The ancestor of the Feather Clan, Jian Shizao, appeared on the side, and Ran Bianqing of the Feather Clan, both of them were looking at the territory jade in Chen Fei's hand.

"You old man, when there is good news, you never miss it." Shi Dingan looked at Jian Shizao and scolded with a smile.

Jian Shizao had a smile on his face and did not refute Shi Dingan's words.

"I will use all these territories to exchange for high-grade Yuan crystals and spiritual materials. If the two seniors are interested, just give them as you see fit." Chen Fei released the jade in his hand and let it fly to Shi Dingan and Jian Shizao.

The other five eighth-level races in the Xuanling Domain saw this scene and wanted to participate, but with the Xian Clan and the Feather Clan on the side, these six core territories would never fall into their hands.

Shi Dingan and Jian Shizao discussed in a low voice, each took three pieces of jade, and then handed a storage bag to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said that he would give it as he saw fit, but Shi Dingan and Jian Shizao could not really lower the price, or even give more.

After all, compared with the territory, the top-grade crystals and spiritual materials can be produced continuously. Now these foreign races are so aggressive, and they just want to seize a few territories so that they can have a place to live in the future.

Chen Fei sensed the items in the two storage bags, and a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The crystals and spiritual materials are roughly worth seven eighth-level late-stage fortunes. Compared with the six territories given by Chen Fei, Shi Dingan and Jian Shizao have a much higher premium.

"Thank you, two seniors." Chen Fei smiled and bowed.

"We got a good deal, and we should be the ones to thank." Jian Shizao smiled and waved his hand.

Shi Dingan nodded with a smile on the side. Chen Fei was willing to exchange the territory for the crystals and spiritual materials, so this was a win-win situation.

The three parties exchanged greetings for a while, and Shi Dingan and Jian Shizao returned to their original place, while Chen Fei took out three copies of the inheritance of the skills from his sleeves.

The Xian clan is still a very good ally. When there is a need, it is really given.

This kind of eighth-grade superb inheritance in the Guixu Realm, when combined, is the most effective in improving Chen Fei's main cultivation method.

The most conservative estimate is that by then, the level of the Nine Heavens Dark Demon Art will at least change from the current good level to the real top level of the eighth level.

Although it will not be the best in the past and present, it should be stronger than the inheritance of most eighth-grade races, and at least comparable to the eighth-grade cultivation methods in the hands of those ninth-grade races.

Chen Fei separated a part of his mind and invested it in the jade slip, occasionally looking at the situation in the arena, and most of his attention was on the cultivation method.

As time passed, Chen Fei's majestic aura began to fall back, and finally fell to the level of the early eighth level.

This was not Chen Fei's deliberate act, but a sequelae of the six-fold Nine Heavens Forbidden Art just now, and his realm fell a small level.

Sensing the change in Chen Fei's aura, the eighth-grade masters of other races did not feel anything, thinking that Chen Fei was hiding his aura again. After all, at the beginning, the realm that Chen Fei showed was the early eighth level.

Only the Xian Clan, because they had the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art, understood what was going on with Chen Fei's current state.

However, all the eighth-level Xian Clan members remained calm and pretended not to see this.

When Chen Fei used the Nine Heavens Power in the arena just now, the Xian Clan's Creation Realm members didn't think much about it, mainly because the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art had only been given to Chen Fei not long ago.

Subconsciously, they didn't think Chen Fei could cultivate the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art to a high level, mainly because the time was too short.

At that time, they just regarded Chen Fei's special aura change as caused by other skills, and watched Chen Fei kill Yu Zongguan and then challenge the Tapir Clan and the Yin Clan in succession.

It can be seen that Chen Fei didn't take his state seriously at all, which made the Xian Clan think that it was not the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art.

As a result, Chen Fei's aura is now falling, and the details of this aura fall are not exactly the same as the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art, but they are almost the same.

Shi Borong stood beside Chen Fei, and this feeling was even more obvious.

After exerting the power of the sixth level of the Nine Heavens, one's realm will definitely drop, and one will fall into a weak state. Although one can cultivate back later, that is a matter for the future.

If those foreign races see the clues at this moment, especially the Tapir and Yin tribes, will they take the opportunity to challenge Chen Fei?

Shi Boyong had various thoughts in his mind, but he still looked at the arena calmly, without revealing his thoughts at all, and did not even go out of his way to talk to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei sensed that his realm had fallen, but he did not care too much. He activated the backup on the panel, and the surrounding heaven and earth energy began to flow into Chen Fei's body.

Before coming to Nansha Valley, Chen Fei had already made a backup to prevent the realm from slipping and becoming weak after exerting the power of the Nine Heavens.

While reading the eighth-level superb inheritance in his hand, Chen Fei absorbed the heaven and earth energy to remove the weak state, and at the same time his realm began to recover to the middle stage of the eighth level.

