Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1007: Defeating ten societies with one force

Only looking for results, Mengji sometimes cares about the process. Once it affects the final result, Mengji will directly ignore the process and only focus on the results.

With just one move, Mengji felt something was wrong with the human race in front of him.

Something is wrong. Meng Ji has been practicing for so many years and has even reached the Fusion of Dao realm. He has never encountered or even heard of such a Sun and Moon realm.

It was obviously only the peak of the Sun and Moon Realm, but in the end, he had the upper hand in the confrontation with the Fusion Dao Realm.

If you don't understand the situation, you may wonder whether this peak of the Sun and Moon Realm is actually pretending to be in the Fusion of Dao Realm, or maybe you were originally in the Fusion of Dao Realm, but something happened, so you fell to the Sun and Moon Realm.

But in the fight just now, the rules of both sides collided with each other. It cannot be said that they fully understand the rules of the other party, but they can still sense it to some extent.

This human race's control over rules is indeed still at a relatively unfamiliar stage.

This kind of unfamiliarity is entirely due to the other party's insufficient understanding of the rules.

In other words, this is indeed the Sun and Moon Realm, not a falling realm from the Fusion of Dao Realm.

But just because it was the sun and moon realm, things seemed even more unreasonable.

Because the human race's attack just now directly suppressed him, Mengji. Being far inferior to him in terms of skill, the situation just now was possible only if he greatly surpassed him in terms of strength.

A Sun-Moon Realm’s attack strength is higher than that of a real Fusion Dao Realm?

If Mengji hadn't experienced this kind of thing personally, he would just treat it as a story if anyone told him about it.

And just now, Mengji experienced it very clearly.

Facing this unreasonable existence, the first thing Mengji thought of was to leave first.

It's not that he gave up killing this human race. On the contrary, Mengji's interest in this human race's genius has become unprecedentedly high.

There is definitely something abnormal about this human race, maybe it's a treasure, or something he doesn't understand.

This thing made the strength of this human race become so exaggerated.

Not to mention the talent, no matter how talented you are, it is impossible for a person at the peak of the Sun and Moon Realm to be able to beat the early stage of the Fusion Dao Realm.

Mengji wants to swallow this possible treasure and complete a leap in his cultivation realm!

Therefore, Mengji retreated neatly without any hesitation.

Mengji would not report this matter to the middle or late stage of Fusion Dao Realm, because even if he killed this human race, Mengji would not get any benefits.

It has been nearly four thousand years since Mengji broke through to the Fusion Dao Realm, and his realm has always been lingering in the early stages of the Fusion Dao Realm, making it difficult to advance.

The lifespan of the Kuai tribe is almost the same as that of most other races. After breaking through the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm, their lifespan can generally reach six thousand years. If they understand some special rules, their lifespan will be even longer.

After that, every time you break through a small realm, your life span will increase a little.

If you master all the rules and achieve the Emperor Realm, your lifespan will soar to 12,000 years.

This is a very long time, but no matter how long it is, there will be a time when life ends.

Having enjoyed so much in the world, and being in the Fusion Dao realm, almost at the top of every ordinary race, how could one be willing to die?

Mengji was reluctant to die, but his life span was only a few hundred years, and all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that could extend his life had already been taken by Mengji.

Not wanting to die of old age, Mengji had no choice but to break through the current realm.

This human race is now Mengji's opportunity. Compared with the rewards that can be obtained by killing this human race, the secret of the other party is the most critical.

With Mengji alone, Mengji had no confidence in killing this human race, and he might even be the loser in the end.

Mengji needed to find helpers and two friends who were in the early stages of the Fusion Dao Realm to share this secret with them.

It was only at the early stage of the Fusion of Dao Realm that Meng Ji was sure to share this secret with each other. If it were the middle stage of the Fusion of Dao Realm, he might not even be able to drink the secret.

Through the previous confrontation and the previous changes in the celestial phenomena, this human race should have just reached its current situation, and the power in the body has not yet been fully polished.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he brought friends from tens of thousands of miles away to wipe out this human race.

It’s only tens of thousands of miles away. For those in the Fusion Dao realm, if you go all out, you can go back and forth in no time!


Chen Fei's sword missed, and the terrifying power instantly slashed the sword into the void. The whole space shook slightly and made a dull sound.

Chen Fei raised his head to look at Mengji and found that Mengji was already dozens of miles away in an instant, and his speed continued to increase.

Chen Fei took a step forward, stepped into the gap in space, and the person appeared a hundred miles away.

But looking at Mengji again, he had disappeared without a trace.

In his perception, Chen Fei could still capture Mengji's aura, but this aura was already hundreds of miles away.

A strong person in the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm really wants to escape. How fast he can escape is vividly demonstrated by Meng Ji at this moment.

Chen Fei frowned slightly and did not continue to chase.

In terms of technique, Chen Fei is far inferior to this Wei Clan Fusion Dao Realm. What Chen Fei exceeds is the attack strength because of the unparalleled power given by the main rule of the Rule of Power.

