Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1146 Jumping out of the Three Realms

Seventh-level Suppression of the Sky is something that must be cultivated. Most of Chen Fei's combat power comes from it.

Nowadays, the seventh-level Suppressing Sky first cultivates the rules of cause and effect, and then the rules of destruction. Once Chen Fei succeeds in learning, his combat power will increase significantly.

There were two positions left for enlightenment. Chen Fei hesitated before, but finally gave one position to Lanyu Shenjue, the Yuanli main skill.

Because of his understanding of the rules, he is now limited by Chen Fei's spiritual soul's ability to withstand it. In fact, he cannot maximize the role of his spiritual machine.

Therefore, if both enlightenment positions are given the secondary rule of the ground, from a cost-effective perspective, it is not actually very high.

After a while, the spiritual energy in the training room returned to normal, and Chen Fei slowly opened his eyes.

The seventh-level Zhencangqiong has already started, but with the spiritual essence of the early seventh-level, the proficiency of the seventh-level Zhencangqiong will not increase much.

Obviously, cultivating the seventh-level Suppression of the Sky is a long process.

But practicing two such powerful main rules, even if it is slower, it is normal.

The proficiency of Lan Yu Divine Technique has increased from 20% to 35% in the entry level.

Compared with the original Kuanglan Tianyu Jue, the same early-stage spiritual essence of the Open Heaven Realm has less progress in improving its proficiency.

However, Lanyu Divine Technique is a seventh-level high-grade skill, and the progress is slower, but the actual understanding of the seventh-level Open Heaven Realm is more.

The secondary rule of the earth [Heavy], originally thirty rule fragments had been comprehended in the soul. This time, the number of rule fragments reached fifty through practice.

This is simply an unexpected surprise, because with the same spiritual essence in the early stage of the Open Heaven Realm, Chen Fei practiced the secondary rules of two kinds of earth at the same time. As a result, the rule fragments increased by ten pieces each.

Now, with the growth of talent, and only one secondary rule has been comprehended, the soul can withstand the short-term impact of the rule fragments, allowing the rule fragments obtained by one comprehension to increase significantly.

Chen Fei couldn't help but smile on his face. He looked at the new Open Heaven Realm spirit essence in his hand and crushed it into pieces. The majestic inspiration came again.

Including the ones used just now, the total of all the spiritual essences is actually six parts. Among them, the spiritual essences in the middle stage of the Open Heaven Realm can barely be regarded as two parts.

The cultivation of spiritual essence is all about the moment of youthfulness, which lasts for an extremely short time.

Therefore, these few spiritual essences were already consumed in less than half an hour.

Although the time is short, the harvest is very great.

For other practitioners in the Open Heaven Realm, no matter how hard they work in retreat, the rewards are not stable. Sometimes they gain a lot within a hundred years, and sometimes a difficulty in cultivation can block them for thousands of years.

As long as Chen Fei has enough inspiration, his gains from cultivation will be an equal increase with minimal deviation.

With these few Open Heaven Realm spiritual essences, the proficiency of the Seventh Level Suppressing the Sky has reached the 30% level of the Entry Level.

Although it was only 30% of the entry level, Chen Fei clearly felt that there was a new rule in his body at this moment, which was the rule of cause and effect.

Chen Fei also understood the rules of cause and effect. Among the sixth-level inheritance of the human race, there is a cultivation method of the secondary rules of cause and effect. The previous Dao Yuefeng was a strong person in this way.

And based on this, the position of Lu Ji from the Wei tribe was deduced, and precious time was bought for the human race.

Chen Fei knows how to practice, and even has a few fragments of the secondary rules of cause and effect in his soul.

But at this moment, the secondary rules of cause and effect in the soul are already somewhat insignificant compared to the rules of cause and effect in the body.

Standing in the secret room, Chen Fei felt that his body and mind were at peace, because all the karmic obstacles that wanted to involve Chen Fei were blocked by a force at this moment, and they could not fall on Chen Fei at all.

Jumping out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements?

Chen Fei's eyes fluctuated, which seemed to indicate that everything was possible.

Even though the seventh-level Suppressing Heavenly Realm is only 30% of the entry level, if it were not for the seventh-level Open Heaven Realm that has cultivated the complete main rules of cause and effect, Chen Fei's information and location would not be deduced at all.

When Chen Fei completes the cultivation of the main rules of cause and effect in his body, and the two main rules of force and cause and effect cooperate with each other, even if he is in the Kaitian realm where he majors in the main rules of cause and effect, he will not be able to reach Chen Fei.

As for whether the eighth level could be calculated, Chen Fei didn't know. After all, the eighth level was still an extremely unfamiliar field to Chen Fei.

Zhencangqiong now possesses the characteristics of not being affected by any method, but also has the characteristics of being sure to hit when he shoots.

Reverse cause and effect, as the understanding of the rules of cause and effect continues to deepen in the future, even if the opponent is hiding in the formation, Chen Fei may directly hit the opponent through the formation.

It's somewhat unreasonable, but the two main rules of force and cause and effect work together, and that's it.

Zhen Cang Qiong has made significant progress, and Chen Fei's main Yuanli Kung Fu, Lan Yu Shen Jue, has not improved at all. He has soared directly from the entry level to more than half of the master level.

Being able to understand a seventh-level high-grade technique to more than half of the mastery level is already at the level of the middle stage of the Open Heaven Realm of a great clan, and is very rare in the early stage of the Open Heaven Realm.

As the Lanyu Divine Art reached the level of mastery, Chen Fei could clearly feel some subtle changes taking place in his soul and energy.

