In less than a few breaths, Chen Fei turned a mountain road, and the front suddenly opened up.

A huge lake appeared in front of him, and in the center of the lake was a staircase leading directly to the top of the mountain. Chen Fei looked up at the top of the mountain, where he could vaguely see a ray of spiritual light.

Climb the stairs, get that spiritual light, and achieve the position of the realm master!

A piece of information appeared in Chen Fei's mind, which made Chen Fei understand the meaning of that spiritual light.

That spiritual light is a mutual achievement between the Guixu Realm and the practitioners. The practitioners can use it to transcend to the realm master realm, and the Guixu Realm can also transform into a stronger plane.

In fact, if there is a tenth-level Yuanli technique, similar to the Dragon Elephant Guixu, Chen Fei can also break through to the tenth-level realm master realm by relying on his own practice.

Just as Ning Jisheng said in the martial arts arena, in the Xuanyu Realm, there are many ways to break through to the realm master, and there is no problem in relying on your own strength to break through.

But unfortunately, there is no ready-made tenth-level technique in Guixu Realm. If Chen Fei needs it, he must integrate the various techniques collected by various ninth-level supreme races.

By learning from the strengths of many schools, perhaps Chen Fei can integrate a tenth-level lower-grade Yuanli technique, and then rely on this technique to forcibly practice to the realm master realm in Guixu Realm.

The emergence of the immortal road can be regarded as saving Chen Fei from this process. And having such a powerful plane as his own domain must still have a lot of advantages.

At the moment Chen Fei appeared, figures also appeared in several other positions. They were the competitors who broke through the previous levels.

All those who can come here are Daozu-level strongmen. Several ordinary ninth-level peaks who appeared at the foot of the mountain before, none of them can be seen at this moment.

Chen Fei glanced at the source clan’s Yan did not appear. I don’t know which strongman he bumped into, so that Yan returned to the long river of history again.

At this moment, there are eleven competitors standing here, leaving aside those summoned from the long river of history, including Chen Fei.

The seven masters of Xuanyu Realm did not miss a single one, and they did not encounter each other and cause internal friction. I don’t know if it was really good luck or if they used some treasures.

For such practitioners from the upper realm, it is not a strange thing to have some different treasures in their hands.

The remaining three are Daozu of Destiny, Daozu of Chaos, and the resentful spirit of the Heart and Ghost Realm who controls one of the eight sufferings of all living beings.

This Daozu-level resentful spirit looks no different from ordinary practitioners, except that his face is slightly pale and he has double pupils.

None of the foreign masters who rushed out of the Drowning Abyss could come here. I don’t know if they were all killed or surrendered and left.

It is really difficult for Daozu with only a single powerful Heavenly Dao to go further, not to mention that those powerful Heavenly Daos are transformed from the origin of the plane, and are naturally weaker than the nine Heavenly Daos of Guixu Realm.

Even Daozu of Destruction, who is extremely strong in attacking, could not make it to the end, so you know how cruel it is.

The reason why Chaos Daozu and Xingui Daozu could stand here was because there were two Daozu-level historical strongmen standing beside them.

Chaos Daozu and Xingui Daozu were extremely lucky to have two Daozu-level partners and did not encounter stronger opponents in the middle, so they stood here.

Chen Fei saw Chaos Daozu Chu Keqing, and Chu Keqing naturally saw Chen Fei.

Chu Keqing's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes were full of coldness, but immediately, Chu Keqing put away the coldness and his eyes returned to calmness.

In the Guixu Realm, all the creatures looked at the scene on the road to becoming immortals. They thought that the next step would be a two-on-two duel, but the rules seemed to have changed, and the remaining strongmen appeared in the same area.

Melee? Or other rules?

If it was a melee, then the competition for the realm master would be considered to have ended in advance. There were still seven strongmen in the Xuanyu Realm, and there were only four on the Guixu Realm side, which was in an absolutely weak position.

However, for most creatures, it seems that it makes no difference to them who is the master of Guixu Realm.

Of course, in their hearts, many supreme realm masters still prefer the practitioners of Guixu Realm.

On the sacred mountain, Chen Fei walked to the front of the lake, and a huge barrier blocked it, which could not be crossed.

Chen Fei reached out to touch the barrier, and new information appeared in his mind.

The strongest!

Climb the stairs alone, face the challenge of other competitors alone, the winner continues to climb the stairs, and if you think you are defeated, you cannot escape, and you can only die.

As long as you climb the stairs, it means that you have no regrets in life and death.

The other few also came to the barrier and got the specific rules of this immortal ladder, and their expressions fluctuated.

To put it simply, the rules of this immortal ladder are round-robin battles. During the process of climbing the ladder, you must accept the challenges of other strong men. Win the duel and continue to climb the ladder.

Now, putting aside those historical strong men, there are eleven competitors on the scene, so the first one to climb the ladder will suffer a lot.

Even if you are strong, you dare not say that you can withstand the successive challenges of the other ten strong men.

No, for those from Xuanyu Realm, there is no need to fight so much. As long as they kill the four from Guixu Realm, the position of Realm Master will be completely theirs.

Compared with the melee mode, this one-on-one duel is better for the practitioners from Guixu Realm, but they are still at a disadvantage.

