a relationship with the Holy Emperor. Untold story.

"The past is like smoke, don't mention it again." Xiao Xuan shook his head. Back then, she advised him not to do such a crazy thing, but he didn't listen. In order to continue the bloodline fight of the Xiao family, he resolutely decided to use the power of the whole family to attack Dou Di.

In the end, the body is dead.

And she, in this life, does not lose the king, life and death go hand in hand; but he loses her.

After a long time, Xiao Xuan recovered his thoughts, looked at Xiao Han and the others, changed the topic, and said, "The two of you are here, I'm afraid it's not just to see me, but what happened in Zhongzhou?"

Hearing this, Xiao Han and Xiao Yan looked at each other, then nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Eight pieces of Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade, Hun Clan has got seven of them!"

Xiao Xuan nodded. He was not too surprised. He seemed to have guessed it. The time in the celestial tomb was passing faster than the outside world. It must have been many years since he parted with Xiao Yan back then. Thousands of years ago , when he fell, he seriously injured Hun Tiandi, but now he is almost healed, and Xiao Xuan is well aware of Hun Tiandi's ambitions, why was Hun Clan killing the Xiao family back then? The Xiao family blocked Hun Clan's way, but Hun Tiandi didn't expect it. Xiao Xuan, who was desperate, seriously injured him. If not, Hun Clan would have already attacked the other six ancient races after removing the stumbling block of the Xiao family. No need to wait until now.

"Is there any way the ancestors can stop Hun Clan's conspiracy?" Xiao Yan asked again, this is the purpose of his coming here, the strength that Hun Clan is showing now is too terrifying, and Hun Clan dares to provoke the chaos in Zhongzhou head-on , it can be seen that he is not afraid at all, maybe there is something behind in the battle of jade exchange two months later.

"Hun Clan is very ambitious. If it wasn't for our Xiao clan to oppress Hun Clan, I am afraid that the catastrophe in Zhongzhou would have come. Now since Hun Clan dares to so blatantly provoke a war, he must be fully prepared. Soul state can't stop Hun Clan, and now, the safety of Zhongzhou, and even the survival of Continent, can only depend on you."

Xiao Xuan shook his head and said slowly, he is powerless now, this Fangtian Tomb can only keep him in this state and cannot interfere with the outside world. In other words, he is just a dead man. people.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan's eyes dimmed slightly, it seemed that this catastrophe was destined to be faced by them alone.

However, Xiao Han on the side was not too disappointed. He knew that Xiao Xuan's words had not been finished yet. In this tomb, Xiao Xuan will also give a great opportunity, and this is why Xiao Han also The purpose of coming here.

And that chance is naturally the soul ocean. In the original book, Xiao Yan was promoted to the emperor's soul level in that side of the soul ocean. That is the highest level of the soul in this plane, and it is related to the emperor. It is conceivable that if the soul What a terrifying power to have to reach such a Realm.

"Although I can't intervene in external affairs, I will give you two a great opportunity." As expected, Xiao Xuan continued.

"Big chance?" Hearing this, Xiao Yan was stunned, and then his eyes lit up. Since Xiao Xuan said it was a big chance, it was naturally extraordinary.

Xiao Han narrowed his eyes slightly, looking forward to it.

Xiao Xuan waved his sleeves and smiled casually, then his body rose into the sky, he stood there, looking up at somewhere in the void.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, a little puzzled, not knowing what Xiao Xuan was going to do, Xiao Han's eyes flickered, he naturally knew what Xiao Xuan was going to do, burning energy to deal with the soul of the tomb that day.

When Xiao Xuan stared at a place in the void, the entire celestial tomb became deadly quiet, even the biting wind stopped, and the atmosphere became extremely strange. The celestial tomb seemed to be trembling faintly, as if in express some emotion.

"Come out, you shouldn't exist!" At this moment, Xiao Xuan opened his mouth to speak, but the dull voice echoed throughout the tomb, and the souls in those tombs naturally heard Xiao Xuan's voice. The voices were silent, but they all knew who Xiao Xuan was talking to. In this tomb, there was probably only that strange person.

