Now I have no idea whether Chen Fei was in Pushan City or Ziying City at that time.

Of course, no matter which city they are in, the powerful human beings are now thinking of ways to respond.

But there is support from the human race, and naturally there are corresponding strong men from the Jui and Ice tribes who come out to intercept.

Compared with the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe, the Human Tribe actually does not have an advantage in terms of the number of Fusion Dao Realm, but they are evenly matched in terms of the number of Emperor Senior Realm.

The eight human emperors who were outside the Glazed Plane escaped completely and returned to the human territory, but all of them were injured.

Of course, the Emperors of the Ice Clan and the Kuai Clan who participated in the war did not receive any benefits. At most, their injuries were minor.

After all, the plan at the time was that the eight emperors of the human race would be taken care of by the ancestors of the Kaitian Realm of the Wei Clan.

Nowadays, the principle of Emperor Zun in the human race is to protect the remaining five cities first and not directly break into the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe legions.

Because even if they really make a sudden advance, there will be corresponding emperors from the Ice Clan and the Gui Clan to intercept them.

Therefore, the human race that is currently supporting Pushan City and Ziying City is advancing more in the form of legions. A small number of Fusion Realm people are trying to sneak into the rear of the Wei Clan and the Ice Clan to see if they can bring out some of the human race.

But it is difficult to say clearly whether this method can find geniuses like Chen Fei, because the human race does not know where Chen Fei is.

The boundaries of Pushan City and Ziying City are really very large. Even a strong person in the Fusion Dao Realm would have difficulty searching them in a short time, let alone being behind the alien tribes and having scruples.

"I'll go too, we can't afford to lose a genius like Chen Fei." Sun Guangyuan said solemnly.

"Senior Sun is righteous!"

The deacon of Aurora City looked solemn, cupped his hand towards Sun Guangyuan, and said: "But the senior has just returned from Pushan City and is still injured. It is not appropriate to go now."

After a while, the Aurora City deacon left. Sun Guangyuan looked sad, but his eyes were extremely cold.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, the boundary of Pushan City.

Fu Zhao of the Kuai tribe looked at the soul-melting bead in his hand, sensing the information coming from it.

Beside Fu Zhao, in addition to the nine peak Sun-Moon realm weirdos, there were more than a dozen phantoms following Fu Zhao.

The faces of these phantoms were full of expressions of struggle and pain, unable to survive or die. From time to time, cyan flames would appear, burning them, causing these phantoms to scream silently in pain.

These phantoms are all of the human race, and they are in the human race sun and moon realm.

After they were killed by Fu Zhao, their remaining souls were collected into the Soul Fusion Bead.

You can't control your life or death, and you have to be burned by the flames from time to time.

Why not all the time? Because it is easy to burn these remnant souls into ashes if they are constantly roasted. And if they are continuously roasted, the pain will be reduced and they will become numb.

Instead, the flames come from time to time, which not only increases the pain, but also ensures that these remaining souls will not dissipate.

Of course, Fu Zhao didn't just kill a dozen human beings in the Sun and Moon Realm. There were already an unknown number of human beings who actually died in his hands.

Only these remnant souls of the Sun and Moon Realm can withstand the power of the soul-melting beads for a long time, so they are preserved.

Relying on the remaining human souls in the soul-melting bead, Fu Zhao can directly locate the human race appearing within a radius of five hundred miles. No matter how deep the opponent is hidden, as long as they are still human, they cannot escape the induction of the soul-melting bead.

If it exceeds five hundred miles, you can continue to track according to the traces in the soul-melting beads you received before.

Of course, unless the other party is in the Fusion Realm, that is beyond the scope of the Soul Fusion Bead.

Fu Zhao never thought of using it to locate the Fusion Dao Realm, just the Sun and Moon Realm for hunting human beings.

But just now, there was a human race that avoided the position of the soul-melting beads one after another.

Not only did this not make Fu Zhao angry, but he became more and more expectant.

Judging from some information that cannot be verified as true, Chen Fei, the genius of the human race, seems to be extremely sensitive to danger.

So, could the human race who escaped one after another be Chen Fei?

Ranked first in the Tower of Time, what a strong combat power, what a strong potential!

But he, Fu Zhao, is also a unique being in the Sun and Moon Realm among the Kuai tribe, and what Fu Zhao usually likes to do most is to hunt the geniuses of other races.

Not only was he appreciative of the opponent's desperate look before his death, but also because Fu Zhao could rob some of the talents of the foreign genius.

Over the years, Fu Zhao has been able to reach the first place in the Sun and Moon Realm of the Kuai Clan because of this trait.

As for the nine peak Sun-Moon Realm people who were with him, they were just strong men from the Gui Clan just in case.

Fu Zhao sensed the Soul Fusion Bead and rushed toward the southwest, with the nine peaks of the Sun and Moon Realm around him following him like a shadow.

A thousand miles away.

Chen Fei watched Lu Feng explode into a ball of blood mist and took back the Qianyuan Sword in his hand.

Chen Fei waved his right hand, and eight spiritual essences flew into the Zangyuan Bell, while the Xuanbao entered Chen Fei's sleeves.

"Chen Fei?"

As the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, the ongoing battle just now was actually very short.

The eight Sun and Moon realms of the Ice Tribe were beheaded, and Hua Zhicun gave a tentative shout.

Although I feel that except for Chen Fei, no one in the Sun and Moon realm has such combat power, but after all, the aura is different, so I still have to ask.

"it's me."

Chen Fei looked at Hua Zhicun and Kuang Xingfeng, nodded and said, "Let's talk as we walk."

There had just been a battle here, and there would be some traces left behind. To be on the safe side, it was natural to move to another place.


