Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1333 Sacrifice the entire clan

Chen Fei's body passed through a barrier, and the surrounding scene changed dramatically before it stabilized again.

Chen Fei appeared in a new world, looking far ahead, which was almost the same as the secret realm just now, but there were no dozens of peaks rising into the sky, only a huge city in the distance.


A huge roar came from the city, and then the shield completely covered the city, and dozens of figures flew out of it, but appeared in front of Chen Fei in the blink of an eye.

There were thirty-six of them, and each of them was an extreme eighth-level. If they could survive the heaven-reaching tribulation, they would be ninth-level supreme realm masters.

"Who are you, how could you appear in my Yu clan secret realm!" The leader looked at Chen Fei and shouted loudly.

Thirty-six extreme eighth-level masters surrounded Chen Fei in a semicircle. Once they found something wrong, they would be surrounded and killed like a stone-shattering stone.

Chen Fei looked calm, looking at the eighth-level masters in front of him, and looking at the whole world.

"If you ask who you are, answer quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!" A roar came from the mouth of an eighth-level warrior next to him, and at the same time, the other thirty-five extreme eighth-level warriors directly showed their weapons.

"Why bother talking to him, just take him down, and you can ask anything you want later!"

Another extreme eighth-level warrior snorted coldly, and appeared in front of Chen Fei, but he didn't even want to say anything more, and wanted to capture Chen Fei directly.

Chen Fei's eyes were still in the distance, but his figure took a step back, and the sword brushed Chen Fei's nose.

"This ninth-level formation is much more powerful than the above. Which tribe forced the Yu clan to hide in this secret realm?"

Chen Fei's eyes were retracted from a distance, and he looked at the thirty-six eighth-level warriors in front of him again.

But if you look at Chen Fei's eyes carefully, you will find that Chen Fei's eyes are not really on these eighth-level warriors in front of him, but directly through the void, looking at a certain existence behind the formation.

The world in front of him is not real. This place is still in the original secret realm, but Chen Fei has stepped into a ninth-level formation.

Everything Chen Fei sees at this moment is transformed by this ninth-level formation.

If any eighth-level person comes here, it is almost impossible to know that he is in a ninth-level formation. In addition to the higher grade of this formation, it is also because this formation is now controlled by a cultivator.

Just like the ninth-level formations on the mountains before, whether there are cultivators controlling them or not is a matter of two levels. This ninth-level formation with a higher grade, after being controlled by a cultivator, is naturally more powerful.

But the fact that other eighth-level people can't see through it doesn't mean that Chen Fei can't.

The vision given to Chen Fei by the Dark Heaven Reverse Disaster Art made Chen Fei discover the abnormality in front of him and then see the essence of this world.

However, the thirty-six eighth-level people in front of him are fake, and they are transformed by the formation, but this does not mean that their power is fake.

This ninth-level formation can perfectly restore the power of these thirty-six extreme eighth-level people, and as many as you kill, there will be more later.

Even if the person behind the scenes wants, more extreme eighth-level cultivators can appear.

The ninth-level formation is not something that an eighth-level cultivator can touch. Therefore, even if there are people like Chen Fei who can see through the illusion in front of them, they still cannot escape from this ninth-level formation.

The final result is either to surrender or to be forcibly killed.

Hearing Chen Fei's words, the thirty-six eighth-level cultivators in front of him did not answer at all. The only response was an overwhelming attack.

The power of the extreme eighth-level cultivators is standing in front of the ninth-level barrier, and the thirty-six extreme eighth-level cultivators are working together to surround and kill. The power they possess is simply unimaginable.

Even if Chen Fei today wants to confront such a force, the only choice is to enter the Xiaotongtian Realm and fight with a force far beyond the eighth level.

However, since he can see that everything in front of him is fake, if Chen Fei continues to resist, it is equivalent to falling directly into the plan of the person behind the scenes.

The grade of this ninth-level formation is higher than those on the previous mountain, but not much higher.

Moreover, compared with the nine-level formations on the previous mountains, this formation has a huge problem, that is, there are many nodes that are not running smoothly.

Obviously, the formation in front of him is controlled by a cultivator, but the degree of integrity of the formation is not as good as those without control.

But no matter what the reason is, because of these formation nodes that are not running smoothly, Chen Fei has other options besides Xiao Tongtian.

Otherwise, it is a high-grade nine-level formation, and there is a controller. Chen Fei has no better choice except to turn around and escape.


As Chen Fei's eyes fell on a void position, the formation node there was directly stagnated in time. The stagnation of this node was like the gear of a machine being stuck, which instantly caused the entire nine-level formation to vibrate.

This is not over yet. Chen Fei's eyes swept across the other seven nodes, and these formation nodes were stagnant in time one by one.

