Chen Fei stood on the ground, looking at the warship in the sky, and then turned his head to look at the black mountain.

These are two different races. Originally, the warship only exuded the aura of the early ninth order. With the appearance of the black mountain, the aura of the middle ninth order spread out from the front and back.

Two supreme races, and the top combat power among them has reached the middle ninth order, are now gathered in a secret realm at the same time.

Or to be more precise, all are concentrated in the Xuanling Domain.

The warship entered the secret realm from the Xuanling Domain, which can be confirmed from the fact that the practitioners in the Xuanling Domain were collectively thrown out of the warship just now.

And this black mountain also came from the Xuanling Domain. Chen Fei sensed the scene behind the black hole, which is also the area of ​​the Xuanling Domain.

These two outer ninth-order supreme races did not go to the core area of ​​Guixu Realm to compete for territory, but now ran to the Xuanling Domain.

Chen Fei frowned slightly. These outer ninth-order races can't compete for the core area, so they simply come to the inferior territory?

If that's the case, then the competition in the core area of ​​Guixu Realm is so fierce that even the races with the ninth-level races can't intervene.

"Kou Haixia, everything is based on first come first served. We were the first to arrive in Xuanling Realm. It's not appropriate for you to squeeze in like this, right?"

A huge voice came from the warship, and at the same time a figure appeared in front of the warship, like the sun coming down, making it impossible to look directly at it.

"First come first served? Then my Bai clan came to Guixu Realm first, so are you, Fu Zhonggang, going to the void now?"

A lazy chuckle came from the black mountain, and a graceful figure appeared in the sky. Just a glance at it, and ripples could not help but appear in my heart.

A kind of greed rose from the soul, wanting to hug this figure fiercely.

Sensing this situation, all the eighth-level in the secret realm subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look at that figure again.

This is the influence of the opponent's ninth-order power. Although it will not make the eighth-order strongman lose his mind and really fly over, but if he looks at it for a long time, his soul will change unconsciously.

The good impression will unconsciously rise until he obeys the opponent's words.

"You are not going to reason!" Fu Zhonggang narrowed his eyes slightly, and the majestic power of the ninth order condensed in his body, and the whole secret realm changed color.

"If this world can be reasonable, why do you and my two races need to be here?"

Kou Haixia glanced at Fu Zhonggang and continued:

"This Xuanling Realm is barely okay, you and my two races can divide it equally. As for other places in Guixu Realm, the slightly better ones will not be yours and my two races. If other ninth-order races come later, you and my two races will work together to drive them away."

Fu Zhonggang did not speak, his expression was uncertain.

The best territories in Guixu Realm were originally in the hands of the native ninth-order races in Guixu Realm, but now at least half of them have been taken away.

They wanted to get a share, but found that there was not much chance at all. There were too many strong people. If they insisted on doing it, they would probably end up being exterminated.

The strong prey on the weak, which has always been the unchanging truth of this world.

You think that all foreign races are natural allies, but that is just your wishful thinking. Those stronger foreign races do not need the help of ordinary ninth-level races like them.

Since they don't need help, there is no need to form an alliance.

Not only the Bai and Liang tribes, but also many races with equal strength have to leave the core territory of Guixu Realm and come to places like Xuanling Realm.

Below the warship, hundreds of eighth-level strong men of various races heard the conversation between the two sides, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Originally, I thought that these two supreme races had sensed the movement of this secret realm, so they came to check it out.

After all, this level of secret realm is also attractive to ninth-level strong men.

Unexpectedly, these two ninth-level supreme races were not interested in any secret realm at all, but Xuanling Realm.

In the minds of the eighth-level strongmen in Xuanling Domain, they always thought that the ones who would compete with them for territory in Xuanling Domain were at most the eighth-level races. As for the higher supreme races, only the core area of ​​Guixu Realm was worth their competition.

The reason was simple. In a region like Xuanling Domain, ninth-level spiritual materials could not be said to be completely absent, but they were indeed very rare. Only in the territories of the Xian Clan and others, some ninth-level spiritual materials were produced.

And even if there was production, the output was extremely low, far from being comparable to the core area of ​​Guixu Realm.

As for the top-grade Yuanjing, Xuanling Domain did not even have a single vein, which was something that could not be seen at all.

Therefore, in the minds of all the eighth-level races in Xuanling Domain, they subconsciously believed that there would be no supreme races competing with them for Xuanling Domain, and the ninth-level races should go to the core area of ​​Guixu Realm.

As a result, no one expected that the competition in Guixu Realm would reach this level. In the past, the Xuanling Domain, which the ninth-level supreme races did not even look down upon, was now occupied by ninth-level strongmen.

Ninth-level supreme races, and two of them.

The peak 8th-order masters of Xuanling Domain could feel that Kou Haixia and Fu Zhonggang were much stronger than the average 9th-order early-stage masters, and they were most likely 9th-order mid-stage masters.

