Cultivation Starts From BTTH

Chapter 489 Weird Post

Chapter 489 Weird Post

"Ask the Heaven Post" is suspended in the void, spreading out like a giant painting of mountains and rivers. The book madly asks the sky, ninety-nine-eighty-one questions, every question touches people's hearts, shocks their hearts, and makes people want to explore the mystery The strong impulse of heaven.

The will of God has been unpredictable since ancient times.

These eighty-one questions are not only an exploration of the way of heaven, but also an exploration of life. The book-mad question is vast, profound, and thought-provoking. It seems that people have been baptized by a deep Dao.

Under this questioning post, there are many younger generations, who have not yet started to post, they have been deeply shocked, and the master style is fascinating!

Above the square, seven book posts are hanging in the air, so the field is divided into seven major areas, but among the seven major areas, there are the most young generation gathered under the book madness asking the sky, this apprentice selection event, many young people. All of them came to admire the name of the book madman. After all, they are all young people, and they naturally yearn for the style of the book madman. Although it shows that the test of the book madman is difficult, many young people still come to the questioning post without hesitation. If you haven't tried it, how do you know it won't work? What's more, even if you can't pass the test, so what? I fought hard for it, at least I have no regrets.

When you are young, you must have the courage to do it, even if you know you can't do it, so why not?

It may be silly to do it knowingly, but it is a kind of courage, and it is also a kind of madness!

Teenagers have their own teenage madness!

Juvenile madness, is it not a kind of childlike enterprising heart, what the heart wants, then go all the way to madness, even if the body is covered with bruises, the world envy those arrogant and unruly people, but he does not have the kind of courage, which is undoubtedly a bit sad , the so-called madness, that is, dare to do what people can't, dare to be what people can't do.

Anyone who is frivolous must do amazing things. If you want to be extraordinary, you must first have an extraordinary heart.

For example, the group of young people standing under "Ask the Heaven Post" at the moment, it can be said that in the end, there may be only a handful of them who can be accepted as direct disciples by Shukuang, not even one person, but here, however, still With so many young people standing here, it may be stupid to act like this, but they still come, with hope, maybe you are the one who pierced the dawn.

Sometimes, failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you are not even qualified to fail. Sometimes, failure is also a kind of glory.

Looking up at the Wentian post suspended in the void, the young people below had a look of admiration on their faces. This kind of master's demeanor made them fascinated. At the same time, they were also very excited and excited. Even if they fail in the end, they don't regret it.

Of course, nothing has been written yet.

At this moment, the eyes of these young people are full of unspeakable courage, that is the determination to let go, and that is the persistence of chasing dreams!

Afterwards, these young people under Wentian's post moved, and each took out the four treasures of the study, and began to copy the elegant and extraordinary calligraphy of Shukuang in earnest.

"This?" However, as soon as they started, these young people immediately realized that something was wrong. This signature is very strange, and it can be said to be extremely strange.

Chu Chenyu, Shangguan Wan'er, Bai Ye, and Bai Qiuling, the four leading figures of the younger generation in the Holy City, all frowned, holding ink pens with heavy expressions on their faces.

"How could this be?" Bai Ye frowned, and his brows were full of doubts. He had just copied the first sentence "The beginning of ancient times" in "Ask the Heaven Post". However, the next moment, when he raised his head to copy the next sentence At that time, I was surprised to find that the four words "the beginning of the ancient times" on the "Questioning Post" have changed strangely.

While copying, the font of the original post changed suddenly, but the book madman said that he wanted to copy the exact same calligraphy as the original post. How to copy it?

Copying a dead copy is easy, but copying a constantly changing calligraphy, how is this possible?

With the boundless, the boundless.

Even if you are poor, you can't do it.

This test of book madness has no solution.

At this moment, all the younger generation under Wentian Post stopped writing, and all of them discovered the difficulty of copying this "Questioning Post".

This is a live post.

Impossible to copy.

Everyone knew that Shukuang had a high standard for choosing an apprentice, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Everyone's mood is a little low, book mad, those who want to accept, must be the ultimate Heavens Pride.

How can ordinary people do it?

"This signature, interesting..." Xiao Han naturally found out that it was a signature that would change automatically. This kind of signature was unheard of, how could it not be interesting?

Of course, it's hard, but if it's that simple, what's the point?

"The post of Palace Master is really embarrassing for these juniors." Above the hundred feet, a Heavenly Sovereign Elder of the Holy Book Palace said with a wry smile.

The five Heavenly Sovereign Elders on the side also shook their heads and smiled bitterly. With the strength of these juniors, it is impossible to copy this post, not to mention these juniors, even if these Heavenly Sovereigns want to copy, if they do not have that special ability , and it is impossible to imitate it at all. From this, it can be seen how difficult it is to choose the students set by the book madman?

"You guys should know that this old man is not just for accepting disciples..." Shukuang took a sip from the wine gourd and said casually.

Hearing this, the six Heavenly Sovereign Elders chuckled lightly and naturally understood.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!


At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it?

The upper and lower are not formed, why test it?

On the occasion of the ninth day, place the genus?


On the profound and vast "Ask the Heaven Post", the shocking fonts are constantly changing.

After several attempts, the figure gradually diminished under the post.

Many people choose to give up.

They have tried their best to face this live post and have no solution.

"Hey, if you want to achieve extraordinary things, you must wait for extraordinary people..." Bai Ye sighed, feeling a little disappointed, but also chose to give up and walked towards other book posts. Although he really wanted to be a bookworm as a teacher, but This standard of apprenticeship is too high.

Bai Ye left, and Chu Chenyu, Shangguan Wan'er, and Bai Qiuling also chose to give up.

The Four Shows of the Holy City are all incompetent, and naturally no one in the field dares to come here to get bad luck.

For a while, the crowd dispersed.

At this moment, there is only a figure in a green shirt. He is sitting casually, with rice paper spread on the ground, and an ink pen in his hand. Sometimes he looks up to see the post, and sometimes lowers his head to look at the post, with a serious look on his face. He seems to block everything, sit back and forget everything.

In his eyes, there was only that strange and changing questioning post...

Today, on the May 4th Youth Day, I recommend a song, Wang Sulong's "Juvenile Crazy", with Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi. Hunting in Mizhou" as the lyrics. An air of frivolity came over him.

I like Su Shi very much, who has lived his whole life. In the face of adversity, he is not sad about the spring and the autumn. He can always face it calmly with an open-minded and optimistic attitude. Life should be like this. I am a teenager of my generation, and I should have the arrogance of a young calf who is not afraid of tigers, facing difficulties head-on, and heading towards the future with style!

(End of this chapter)

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