Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 53. The Shame of Immortal Cultivators

A riot that had been brewing for several months was easily quelled by Baron Zhiyuan.

After this riot, the refugees finally got enough food and property to survive. After a period of time when the weather gets warmer, they can return to the fields to continue farming.

After experiencing this riot, the number of refugees has dropped significantly, and the number of people is less and the land is more. The average land that can be cultivated by each person has greatly increased, which is a bit tiring.

Also, in this famine riot, most of the people who died were old, weak, sick and disabled, which is equivalent to eliminating a large number of low-quality labor force.

The rest are young laborers who can survive, and their production efficiency has been improved in a pathological way.

It is believed that for a long time to come, the hunger of the tenants will be effectively alleviated.

Although the city on the other side was ransacked by refugees, the people who were robbed were all ordinary residents with no powerful background.

The real upper-class nobles in the city didn't lose a hair, but they could take advantage of the opportunity to annex a large amount of property after the disaster.

As for the ordinary residents, the city lord has quelled the turmoil and avenged them by personally taking action. They are only grateful to the city lord, and all the resentment can only be attributed to the refugees.

Baron Zhiyuan quelled the turmoil with ease, and by the way, gained a lot of gratitude and awe, and his reputation soared. For him, this matter was considered a perfect solution.

Zhang He, who was watching the battle on the top of the mountain a few miles away, was already drenched in cold sweat.

"It's over, let's go back."

Zhang Heyi waved his hand and led a hundred of his men to Heishui Town.

Along the way, I saw many refugees, and they also started to leave Dehua City with large and small bags on their backs.

Some of these refugees were in a good mood after grabbing enough property, humming a ditty, some were empty-handed, sore legs, frowning, and some were sad because of the death of their relatives...

Zhang He looked at these refugees with different expressions. With the knowledge and vision of his previous life, he could easily see that the real reason why the tenant farmers were unable to eat was because of the powerful and greedy upper-class nobles.

The real core of the contradiction is the exploitation of the aristocratic stage, but under the deliberate guidance of the city lord and others, it has become a contradiction between tenant farmers and ordinary residents in the city.

Let the two waves of people at the bottom hurt each other, and those with real vested interests can sit on the sidelines and watch the show, and finally jump out to act as the savior and gain a wave of goodwill.

It seems that in this world with extraordinary force values, the higher-ups only need to strictly control the immortal and martial arts skills to master absolute strength.

The poor at the bottom will never be able to stand up. They can only live in poverty for generations, with no chance of turning over.

Although Zhang He could see through the tricks inside, he was helpless, and he was even glad that he didn't participate in the riot this time, otherwise he would really have to go around.

well! In this kind of world, let yourself survive first before talking about other things.

His current training resources are only a copy of "The True Explanation of Practicing Qi", some five-leaf Peiyuan grass, and a spirit grass whose name he doesn't know.

Based on what he has seen and heard so far, he wanted to obtain resources in both martial arts and immortal ways in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he wanted to live a personal life.

The best way is to build a good relationship with the noble class, or make yourself a nobleman.

It is useless for everyone to be drunk and I am alone, and maybe I will die faster. Since I am powerless to resist, it is better to learn to enjoy it, not to be like the trend, to follow the trend and follow the trend.

At best, you should be better than your own tenant farmers, and don't exploit them too hard.

Zhang He shook his head, feeling that he was thinking a little too far. The main problem he faces now is that he has offended the White Armored Army in the city.

Now that the crisis in Dehua City has been lifted, his crisis is approaching.

Previously, he wanted to fight head-on with the Baijia army and fight to the end with the Baijia army, but now it seems inappropriate, even if he wins, the trouble will not be small.

The White Armored Army is the elite of Dehua City, if I destroy such an army,

It is impossible for the city lord to ignore it, and how to deal with it at that time, it is an existence that can suppress 100,000 people.

I thought about it all the way, but I couldn't think of a suitable way to deal with it, and I arrived at Heishui Town before I knew it.

When I got home, I took a quick nap before dawn, and I had to sleep when the sky fell.

Zhang He slept until the sun was up, got up and had some breakfast, and found many refugees in Heishui Town.

However, these refugees did not come to make trouble, but passed by Heishui Town, and stopped by to set up a street stall to sell some looted goods.

Both sides of the street in Heishui Town are crowded with stalls, and it is more lively than going to the big market in the past.

There are a variety of sundries on each stall, the largest number of which are some old clothes and the like.

There are also looted women's jewelry, pots and pans for daily use, and a small amount of gold and silver utensils mixed with them.

Among all the items for sale, there is no grain.

What everyone really lacks now is food, and other items that cannot be eaten or drunk, even gold and silver, can only be placed in a secondary position.

Zhang He was wandering on the street when he suddenly saw a woman tied up in front of a stall, and a big man was yelling and selling.

Nowadays, few people sell their sons and daughters to sell their wives. Those who should be sold have already been sold or died.

The bound woman was pale, tall and well-proportioned, and she did not look like a tenant farmer who had been doing rough work for a long time.

What surprised Zhang He even more was that there was still a fluctuation of mana in this woman, but at this time the mana was mixed, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, as if it was out of control.

He is very curious now, how a dignified cultivator with mana fell into the hands of ordinary refugees, and was tied up and placed in the market to sell for money.

It is definitely a shame for immortal cultivators to spread the word!

"Brother, take a look, do you want to buy it back and be your daughter-in-law?"

The man took a passing tenant and tried his best to sell it.

"This is my daughter-in-law who hasn't gotten married yet. Her parents are all dead. She is definitely a big girl. She only needs twenty catties of grain and will sell it to you.

If your money is tight, fifteen catties of grain will do. "

The tenant looked it over and curled his lips.

"This one with thin skin and tender meat can't do rough work at first glance. I have to raise it when I go back. I might as well raise a chicken and lay a few eggs every year. It's more cost-effective."

The tenant farmers shook their heads and left. Now that food is expensive, few people are willing to exchange food for women. In exchange, there are two more mouths to feed, which is not worthwhile.

"Brother, look at..."

"This waist is too thin to carry the burden, don't!"

"Legs are too long, waste of fabric, don't!"

"Big breasts and no brains, don't!"

"……don't want!"

"……don't want!"

At this time, the woman who was tied up could hear clearly even though her mouth was stuffed with a ball of rags.

She had never suffered such humiliation in her life, being tied up on the street and being judged by a group of tenants.

Now she can only close her eyes tightly and pretend to be dead. As long as she can't see those criticizing faces, her sense of shame can be slightly relieved.

If she hadn't been besieged by many cultivators and was seriously injured, she really wanted to jump up and kill them all.

At the same time, she was inevitably affected, and a sense of inferiority came to her heart. Could it be that she looks so unbearable? It is only worth twenty catties of grain, and even the tenants look down on it.

"This handsome son, look over here quickly! This is my unmarried daughter-in-law, do you want to buy it back and be a rough servant girl?"

The man's voice was almost smoking, and when he saw Zhang He's luxurious clothes, he hurried forward to say hello.

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