Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1048 The fist is the truth

All the Fusion Dao realms in the Black Stone Territory subconsciously looked up at the sky, and then the eyes of all the Fusion Dao realms couldn't help but widen slightly.

Nine, a total of nine seventh-level Open Heaven Realm experts looked down at them from the sky.

All the thoughts in the Fusion Dao Realm in the Black Stone Territory are somewhat stagnant, and they cannot turn around for a while.

Isn’t it said that one of the Wumeng clan is in the middle stage of the seventh-order Open Heaven Realm, and the other one has just broken through to the early stage of the seventh-order Open Heaven Realm? How come now, there are a total of nine seventh-level Open Heaven Realm powerhouses all at once.

It turns out that the power displayed by the Wumeng tribe has already suppressed the entire Black Stone Territory. Now there are nine seventh-level Open Heaven Realm, which can simply squeeze the Black Stone Territory wantonly.

Chen Fei took a deep breath and slowly put away the shock in his heart.

When he heard that the Wumeng tribe had a middle-stage Open Heaven Realm, Chen Fei was still a little surprised why there was only one other who had just broken through to the early Open Heaven Realm.

It was originally speculated that in the battle with the enemy race, the other seventh-level Open Heaven Realm members of the Wumeng Tribe suffered heavy losses.

Now it seems that it is obvious that after the Wumeng tribe came to the Black Stone Territory, other Open Heaven Realm powerhouses did not show up, which made the creatures in the Black Stone Territory mistakenly believe that the two Open Heaven Realm are the top power of the Wumeng Tribe.

Facing a total of nine Open Heaven Realm experts, the Fusion Dao Realm master from Black Stone Territory had finally put down all the luck in his heart.

From now on, the people of the Black Stone Territory will be the Wumeng clan.

They must go wherever the Wumeng tribe tells them to go. There is only one consequence for resisting, and that is genocide. There will be no exceptions.

"The Blackstone Territory will be led by our Wumeng clan from now on."

Wen Chi looked down and said in a calm voice: "The Xuan Clan will send other races to attack the Black Stone Territory in the future, and it will be up to you to resist these small races. If the Xuan Clan Kaitian Realm comes in person, we, the Wumeng Clan, will take action."

After Wen Chi finished speaking, all the Dao Fusion realms below fell silent. There was no one to refute, not even the ancestor of the Wei Clan.

It was obviously the Wumeng clan's own business, but after they came to the Blackstone Territory, they dragged the entire Blackstone Territory into the quagmire of war.

This kind of thing makes no sense at all, but in the Guixu world, big fists make sense.

The Wumeng clan is stronger than the entire Blackstone Territory, so they are the biggest!

Wenchi didn't want to use the Wumeng tribe to compete with the Xuan tribe's subordinate races, so letting the races from the Blackstone Territory do it was naturally the best choice.

As for the Xuan Clan's Kaitian Realm, if they take action in person, the Wumeng Clan will also join the battle.

It's not that they pity the lives of the Black Stone Territory race, but if they use the Fusion Dao Realm of the Black Stone Territory to fight against the Xuan Tribe's Open Heaven Realm, they will be directly slaughtered.

The degree of utilization is too low, and in the end it will cause more losses to the Wumeng tribe.

"Reward for meritorious deeds and punishment for delinquency. This is the rule of our Wumeng tribe, and it is also the rule that you must abide by."

Wen Chi looked down, his eyes lingering for a moment on the ancestors of the Wei clan and many peaks of the Fusion Dao Realm, and continued:

"The Blackstone Territory is very barren and does not even have the orthodox Open Heaven Realm. But if you have made enough contributions, we, the Wumeng Clan, can provide the secret method for breaking through the Open Heaven Realm, and even spiritual materials that can help break through. Can be redeemed!”

Hearing Wen Chi's words, the minds of many at the peak of Fusion Dao Realm present were shaken up.

