Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1468: Realm Master is Decided

The road to immortality!

The appearance of this invisible road in the depths of the void was not only sensed by the Supreme Realm, but also projected in the souls of all the creatures in the Guixu Realm.

At this moment, the entire Guixu Realm, including the creatures in the lower planes as vast as the Endless Sea, also sensed the existence of the road to immortality in their souls.

And not only did the shadow of the road to immortality appear, but all the creatures also understood what this road was.

This is a truly transcendent road. Together with the Guixu Realm, the cultivator becomes the master of the realm, and at the same time, the level of the Guixu Realm will also be improved, which is a true mutual achievement.

However, precisely because of the mutual achievement, the Guixu Realm instinctively chooses the strongest cultivator to become the master of the realm, because the road to the master of the realm is only the starting point, just the threshold to enter a higher level world.

If the talent of the future master of the realm is strong enough, in addition to the improvement of the master of the realm himself, as a mutually accomplished plane, the level will continue to rise.

The Guixu Realm has no spiritual wisdom, only some instincts, but it is this instinct that makes it create a test like the Immortal Road.

This is not only the case for the Guixu Realm, but also for all the planes that are about to be promoted. That is why the Xuanyu Realm has forces that specifically search for such planes, and then descend like the Wanjie Martial Arts Field to seize this opportunity.

The appearance of the Immortal Road made the entire Guixu Realm quiet.

It was really quiet. All the creatures stared blankly at the direction of the Immortal Road, their eyes full of longing. It was a yearning for immortals, for the Lord of the Realm, and even for transcendence.

However, the next moment, the entire Guixu Realm suddenly became noisy, and many practitioners shouted and even destroyed wantonly, as if only in this way could they vent their inner disappointment.

The Immortal Road in the depths of the void changed from invisible to visible, and the ultimate infinite light bloomed from it, and the heaven and earth vitality of the entire Guixu Realm began to boil.

Seeing that the Immortal Road was completely formed, the Daozu-level strongmen who were close rushed directly over.

No one knows what the rules of the Immortal Road are now, but the possibility of becoming a realm master directly by stepping into the Immortal Road first is too low, but is it possible to gain some advantages?

The competition on this Immortal Road is too fierce. There are now dozens of Daozu-level masters in the Guixu Realm alone, and there are also the eight elusive resentful spirits in the Xingui Realm.

There are also the seven outsiders in the Wanjie Martial Arts Field, all of whom are blessed by three powerful heavenly ways. If they meet alone, the only option is to escape.

Or join forces with other Daozu-level masters, there is no chance to surround and kill.

After a while, as the first cultivator stepped into the Immortal Road, the entire Immortal Road began to flicker slightly, and at the same time, the aura emitted from the entire Immortal Road began to change slightly.

Those above the Supreme Realm can sense how many cultivators are on the Immortal Road at the moment, but they can only sense these at most. The Immortal Road does not deliberately show other finer details.

Many Daozu-level masters flew towards the void, and the projections of the Wanjie Martial Arts Arena in Guixu Realm began to disappear one by one, leaving only one main body at the place where it first landed.

Ning Jisheng and seven other masters walked out of the martial arts arena and truly appeared in Guixu Realm. The surrounding heaven and earth aura shook slightly, and then returned to calm.

"The cultivators in this face should choose to surround and kill us. If there is a chance on the road to becoming an immortal, all the cultivators we meet will be killed!" One of the cultivators in blue turned his head and looked at Ning Jisheng and said.

Tianhua Tower, the name of the power where the Wanjie Martial Arts Arena is located, has dozens of realm masters, and even eleventh-level masters.

Luan Xianyuan, the most proud offspring of a realm master of Tianhua Tower, is also the owner of the realm master position who came to Guixu Realm this time.

In the entire Xuanyu Realm, Tianhua Tower may not be a big deal, but in the area where Guixu Realm is located, Tianhua Tower is one of the top forces among them.

"Yes, sir!" Ning Jisheng and the other six all bowed respectfully.

Luan Xianyuan was the designated owner of the realm master position, but it did not mean that others could not compete for the position of realm master directly if they had the right opportunity.

After all, as long as he became the realm master, Guixu Realm would be his territory. Even if the realm master of Tianhua Tower was angry, he could do nothing about it, and would not rashly break into Guixu Realm.

Moreover, Tianhua Tower would not allow the realm masters within its own power to fight each other. After all, no matter what, the power within its own power would be strengthened.

However, among the seven, Luan Xianyuan was the undisputed strongest one, whether in terms of the cultivation method he practiced or his own talent and understanding.

Even if it was a fair competition, Luan Xianyuan had the greatest chance.

Luan Xianyuan looked at Ning Jisheng and the other six and understood what they were thinking, but Luan Xianyuan did not care. In Luan Xianyuan's heart, Ning Jisheng and the others were just used to clear obstacles.

When he really needs to take action, Luan Xianyuan will let everyone understand why he is the designated owner of the realm master position.

Guixu Realm, Yuanlin Sea.

Chen Fei, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes and then looked up at the road to immortality in the depths of the void.

