Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 431 Remnants Of The Holy Ice

Chapter 431 Remnants of the Holy Ice

"Great magical power, the handprint of the nine-character mantra."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, Xiao Han's face also showed a hint of joy, and he was also curious about the power of this magical power, but this is not the time to be curious about this magical power.

After putting away the scroll, Xiao Han looked at Chi Mang, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, a sneak attack, right...

"Are you ready to attack this demon temple?" At this time, Xiao Yan and Lin Dong also swept up to Xiao Han's side, their faces turned cold. After winning a powerful supernatural power, he rushed over as soon as possible. Naturally, it was impossible for Xiao Han to suffer. With the strength of the three of them, if they wanted to deal with the people of the Demon God Sect, they would not be afraid.

"Hurry up and grab a few more treasures." Xiao Han shook his head. He didn't plan to go to the Demon Temple at this time, and he didn't want to waste time here for the time being.

"That's ok, the account will be settled later." Xiao Yan and Lin Dong nodded, and then quickly plundered the energy light balls that shuttled through the hall.

"Huh?" Xiao Han just locked an energy light group, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly noticed the first seat in the hall.

Something that caught his attention.

There, there was a skeleton sitting cross-legged. The skeleton was pitch-black. It should have been a fallen powerhouse in ancient times. The skeleton was eroded by evil energy. At this moment, what attracted Xiao Han's attention was not the skeleton, but the one under the skeleton. Taking a screenshot of the ancient map, due to the big movement among the powerhouses competing for treasures, the ancient map under the skeleton was shaken out by a small piece. If Xiao Han hadn't been keenly aware, it would have been difficult to find this clue.

This ancient picture, which has survived countless years without decay, is not simple at all.

In addition, how experienced Xiao Han is, in this other world, he can say without hesitation that no treasure can escape his eyes.

And at this moment, this ancient picture, Xiao Han is sure, must be a treasure!

With a guess in his heart, Xiao Han made a decisive decision, and immediately gave up the energy light group that shuttled in the void of the hall.

Xiao Han's figure flashed and he quickly swept to the front of the skeleton in the hall.

call out!

As soon as Xiao Han arrived, a fragrant fragrance rushed to his face, and a delicate body immediately appeared beside him. Xiao Han turned his head, and a perfect profile face came into view.

At this moment, the woman also turned her head, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at him, her pretty face as plain as water.

"Can you give me this picture?" Naturally, looking at Xiao Han, he said softly, his perfect face was flawless. Facing such a request from a beautiful woman, it was really hard to refuse.

"Sorry!" Xiao Han refused without hesitation, and took the lead in reaching out to completely pull out the partially exposed ancient picture.

"Remnant map?" With the ancient map in his hand, Xiao Han's brows furrowed unconsciously. There are cracks on the edge of the ancient map, and it is not a complete ancient map, which makes Xiao Han feel a little uncomfortable. Big, give him a residual picture, where should he go to find the other half of the residual picture?

Even if there was any chance in this ancient picture, Xiao Han didn't have the heart to look for it.

This remnant picture, Xiao Han also lost interest in an instant.

"Well, let it go..." Xiao Han just wanted to throw the residual picture in his hand aside, but at this moment, Xiao Han's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were fixed on the lower right corner of the residual picture. .

There, an ice crystal-like object is drawn.

"Xiaorou, isn't this the... holy ice in the Great Thousand World?" Xiao Han immediately communicated with the system through his mind.

"Yes, there is a kind of holy ice recorded in the picture." The system did not embarrass Xiao Han, and gave a positive answer directly.

Xiao Han's heart was overjoyed, and he immediately retracted the hand that was about to throw the remnant map away. He stared at the lower right corner of the remnant map with a bit of excitement in his eyes.

Holy Ice, finally there is a clue to Holy Ice!

"Xiao Han be careful!"

However, just when Xiao Han was holding the remnant of the holy ice in both hands and was excited, a natural scream suddenly came from the side.

Xiao Han raised his head and saw that the natural delicate body rushed towards him in an instant.

In the next second, Xiao Han's pupils shrank, and Natural suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. His pretty face was instantly pale as paper, and then he fell into Xiao Han's arms.

The blood also dyed Xiao Han's blue shirt red.

Natural suddenly spurted blood and fell into Xiao Han's arms.

This scene happened completely between the electric light and flint, which made Xiao Han, who was immersed in the excited state of the holy ice remnant before, completely unexpected.

At this moment, Xiao Han was still at a loss.

But the next moment, Xiao Han suddenly woke up.

Because at this moment, in front of Xiao Han, the pitch-black skeleton was staring at him with a pair of scarlet eyes.

In the scarlet blood eyes, cold and indifferent, murderous intent!

The dry palm of the pitch-black skeleton is in a raised position, and the palm is surging with extremely terrifying power.

Obviously, when Xiao Han was immersed in the ancient sacred ice picture just now, the pitch-black skeleton shot out strangely.

Naturally, Xiao Han blocked the blow.

At this time, the pitch-black skeleton made another move, raised his palm again and slammed it towards Xiao Han.


As soon as the palm fell, a power like a raging storm erupted rapidly, and the place where Xiao Han was was immediately smashed into shreds.

This time, Xiao Han realized that when the pitch-black skeleton shot, he hugged Tianran and quickly swept away dozens of meters away.

"Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Little Spicy Girl, Deacon Mei, Brother Zhao, get out!"

Xiao Han immediately shouted to Xiao Yan and the others. He was holding a seriously injured natural and quickly swept away from the ancient temple without looking back. Although he didn't know what the black skeleton was about, he It gave him a rather frightening feeling. He had a feeling that the power of this pitch-black skeleton was just awakened, and I'm afraid it would be even more terrifying later. Maybe it was a demonized skeleton with the strength of Heavenly Sovereign.

If you stay any longer, everyone may only have a dead end.

Hearing Xiao Han's voice, Xiao Yan and Lin Dong did not hesitate at all, and immediately stopped fighting for any treasures, and they both hurriedly stormed away from the ancient palace. The two of them knew Xiao Han's strength and temperament perfectly. .

Pit Great Immortal said to withdraw quickly, then there must be great danger!

After Ximen Xiaoshi, Mei Xuanyu, Zhao Ping, and Mo Yuyin were stunned, they also chose to believe in Xiao Han, and immediately stopped fighting for any treasures, and quickly withdrew from the ancient palace and followed Xiao Han.

As soon as Xiao Han and his party withdrew from the ancient palace, the magnificent ancient palace trembled wildly. The pitch-black skeleton at the top of the ancient palace stood up, a monstrous storm swept up, and an extremely terrifying aura filled the air.

All I could hear was a cold killing voice without the slightest temperature, and I was startled in the ancient temple:


(End of this chapter)

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