There seems to be only one level difference between the Fusion Dao Realm and the Open Heaven Realm, but the gap is as big as a chasm.

Blackstone Territory does not even have the orthodox Open Heaven Realm. The reason is just as what Wen Chi said. The lack of resources is one aspect, and the lack of secret methods for breakthrough is also a huge factor.

Of course, it is an indisputable fact that each race in the Blackstone Domain has its own upper limit.

If a method can be obtained, then the hope of breaking through to the Open Heaven Realm will be much greater.

As for the spiritual materials that can increase the success rate of breakthrough, I didn't think about it at the peak of Fusion Dao Realm.

If there is such a good thing, the Wumeng tribe must keep it for themselves, and how can they exchange it for it.

The only ones present who didn't react were probably the War clan, because their upper limit was directly sealed, making it impossible to break through.

Even the methods of breakthrough have been destroyed.

It was said that it would be easy for those who had the ability to seal the Zhan clan to directly exterminate the Zhan clan. However, for some unknown reason, they did not exterminate the clan and instead adopted the method of sealing it.

"Okay, I have finished what I have to say, you can go to the mission hall to receive the mission."

After Wen Chi finished speaking, his figure had disappeared. Also disappearing at the same time were eight other powerful Open Heaven Realm masters from the Wumeng tribe.

They traveled thousands of miles to summon the Black Stone Domain Fusion Dao Realm to come to Mengcheng. It was the Wumeng clan who asked the Black Stone Domain Fusion Dao Realm to do things.

There was no discussion, just notification.

The people in the Black Stone Realm Fusion Dao Realm looked at each other and flew towards the mission hall in Mengcheng.

"Each Dao Fusion Realm must complete one task within one year. Those who cannot complete it will have their lower-level cultivation level revoked!"

Chen Fei followed many of the human race's Dao Fusion Realm to the mission hall, and immediately saw the requirements in the mission hall.

Unable to complete one task in a year, the peak of Fusion Dao Realm fell to the late stage of Fusion Dao Realm?

Chen Fei frowned slightly, not doubting whether the Wumeng clan could do this at all, but clearly felt that the Wumeng clan really used their Fusion Dao Realm in the Black Stone Domain as a tool.

If the tool doesn't work for you, either change it to see if it works for you. If it can't be changed, just throw it away.

Chen Fei walked around the mission hall and got a general understanding of what the Wumeng clan wanted them to do in the Fusion Dao Realm of the Black Stone Domain.

At the early stage of the Fusion Dao Realm, go to station outside the border of the Wumeng tribe. A person at the early stage of the Fusion Dao Realm is responsible for a certain distance.

Nowadays, in the Blackstone Domain, all those who are in the early stages of Fusion Dao Realm can take on this task. The second one is to serve as a scout and investigate in the direction of the Xuan Clan.

Now the Wumeng tribe is not sure whether the Xuan tribe will choose to continue attacking them or make a temporary truce. Anyway, basic border defense and intelligence collection need to be started.

The most suitable thing for this kind of thing is the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

As for those in the middle stage of the Rongdao realm and above, they cannot choose to be stationed at the border. They must either serve as scouts or be stationed as the second line of defense for the Wumeng tribe.

Once something happens on the border, when the Blackstone Territory retreats in the early stage of the Fusion Dao Realm, unite with the early stage of the Fusion Dao Realm to block the vassal races of the Xuan tribe.

The higher the level, the more available task types will be.

The realm that Chen Fei is now exposed to is the early stage of the Fusion of Dao Realm.

The mystery of suppressing the sky, without Chen Fei using all his strength, even the Open Heaven Realm of the Wumeng tribe could not see Chen Fei's true cultivation level.

Therefore, the task that Chen Fei can choose now is to guard the border of the Wumeng tribe. As for the area to be stationed, it must be arranged according to the Wumeng tribe. The Fusion Dao Realm of the Black Stone Domain is not yet qualified to choose an area.

