The talismans and array patterns around the God-trapping Pen shattered instantly, and the Qianyuan Sword pressed the God-trapping Pen all the way to Sun Chenghou's front, and slashed it in front of Sun Chenghou's trembling pupils.

At this moment, Sun Chenghou truly felt what level of attack Du Shanjing had just faced.

Such a sword was simply not something that Daozu, who only had one powerful Heavenly Dao, could resist, even if they had arranged various arrays and made various preparations in advance.

Even if two Daozu surrounded and killed Chen Fei, it would not have any impact on the final result.

At most, the process might be slightly more cumbersome, proving that they did resist, but they really couldn't resist.

Just like the Guixu Realm back then, no matter how many ordinary ninth-level peaks gathered in groups, facing Daozu-level powerhouses, it was a one-sided massacre.

So over time, all the ninth-levels in the Guixu Realm knew that Daozu was invincible, and no matter how much other ninth-level powerhouses did, there would be no change in the end.

Once the Daozu's anger is aroused, at best he will die, and at worst the entire race will be annihilated.

Now, facing Chen Fei, Sun Chenghou felt the pressure of the sky, which was irresistible and helpless!


The Qianyuan Sword slashed through Sun Chenghou's body, and the powerful Heavenly Dao power on Sun Chenghou's body trembled violently, trying to pull Sun Chenghou back from this fatal crisis.

But Chen Fei only used the Heavenly Dao of the Edge to suppress the rebound of the powerful Heavenly Dao on Sun Chenghou's body. The Qianyuan Sword slashed through without any hindrance, and chopped Sun Chenghou's body into a ball of blood mist.

Compared with the Dushan Sutra just now, Sun Chenghou was stronger, but there was no shield to resist most of the damage. Sun Chenghou was only slashed by Chen Fei, and his vitality began to dissipate at this moment.

The Daozu with only one powerful Heavenly Dao and those ordinary ninth-level peaks, in front of Chen Fei now, there is actually not much difference.

Because if you kill, basically just one move is enough.

This is particularly obvious in the road to immortality, in the Shura field that is completely confined to the area.

If it were in other places in the Guixu Realm at this moment, a Daozu-level strongman of a powerful Heavenly Dao would not be killed so casually by Chen Fei.

The special characteristics of some powerful Heavenly Daos are that they can be forcibly disappeared from Chen Fei's sight, such as the Heavenly Dao of Causation.

If Chen Fei wants to chase and kill, even if he relies on the Heavenly Dao of Space, it is estimated that it will take a considerable amount of time.

But on the road to immortality, forcibly disappearing is still within the current area.

Chen Fei flipped his left hand, and a ball of spiritual essence was drawn out of the blood mist, and at the same time, the Divine Binding Pen was put into Chen Fei's sleeve.

The Dushan Sutra was pulled out from the long river of history, like the moon in the water, illusory, and even if it was killed, Chen Fei could not get anything.

But Sun Chenghou is different. He is a cultivator on this timeline. If he is killed, there will naturally be spiritual essence to be extracted.

The best Yuanjing or other natural treasures are no longer of any use to Chen Fei. What Chen Fei needs now is the spiritual essence of the Daozu level.

Once you are on the Immortal Road, you are a competitor, so there is no regret whether you live or die.

If you really want to regret, you still have a chance to regret when you met on the mountain road just now, when the barrier in front of both sides has not disappeared. When the barrier disappears and the battle really begins, even if you regret, you can no longer leave the Immortal Road.

Other practitioners are like this, and so is Chen Fei.

Chen Fei waved his hand, and a black light completely enveloped Chen Fei, and then he sat cross-legged.

The scene on the Immortal Road will be reflected in the entire Guixu Realm, and all the practitioners on the Immortal Road have known this.

Therefore, Chen Fei has to cover up when he wants to practice at this moment.

Although with Chen Fei's current strength, even if other practitioners see Chen Fei's rapid increase in strength, nothing will happen, but Chen Fei still instinctively wants to cover up.

It's nothing more than laying a layer of barrier casually, for Chen Fei, it's not even a trouble.

After practicing to this point, just follow your own heart. Don't want other creatures to see your trump card, this is Chen Fei's heart.

Chen Fei looked at the spiritual essence in his hand and crushed it. The extremely rich spiritual energy instantly enveloped Chen Fei.

I don’t know if it’s because he is now on the road to becoming an immortal, the concentration of spiritual energy this time is much higher than the last time Nan Caiming’s spiritual essence gave him, and even Chen Fei’s speed of practicing the Dragon Elephant Guixu has increased a few points.

Chen Fei was practicing cross-legged, and at this moment, the Guixu Realm was completely boiling.

Especially among those supreme races, many ninth-level people didn’t know which mysterious strongman killed Nan Caiming. At that time, they guessed that they were the ancestor of the power and the ancestor of the destiny.

It is even possible that Nan Caiming was surrounded and killed by many strong men from the outside world.

They only didn’t guess about Chen Fei, after all, didn’t Chen Fei just break through the late ninth level at that time.

As a result, the space heavenly way that Chen Fei just displayed told everyone clearly that Nan Caiming was killed by him.

However, with the overwhelming combat power that Chen Fei just showed, it seems that it is not difficult to kill Nan Caiming. But there is one biggest doubt, that is, why didn't Nan Caiming escape?

