Hearing Liao Chengwu's words, Guan Xilu and Jin Degu looked over with surprise.

The person in front of him broke a ninth-level formation by himself, and his realm was only the middle stage of the Creation Realm? What kind of formation realm does it take to do such a thing!

"Your Excellency admitted your mistake." Chen Fei paused slightly, turned his head to look at Liao Chengwu, and said with a smile on his face.

"It is rumored that Chen Fei of the human race has unparalleled talent. With the power of the middle stage of the Creation Realm, he killed several late eighth-level people in a row. I thought this rumor was a bit exaggerated. Now that I see that you can break the ninth-level formation so easily, the name of unparalleled talent is well deserved!"

Liao Chengwu directly identified Chen Fei's identity, because all the rumored characteristics just matched.

Chen Fei frowned slightly, and did not argue anymore. He turned his head to look at Guan Xilu and Jin Degu. As Liao Chengwu said, the aura of Guan Xilu and the two of them changed greatly.

If Guan Xilu and Lu were thinking about how to use both hard and soft tactics to force the formation master in front of them to break the other ninth-level formations in the secret realm with them.

Now, after hearing Liao Chengwu's true realm, Guan Xilu and Lu were thinking about forcibly ordering Chen Fei to break the formation.

The cultivation of the middle stage of the Creation Realm is naturally not weak, and the continuous killing of the late eighth stage shows his outstanding talent.

But Guan Xilu and Lu are at the peak of the Creation Realm, standing at the top of the eighth stage, and there are three of them. No matter how amazing Chen Fei's talent and combat power are, they can't make any waves in their hands.

As for forcing Chen Fei to break the formation, will it cause Chen Fei to play tricks when breaking the formation.

Guan Xilu and Lu are at the peak of the eighth stage. Although their formation level is not far beyond the same level, the foundation is there. If they can't even understand the changes in the ninth-level formation, how can they dare to come to this secret realm.

"What do you three mean?" Chen Fei's smile faded.

"I still say the same thing. Let's break the formation together and divide the treasures in the formation equally, how about that?" Guan Xilu still had a smile on his face.

If possible, it is best to maintain superficial politeness. Everyone cooperates calmly. Guan Xilu doesn't mind giving some treasures to Chen Fei in the end.

Liao Chengwu and Jin Degu didn't say anything, but their attitudes were already on their faces.

Either they obey obediently and cooperate to break the formation. They eat meat and don't mind letting Chen Fei drink soup. If Chen Fei agrees, everything will be fine.

If he doesn't agree, he may have to use some means.

"Okay!" Chen Fei thought for a while and said.

Every time he breaks the formation, he personally experiences the changes of the ninth-level formation. It is time-consuming and noisy. Cooperating with three eighth-level peaks can indeed speed up the speed of breaking the formation.

When they enter the palace complex, while the three of them are looking for various natural treasures and exercises, Chen Fei first goes to dig out the top-grade Yuan crystals in the eye of the formation.

For the top-grade Yuan crystals, the eighth-level peaks are not very willing.

It's not that the best crystals are worthless, but compared to the ninth-level spiritual materials or extraordinary skills, the value of the best crystals is the last.

Before, when the Xian Clan heard that Chen Fei needed the best crystals, they generously took out all their collections, but the best crystals were not the most needed things for them.

Even the Xian Clan could come forward and lend most of the best crystals to the Yu Clan for Chen Fei, which is the reason.

"Okay, Brother Chen is open-minded, it's best to work together!" Jin Degu laughed loudly when he heard Chen Fei's words.

Liao Chengwu on the side also smiled. If he could avoid taking action, it would be best not to take action. Cooperation is a win-win situation.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen is a wise man. This bracelet is kept by you. The ninth-level formation is extremely dangerous. If you encounter danger, you can block a blow for you."

A stream of light flew out from Guan Xilu's sleeve and landed in front of Chen Fei. It was an ancient bracelet.

The bracelet is engraved with many secret codes, which are connected to each other. At this moment, it slowly inhales and exhales the vitality of heaven and earth, and slightly responds to the rules around it.

Liao Chengwu and Jin Degu saw the bracelet, and their eyes fluctuated slightly, but they did not stop Guan Xilu's action. They let the bracelet fly in front of Chen Fei and waited for Chen Fei to put it on.

Chen Fei looked at the bracelet, then looked at Guan Xilu, and suddenly laughed softly.

"Why are you laughing, little brother? Put on the bracelet quickly, and we can go to the halfway point of the mountain." Guan Xilu frowned when he saw Chen Fei laughing, and urged.

"Put it on, so that everyone can rest assured." Jin Degu said.

Although this bracelet has not been observed yet, it can be seen from the breath that it is specially used to lock the soul.

Guan Xilu's words just now cannot be said to be completely deceptive. This bracelet can indeed play a protective role at critical moments.

But compared with protection, the soul lock is the most critical feature. Guan Xilu wants to control Chen Fei in his hands to prevent him from making any small moves.

Even if they are not afraid at that time, it will still be a huge trouble.

With this bracelet, the last hidden danger will be killed directly.


Chen Fei waved his hand and hit the bracelet, which instantly hit the mountain peak with a muffled sound.

"What are you doing!" Guan Xilu saw the bracelet being smashed, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and he shouted loudly.