Compared to Chen Fei's previous attempt to store his killing move in the space grid, which deliberately shattered his origin and performed the Heaven Slash, the sequelae of the sixth-level Nine Heavens Power are nothing at all, and Chen Fei's recovery speed is also faster.

Even in the future, when Chen Fei performs the complete Nine Heavens Power, it will not take much time to recover.

"Nine Heavens Forbidden Art, if it is performed to the sixth level, it will definitely fall into a lower realm afterwards."

A voice transmission sounded in the ears of Yu Shizhong, the ancestor of the Tapir Clan, and Mu Yonghe, the ancestor of the Yin Clan.

Yu Shizhong and Mu Yonghe's expressions moved slightly, and they glanced at Chen Fei's position without making a sound, taking in all the details of Chen Fei's breath state at the moment.

Yu Shizhong and Miao Yonghe did not know what the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art was. Although they had deliberately collected a lot of information from the Guixu Realm and the Xuanling Domain, they could only roughly understand the Guixu Realm.

There were so many techniques in the Guixu Realm, and the characteristics of each technique were different. Because apart from the more well-known techniques, these foreign races knew very little about other inheritances.

But knowing little about the techniques did not mean that they could not obtain what they needed through other methods.

Through subtle observation of the aura, in many cases, one can see 50% to 60% of the essence of a thing. This is the vision of the peak of the eighth level.

Just now, they did not pay much attention to the changes in Chen Fei's aura, just like other eighth levels, because Chen Fei's every move just now was too calm and confident.

This calmness and confidence, combined with the combat power displayed by Chen Fei, was enough to make the eighth levels of various races ignore many things.

At this moment, there was an unknown voice transmission. While observing Chen Fei, they sensed that something was wrong with Chen Fei's aura.

The real hidden cultivation is perfect and flawless, just like when Chen Fei did not start, all the eighth-level people present did not see that Chen Fei's true realm was already the middle eighth-level.

And now, Chen Fei's aura is weak.

This kind of weakness is difficult to sense. If you don't have a superior vision, you can't observe it at all.

Yu Shizhong turned his head and glanced at Mu Yonghe, who also looked back. The two looked at each other and saw the coldness in each other's eyes.

Being threatened by a middle eighth-level person in front of the eighth-level people of all races, they could only swallow the threat, resist, and obediently send out the core territory in their hands.

They have experienced such frustration, but they have never experienced it so deeply from a person whose cultivation realm is weaker than theirs.

"Is it a trap?" Yu Shizhong's voice appeared in Mu Yonghe's ears.

Yu Shizhong and Mu Yonghe couldn't find out which eighth-level peak person sent the message to them just now. But it is certain that it is definitely not an alien race.

Because the sound transmission method is the ultimate application of rules, and it is difficult for alien races to know the Nine Heavens Forbidden Art, after all, even they have never heard of this technique before.

But it is precisely because it is the sound transmission of the native race of Guixu Realm that Yu Shizhong has to doubt whether there is any trick in it.

"I don't know, it depends on whether you and I are willing to bet!" Mu Yonghe's eyes fluctuated, and he glanced at the other eighth-level peaks.

It is also unknown whether the sound transmission just now was only for them, or whether the eighth-level peaks of other alien races also received it.

However, looking at the expressions of those eighth-level peaks, it is estimated that even if they really received the sound transmission, they would pretend not to hear it.

The alien races have never been united, and there will be conflicts between them, and the conflicts are not small. Now they have come together only for common interests.

If it were not for this common interest, these alien races would fight each other.

They, these alien races, can see that Chen Fei will be a huge threat in the future. If left alone, it will become a big problem.

But if they don't have to do it themselves, and someone else can help, why not do it?

The ones who hate Chen Fei the most now are the Zhong Clan, the Tapir Clan, and the Yin Clan. After all, all three of them have lost their eighth-level late-stage members to Chen Fei, and Chen Fei also took away six core territories.

Let's not talk about the Zhong Clan now. After all, their strength is just like that, and the means they can use are extremely limited. But the Tapir Clan and the Yin Clan still have other means.

"It's obviously a matter of all the clans, and we can't all do it. If Chen Fei really hides in the Xian Clan and doesn't come out, it will be really difficult to deal with!" Yu Shizhong said in a deep voice.

After this life-and-death duel, the foreign races should be able to get a lot of core territories. Not to say how satisfied they are, but at least they can really stand firm in the Xuanling Domain.

In this case, they have lost the biggest motivation to fight the Xian Clan to the death in order to kill Chen Fei.

And if the Xian Clan is besieged, the other eighth-level races will not stand idly by.

The peak level 8 expert who had just sent them a message could allow the Xian Clan to continue to exist, but he did not want a human like Chen Fei to suddenly rise.

The territory of the Xian Clan was basically fixed, and the rise of the human race would inevitably require more core territories, which would be taken from foreign races or from the native races of the Xuanling Domain.

More importantly, the rise of the human race, the alliance formed by the human race, the Xian Clan and the Yu Clan, affected the original balance.

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