Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1316 Understanding the Rules of Time

All the eighth-level inheritances of the Guixu Realm that Chen Fei obtained reminded practitioners that they could only choose one characteristic at a time, and they should not be greedy and want to choose two.

Behind this reminder, there are naturally countless painful lessons.

But Chen Fei is different from most practitioners. His physique is at the ninth level, and his origin is at the peak of the eighth level. His soul is much stronger than other eighth-level peaks under the nourishment of his physique and origin.

Under such conditions, it is entirely possible for Chen Fei to choose two rule characteristics at the same time.

Of course, even so, Chen Fei still has the risk of not being able to bear it. However, Chen Fei still has a way out, that is, the backup on the panel.

At this moment, the backup on the panel is still left by Chen Fei before the breakthrough. If there is any unexpected situation, Chen Fei will disperse the two newly selected rule characteristics and activate the backup.

At that time, for Chen Fei, it is nothing more than another nine-nine heavenly tribulation.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei grabbed the three characteristics of [Extinguish], [Cold], and [Return] and flew in the direction he came from.

Since he has tried it, he might as well drag three characteristics at once. What if it succeeds?

Arriving at the gap in the void, Chen Fei's soul passed through the gap, but before he really left the void, Chen Fei felt an unimaginable obstacle wrapped around him.

Chen Fei's soul trembled violently, as if it would disintegrate directly in the next moment.

Chen Fei paused slightly. Before the three characteristics returned to reality, the soul could not bear it directly. If it really returned, the soul would probably collapse in the first place.

Chen Fei released the reincarnation rule characteristic [Return] and dragged [Destroy] and [Cold].

This time, the heavy pressure that could not be added was reduced by half at once. With the strength of Chen Fei's soul, he could barely bear it.

However, this is only the first step. Whether he can withstand the addition of two characteristics at the same time depends on when he returns to reality.

In reality, the void trembled, the soul returned, Chen Fei's eyes opened, and the rule characteristics [Cold] and [Destroy] appeared in the soul.


As soon as the two rules and characteristics appeared in the soul, Chen Fei's soul began to ripple, and then the ripples turned into raging waves, shaking violently in Chen Fei's body.

Originally sharp perception, it suddenly became chaotic. Chen Fei felt that he was pressed down by a mountain that reached the sky, unable to move, and even unable to think. The whole person seemed to have become an ordinary person, and even breathing became difficult.

Chen Fei's body bent involuntarily, and the whole person trembled unconsciously. Endless pain spread from the soul to the whole body.

The three techniques of Nine Heavens Dark Demon Art, Dragon Elephant Suppressing the Sky, and Xuanpin True Solution were instinctively operated, and dazzling light bloomed from Chen Fei's body surface.

As the three techniques were operated, it was like a straw appeared in Chen Fei's perception. Chen Fei subconsciously grabbed it, and the whole person's consciousness gained a brief awakening.

Chen Fei's eyes showed a touch of surprise. He didn't expect that breaking the routine like this would encounter such a big difficulty, which was far more serious than Chen Fei had just imagined.

It is no wonder that all the eighth-level inheritances are advising not to choose two characteristics to return at the same time.

Chen Fei's background just lost his perception for a short time. If it were other eighth-level practitioners, they would probably have no chance to wake up again.

At this moment, as Chen Fei's consciousness returned, the speed of the three exercises reached the extreme, and the turbulent waves in his soul began to slowly weaken.

The spirit, energy, and soul have always been interdependent. Chen Fei's physique is so strong that although it cannot be said that he has also raised his soul to that level, it has indeed given great support to his soul.

In the soul, the characteristics [Destruction] and [Cold] approached their respective rule crystals and then gradually merged.


As the characteristics and rules were completely integrated, another ripple rose from the soul, and the vitality of the world within a radius of tens of thousands of miles poured into Chen Fei's body with a more ferocious attitude, completing the final transformation of the eighth-level peak.

Chen Fei opened his right hand, and a ball of cold air automatically condensed in the palm of his hand.

Because of the addition of the rule characteristic [Cold], as Chen Fei had thought before, the power of the Nine Heavens Dark Demon Art increased again, to the point that even the peak of the eighth level could not escape.

The first step of the peak of the eighth level is to condense thirty-six rules. Chen Fei still has eighteen to comprehend. If Chen Fei chooses the cold rules for all the eighteen, then the cold power that Chen Fei will eventually burst out will reach an extremely exaggerated level.

When everything is frozen and even the particles no longer move, it is actually not much different from time stagnation.


Chen Fei extinguished the cold mist in his hand, and his eyes were thoughtful.

Space grid, characteristic [Quiet], absolute zero...

Various ideas collided in Chen Fei's mind, and the ray of inspiration that he had realized in the middle stage of the Creation Realm once again emerged.

The stillness of matter in the space grid may be time stagnation, or it may be that the particles no longer move, so no matter what is stored, it remains still in the space grid.

If we don't delve into the essence of time stagnation, but only look at this phenomenon, and use existing means, can we replicate this phenomenon?