Liu Chonghe, the Taoist Ancestor of Destiny, looked at the Immortal Stairs. He only looked at the appearance and didn't know if there were any other restrictions on the Immortal Stairs. The first one to go up would suffer too much, which would be like paving the way for other competitors.

At the same time, all the creatures in the Guixu Realm received the rules of the Immortal Staircase in their souls. After this battle, the Realm Master will be truly born.

Countless practitioners began to calculate which one to go up to occupy the most advantageous position.

After calculating, it was found that the later they went up, the greater the advantage they should have. But because the seven people from the Xuanyu Realm were together, if the strong people from the Xuanyu Realm ascended the Immortal Staircase, they would have no chance to wait until the end.

Because you don't challenge, the practitioners from the Xuanyu Realm will really go all the way to the top of the Immortal Staircase and easily take the position of the Realm Master.

In the depths of the void, in front of the Immortal Staircase.

The other Daozu-level strongmen had different expressions, and they were plotting the best way in their hearts. Only Chen Fei looked at the stairs in front of him calmly.


As the void trembled, the barrier in front of the lake disappeared, and the Immortal Staircase duel officially began.

The Daozu present observed each other with the corner of their eyes, while Chen Fei put his hands behind his back, then took a step forward, landed on the lake, and then walked towards the Immortal Stairs step by step.

This lake was surprisingly calm, not only was there nothing strange, but it contained amazing vitality, and it continued to flow into Chen Fei's body.

But a moment later, Chen Fei arrived in front of the Immortal Stairs.

Ning Jisheng and others all looked at Chen Fei in surprise. No matter how you look at it, the first cultivator to climb the stairs, even if he is strong, will have to fight from beginning to end.

It is better to climb the stage in the middle or even at the end, and the chance is greater.

Chen Fei can sense the gazes of the Daozu-level strongmen behind him. Normally, even if he is confident in himself, he must act cautiously when facing these strongmen.

If Longxiang Guixu had not reached the Great Perfection, Chen Fei would not have done so.

But now that Chen Fei has achieved the main spirit of the world, what is there to hesitate about? Just climb the ladder directly. Now in the Guixu world, Chen Fei is the strongest.

Let alone a one-on-one duel, even if all these practitioners besieged Chen Fei, what would Chen Fei be afraid of!


As Chen Fei stepped onto the first step of the Immortal Stairs, a ripple spread out, and a ray of the power of heaven and earth fell on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei sensed this ray of the power of heaven and earth, and his expression moved slightly. It turned out that being the first to climb this ladder also had its advantages. Every time you climbed a step, you would have additional blessings from heaven and earth.

This is equivalent to continuing to strengthen your existing strength.

Although the power of heaven and earth given by each step is very weak, it is still quite considerable when accumulated. If the strength of both sides is almost the same, these bonuses will become the final straw that determines the outcome.

Chen Fei looked up at the top of the mountain. In fact, there are only 108 steps in total. It was not clear when I looked at it from a distance just now. When I really got here, I found that there were very few steps.

If it were not for the limitation of the Immortal Stairs, Chen Fei could reach the top in one step at this moment. But now, he can only take one step at a time, and he has to wait for the blessing of the power of heaven and earth to be completed before he can climb the next step.

On the edge of the lake, together with the historical strongmen, a total of fourteen Dao ancestors watched Chen Fei climb the ladder and found that this immortal ladder did not give any additional punishment, but was rewarding.

At this moment, every time Chen Fei climbed a step, his strength would be stronger, and the steps that Chen Fei had climbed would no longer continue to reward the power of heaven and earth.

The more steps Chen Fei climbed, the less blessing the later ones would receive.

As for how much strength Chen Fei had, no one else could see except Chaos Dao Ancestor Chu Keqing.

Especially after Chen Fei replaced Frost Heavenly Dao, the other Dao Ancestors even wondered where Chen Fei came from, as they had never seen this person before.

On the Guixu Realm side, the three Dao Ancestors of Destiny did not rush to climb the ladder to fight Chen Fei. At this moment, the seven people from Xuanyu Realm were actually the ones who were really anxious.

Because their advantage was too obvious, allowing Chen Fei to climb the stairs like this would harm their interests.

To put it bluntly, even if the three of them, Daozu Mingyuan, gave up their positions as world masters at this moment, the losses they suffered would be less than those of the seven people in Xuanyu Realm. After all, they had paid a huge price to enter Guixu Realm.

Chu Keqing looked calm, because Chu Keqing felt that Chen Fei was dead!

Luan Xianyuan turned to look at Ning Jisheng and the other six. Since they knew there were no extra traps on the Ascension Ladder, there was no need for Chen Fei to continue to receive the blessing of the power of heaven and earth.

This blessing of heaven and earth could be obtained by their Tianhua Tower.

Luan Xianyuan's eyes finally fell on Ning Jisheng. Ning Jisheng sensed Luan Xianyuan's gaze, bowed his hands, and then flashed to the front of the Ascension Ladder.

Chen Fei had just stepped onto the ninth step at this moment. With the appearance of Ning Jisheng, the Ascension Ladder blocked the steps, and Chen Fei turned to look at Ning Jisheng.

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