After reading the fragments of Rao Zhaopu's soul, Chen Fei knew how Rao Zhaopu's powerful clone was refined.

The secret method of the Night Demon Body is very powerful, and Rao Zhaopu's own situation is also one in a million. After the two are combined, a qualitative change has occurred.

Chen Fei's body naturally does not have the special conditions of Rao Zhaopu. Under normal circumstances, the Night Demon Body cannot be cultivated.

Chen Fei's attitude towards the clone is very different from when he was in the Endless Sea.

Because in the Guixu Realm, once the clone is controlled by someone, it is easy to threaten the original body, which is not worth the loss.

Chen Fei was stunned when he looked at the Night Demon Body just now, because the method of cultivating the clone of the Night Demon Body is really a different way. After this different way, Chen Fei suddenly had a strange idea.

Chen Fei's body is nothing special, but there are too many special features on the panel.

If the characteristics of the Night Demon Body's skills are used, instead of extracting information from Chen Fei's body, but from the backup of the panel, what will happen?

The backup on the panel is actually Chen Fei in the past. If it is extracted, wouldn't Chen Fei have a clone with the same strength as the original body?

Chen Fei has been constantly pondering the rules of time whenever he has time recently.

Because the rules of time are too special, there are almost no useful records in the inheritance below the ninth level. Even if there are, they are all guessed by the practitioners themselves and cannot be counted at all.

According to Chen Fei's own understanding, the rules of time can be roughly divided into the past, present and future. If you can comprehend the rules of time [past], not to mention the real body traveling back to the past, at least you should refine a past body.

Chen Fei's fighting soldiers can also be called clones to some extent, but this clone is at a low level and cannot perform the Dragon Elephant Zhen Cangqiong because it has no physical body.

The problem of the physical body is actually not difficult to solve. Many natural materials and treasures can produce flesh and blood.

But the physique tempered by the Dragon Elephant Zhen Cangqiong must be cultivated step by step. This is how Chen Fei's original body was cultivated. If you want a clone to have such a strong physique, it is not enough to have the proficiency of the technique, but you must continue to temper it.

The issues involved are extremely complicated.

Just like many practitioners who need a long time to recover from injuries if they are injured.

These practitioners actually know very well what they are like in their normal state, but even if they know, it is impossible to quickly recover with Yuanli.

Knowing and doing are two completely different concepts.

Now that Chen Fei has the Night Demon body and the panel backup, it seems that he has both knowing and doing. Then can Chen Fei refine a clone with the same strength as the original body?

Without the clone, continue to use the magical power of scattering beans into soldiers to continue to refine the war soldiers, so that even if the war soldiers are captured, they will not threaten Chen Fei's original body.

Chen Fei's eyes moved back and forth between the panel and the Night Demon. Chen Fei has a great possibility that he can refine his past body without understanding the rules of time.

At that time, Chen Fei's strength will increase dramatically.

Apart from anything else, if Chen Fei now has a past body of the war soldier, the ancestor of the Grosbeak Clan invites him to fight, Chen Fei will immediately agree.

The cultivation method of the Night Demon Body is somewhat incomplete, but Chen Fei has already understood the core concept, which should not have much impact on Chen Fei's final refinement of the past body combat soldier.

Chen Fei smiled. This duel with Rao Zhaopu has yielded a lot of gains. Not only did he obtain a large number of Yuanjing spiritual materials, but it also allowed Chen Fei to have a significant increase in his future strength.

Chen Fei integrated the Endless Yuanling Jue into the main cultivation method, and the proficiency of the Nine Heavens Dark Demon Jue slightly decreased, indicating that the level of the cultivation method has improved, but not much.

After all, the main feature of the Endless Yuanling Jue is the majestic Yuanli, and this point is actually the focus of the original Nine Heavens Dark Demon Jue. Therefore, after such integration, the improvement of the Nine Heavens Dark Demon Jue will not be much.

"Senior, is there any flesh spirit soil in the Xian clan? I am willing to exchange it for this."

Chen Fei turned his head to look at Shi Borong and took out the Overturning Sea Hammer in his sleeve.

The Overturning Sea Hammer is two eighth-level upper-grade Xuanbao, which can be used separately or fused together, and has the power of a short-term eighth-level top-grade Xuanbao.

However, if the two are combined for a short time, the spirituality and power of the Overturning Sea Hammer will be greatly reduced afterwards, and it will not be able to be re-integrated for a period of time.

Flesh Spirit Soil, an eighth-grade top-grade spiritual material, has a miraculous effect on the recovery of physical injuries.

It is more than enough to exchange a spiritual material with the grade of the Overturning Sea Hammer. After all, the value of spiritual materials and Xuanbao is different.

If Chen Fei wants to summon his past body and let him perform the Dragon Elephant to Suppress the Sky, he must use the eighth-grade top-grade spiritual material to carry the eighth-grade peak physique.

If Chen Fei's future physique exceeds the eighth-grade peak, the flesh spirit soil will still restrict the Dragon Elephant to Suppress the Sky because its limit is only the eighth-grade top-grade, so that his physique can only be at the eighth-grade peak.

At that time, Chen Fei needs to continue to look for new spiritual materials to raise the limit of the warrior's physical body.