Chen Fei's eyes gradually brightened, and countless thoughts began to appear in his mind. Chen Fei unconsciously stretched out his right hand and slowly pointed forward.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The sound of ice condensing sounded, but this time it was not water vapor that condensed, but space.

Wherever Chen Fei's right index finger passed, the space was directly frozen, and the movement of the particles became slower and slower, constantly moving towards stagnation.

With the cold power in the Nine Heavens Dark Demon Art at this moment, Chen Fei could not completely stop the particles from moving, but Chen Fei had already seen what he wanted to see.

In a broad sense, time refers to the continuous movement of matter, which has its own rules, so there is a difference between the past, present and future. Therefore, once matter stops moving, time is like stagnating, just like the frozen space in front of him at this moment.

When Chen Fei was still in the Kaitian realm, he had already begun to use Zhen Cangqiong to cultivate the particles in his body, but at that time, Chen Fei only followed the method to vaguely perceive the particles in his body.

When he reached the eighth level of the Creation Realm, Chen Fei's perception of the particles in his body became clearer and clearer, and the precision of his practice became stronger and stronger.

But Chen Fei could only sense the particles in his body. The particles in the outer space were too difficult for Chen Fei to capture.

Until he broke through the peak of the eighth level, his soul transformed again, and Chen Fei finally began to capture the particles in the outside world.

You can only talk about control if you really see it.

At this moment, Chen Fei was a little confused, why he captured the aura of the rules of time in the middle of the eighth level, but he could never put this aura into practice.

This is the reason.

"Discover the fragment of the secondary rule of time - [now]!"

A prompt appeared on Chen Fei's panel. Chen Fei looked at the panel and smiled involuntarily. He really understood the rule of time.

Although it was only a fragment of the secondary rule of time, for Chen Fei, discovering the fragment was not much different from mastering the complete secondary rule of time.

Next, Chen Fei only needed to simplify it to gradually master this secondary rule of time.

Compared with other practitioners, Chen Fei's advantage was too great.

Even if many ninth-level supreme masters understood the fragments of the secondary rule of time, they had a long and terrible way to finally condense the complete secondary rule of time.

And Chen Fei had the panel, as long as he got started, he could continue to practice.

However, Chen Fei wanted to rely on the improvement of his spiritual power to comprehend the correct time rule that appeared on the panel and draw inferences from it, just like he had comprehended other rules before.

The reason is very simple. It is too difficult to comprehend the rule of time, even if there is a correct answer.

Chen Fei knew that his current talent was definitely a true genius among the eighth-level.

But in every era, there were many geniuses among the eighth-level, and those who could comprehend the secondary rules of time were rare in the long history of the entire Guixu Realm.

Because the rules of time were not something that the eighth-level practitioners should think about.

It was also because of this that Yan comprehended the secondary rules of time and comprehended it to such a high level, which was so terrifying.


Chen Fei gave an order to the fragments of the secondary rules of time on the panel, and the next moment, a prompt appeared on the panel.

Two hundred thousand top-grade Yuan crystals!

Chen Fei's brows trembled slightly, thinking that he might need top-grade Yuan crystals, but he didn't expect that he would need so many top-grade Yuan crystals.

In the Guixu Realm, top-grade Yuan crystals almost only exist in the territory of the Supreme Race. In other eighth-level regions such as the Xuanling Realm, top-grade Yuan crystals are almost invisible.

Of course, almost invisible does not mean that there are none at all.

Chen Fei's eyes were deep in thought. If he wanted top-grade Yuan crystals, he had to go to the territory of the Supreme Race.

If it was before the Guixu Realm changed, it was still possible to go to the territory of the Supreme Race, and there was no prohibition on other races going there.

But now, in the current situation of the Guixu Realm, the ninth-level Supreme Realm are fighting each other. At this time, running to the territory of the Supreme Race is simply jumping into a fire pit.

If you don't go to the territory of the Supreme Race, you can only borrow the best Yuanjing from the Xian Clan and the Yu Clan if you want the best Yuanjing.

There are very few best Yuanjing in the Xuanling Realm, but they are not completely extinct. With the foundation of the Xian Clan and the Yu Clan, they should have collected some.

I just don't know if this number can be 200,000.

And Chen Fei has nothing to trade on him now. It is a bit difficult to borrow 200,000 best Yuanjing from others.

After all, this is not 200,000 high-quality Yuanjing.

Chen Fei looked thoughtful, took a step, and returned to Qiankun City. He also sensed Shi Shouxian's breath.

"I just went out for something. I'm sorry for my negligence!"

Chen Fei came to the guest reception building and saw Shi Shouxian, smiling.

"I am sorry for coming here!" Seeing Chen Fei, Shi Shouxian quickly stood up and bowed.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of miles away, a huge ship passed by.

In the center of the huge ship, a figure looked at the distance with a gloomy expression, and the terrifying aura rippled from his body unscrupulously.

"Where is the front?"

"Reporting to the Supreme, the strongest race in the Tianbo area ahead is called the Night Clan."

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