This subtle change will not only make Chen Fei's soul and energy more powerful when he takes action, but also make the load of the rules on his soul weaker during practice.

In other words, as his proficiency in practicing the main skills continues to improve, no matter how fast Chen Fei understands the rules in the future, he may not be restricted by the soul.

The technique itself is one of the best ways to continuously optimize the practitioner's soul, energy, and resonance rules.

The skill has improved significantly, and the secondary rules of the earth [heavy] have been directly condensed into complete secondary rules during this practice.

At this point, there are already two secondary rules of earth in Chen Fei's soul.

What's more terrifying is that today is actually the first day that Chen Fei breaks through to the Open Heaven Realm.

After the Open Heaven Realm Spiritual Essence was consumed, Chen Fei naturally did not stop practicing, but began to break the middle-grade Yuan Jing to practice.

Dozens of mid-grade crystals were equivalent to a regular crystal back then, but the regular crystal was of little use to Chen Fei now.

Therefore, Chen Fei wanted to maintain a more cost-effective practice, and the number of mid-grade crystals that could be broken into pieces in a day was one thousand.

If there are enough middle-grade Yuanjing, the spiritual intelligence can continue to increase, but unfortunately, after the middle-grade Yuanjing in Chen Fei's hands was simplified to the seventh level to suppress the sky, there was actually not much left.

Time passed slowly, Chen Fei was practicing in seclusion in a secret room, and the human race in the Fusion Dao Realm started killing the ice race and the weird race with the warriors overwhelming the formation.

War sometimes has nothing to do with right or wrong, it just depends on which side you are on.

Five days later, the human race returned to Shaoyun City in the Fusion Dao Realm. From then on, there were no more Ice Tribe and Wei Tribe in the Black Stone Territory.

At this moment, the Blackstone Territory has actually been in turmoil for several days. Because some races found out, Meng City was razed, and the Wumeng tribe was actually exterminated.

Afterwards, the human race's purge of the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe was also known to other races, and various speculations spread in the Blackstone Territory.

The Gong and Qiu tribes who were previously sent by the Wumeng tribe to shake Yun City are now staying in their own territory with lingering fears.

After hearing the orders from the Wumeng tribe, the Gong tribe and the Qiu tribe did not dare to disobey and began to prepare their legions. However, before the legion set out, they found that the Wumong tribe could no longer be contacted.

The disappearance of the Wumeng tribe must be related to the human race, and of course, the powerful Xuan tribe.

But no race dared to verify what was going on, for fear that their own race would also disappear into the Black Stone Territory if they were not careful.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and in the sky above Shakyun City, several huge wooden ships hung across the sky, and all human beings were on these nine giant ships.

Many human beings looked at Shaoyun City below with some nostalgia in their eyes. After all, this was the place where they were born and raised.

But at the same time, he is full of expectations for the Xuanling Realm he is about to go to.

The human race wants to move from the corner of the Ruins Realm, the Black Stone Territory, to a territory more suitable for cultivation and development. The human race has been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years, and now it is finally beginning to take off.

"Let's go!"

Chen Fei stood in front of the nine giant ships, and his voice spread in all directions. As Chen Fei's words fell, the nine giant ships started to fly towards the direction of the Xuanling Realm.

One day later, the news that the human race was about to leave the Blackstone Territory spread like wildfire. At the same time, the news that an Open Heaven Realm appeared in the human race resounded in the ears of all the creatures in the Blackstone Territory.

The human race, it turns out, has the Open Heaven Realm! No wonder, you have to leave the Blackstone Territory!

Indescribable and unknown emotions linger in the hearts of all races in the Blackstone Territory.

They are all creatures born and raised in the Blackstone Territory. On this day, the human race seems to have a clear relationship with them, and the two sides will no longer be the same.

Two months later.

The nine giant human ships were still speeding in the sky, while the Xuan clan's giant ship was a hundred miles away, and the two sides were traveling side by side.

On the human race main ship, there was a person lying on the bed in a cabin at the moment, it was Dao Yuefeng.

Suddenly, Dao Yuefeng's eyes moved rapidly under his eyelids, and then opened them instantly. He even ducked to the edge of the bed and looked around warily.

After a while, it seemed that no danger was found. Dao Yuefeng breathed a sigh of relief. Feeling that all the injuries on his body had recovered, a trace of doubt appeared in Dao Yuefeng's eyes.

He knew how serious his injury was, but now, there were no sequelae at all.

Faint voices came from outside the cabin. Dao Yuefeng left the bed, came to the cabin door, and then opened the door.

The bright sunshine shone on Dao Yuefeng's cheek. It seemed that he had not seen the sun for a long time, which made Dao Yuefeng's eyes narrow slightly.

"you're awake!"

Sensing the movement in the cabin, eighteen figures appeared one by one, all looking at Dao Yuefeng with smiles on their faces.

Dao Yuefeng looked at Qiu Gongzhi and the others, and all kinds of doubts suddenly appeared in his mind. Dao Yuefeng thought that he would never wake up again, because the human race's background could not save him from that kind of injury when he was desperate.

Or when you wake up, the world has changed and everything has changed.

But looking at it now, it seems like not much time has passed?

"Welcome back!"

Chen Fei's figure appeared, looking at Dao Yuefeng with a smile on his face.

Dao Yuefeng looked at Chen Fei with more doubts in his eyes.

Dao Yuefeng looked into the distance and felt the laughter and laughter of the human race on the nine giant ships. Has the war with the Wei tribe been won?

Now, where is this going?

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