"Master Xiao Xuan is finally going to shoot at that thing..." In a canyon, the Blood Sword Saint carrying the Blood Sword looked up at the void and muttered in his mouth.

Xiao Xuan's flat voice echoed in the void, and the tomb trembled more and more, but nothing came out.

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan's eyes narrowed, and then one suddenly pointed to the void, and a powerful and unparalleled energy beam shot immediately above a point in the void.

dong dong...

In an instant, the entire heavenly tomb trembled wildly, and the space fluctuated violently, as if something was about to be blasted out by Xiao Xuan.

After a while, under the gazes of Xiao Han and the two, an illusory face suddenly emerged from the space pointed by Xiao Xuan's finger. That face was extremely hideous and did not look like a human face at all. The ghostly eyes are creepy.

"This is the soul of the tomb of that day, the strange creatures nurtured in the countless years of the tomb..."

Xiao Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was looking at the soul of the tomb curiously. Judging from the soul fluctuations emitted by the soul of the tomb, it should have the strength of the soul of the emperor. King, unfortunately, there is another Xiao Xuan here.

"What a terrible soul fluctuation..." Xiao Yan stared at the soul of the tomb of that day, and naturally felt the powerful soul fluctuation that permeated the soul of the tomb of the sky, even if he was at the Heavenly Realm soul level, but in the In front of the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb, he still felt an unprecedented Spiritual Storm, and the Spiritual Strength that could give him this feeling, he didn't need to think about it and knew that it must only be the legendary Emperor Realm soul.

"Xiao Xuan, are you really going to shoot at me?" The pair of ghost-like eyes stared at Xiao Xuan, and said coldly, before in the tomb, the two of them had always been well water and not river water. Because Xiao Xuan is the most feared existence.

"You shouldn't exist!" Xiao Xuan said indifferently, if he hadn't waited for his descendants to come, he would have taken action long ago. He would leave this great opportunity to his descendants. It is the hope of the revival of the Xiao family, and he never gave up the dream of revival of the Xiao family.

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Xuan stopped talking nonsense, and saw that his body immediately ignited spontaneously, and a force that was stronger than before radiated from his body. If he wanted to destroy the soul of the tomb, even Xiao Xuan had to To pay a very heavy price, that is to lose the soul.

"You lunatic!" Seeing this, the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb immediately roared, and that face became extremely ferocious and terrifying, and the twisted appearance made people feel a chill from the soles of their feet reaching the sky.

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan just chuckled, crazy? Back then, when he attacked Emperor Dou with the power of his entire clan, he was ten thousand times more mad than today?


Xiao Yan's pupils tightened, and his eyes were fixed on Xiao Xuan, who was getting brighter and brighter. Seeing this scene, how could he not know what Xiao Xuan was doing? Xiao Xuan was using his life to create that big opportunity for them!

Seeing Xiao Xuan burning his soul, Xiao Yan's eyes were also a little red. His ancestor, who carried the banner of the Xiao clan alone in his lifetime, still made sacrifices for the revitalization of the Xiao clan after his death. Makes all Xiao family men admire!

Xiao Han was also very emotional. Xiao Xuan, shouldering the hopes of the entire Xiao family, was destined to not be able to live as an ordinary person would, and it was also destined to have a magnificent and tragic life.

In the end, Xiao Xuan exhausted his Spiritual Strength and successfully destroyed the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb. The soul energy of the Heavenly Tomb Soul, which had been accumulated for thousands of years, turned into a boundless ocean of souls.

"Go in, the future of the Xiao Clan is up to you. You two are far more talented than me. I believe that you will create an unprecedented and powerful Xiao Clan!"

Xiao Xuan's body became more and more illusory, and when the voice fell, Xiao Xuan's body completely dissipated, and his soul returned to it.

However, that piece of loess, a tombstone, after all, it is difficult to cover up the brilliance of this peerless Heavens Pride who was once all-powerful on Continent.

His story is destined to be passed down through the ages; his name is destined to be admired by future generations...

(End of this chapter)

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