Chapter 492

This year's Shenggong apprentice selection event, dressed in a blue shirt, came out on top. Not only was Shukuang accepted as a direct disciple, but he was also named the Holy Son of the Sacred Palace.

In a calligraphy competition among the younger generation of Continent, Xiao Han's scenery overshadowed the entire Heavens Pride, which can be said to be a standout.

After Xiao Han was named the Holy Son by Shukuang, many younger generations were accepted as disciples by the Six Heavenly Sovereign Elders, Chu Chenyu, Shangguan Wan'er and other Holy City Four Shows, as well as Heavens Pride from other regions All wished to join the Holy Palace.

However, with Xiao Han Zhuyu in the front, even if the younger generation behind them have extraordinary performances, it is difficult to attract attention.

Moreover, Shangguan Wan'er, the younger generation who joined the Holy Palace, also felt a little depressed. They also practiced under Heavenly Sovereign, but they had to salute Xiao Han when they met. There is still a gap between people. As soon as the guy enters the Holy Palace, he will be crowned the Holy Son. This treatment is probably unique in the history of the Holy Palace.

The 10-year Sacred Palace selection event was held in the spotlight and ended in witnessing the rise of Heavens Pride. The influential figures of this era have already made their debut in this event, and everyone is looking forward to the future performance of these Heavens Pride.

And the most eye-catching one is naturally Xiao Han, who was named the Holy Son. When the event ended and people brought the news back to their respective regions, Xiao Han became even more famous, and his fame was unparalleled for a while.

Holy Son Xiao Han, has become the focus of the entire Holy Book Continent.

During this period of time, the hot discussion on Continent was all about Xiao Han's majestic splashing and swiping at the event, using spiritual power as the pen, the avenue as the ink, and the heaven and the earth as the paper. Countless people are curious about this newly-rising Heaven's Chosen.


Xiao Han didn't know about the heated discussion from the outside world. After being named the Holy Son, he stayed in the Holy Book Palace, and he had a separate Holy Son Palace.

During this time in the Holy Palace, Xiao Han practiced calligraphy with the calligrapher. The calligrapher did not hold back and taught him a lot. He passed on a lot of precious calligraphy experience and Heavenly Sovereign's breakthrough experience, which benefited Xiao Han. Substantial.

In the Sacred Palace, in addition to practicing calligraphy with the book madman every day, the book madman will also let Xiao Han fully understand the Sacred Book Palace. He named Xiao Han the holy son, naturally, so that Xiao Han will be in charge of the Sacred Palace in the future.

The Holy Book Palace is huge, the palace is divided into pieces, and there are thousands of disciples, each performing their own duties.

In the Holy Calligraphy Palace, it is natural not only to focus on practicing calligraphy, but also pay attention to spiritual power cultivation, but the Holy Calligraphy Palace can perfectly combine calligraphy and spiritual power Cultivation.

For example, the most famous place of Cultivation in the Holy Book Palace, Qianbi Forest.

When you come here, the first thing that catches your eye is a pen. The pen is as big as a rafter, erected like a forest, and you can't see the end at a glance. In the forest of thousands of pen, a pavilion is set up in ten steps, and the pavilion is formed into pieces. There are disciples of the Holy Palace waving their brushes.

Not only practicing calligraphy, but also Cultivation.

The Qianbi Forest is very wonderful. The space here is shrouded by the rules of gravity. Each pen is as heavy as a thousand jin after being blessed by gravity. When you pick up a pen to write, the hand is not a pen, but a mountain. Cultivation like this is naturally beneficial to calligraphy and spiritual power.

Today, Xiao Han came to the depths of Qianbi Forest. There is also an elegant bamboo forest here. The pressure of gravity here is the most terrifying. Generally, disciples of the Holy Palace are not qualified to come here to pick up a pen and write.

However, the Palace of the Holy Books gathers the most outstanding young generation on Continent after all, and naturally there are still people who can step into this place to swipe.

At this moment, in the bamboo pavilion, there are five young people, three men and two women, all of them are leaders in the Holy Palace, a blue-clothed woman is seriously waving, and the other four are watching, the blue-clothed woman looks beautiful , The skin is crystal clear, the blue silk falls softly on the fragrant shoulders, holding the wolf's hair, the elegant temperament of a scholarly fragrance is fully revealed.

The woman in blue picked up the pen and wrote carefully, but the gravity here is extremely terrifying, so there are also beads of sweat on her smooth forehead. When the wind blows, a few strands of blue silk on her forehead are raised, adding a bit more Charm.

