Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 429 Countdown To Death

Chapter 429 Countdown to Death


Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then stopped talking. The first time he saw Wangyou's Missy, he felt that he felt strange. He had no spiritual power, but he had an extraordinary talent for spiritual formation. That Little Missy was not easy. Maybe in this battlefield Possibly has its own chance.

"I hope that little girl is all right..." Xiao Han shook his head, waved his thoughts, and stopped thinking about it. Then he turned around and walked to the steps on the left. Battle formation, Xiao Han is even more handy with the use of spirit formation.

"Is there a way to decipher this killing spirit formation?" Lin Dong asked, naturally aware of the terrifying killing and cutting spirit formation arranged on the steps.

"You think I'll be worse than that guy?" Xiao Han said.

Lin Dong smiled and said no more. He naturally knew that Xiao Han was talking about that guy, Xuanyuan Zhantian. Just now, Xuanyuan Zhantian easily passed through the battle formation on the right.

Xiao Han looked at the spirit formation, his eyes flashed with aura, and the endless spiritual seal was intertwined with a complex formation. He possessed the talent of formation, and could enter the state of mind formation, and then deduce the law of the change of the formation.

After a while, Xiao Han finished the game. With a wave of his palm, the endless spiritual imprint appeared in the void, and then he grabbed it with his palm, and the endless spiritual imprint converged into a sharp sword. stab away.


The sword fell, the spiritual formation flashed, and countless cracks spread on the mysterious spiritual formation, and finally fell apart completely.

The formation is broken, and the killing force dissipates!

The passage on the left is opened to allow unhindered access to the monument.

Xuanyuan Zhantian avoided the formation, while Xiao Han broke into the formation.


With a wave of his hand, Xiao Han turned into a streamer and swept into the monument ahead, followed by Xiao Yan and the others.

Natural, Chi Mang, Xue Nishang and others under the steps were also fascinated by the way, and they set out to enter the historic site one after another. Many people were also grateful. Before Xiao Han secretly saved their lives, he broke the killing spree now. The spirit formation let them in.

Speaking of which, they all accepted Xiao Han's favor.

Of course, Xiao Han didn't care about this so-called kindness at all. He wasn't that kind of a bodhisattva. He did this just because his friend was there.

Moreover, if this so-called kindness is compared with the chance of historical treasures, Xiao Han is sure that these people will definitely forget about this kindness, and they may turn their faces away in a blink of an eye.

After all, people are selfish after all.


The steps guarded by the spiritual formation on the left, leading to the historic hall, seem to be a little different from what everyone imagined.

Through the steps, everyone clearly entered a magnificent hall, but the scene in front of them was very different.

At this moment, Xiao Han and the others were in a void space, with nothing and no sense of monuments, as if they had stepped into another world.

The empty space in front of him was dead silent, and the time and space seemed to be still, which made everyone become vigilant. Obviously, this space was strange.

"This place should be an illusory realm, so be careful." Xiao Han glanced around, frowned slightly, and reminded Xiao Yan and the others beside him.

"Xiao Han, take a closer look, a tone seems to be echoing repeatedly in this space." Xiao Yan said.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded, and he naturally sensed it. The tone was strange, the tone was very light, but it seemed to come from the soul, or in other words, the tone could penetrate the soul.

It was this strange tone that made Xiao Han feel a little uneasy.


At this time, a shrill scream suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The screams in the dead space also instantly made everyone's nerves tense, and one after another looked at the place where the screams sounded.

I saw a man in the crowd, and a man died strangely, with blood from the seven orifices. The death was extremely strange, and there was hardly any warning.

Everyone's faces were solemn, which was too weird.


Before everyone was too frightened, in an instant, dozens of shrill screams sounded one after another, and one after another figure fell down one after another, bizarrely dead!

Death, seven orifices bleeding!

Weird, terrifying...

In the field, the atmosphere was terrifying.

Everyone's faces changed, and the death of one person can be said to be a coincidence, but the continuous bizarre deaths must have happened for a reason.

This space is very strange and dangerous.

At this moment, everyone has a feeling of deep dead space.

Who will die in the next second?


In the field, the death continued, and after each scream, there would be one more corpse.

Looking at the bizarrely fallen corpses, everyone was horrified, an unspeakable fear shrouded their hearts, and icy cold air surged from the soles of their feet and flowed all over their bodies.

One after another, corpses keep falling down, this is like a sound in the dead space...

Countdown to death!

"Xiao Han, I'm afraid..." Ximen Xiaoshi showed a look of fear, her delicate body was leaning against Xiao Han's body, trembling, and her hands were also tightly grasping the corners of Xiao Han's clothes.

"It's alright." Xiao Han comforted, and at this moment his brows were also frowning, and he didn't see the clue of this bizarre death.

"Is there really a ghost in this world?" Xiao Yan frowned, naturally he didn't believe in the so-called ghost theory, but the strange death phenomenon in front of him couldn't be explained by common sense.

"Have you noticed that the strange sound that was repeatedly echoing in this space has become clearer and clearer?" At this time, Lin Dong suddenly said, he has a calm personality and has been closely observing the subtle changes in the field.

Hearing this, Xiao Han also noticed this. Just now because of the bizarre death in the field, he ignored the strange tone. He found that not only the strange tone became clearer, but also the strength of the person who died in the field. It is also getting higher and higher, and the people who start to die are all people under the Supreme. At this moment, the Supreme Powerhouse has already died one after another.

"Could it be that the strange death has something to do with this tone? However, this tone does not seem to have any lethality other than the strange constant repetition." Xiao Yan frowned, the tone did not give him any fatal threat.

"This is also what I can't figure out. This tone is not lethal. If it is said that the death in the field is caused by this tone, it is completely unreasonable." Lin Dong said, there is also confusion between his eyebrows, but if the strange death is not the cause This tone, what's the reason for that?

This is so confusing and weird.

Xiao Han frowned, his face contemplative, and he was equally puzzled.

"Go, go over and see those corpses." Xiao Han said, and then walked towards a corpse first.

"Screaming before death, blood from the seven orifices, blurred eyes, empty, you say, how can you be so dead?" Xiao Han's eyes flickered, as if he had sensed something.

"If there is no talk of ghosts and ghosts, this death is from the inside, the blood is exhausted, and the essence is gone. It's like... the soul or spiritual power has been severely damaged in an instant." Lin Dong analyzed slowly.

"Well, yes, a sudden blow to the soul or mental power is such a death. However, isn't that strange? If someone launches a soul or mental attack, with the soul and mental power of the three of us, wouldn't it be? Will you notice the slightest?" Xiao Yan frowned, becoming more and more puzzled.

"Xiao Yan is right, it's too unbelievable." Lin Dong nodded, also puzzled, this kind of death is indeed the soul or spirit that was severely damaged in an instant, but they didn't notice that soul or spirit at all. Attack, how is this possible?

"You are all right, there is indeed a deadly soul impact sound in this space. In fact, that deadly soul impact sound has always reverberated in our ears, but this soul impact sound is extremely strange. , for some people, it may be the sound of death, but for others, it has no effect at all." Xiao Han narrowed his eyes and gave such an analysis.

"Is there such a strange soul impact sound?" Xiao Yan and Lin Dong were also a little surprised when they heard Xiao Han's analysis, but then their pupils shrank and seemed to realize something.

Xiao Han went on to say: "The cause of death, in fact, is the constant repetition of the tones in this space, and the one who made the strange tones is..."

Xiao Yan and Lin Dong also looked at Xiao Han, and the three said in unison:


(End of this chapter)

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