Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1328 Simplifying Time Rules

Those peaks that are temporarily unoccupied may not be because there is nothing that Chen Fei needs, but because the formation is too complete, making it difficult to deduce the Heaven-Evolving Technique.

No matter what the situation is, going to those peaks where no one has broken the formation is a relatively better choice for Chen Fei.

Half an hour later, a ninth-level formation on the mountainside was shattered, attracting some attention.

Because the formation on the mountainside and at the top of the mountain remained extremely intact, but now the formation has been broken.

However, it only attracted attention, and no eighth-level powerhouse came specially. They were all focused on the formation in front of them.

Chen Fei shook the top-quality Yuan Jing in his hand. It was nearly 40,000, which was almost the same as the previous harvest. The number of top-quality Yuan Jing in his pocket that had just shrunk reached 50,000.

In addition to the top-grade Yuan Jing, Chen Fei obtained three ninth-grade low-grade spiritual plants and a bottle of eighth-grade top-grade elixir in this formation.

Golden cup pill!

It can directly improve the qualifications of practitioners. Even if they are in the eighth level of creation, taking this elixir will have an effect.

Chen Fei tried to take one. After waiting for a while, his soul only fluctuated slightly, and then there was no movement.

This elixir is indeed effective, but it has no effect on Chen Fei. It is probably because Chen Fei's current talent has already reached the level of a genius in the eighth level of creation.

Chen Fei stopped taking the Jinzun Pill and put it away, intending to bring it to Feng Xiupu and the others.

If this golden cup pill is taken directly, it will probably break the souls of Fengxiupu and the others, but if it is dissolved in water and taken in small amounts, there should be no problem.

The harvest halfway up the mountain was good, and Chen Fei walked up to the top of the mountain.


Thousands of miles away, a storm surged on the top of a mountain. Chen Fei turned around and saw that the ninth-level formation was shattering.

There are a lot of eighth-level experts entering this time. It is a great opportunity to break the formation and break through a ninth-level formation without a practitioner in charge.

Chen Fei turned around, stretched out his hand, and placed it on the shield of the ninth-level formation. In an instant, huge power surged towards Chen Fei, and Chen Fei neutralized it one by one.

Less than half an hour later, the ninth-level formation on the top of the mountain trembled crazily, and a figure slowly walked out of it. It was Chen Fei who had come out after searching for the treasure.

After breaking through several ninth-level formations, Chen Fei was already somewhat familiar with the game.

The ninth-level formations in this secret realm actually come from the same source. Although there are differences in details, they are essentially the same.

Before the completion of the Mingtian Counter-Disaster Technique, Chen Fei relied more on brute force to break the formation, and then used the power of the secondary rule fragments of time to stagnate the nodes in the formation.

And with the completion of the Mingtian Rebellion Jue, Chen Fei's vision of the world has undergone tremendous changes. When I looked at the ninth-level formation before, I seemed to understand it but not quite. I just forced myself to write down the various changes of the ninth-level formation.

Now looking at it from a higher dimension, you will find that many of the characteristics of the ninth-level formation are not as subtle as imagined, especially when no one is in charge, and even some places seem a bit clumsy.

This kind of clumsiness is not a problem with the formation. If a practitioner presides over the formation, these seemingly clumsy places will directly turn into a killing formation.

This is a bait. If ignored, it will become a trap that swallows people.

But just because there was no one to host it, this clumsiness was really clumsy and was easily exploited by Chen Fei.

This time, the number of top-quality yuan crystals in the eyes of the ninth-level formation has reached 50,000, which is the largest number of top-grade yuan crystals among several large formations.

The top-quality Yuan Jing in Chen Fei's pocket exceeded one hundred thousand yuan for the first time. Chen Fei had already completed half of the steps needed to simplify the secondary rules of time.

In addition to the basic harvest of top-quality Yuan Jing, Chen Fei also discovered a medicinal field in the palace.

The area of ​​the medicine field is not large, probably not even one acre, and no natural materials or earthly treasures are planted on it.

But Chen Fei brought the medicine field out and put it into the Zangyuan Bell.

After Chen Fei carefully observed the medicinal field for a moment, he confirmed that this medicinal field can increase the growth rate of spiritual plants by nearly a hundred times at most. Moreover, this medicinal field does not need to be filled with crystals as power, it can just absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

This medicine field can grow up to eight-level top-grade spiritual plants without any problems.

The material of the medicine field is a kind of spiritual material that Chen Fei has never seen before. It may be some kind of ninth-level heavenly material and earthly treasure.

This medicinal field cannot improve Chen Fei's strength, but for a race, the value of this medicinal field is very great.

Regardless of race, if Baka is planted here, the growth rate of Baka will instantly increase.

Chen Fei flashed and appeared at the foot of the mountain. He glanced around and headed towards another uninhabited mountain.

An hour later, the top-quality Yuan Crystal in Chen Fei's hand exceeded 200,000.

It is indeed the most correct choice not to compete with other eighth-level experts, but to choose the ninth-level formation where there is no one.

Without any hesitation, Chen Fei simplified the time secondary rules.

"The secondary rules of time [now] are being simplified...the simplification is successful...the secondary rules of time [now] → [quiet]!"