Hearing Chen Fei admit his identity, Kuang Xingfeng and Hua Zhicun couldn't help but smile.

"Two to thirty thousand miles away, there are Fusion Dao Realm guards from the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe. Do you have any ideas?"

In the dense forest, Chen Fei looked at Hua Zhicun and the two men and whispered.

"Is there a foreign race in the Dao Fusion Realm waiting for us over there?"

Hua Zhicun looked shocked, but thinking about the behavior of the Ice Clan before, it was almost inevitable for the Rong Dao Realm to intercept and kill them.

Kuang Xingfeng's spirit, which had cheered up slightly because of being rescued, sank again at this moment.

In the Sun and Moon Realm, now that they have Chen Fei, they can still resist.

But in the face of the Fusion of Dao Realm, how can we save ourselves?

As long as one is targeted by the Fusion Dao Realm, it is almost impossible to survive. This is the cruel reality of the Sun Moon Realm facing the Fusion Dao Realm.

"Aurora City should have sent seniors from the Fusion Realm to respond. Maybe we can wait until they come to rescue us."

Hua Zhicun thought for a moment and sighed in a low voice.

It seems that there is only this passive choice left.

It depends on whether your destiny is hard enough and whether you are lucky enough to be found by a strong man in the Fusion Dao Realm of the human race and leave the boundaries of Pushan City.

"If I have enough yuan crystals, my illusion should be able to hide most of the peaks of the sun and moon realm." Kuang Xingfeng thought for a while and said.

Yuanjing contains some regular particles, and some special techniques can indeed slightly utilize the power of Yuanjing.

Although it is very wasteful, at special times, why bother with so much.

Chen Fei nodded, and when he was about to speak, his brows furrowed slightly.

The ten or so foreign auras appeared in Chen Fei's perception again. The other party had completely captured his traces and started to hunt him down.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Chen Fei's expression, Hua Zhicun asked quickly.

"An alien race has been chasing me for a while. There should be some special treasure." Chen Fei said.

Chen Fei can still do it if he wants to get rid of it.

But the other party was chasing after him so closely. If Chen Fei really got rid of him in the end, the other party would most likely report the situation.

If you can catch it, eat it yourself.

If you can't catch up, report it naturally, and you may be able to get a reward.

"What are we now?" Kuang Xingfeng whispered.

Now that he and Hua Zhicun are still injured, they can't help at all. It seems that Chen Fei can only bear everything.

"If you delay for a long time, something unexpected may happen." Chen Fei said solemnly.

"Then let's set up a formation here?" Hua Zhicun suggested.

With formation assistance, combat power can be enhanced. Although I have great faith in Chen Fei, in this current situation, caution is paramount.

"That's too late."

Chen Fei shook his head. Several times of positioning seemed to make those foreigners more and more familiar with Chen Fei's traces. At this moment, the ten aliens used unknown methods and rushed towards them at an extremely exaggerated speed.

It was still too late for Chen Fei to take the person away at this moment, but it was impossible for a slightly powerful formation.

In just a few breaths, Chen Fei raised his head and looked forward, and a trace of space rippled.

The next moment, ten figures walked out of the gap in the space.


This is the first time that Chen Fei has seen this special spatial talent in a foreigner. Of course, it may also be formed by other exotic treasures.

"Fu Zhao!" Hua Zhicun's expression couldn't help but change when he saw the leader of the Kuai tribe.

Kuang Xingfeng's expression also changed slightly, just because of Fu Zhao's reputation.

Chen Fei's heart moved slightly, and the information about the Kuai Clan Fu Zhao came to his mind.

Unlike Chen Fei, the genius of the Kuai clan who suddenly emerged from the army, Fu Zhao's reputation as a genius has been spread among the Kuai clan for a long time, and it seems that the further he goes, the stronger his talent becomes.

During the first trial of Qiankun Mansion, many human beings in the Sun and Moon Realm died in Fu Zhao's hands. Fu Zhao didn't care what level his opponents were, as long as they were human, he would kill them all.

Chen Fei looked past Fu Zhao and towards the human figures behind him.

Extreme pain, extremely distorted faces, just by looking at them, you can feel the despair of these human beings.

It is not the despair of death, but the despair of not being able to die, the ultimate helplessness of not knowing when to truly die.

"Human Chen Fei?"

Fu Zhao glanced at Hua Zhicun and Kuang Xingfeng, and recognized their identities. A sinister smile appeared on his lips, which allowed him to slightly improve his talent.

But the more important thing is the human race at the front.

The aura is round and flawless, and there should be no way forward on the road to the Sun and Moon Realm. Such cultivation should not be unknown in the human race.

Moreover, looking at the attitudes of Hua Zhicun and Kuang Xingfeng, if they follow their lead, the identity of this person is ready to be revealed.

The nine peaks of the Sun and Moon Realm behind Fu Zhao spread out instantly, blocking all possible escape routes around him.

The combat power of the nine of them is not as good as that of Fu Zhao, but they are also well-known among the Kuai clan. If it were not for the requirements of the Kuai clan's Dao Fusion Realm, they would not be able to follow Fu Zhao.

At a critical moment, if they fight for their lives, they can even unleash a blow close to the strength of the Fusion Dao Realm, even though they will die afterwards.

Therefore, in the most extreme case, Fu Zhao could escape smoothly as long as he did not encounter the human race's Fusion Realm with nine attacks in a row that were close to the strength of the Fusion Realm.

"It's the top of the Human Race Tower of Time. I've always wanted to see what it's like. Come on, hit me."

Fu Zhao looked at Chen Fei, stretched out his right hand and hooked his fingers, grinning to reveal his fangs.

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