The powerful aura of the eighth-level peak instantly filled the entire mountain top, and then directly pressed on Chen Fei's shoulders.

"Give you face!"

Chen Fei looked up at Guan Xilu, stepped back slightly with his right foot, and the whole person disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Guan Xilu.

Why can't we cooperate well? Do we have to do this?

"Don't kill him!"

Seeing Chen Fei suddenly attack, Liao Chengwu frowned and shouted at Guan Xilu.

Although it was rumored that Chen Fei's combat power was already comparable to that of an average eighth-level peak, each of the three of them was at the second step of the eighth-level peak, with the Heavenly Gang and Earthly Evil connected to the rule crystal in the soul.

Compared with an average eighth-level peak, their power was much stronger.

They also needed Chen Fei's formation power. Once Guan Xilu killed Chen Fei, they would still be helpless as before in the face of the ninth-level formation, or they could only rely on some luck.

Jin Degu did not speak, but flashed in front of Guan Xilu, pointed his right hand forward, and a huge cage trapped Chen Fei in it.

Guan Xilu saw Chen Fei's move, a sneer appeared on his face, and slapped Chen Fei's head.

It's good to have a fight. Only by having a fight can this Tianjiao realize what the current situation is, so that he won't get upset again after breaking through the ninth-level formation on the hillside because he gets less things.

Now that he has been defeated, everything will be easy to say later.

Even by the way, the harvest in the hall on the top of the mountain was dug out. Guan Xilu was very greedy for the treasures in the hall.

He deliberately threw out the bracelet. Guan Xilu might have forced Chen Fei to take action.

Otherwise, everyone cooperated happily, and Guan Xilu couldn't ask for the treasures in the hall.

Chen Fei looked at the cage in front of him, and then at the expression in Guan Xilu's eyes. The Qianyuan Sword burst out with a shocking sword sound, drew an arc, and slashed forward.


The figure of the six-legged dragon elephant appeared on the top of the mountain. The huge body brought extreme oppression. The six-legged dragon elephant was no longer a phantom, as if there was really an ancient beast walking out of the void.

As soon as the six-legged dragon elephant appeared, the expressions of Guan Xilu and the other two changed suddenly.

They are at the peak of the eighth level, and may be arrogant, but there is absolutely no problem with their vision. The aura emitted by this six-legged dragon elephant is too terrifying, which is not what the middle-level eighth level should have.

Even if they are stimulated to create a phantom, they cannot achieve such momentum.

Liao Chengwu wanted to rush to Guan Xilu, but it was too late. When Jin Degu moved, Liao Chengwu chose to stand still, because in his opinion, Jin Degu and Guan Xilu would not have any problems if they joined forces.

Chen Fei would not be beaten to death, and it could serve as a lesson, which was enough.

But now, with the appearance of the six-legged dragon elephant, the development of things has a huge deviation from their expectations.


The Qianyuan sword slashed on the cage, and the cage exploded violently, and then turned into ashes. The Qianyuan sword did not even pause, and slashed on the bracelet floating in front of Guan Xilu.

This bracelet is Guan Xilu's natal creation Xuanbao, named Xuantian Bracelet. The bracelet just thrown to Chen Fei is the sub-body of this Xuanbao, so it can be controlled by Guan Xilu.

Xuantian Bracelet is mainly for defense. Guan Xilu noticed something was wrong and immediately retracted his right palm, while letting Xuantian Bracelet block in front of him.

Xuantian Bracelet is a top-grade Xuanbao. In order to forge this Xuanbao, Guan Xilu also integrated a ninth-grade spiritual material obtained by chance into the Xuantian Bracelet.

Therefore, although Xuantian Bracelet is only an eighth-grade Xuanbao, its defense is the top among many top-grade Xuanbao. It is also the existence of Xuantian Bracelet that makes Guan Xilu confident to run rampant in this secret realm.


A sound like a huge bell sounded, and the Qianyuan Sword collided with the Xuantian Bracelet. The Xuantian Bracelet trembled violently, and then frantically absorbed the Yuanli and soul in Guan Xilu's body.

Guan Xilu's face was pale, and Jin Degu, who was standing next to him, had a short knife in his hand after the cage was broken, and chopped towards Chen Fei's neck.


A crisp sound came from the Xuantian bracelet, and a huge crack appeared out of thin air at the location where it collided with the Qianyuan sword, and then this crack instantly spread throughout the Xuantian bracelet.

Guan Xilu's eyes widened. The Xuantian bracelet that was integrated with the ninth-level spiritual material was shattered in one move?

The Xuantian bracelet was broken, and as his natal Xuanbao, Guan Xilu was instantly implicated, and a huge crack also appeared on his soul.

Guan Xilu endured the severe pain and retreated madly. He had long ignored Jin Degu who was standing beside him. Jin Degu sensed this situation and was immediately in a dilemma.


The blade in Jin Degu's hand slashed on a golden bell, and Chen Fei's Qianyuan sword shattered the Xuantian bracelet, and the sword body swept across Guan Xilu who had just stepped back.


The violent power instantly swept Guan Xilu's body, and the Yuanli defense in his body collapsed completely. Half of Guan Xilu's body was chopped into a ball of blood mist.

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