The result of the simplification was a bit surprising to Chen Fei, but when he thought about it, it was because he saw the characteristic [quietness] of the Rain Rule that Chen Fei had a glimmer of insight into the Rule of Time.

Chen Fei tried to use the characteristics of the Rule of Rain, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Fei stood there and absorbed this insight. The fragment particles of the secondary rules of time began to increase, and the range in which Chen Fei could perform time stasis increased slightly.

Chen Fei opened his eyes with a smile in his eyes. He finally simplified the secondary rules of time. He no longer had to wait for thousands of years to condense the secondary rules of time.

Now it is unknown whether Chen Fei can draw inferences from the secondary rules of time when the spiritual energy is rich.

One thousand pieces of top-grade Yuan crystals appeared in Chen Fei's hands, and the mysterious light particles flew out and fell on the top-grade Yuan crystals.

The top-grade Yuan crystals began to dissolve, and the concentration of spiritual energy around them increased.

Chen Fei sat cross-legged and tried to speed up the practice of the secondary rules of time.

In less than ten breaths, Chen Fei opened his eyes.

According to the correct perception given by the panel, Chen Fei can still deduce the subsequent perception of the secondary rules of time under the stimulation of spiritual energy.

But as Chen Fei had guessed before, the perception derived was very little, far less fast than when practicing other exercises.

Even the difficulty of practicing a technique like Xuanpin Zhenjie is far from comparable to the secondary rules of time.

Moreover, Chen Fei must go all out for this comprehension. In other words, if Chen Fei really wants to improve the speed of practicing the secondary rules of time, in addition to the necessary condition that the spiritual energy is strong enough, Chen Fei cannot comprehend three kinds of skills or rules at the same time.

In other words, Chen Fei must go all out to deduce and comprehend the secondary rules of time in order to speed up the practice of the secondary rules of time.

Otherwise, he can only practice with the panel.

According to the practice speed of the panel just now, it will take about twenty years to successfully condense the secondary rules of time.

This time is really not long. Compared with the thousands of years before simplification, the improvement is not a little bit.

Chen Fei's eyes were deep. Twenty years is definitely not needed. After the other skills and rules are practiced, Chen Fei can devote himself to the secondary rules of time.

Therefore, Yuanjing and spiritual materials are still what Chen Fei needs now.

Chen Fei looked up at the top of the mountain. It was unknown who lived in this mountain before. There were as many as six ninth-level formations on the entire mountain.

After Chen Fei broke three ninth-level formations just now, he gathered 200,000 top-grade Yuanjing.

Now Chen Fei's two goals in the secret realm have been achieved, the ninth-level skills and the best crystals. However, Chen Fei did not plan to leave, as there were not many opportunities to obtain the best crystals so easily.

If Chen Fei wanted to practice quickly, he had to dig as many best crystals as possible, and then he could practice directly with the best crystals.

Chen Fei's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot. He came to another ninth-level formation and stretched out his hand.

Thousands of miles away, five figures rushed at lightning speed and instantly crossed the distance to the foot of the mountain.

"Is Chen Fei of the human race up there?" Yu Shizhong, the ancestor of the Tapir Clan, looked up at the towering mountain.

"Just now, the eighth-level of the Luan Clan saw Chen Fei's figure going up the mountain, so it should not be wrong." The ancestor of the Yin Clan, Mu Yonghe, said in a deep voice.

"This Chen Fei is really a skilled and bold person. He dares to act alone and is not afraid of any accidents." The ancestor of the Illusion Clan laughed softly.

"Ming Yanyong of the Grosbeak Clan chased Chen Fei, but he didn't return to the Grosbeak Clan. He might have died. This human Chen Fei should not be underestimated!" Yu Shizhong said in a serious tone.

It took five peak level eights to find out that Ming Yanyong was missing.

Yu Shizhong didn't know whether Chen Fei was responsible for Ming Yanyong's disappearance or even death. If not, then it would be the best, but it was just a false alarm.

If it was, then Chen Fei should die even more!

In the duel of life and death, the two sides had already become mortal enemies. At that time, the killing intention towards Chen Fei could be said to be undisguised. It was too difficult and costly to ease this relationship.

Only by killing Chen Fei could we eliminate the trouble forever!

When they learned of Chen Fei's whereabouts in the secret realm, Yu Shizhong and others immediately contacted the peak level eights of other tribes.

If the human race really rises in the Xuanling Domain, the foreign races in the Xuanling Domain will never have a good time. Therefore, in response to Yu Shizhong's invitation, the ancestors of three tribes agreed to join the siege.

In order to avoid losing Chen Fei, Yu Shizhong decided to take action after gathering five peak eighth-level warriors.

Five to one, Chen Fei's cultivation is at the middle eighth-level. Even if he is talented and can fight against peak eighth-level warriors one-on-one, he will never be able to escape the siege of the five of them.

This time in the secret realm is the best opportunity for Chen Fei to stay here forever!

"Let's go, this time he has nowhere to hide!"

With a calm look in his eyes, Mu Yonghe took the lead in heading for the top of the mountain, and the other four nodded and followed behind.

Near the top of the mountain, Chen Fei was reaching out and placing his hand on the shield of the ninth-level formation, observing the operation of this ninth-level formation from a higher perspective.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's expression moved slightly, and he looked back with some surprise, and five figures appeared in Chen Fei's eyes.

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