The skill is not as good as it is, and it is even more obvious when it comes to body skills.

In the Fusion Dao Realm, whether it is attacks or body movements, power is used at the level of rules.

Chen Fei can barely do this now, but his skills seem very raw.

Because the soul has not transformed, the skill is still at the fifth level of the sun and moon realm. This fundamentally determines that it is completely impossible for Chen Fei to surpass Meng Ji in skill.

Chen Fei is now like a relatively bloated strongman. When facing an opponent head-on, Chen Fei is almost the same as an ordinary Dao Fusion Realm. However, if the opponent wants to run away, Chen Fei cannot catch up.

It is said that one force can defeat ten enemies, but the premise of this is that the opponent cannot run away.

A hundred miles away, Kuang Xingfeng and Hua Zhicun stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

Because it was so outrageous, the two of them are still a little bit unable to recover.

What did they see?

A person at the peak of the Sun and Moon Realm and an early stage of the Fusion of Dao Realm would fight against each other. In this regard, because of Chen Fei's previous super performance, they had psychological expectations.

But he also knew that this kind of confrontation would not last for more than a few moves, and Chen Fei would definitely be defeated in the end.

As a result, after Chen Fei and the Wei Clan's Dao Fusion Realm fought head-on, the one who fell directly into the disadvantage was actually the Wei Clan's Dao Fusion Realm.

And what's even more outrageous is that after receiving a move from the Gui Clan Fusion Dao Realm, he ran away directly!

A dignified Dao Fusion Realm was beaten away by a Sun and Moon Realm?

Is that a fake Dao Fusion Realm?

Also, Chen Fei, how do you practice?

After Chen Fei walked out of the gap in space, Kuang Xingfeng and Hua Zhicun finally came back to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, Kuang and Xingfeng suddenly realized what serious consequences it would bring if the Wei Clan's Fusion Dao Realm escaped at this moment.

If one Dao Fusion Realm cannot kill Chen Fei, will there be more Dao Fusion Realms coming later?

What to do then?

The joy of rebirth that just surfaced was instantly overwhelmed by the crueler reality.


Chen Fei wrapped the two of them with his Yuan Power and began to rush in other directions.

What Kuang and Xingfeng can think of, Chen Fei can naturally think of.

The Wei Clan in the Dao Fusion Realm was not injured at all just now. Under such circumstances, the other party left decisively, so the plot must be bigger.

Maybe in a few moments, Chen Fei will face the siege of not one Fusion Realm, but multiple Fusion Realms.

Maybe even a strong person in the middle or late stage of Fusion Dao Realm?

Chen Fei's current combat power can handle one person at the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm, but once there are two, Chen Fei will become difficult to resist.

The key is that Chen Fei's movement speed is really at a disadvantage when facing the Fusion Dao Realm.

The outcome of a battle is determined by many factors. It is impossible that just because you are stronger, you will win in the end.

If your body skills are not as good as those who are strong in the Fusion Dao Realm, then the opponent can fight if they want, and leave if they want, and you will not be able to keep the opponent at all. Then the greatest result that can be achieved in the end is probably to injure the opponent.

As a result of Chen Fei's defeat, he would be killed on the spot.

"Chen Fei, let us go and leave alone. The hope is greater!" Hua Zhicun looked at Chen Fei and whispered.

The goal of one person is naturally different from that of three people. With the combat power shown by Chen Fei at the moment, the hidden hope of one person is undoubtedly greater.

"Yes, you go first. If you have a chance in the future, kill a few more Kuai and Ice clans and consider it as revenge for us!" Kuang Xingfeng squeezed out a smile on his face.

"If it doesn't reach that level, I'll break through the realm first."

A smile appeared on Chen Fei's face. After leading Kuang and Xingfeng away from the area for thousands of miles, the three of them moved directly to a location thirty miles underground.

The soil beneath the Guixu Realm is vastly different from the Lower Realm.

The soil layer in the lower plane is really just a rock layer, and under the soil layer in the Guixu Realm, there is a special space formed by squeezing each other over an unknown period of time.

The further below the soil layer, the fewer the gaps in space. Even thirty miles underground, Chen Fei could not sense the existence of gaps in space.

There is no space gap, so there is no movement. After all, Chen Fei's movement relies on passing through the space gap, rather than tearing the space apart.

Kuang Xingfeng and Hua Zhicun stood in the long and narrow passage, watching Chen Fei sitting cross-legged, and at the same time, the aura on their bodies began to rise and fall violently.

Are we really going to break through to the Fusion Dao Realm?

Can it be successful?

Kuang Xingfeng and Hua Zhicun were worried, wondering whether Chen Fei could succeed.

Which peak of the Sun and Moon Realm breaks through to the Fusion of Dao Realm cannot be accomplished in one fell swoop by carefully polishing it for several years, or even decades, when the time is right.

Many times, even if you work hard for so long, you will eventually fail.

Nowadays, in such a critical situation in Pushan City, it is really difficult to maintain a stable enough state of mind and polish the spirit and soul.

But Chen Fei's accumulated foundation is really too profound.

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