As Chen Fei finished doing this, the nine-level formation, which was already shaking violently, became violent in an instant, and countless black cracks appeared in the sky.

The thirty-six extreme level eight warriors that were about to pounce on Chen Fei paused in mid-air, their ferocious faces became dull, and then wrinkles flashed, and disappeared in front of Chen Fei.

Chen Fei took a step forward, disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he appeared in a dark cave.

It was dim, and even a foul smell filled every corner of the cave.

In the deepest part of the cave, a figure was sitting cross-legged, with two huge iron chains locked on the figure's scapula.

A long time ago, these two iron chains should have been used to lock this figure, but after many years, these two iron chains have already become part of this figure.

Even the two iron chains are constantly wriggling like blood vessels at this moment, absorbing the nutrients they need from the void.

This figure is the master behind the ninth-level formation just now, and some subtle changes in the secret realm are all caused by this person in front of him.

According to the changes in the secret realm that Chen Fei saw, if it is allowed to develop, the entire secret realm will eventually turn into a furnace, and every eighth-level strongman in it will be the nutrients in the furnace.

Before, every eighth-level strongman broke the formation in the secret realm, obtained various natural treasures, and even refined the heaven and earth vitality in the body, which will become highly toxic at the moment the furnace is started.

This poison will not make the eighth-level strongman lose strength, nor will it affect his actions, but because he has been marked by the secret realm, he cannot leave this secret realm at all.

Finally, at the moment when the furnace was activated, there was no escape, no avoidance, until it became the nutrients in the furnace.


The figure sitting cross-legged in front suddenly opened his eyes, and directly illuminated the dark cave in an instant.


As the figure's eyes met Chen Fei's eyes, a huge amount of information rushed into Chen Fei's soul.

This is a soul skill. When the eyes meet, the soul skill has been completed.

Just like Chen Fei used the God-Slaying Sword to slash other practitioners, other practitioners had no escape, and the soul skill performed by the figure in front of him also instantly fell into Chen Fei's soul.

The soul of a practitioner has a limit, so the rule crystals that can be condensed cannot be endless. The soul skill that fell into Chen Fei's soul at this moment is to use a huge amount of information to burst the soul.

Chen Fei's expression did not move, allowing these huge amounts of information to wash over his soul.

Chen Fei's soul naturally has an upper limit, and it is impossible to condense endless rule crystals, but this is somewhat different from taking on a huge amount of information.

The power of Chen Fei's soul was rapidly consumed, but as Chen Fei operated the immortality of the gods, his soul was recovering rapidly.

Information was only temporary. After the information appeared in the soul, Chen Fei could directly kill the soul carrying the information, and then replenish it with the newly recovered soul.

And whether it was the Dragon Elephant Zhen Cangqiong or the Xuanpin Zhenjie, the protection of Chen Fei's soul was the top priority. The defensive strength of Chen Fei's soul was actually not much different from that of his body.

To a certain extent, the defensive strength was even more exaggerated than that of his body, which was to reach the limit of the early ninth level.

The aura of the figure in front of him was infinitely close to the ninth level, but for some reason he could not break through the last barrier and step into the true supreme realm.

Countless information flowed through Chen Fei's soul, many of which were useless information, but Chen Fei also saw the origin of this secret realm, the past of the Yu clan, and even the true identity of the figure in front of him.

"How come you are okay!" A hoarse voice sounded in the cave, and Yu Congzhang looked at Chen Fei with puzzlement.

Chen Fei's aura is at the peak of the eighth level, and he should have mastered some fragments of the secondary rules of time. He is talented and has a body that is rarely seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

Ever since Chen Fei passed through the ninth-level formation outside, Yu Congzhang has been thinking about how to destroy Chen Fei's soul and take this body for himself.

It is rare to see such a thing as taking over a body in a high-level practitioner, because the soul and the body are not compatible. Even if they really take over a body, it almost cuts off the way to continue practicing.

But Yu Congzhang has been thinking about how to take over a body for more than 100,000 years, because if he doesn't take over a body, he will be trapped in his current realm forever.

The soul skill just now was specially cultivated by Yu Congzhang for so many years. If it is not at the ninth level, it will definitely not be able to withstand his attack.

The rules of time are mysterious, but mastering only fragments of the secondary rules of time is not really invulnerable. Yu Congzhang is confident that his soul attack, even if it cannot completely wipe out the opponent's soul, is enough to severely injure him.

But the opponent stood there unharmed.

"In order to break through the ninth level, you sacrificed all your fellow tribesmen. You are willing to do it." Chen Fei looked at Yu Congzhang calmly.

There was no one in this secret realm. The reason was simple. They all died at the hands of Yu Congzhang.

At the beginning, Yu Congzhang only secretly sacrificed a few of his fellow tribesmen. After being discovered, he was locked in this cave.

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