Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1362: The Path to Immortality

At this moment, Nan Caiming understood that the ninth-rank cultivator just now was a cultivator whose soul characteristics were completely compatible with the Space Heavenly Dao.

His soul characteristics and certain characteristics of the Space Heavenly Dao attracted each other. No matter how Nan Caiming intervened, he could not stop the other party from slowly mastering the authority of the Space Heavenly Dao.

Thousands of words could not resist the sentence "I like it. Now the Space Heavenly Dao is in such a situation."

Facing such a cultivator who did not play by the rules, the only way to prevent the other party from controlling the Space Heavenly Dao was to kill his real body directly.

A quarter of an hour later, all the ninth-rank strongmen of Nan Caiming's system no longer lay dormant as before, waiting for the Heavenly Dao of Guixu Realm to appear as an immortal.

Instead, they began to operate at the limit, regardless of whether it would break the tranquility of the current Guixu Realm, and vowed to find the cultivator who stole the Space Heavenly Dao.

Could it affect the appearance of the immortal road in the future?

If the authority of the Space Heavenly Dao was taken away, how could Nan Caiming still have the qualifications to seek the opportunity to become an immortal? Before the immortal road appeared, he would be doomed to fail.

Nan Caiming would never allow such a thing to happen!

Tianbo Domain Night Clan Territory.

Chen Fei opened his eyes in the hall, and the spiritual energy around him was decreasing, and then he returned to calm.

After trying a great way to fight, he consumed a small portion of the ninth-level spiritual essence, which made Chen Fei a little painful. But fortunately, the spiritual essence consumed was not worthless, at least it made Chen Fei sure of one thing.

If you want to seize the heavenly way in the hands of other ninth-level masters, you can only increase your proficiency by simplifying the panel, and don't even think about speeding up your practice.

This is not only the case with the space heavenly way, but also the other owned heavenly ways. Facing the intricate traces, Chen Fei couldn't draw inferences from one example.

If you can't speed up your practice, just rely on simplification. Chen Fei estimated that it would take several years of uninterrupted practice to seize a heavenly way with an owner.

In several years, controlling the space heavenly way, this efficiency can be said to be very fast.

Of course, it is faster to kill the Taoist ancestor and take the space heavenly way directly, but it is obvious that Chen Fei now does not have this ability.

Chen Fei's original idea was to start from the early stage of the ninth level and control all the nine powerful rules along the way. When the nine powerful rules were controlled, Chen Fei would almost break through to the peak of the ninth level.

With nine powerful heavenly ways in one body, no cultivator would object to saying that he was invincible in the Guixu Realm, unless other cultivators controlled the time rules.

But now it takes several years to control a heavenly way with a master. If Chen Fei wants to break through to the middle stage of the ninth level, it will take at least twenty years.

At this speed, when Chen Fei breaks through to the peak of the ninth level, decades have passed.

Now the Guixu Realm is still relatively calm, but the feeling of impending storm is too obvious. Those peak ninth-level masters are obviously waiting for something to appear.

Chen Fei doesn't know what that thing is, nor how to fight for it, but since so many ninth-level masters want it, then this thing will definitely not be bad.

If Chen Fei wants to participate in it at that time, not to mention the peak of the ninth level, he must at least have the cultivation of the late ninth level.

Will the thing that many ninth-rank masters are eagerly waiting for wait for decades for Chen Fei to ascend before appearing?

With the destruction of the Drowned Abyss, the heavenly secrets of the Guixu Realm are in chaos, and even the planes that have not been completely swallowed up in the past are now beginning to appear.

Many things are showing a trend of getting faster and faster.

Chen Fei still wants to control the authority of the Space Heavenly Dao. After all, he has come here, and there is no need to give up halfway. And the Space Heavenly Dao will greatly guarantee Chen Fei's safety.

As for other Heavenly Daos, Chen Fei's current idea is to control the ordinary Heavenly Dao first, and improve his cultivation realm as quickly as possible.

If you want to change the Heavenly Dao in the future, you can abandon the original Heavenly Dao.

Now the Dao Ancestors of the Guixu Realm have changed several times, so changing the Heavenly Dao in their bodies is not a routine operation for the ninth-rank masters, but it can indeed be achieved.

Chen Fei's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he decided on this strategy, and looked up at the thousands of rules on the sky again.

Chen Fei looked for a moment, and his eyes fell on one of the Heavenly Daos.

Among the myriad Heavenly Daos in Guixu Realm, any of the stronger ones have already been controlled, and many Heavenly Daos are being controlled by those outsiders.

Therefore, there are actually very few Heavenly Daos that meet Chen Fei's requirements, which are completely ownerless and slightly passable.

Not to mention those Heavenly Daos that are completely controlled, but only the occupied parts can be controlled by Chen Fei.

The reason why I learned from one thing and applied it to other things just now is that everything in the controlled Heavenly Dao is controlled by the controller, but these Heavenly Daos that are only occupied parts will not have that kind of situation.

If there is a choice, it is more appropriate to choose the rules related to the nine powerful Heavenly Daos.

However, Chen Fei thought so, and other native ninth-level strongmen in Guixu Realm also thought so, and did not leave Chen Fei any chance. Otherwise, Chen Fei would be more helpful if he chose a Heavenly Dao related to force.

After looking around, Chen Fei's eyes finally fell on the rules of hail.

This is the Heavenly Dao of the cold system, the predecessor of the Tianyuan Jue, the Mingtian Niyao Jue, which has a lot of cold parts. In the current Tianyuan Jue, the cold element is still very strong.