Even the Dao Ancestor of Strength and Dao Ancestor of Destiny were helpless against Nan Caiming, so how could Nan Caiming be defeated so easily by Chen Fei?

Just as the strength shown by Chen Fei was too abnormal, which made them unable to understand, the fact that Nan Caiming did not escape even after his death also became their doubt.

In the picture shown on the sky, in addition to the end of the battle on Chen Fei's side, the battles in several other places have also ended.

Strength Daozu and Destiny Daozu, who have two or more powerful Heavenly Daos, did not choose partners, but went forward alone.

With their strength, even if they faced two Daozu with a single powerful Heavenly Dao, they could kill them relatively easily.

Although they could not crush the withered and rotten like Chen Fei, there were no accidents in the middle, and they passed this level with an extremely stable attitude.

Others who quickly completed this level were the seven strong men of Tianhua Tower.

They all had three powerful Heavenly Daos, and one of them had reached the level of the nine Heavenly Daos of Guixu Realm.

With such strength, they did not need to choose partners, and they just pushed forward and killed all the opponents in this level. Of course, there were several Daozu-level strong men who admitted defeat and left directly after discovering that their opponents were Xuanyu Realm strong men.

This was the wisest choice, because if they insisted, the final result would not change at all, and they would have to sacrifice their own lives.

The first level of the Shenshan on the Immortal Road directly reduced the number of dozens of Daozu by half.

The Guixu Realm has never had so many Daozu-level strongmen die in one day. Even in the long time in the past, there were always only a few Daozu.

On the mountain road, the black light shrouding Chen Fei disappeared, and Chen Fei's figure reappeared.

The effect of the Daozu spiritual essence just now was significant, allowing the slow progress of Longxiang Guixu to reach 85% from 80% of the perfect state.

If a Daozu-level spiritual essence is used to practice other new exercises, it should be no problem to improve to the perfect state, not to mention directly to the great perfect state.

But facing the limit-breaking practice of Longxiang Guixu, it can only be improved by half.

However, Chen Fei did not have any dissatisfaction with this. After all, Chen Fei was already satisfied to be able to continue to improve quickly.

Otherwise, according to the proficiency given by the simplified panel, it would be almost impossible to practice the remaining 20% ​​of proficiency without more than a hundred years, and this is still under the condition of activating the time house.

Chen Fei looked up at the mountain road ahead, his figure flashed, and disappeared on the spot.

According to what Chen Fei saw at the foot of the mountain just now, apart from those strong men pulled out from the long river of history, there were a total of 43 practitioners including Chen Fei who climbed the mountain, and there were several peak ninth-level practitioners among them.

According to the results of the fight just now, there are still 21 or 22 competitors on the sacred mountain at the moment. Chen Fei didn't know what kind of test the odd one would encounter.

Chen Fei turned a few mountain roads, and a barrier appeared in front of him again. At the same time, a figure appeared in Chen Fei's eyes not far away.

Looking at the figure in the distance, Chen Fei's eyebrows moved slightly. The strongest man in Guixu Realm at that time, Wu Shijian, the ancestor of the Dao of Power!

Wu Shijian was recognized as the first ancestor of Dao back then. Even the ancestor of the Dao of Destiny, who also possessed two powerful heavenly ways, was suppressed by Wu Shijian.

Wu Shijian failed to make further progress in the Wanjie Martial Arts Arena and obtain a plane origin like the ancestor of the Dao of Destiny. It was not that Wu Shijian was not strong enough, but that the Wanjie Martial Arts Arena did not want Wu Shijian to continue to strengthen his strength.

The Heavenly Dao of Strength can be said to be a Heavenly Dao with no upper limit. It is really not just talk that it can break all laws.

The Heavenly Dao of Strength is very similar to the Heavenly Dao of Destruction, but to some extent, the Heavenly Dao of Strength is stronger. The Heavenly Dao of Destruction emphasizes the result, while the Heavenly Dao of Strength has blessings on both the process and the result.

When the Heavenly Dao of Destruction is used to its extreme, it will first destroy itself and then destroy the opponent.

The Heavenly Dao of Strength will collapse first after being used to its extreme because the body cannot bear it.

However, because of the Heavenly Dao of Life, this drawback cannot be said to be solved by Wu Shijian, but it is indeed covered up for the most part.

Therefore, even if the Taoist Ancestor of Destiny obtains three powerful Heavenly Daos, whether he can defeat Wu Shijian is still an unknown number, and it needs to be really fought to know.

Chen Fei did not expect that the second level on the God Mountain would encounter the strongest person in the Guixu Realm.

Wu Shijian saw Chen Fei's figure in the distance, and his expression was also slightly moved.

Wu Shijian had never seen Chen Fei's appearance before, and even among the various powerful people he had collected, there was no one who looked like Chen Fei.

However, after sensing the aura of Frost Heavenly Dao emanating from Chen Fei, Wu Shijian immediately recognized Chen Fei's identity.

Just as Sun Chenghou had doubts before, Wu Shijian also had the same doubts after recognizing Chen Fei's identity.

However, Wu Shijian immediately suppressed this doubt. There is no weakling who can reach this level.

No matter what Chen Fei did before, Wu Shijian will go all out until he kills his opponent!

He, Wu Shijian, wants to become the master of Guixu Realm! (End of this chapter)

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