"Flesh Spirit Soil, yes."

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Shi Boyong was slightly startled, but immediately nodded, and then looked at Shi Dingan.

Shi Dingan heard Shi Borong's voice transmission, took out a piece of soil emitting spiritual light from the black treasure, and sent it to Chen Fei.

"If you need this flesh spiritual soil, just take it directly, no need to exchange it for other things." Shi Dingan said with a smile.

"No, this breaks the rules." Chen Fei shook his head and sent the Overturning Sea Hammer in his hand over.

The Human Race and the Xian Race are allies, but there is no reason for allies to take things for free.

Especially for eighth-level top-grade spiritual materials, which has exceeded the upper limit of mutual assistance between allies, it is better to barter. As for the friendship of saving Shi Borong just now, the Xian clan has also given other rewards.

Shi Ding'an looked at Chen Fei. Seeing Chen Fei's insistence, he didn't force it and put the Earthshaking Hammer in his sleeve.

Chen Fei got the flesh spirit soil, studied it, and put it into the Zangyuan Bell.

At this moment, a late-eighth-level duel was taking place on the competition ground. The two sides were fighting extremely fiercely. This was a life-and-death showdown, a life-or-death fight.

The late eighth level should have the highest combat power in the life and death battle. The eighth level peak will not end easily, because once there is a loss, it will be too heavy for the race.

While sorting out the spiritual materials, Chen Fei observed the situation in the competition field from time to time. He mainly looked at the fighting styles and techniques of the races from outside the realm.


Suddenly, a sound that seemed to tremble in his soul sounded, and Chen Fei subconsciously turned his head and looked to the side.

Not only Chen Fei, but also practitioners at the late eighth level and above are all turning their attention to that direction at this moment.


Another voice that was almost the same as before sounded, and then from who knows how many thousands of miles away, a black column of air shot straight into the sky.

Although they were already so far apart, all the eighth-level experts in Nansha Valley saw this scene.


All the eighth-level native races in the Xuanling Domain could not help but widen their eyes. Such a scene would only happen if the barrier between the material world and the mental world was forcibly broken.

"Spread out and go!"

Without any hesitation, Shi Ding'an gave a low shout, and his body turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the horizon.

All battles of life and death, and battles over territory, are all turned into a joke in front of the resentful spirits of the Heart and Soul Realm, because among these resentful spirits, there must be ninth-level existences.

The barrier between the Xuanling Realm and the Heart Conspiracy Realm was specially blessed by the ninth-level Supreme Realm expert after the Rain Clan incident.

If you want to break this blessed barrier, only the power of the same realm can do it.

In the hearts of the native races in the material world, they have always subconsciously felt that the resentful spirits may not appear in the near future, and will wait for the native races in the material world to compete with the races from outside the world before reaping the benefits.

Because in this way, the losses to the resentful spirits will be minimal. When the resentful spirits unite with the races from the outside world, there is every hope that all the native races in the material world will be wiped out.

But now, all speculations have become a joke after the barrier of Xuanling Realm was shattered.

What is the profit of the fishermen, what is the overall situation, the resentful spirit never considers this. In other words, they have considered it, but in the face of their own nature, they are more willing to obey their own hearts and kill!

All the cultivators of the eighth-level race native to the Xuanling Realm fled in all directions, fearing that if they ran slower and were blocked by the ninth-level resentful spirits, there would be no hope at all. Chen Fei was among them.

Facing the eighth-level peak, Chen Fei was temporarily unable to kill him. If he was targeted by the ninth-level resentful spirit, Chen Fei had no hope at all.

The eighth-level powerhouses from the Xuanling Realm dispersed in a rush, and the eighth-level powerhouses from the outer race over there also didn't stop and fled separately.

Naturally, races from outside the world have also conducted investigations into the vengeful spirits in the Heart and Soul Realm, so they have a very good understanding of the vengeful spirits.

To a certain extent, if it weren't for the resentful spirits, none of these foreign races would have a chance to escape from the abyss.

Wraith spirits and the native races of the material world are natural enemies.

The enemy of the enemy is a natural ally. This is not the case here with the Wraiths, because the Wraiths hate all living things, which naturally includes races from outside the world.

It's just that the negative emotions in the mind world almost come from the native races in the material world, so the hatred of the resentful spirits towards the native races will be heavier.

But there is no reason for the resentful spirits to reason. If they can reason, the resentful spirits will not be called resentful spirits. Therefore, when they encounter the races from the outside world, the resentful spirits will definitely attack.

Chen Fei's body turned into a shadow and headed towards the human territory. Suddenly Chen Fei frowned slightly and looked back.

Ming Yanyong, the ancestor of the Buttercup tribe, didn't want to escape from the resentful spirit, so he came to hunt Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked beyond Ming Yanyong's aura and looked further back, sensing the aura of Yu Shizhong of the tapir tribe.

However, Yu Shizhong did not chase him together. He probably noticed that Ming Yanyong was chasing him and gave up chasing Chen Fei.

It's not that Yu Shizhong doesn't want to kill Chen Fei, but that two eighth-level peaks coming together may attract powerful resentful spirits.

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