Her handwriting is very correct, of course, under the pressure of this terrifying gravity, she can't get up quickly, and it is not easy to be able to write with a pen.

Writing here is like lifting a pen.

The four people on the side were carefully watching the writing of the blue-clothed woman. The blue-clothed woman was named Tang Shiya. She was the most talented among them. Even in the Holy Palace, she was among the best. She was a disciple of the Heavenly Sovereign Elder.

Soon, Tang Shiya finished writing, and there were only four pieces of paper on the paper, but these four words took her a long time, and it was extremely exhausting. She was dripping with sweat, which shows the difficulty of writing.

Goodness is like water.

On the rice paper, the four correct handwritings are clear and pleasant, and the layout is very organized. It is not written randomly. It is extremely rare to write the four characters in an orderly manner with a heavy pen.

"Shiya, you've progressed so fast, you've already been able to write four words in the depths of the Thousand Pens Forest. If the elders know about it, they'll definitely praise you. I'm afraid not many people in the Holy Palace can have this talent. Overtakes you!" The woman on the side stepped forward, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on Tang Shiya's forehead, and said with a smile.

"Compared with the Holy Son, I'm still far behind." Tang Shiya shook her head. That day, she watched the apprentice selection event. She couldn't copy the book mad's questioning paper, but that one The Son of God was able to indulge in swaying. She remembered the scene of the shocking wind and thunder that day, and the Son's talent was unparalleled.

Hearing Tang Shiya's words, the people on the side all smiled wryly, but they had no doubts about this. The book madman had a very high vision, and he could be accepted as a direct disciple and even named a holy son. Compared, not to mention the swaying style of the Holy Son that day, they all saw it with their own eyes, such a monster is destined to be different from them.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the bamboo pavilion: "Why do you have to compare yourself with others, progress is relative to oneself, today is stronger than yesterday, tomorrow is stronger than today, this is progress, I can write four things here. Words are extraordinary, so why should you underestimate yourself? You are you, keep surpassing yourself, and you are strong.

Hearing the words, Tang Shiya and the five people in the pavilion were startled, and their eyes followed the voice, only to see a figure in a green shirt walking slowly.

Soon, Xiao Han came to the bamboo pavilion.

"Holy Son." When they saw the person, Tang Shiya and the five immediately saluted and stood there respectfully, not daring to look directly at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han waved his hand casually, then looked at the four characters on the rice paper.

"Goodness is like water, not bad." Xiao Han chuckled lightly.

"Shi Ya, did you hear that, the Holy Son said that you wrote well, so why don't you seize the opportunity to ask the Holy Son for advice, this is a great opportunity, this is the Holy Son." The woman on the side told Tang Shiya's biography Music laughed.

Tang Shiya's pretty face was slightly red, a little moved, and a little hesitant.

However, before she could hesitate, the woman pushed her out directly.

Xiao Han looked over, Tang Shiya's pretty face turned even redder, but then she didn't know where the courage came from, she looked at Xiao Han with beautiful eyes, and said pretty lively: "Holy Son, can you please guide me? "

"It's naturally no problem." Xiao Han chuckled lightly.

Immediately, Tang Shiya picked up the pen again, while Xiao Han stood behind her and held her hand lightly, and started writing.

"In this thousand strokes, Lin Yun's brush is also about skills. The pen has a thousand pounds. You can't just use brute force to move the brush. The way of calligraphy is to write the spirit. It's a book." Xiao Han wrote and told.

"Well..." Being held hands by Xiao Han, and Xiao Han was very close to her, she could feel the masculinity of the man, Tang Shiya blushed, her eyes were blurred, and she didn't know if she heard Xiao Han. Han's words, anyway, her hands follow Xiao Han's gestures.

Soon, the writing of a line of words was completed. When Tang Shiya felt confused, the four people on the side were surprised. In this moment, there were more than four words written?

"Use your pen intentionally and use the momentum to write." After exhorting Tang Shiya again, Xiao Han turned around and left.

At this time, Tang Shiya had just recovered, her pretty face was still red, and she looked at the four people staring at the rice paper on the table in surprise.

She blinked her beautiful eyes, and seemed to realize what Xiao Han was holding her handwriting just now, and then she also looked down, and a line of verse appeared in front of her eyes:

"The Yellow River falls into the sky and travels to the East China Sea, and thousands of miles are written in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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