The top-grade Yuan crystals and spiritual materials in front of Chen Fei have not been used up. It is not that Chen Fei has cultivated the Dragon Elephant Guixu to the Great Perfection Realm, nor is it that Chen Fei wants to enter directly after sensing the appearance of the road to immortality.

It is simply that the rapid cultivation of the Dragon Elephant Guixu has slowed down, and there is no more rapid progress. He can only rely on the simplified cultivation method on the panel to gain proficiency.

Chen Fei's extended perception under the stimulation of the spirit is almost ineffective.

Chen Fei's previous practice was to learn from the correct perception given by the panel under the stimulation of inspiration, so the speed of practice can be said to be rapid and reached an incredible level.

But now, after the proficiency of Long Xiang Guixu has reached 80% of the perfect state, this trick is not useful.

Even in the face of the correct perception given by the panel, Chen Fei can hardly continue to comprehend new things on the basis of this perception. The last part of the practice of Long Xiang Guixu is too profound and beyond the scope of the ninth level.

This makes Chen Fei have the illusion of dreaming back to the year in Pingyin County when he just stepped into the practice. His talent is too poor, and any technique that falls into his hands is like a heavenly book.

Thinking of the situation at that time, Chen Fei has a feeling of being in another world.

Of course, facing the situation of Long Xiang Guixu, there is actually a solution.

Either Chen Fei is willing to spend a relatively long time in the time house, relying on the perception given by the simplified panel, to make up for the last bit of proficiency of Long Xiang Guixu.

Just like when there was no spiritual machine to assist, Chen Fei practiced so many of the great perfection realm techniques little by little by relying on the insights given by the simplified panel.

Use time to exchange for the achievement of the technique.

However, now that the road to becoming an immortal has appeared, Chen Fei does not have so much time to wait for the Dragon Elephant Guixu to succeed before entering the road to becoming an immortal. If that were the case, the master of the Guixu realm would have been born.

Then even if Chen Fei practiced the Dragon Elephant Guixu, it would not make much sense.

Another solution is to obtain more refined spiritual essence and draw out stronger spiritual machine to assist in cultivation.

The spiritual machine transformed by these top-grade Yuan crystals and spiritual materials is very strong, but it is far from enough for Chen Fei to practice the Dragon Elephant Guixu.

Just like Chen Fei recently practiced the ninth-level techniques and the Heavenly Dao, he did not use the top-grade Yuan crystal to draw the spiritual machine, because the spiritual machine drawn by the top-grade Yuan crystal was not strong enough to allow Chen Fei to draw inferences from one example.

This is the situation that the Dragon Elephant Guixu is facing now, so it needs a more powerful spiritual essence, just like Nan Caiming's spiritual essence before.

After the spiritual essence was shattered, the spiritual energy drawn out was the most concentrated one that Chen Fei had encountered in such a long time of cultivation, so Chen Fei quickly cultivated the Space Heavenly Dao.

If Chen Fei knew in advance that the spiritual essence of the Daozu level would be so much stronger than the spiritual energy drawn by the top-grade Yuanjing, he would probably use that spiritual essence last.

However, with the difficulty of cultivating Longxiang Guixu at this moment, a single spiritual essence of the Daozu level cannot cultivate Longxiang Guixu to the state of great perfection.

Chen Fei exhaled a breath of turbid air, waved his hand to put away the top-grade Yuanjing and spiritual essence in front of him, and then flashed and appeared millions of miles away.

Shi Dingan was rushing towards the direction of Yuanlinhai, and suddenly found a figure in front of him. He was startled and subconsciously showed a defensive posture.

But after seeing that it was Chen Fei, Shi Dingan couldn't help but smile.

"I ran away just now because I felt that I would be a burden, so..." Shi Dingan looked at Chen Fei and instinctively began to explain.

Chen Fei's appearance here means that Nan Caiming is really dead. In other words, Chen Fei is now a peak strong man who can kill Daozu.

Although Shi Dingan knew that Chen Fei would not misunderstand, he still wanted to explain.

Because once Chen Fei really misunderstood, the price would be too high, both for him, Shi Dingan, and for the entire Xian clan.

"I know, Brother Shi, you don't have to do this." Chen Fei smiled and stopped Shi Dingan's explanation.

With the improvement of the realm of cultivation, all close relationships with friends, teachers and elders will become alienated, and the eyes of others looking at oneself will become more and more respectful.

Chen Fei has actually gotten used to this point along the way, so he also knows what Shi Dingan was worried about just now.

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Shi Dingan couldn't help but smile again.

"I'm going to the immortal road. Let's go back to Xuanling Domain and put down the cities of the human race and the Xian clan. Otherwise, follow me to the immortal road. I'm afraid there will be accidents." Chen Fei looked at Shi Dingan and said.

Although Chen Fei is confident in his own strength, he has no idea what the situation is on the immortal road. Keeping the two tribes in the Zangyuan Bell is a disaster rather than a blessing.

A moment later, Chen Fei and Shi Dingan appeared in the central area of ​​Xuanling Domain in an almost teleporting manner, and then the Zangyuan Bell was suspended in the sky, and Xiancheng and Qiankuncheng fell to their original positions.

As Xiancheng and Qiankuncheng landed safely, many figures flew into the air and looked at Chen Fei from afar, with unconcealed worry in their eyes.

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