In other words, even if there were cultivators in their race who could break through to the Supreme Realm by chance in the future, they would still be under the rule of the Bai Clan and the Liang Clan.

And in order to consolidate their rule, would the Bai Clan and the Liang Clan not allow cultivators at the peak 8th-order realm among them, just like the original Supreme Clan of Guixu Realm back then?

For a moment, whether it was the seven eighth-level races of the Xian Clan or the races from the outside world, they were all overshadowed.

However, no matter how much of a shadow there was, they had no way to change it. The difference in strength was too great, and there was no room for fighting back.

Even if the Liang Clan was willing, it would have been very easy for them to be wiped out directly.

"It's not impossible to divide the Xuanling Domain equally, but how should these eighth-level races be divided?"

Fu Zhonggang was a little unhappy, but he finally agreed to Kou Haixia's proposal. After all, the strength of the Bai Clan was not much different from that of his Liang Clan. If they really fought hard, it would not be good for both sides.

Moreover, the Xuanling Domain was only an eighth-level territory after all, and there were very few ninth-level spiritual materials. It was really not worth fighting for such a territory.

"There is nothing to divide, let them pay all to our two clans." Kou Haixia waved his hand and said indifferently.

If it were Kou Haixia's previous temperament, all these eighth-level races could be killed.

But if they really killed them all, there would be no substantial benefit to them. As for the various spiritual materials in the Xuanling Domain, as long as they need them, I believe these eighth-level races dare not refuse to give them.

Since there is no difference between killing and not killing, just keep them and let these eighth-level races use them, grow good spiritual materials, and send them to their tribes regularly.

As for whether these eighth-level races will give birth to ninth-level strongmen.

This is naturally possible, and the possibility is very high.

But what can be done about it, whether it is her or Fu Zhonggang on the opposite side, they are all in the middle stage of the ninth level, and there are also several ninth-level early stages in both tribes.

With such strength, let alone the birth of an early ninth level in the Xuanling Domain, even if there is one more ninth-level middle stage, it will not have any impact on them.

In fact, the value generated by killing an early ninth level is much greater than slaughtering these eighth-level races.


Fu Zhonggang thought about it, nodded, and had no opinion.

"Since we have agreed, let's divide the things here first."

As soon as Kou Haixia finished speaking, he stretched out his palm forward. In an instant, a giant palm that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the air and grabbed dozens of peaks.

Seeing the power of the giant palm, the faces of nearly a hundred eighth-level practitioners still on the peaks changed drastically, and they ran madly towards the foot of the mountain.

Kou Haixia saw that there were still practitioners on dozens of peaks, but Kou Haixia's actions did not stop at all.

These eighth-level practitioners died, and Kou Haixia felt that slaughtering eighth-level practitioners would not produce any practical value, and it would be better to use them, but it was not a big deal to kill some of them casually.

It was just right for the eighth-level of each race in Xuanling Domain to see clearly what kind of existence they would face in the future.

Put away all the thoughts that should not be there, otherwise there is only one end, that is death!


The explosion resounded throughout the secret realm. The mountain peak that was still towering into the clouds a moment ago was instantly reduced to powder. The unmanned ninth-level formation on the mountain peak could not stop the casual attack of the ninth-level mid-level cultivator.

Dozens of figures were thrown away in the air. They were the eighth-level cultivators who were on the mountain peaks before.

Just now, there were nearly a hundred people on the various mountains, but now there were less than sixty people flying in the air. In one palm, nearly forty eighth-level cultivators died and disappeared without any resistance.

This is the huge gap between the eighth and ninth levels, or the gap with the ninth-level mid-level cultivator.

Chen Fei stood on the ground, his eyes slightly fluctuated. This is the ninth-level mid-level cultivator, not any eighth-level cultivator can match it, even Kou Haixia has not yet completely transformed into the rules.

Compared with the ninth-level mid-level cultivators native to the Guixu Realm, Kou Haixia is even weaker.

But even so, killing the eighth level is as easy as crushing an ant.

There will be no accidents, and there will be no twists and turns. Even if Kou Haixia had not intended to kill, even the sixty eighth-level practitioners would definitely not be spared.

"This secret realm is a bit strange."

Kou Haixia turned his right hand, and a large number of top-grade crystals and some spiritual materials and elixirs flew to the sky. Kou Haixia casually swiped, half of them flew to the Liang tribe, and the other half flew to Kou Haixia's hands.

"This secret realm is a bit thin, but it may be because it has been too long."

Fu Zhonggang watched Kou Haixia take action throughout the whole process, so he also saw some abnormalities in this secret realm at a glance.

It is only a facade, much more fragile than it looks.

"Maybe, you can deal with the rest."

Kou Haixia threw down a sentence and turned to fly towards the black mountain.

Fu Zhonggang looked at Kou Haixia's back, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then looked at all the eighth-level practitioners below.

"Unfold the Xuanbao and show everything!"

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