So Chen Fei chose the cold heavenly way, which is also a perfect match for Tianyuan Jue.

Chen Fei separated a consciousness and rushed into the heavenly way of hail. After a moment, Chen Fei comprehended a little of the heavenly way of hail.


"The rules of turning into hail are being simplified... Simplified successfully... The rules of turning into hail → The rules of hail!"

The top-grade Yuan crystals in front of him suddenly decreased by 100,000 pieces. Chen Fei raised his right hand and shattered the two small spiritual essences in front of him.

The concentration of spiritual energy around him instantly rose. Chen Fei closed his eyes and began to practice the Tianyuan Jue, the Heavenly Dao of Hail, and the secondary rules of time [now]. For a moment, a huge amount of perception filled Chen Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Fei did not practice the Dragon Elephant Zhen Cangqiong. The ninth-level Dragon Elephant Zhen Cangqiong in the Great Perfection Realm can have a physique of the ninth-level late stage. The Dragon Elephant Zhen Cangqiong is definitely not weak.

But Chen Fei's core idea now is to improve his realm first, so the Tianyuan Jue must be practiced. Otherwise, if the Tianyuan Jue is not proficient enough, even if Chen Fei transforms into three kinds of Heavenly Dao, he will not be able to break through to the ninth-level middle stage.

Moreover, the Tianyuan Jue contains the Yuan Jue of the Yuan Clan. The Yuan Jue and Zhen Cangqiong cooperate with each other to better exert the power of Chen Fei's current physique.

As for practicing the secondary rules of time, this is a powerful weapon that transcends levels. Although it is not so powerful after the middle stage of the ninth level, it is still very effective when used to deal with the ninth level in the outer domain.

Moreover, if Chen Fei does not improve his comprehension of the secondary rules of time, he will be suppressed to the end when he encounters those strong people who have mastered the complete secondary rules of time.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, the secondary rules of time must be placed in the practice position.

As time passed, the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy began to decrease, and the mysterious light particles flew out of the Tibetan Yuan Bell and fell on the top-grade Yuan crystals and spiritual materials in front of Chen Fei.

After killing Fu Chongyi, a ninth-level early-stage strongman, Chen Fei's harvest was quite rich, with hundreds of thousands of top-grade Yuan crystals alone.

After all, the Liang clan had just harvested a wave of eighth-level races in the Xuanling domain at that time. The top-grade Yuan crystals that the eighth-level races had collected for so many years were all taken away by the Liang clan and the Bai clan.

As a ninth-level strongman, Fu Chongyi naturally got a share of it.

There are also some ninth-level spiritual materials, but compared with the best Yuanjing, the number of spiritual materials is much less. At the beginning, they were almost exhausted in the Drowning Abyss.

These ninth-level spiritual materials were obtained in the core area of ​​Guixu Realm after breaking through the Drowning Abyss.

As the Xuanguang particles decomposed the Yuanjing spiritual materials, the concentration of spiritual energy that had just dropped increased again.

Time passed bit by bit. When the Yuanjing spiritual materials in front of Chen Fei were about to be consumed, a ripple spread from Chen Fei, and the phantom of a pair of wings hanging from the sky appeared above the hall.

Tianyuan Jue, a ninth-level middle-grade skill, broke through from the 50% position of the entry level to the mastery level, allowing Chen Fei to master a pair of wings hanging from the sky.

At this point, Chen Fei's speed is already the best among all the ninth-level early stage without using the blessing of the space heaven.

It is definitely not the strongest, but for Chen Fei now, it is barely enough.

Moreover, Chen Fei can also forcibly perform the secret method like Fu Zhongyi did in the past, and condense two pairs of wings that hang down from the sky. At that time, Chen Fei's speed will directly increase.

Unlike Fu Zhongyi, who will fall into huge sequelae after performing the secret method, Chen Fei's strong origin and strong physique can directly withstand the sequelae.

Chen Fei does not even need to activate the panel backup.

At most, the Yuanli and soul will be consumed greatly, so Chen Fei can even use this secret method as a regular force.

And when the Tianyuan Jue is cultivated to the mastery realm, Chen Fei can also write talismans and engrave the wings of the sky in it, becoming a trump card for other practitioners of the human race.

As the last few Yuanjing spiritual materials on the ground dissipated, the surrounding spiritual energy began to decline, and then returned to normal.

Chen Fei opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

In this wave of cultivation, in addition to the breakthrough of the Tianyuan Jue to the mastery realm, the secondary rule of time [now] has condensed 20%, which is much faster than Chen Fei expected.

Hail Heavenly Dao, Chen Fei controls 30% of the authority.

This is to comprehend the secondary rules of time, and to comprehend the Heavenly Dao of Hail. It is indeed a heavy burden for Chen Fei, and they both hinder progress.

But if you only comprehend one, the progress will only be slower. Now this is the fastest way to progress.

Or there are fewer Yuanjing spiritual materials. Otherwise, no matter how slow the speed is, as long as the Yuanjing spiritual materials are sufficient, Chen Fei can still practice quickly.

Time passed bit by bit, and a month passed in a blink of an eye. The broken plane in the center of Tianbo Domain became more and more obvious. It will take at most two months to come out.

On this day, Liao Xingfeng accompanied a ninth-level early stage of the Haze Clan and appeared outside Qiankun City.

"Human race, Chen Fei?"

Jing Yuqiu of the Haze Clan looked Chen Fei up and down, then turned to look at Liao Xingfeng, teasing:

"You know what he did in Xuanling Domain, and you dare to let him live in your Night Clan territory?"

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