Choosing to garrison the border, apart from the possibility of being attacked by the first wave of Xuan tribe, is not without its benefits, that is, there is no deadline for mission failure.

As long as you accept this task, it is equivalent to being in the task state all the time. The Wumeng tribe will calculate your contribution once a year.

The Wumeng clan does not discuss anything with the Dao Fusion Realm of Blackstone Domain and gives complete orders. However, the redeemable resources in the mission hall are indeed abundant. On this point, the Wumong clan does not skimp on them.

The contribution points gained during the first five years of guarding the border in the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm can be exchanged for five shares of sixth-level mid-grade spiritual materials.

This is equivalent to exchanging a sixth-level mid-grade spiritual material every year. However, as time goes by, starting from the sixth year, the contribution value given begins to decline rapidly.

Obviously, in the view of the Wumong tribe, if the Xuan tribe does not come to the Blackstone Territory within five years, it should be acquiesced that the Wumong tribe will retreat here.

Guarding the borders is a valuable contribution, as are other tasks.

Therefore, although there were complaints and dissatisfaction in the hearts of those in the Blackstone Realm Fusion Dao realm, with the strong strength of the Wumeng clan and the decent redemption rewards, things did not seem to be the worst.

A sweet date and a stick.

"Under the current situation, we old guys can no longer stay with you, so be careful outside!"

In Mengcheng, Jiang Chengji looked at Chen Fei and gave serious instructions.

All Dao Fusion realms in the Blackstone Territory must accept tasks. Even if Dao Yuefeng is in such a dying state, other emperors of the human race must help share part of the tasks.

"Junior understands, Senior Jiang, don't worry." Chen Fei nodded.

"When encountering irresistible danger, run first!" Jiang Chengji added, still a little worried.

"Okay, run first!" Chen Fei smiled and nodded.

Two months later, northwest of the Wumong tribe, in the Poro Mountains.

Chen Fei was sitting cross-legged in a cave on a mountain peak, practicing as usual.

When allocating the garrison area, Chen Fei was a bit unlucky and was assigned to the northwest, which was facing the direction where the Xuan clan might attack.

However, in the past two months, everything has been calm here, and the Xuan tribe's forward troops have not appeared.

Chen Fei, on the other hand, has been practicing hard during the past two months.

The result of ten thousand low-grade yuan crystals a day is that Huangyu's proficiency with the Divine Sword has reached 30% of the perfection level. At the same time, the number of rule fragments in the soul has increased by three pieces, reaching forty-eight pieces.

The sixth-level Zhencang Qiong continued to move towards the mastery realm, and the number of fragments of the rules of physical and internal strength increased from thirty-one to thirty-two.

Compared with regular crystals, the progress in strength is naturally much slower, but compared with other mid-level Fusion Dao realms, this speed is already incredibly fast.

In the Yuan Gathering Formation, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly opened, and he frowned slightly as he looked at the 10,000 low-grade Yuan Jing that had only been shattered for three hours.

After thinking for a moment, twelve warriors appeared behind Chen Fei, and then smelted with each other, and a warrior at the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm appeared.

The Qianyuan Sword made a sword sound and fell into the hands of the warrior. The warrior's figure jumped and disappeared into the Juyuan Formation.

Thousands of miles away, a figure hid in the shadows and flew forward quickly.

Finally, the Poro Mountains were in sight, and the figure's speed slowly decreased.

Under the moonlight in the sky, a human figure's face was revealed, the human Sun Guangyuan.

Sun Guangyuan was leading a scouting mission and did not need to stick to one area.

The mission of the Ice Tribe to assassinate Chen Fei has not changed. As long as Chen Fei is killed, those generous rewards will still be valid.

In today's current situation, only by improving your own strength can you survive until the end.

Slowly, Sun Guangyuan saw Chen Fei's figure in the distance. (End of chapter)

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