Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1493: A shortcut to making money

Normally, if two realm masters work together to condense the Dao Stone, the time can be shortened by half at most.

But Night Demon Warrior and Chen Fei are in tune with each other, mainly because their progress in cultivation is exactly the same. After this superposition, the time of ninety years is shortened to thirty years.

If other realm masters knew that they could condense a Dao Stone in thirty years, they would probably be envious.

In the eyes of most realm masters in Cangxia Domain, this is equivalent to sitting there and counting immortal crystals. After all, the cultivation of many realm masters basically starts from tens of thousands of years, and even many need hundreds of thousands of years.

Sometimes it is not that you are talented enough, and you spend thousands of years to cultivate to the peak of the ninth level, and then you can start preparing to break through the realm master realm.

Many planes, such as Guixu Realm, don’t know how many tens of thousands of years it took to have the opportunity to transform, and then have the opportunity to become a realm master.

Like Wu Shijian and others at the beginning, who was not amazing, but they were still waiting there.

So those realm masters can sit still and spend thirty years to condense the Dao Stone. In their eyes, the cost performance is simply unparalleled.

Only those cultivators with a deep background in the Xuanyu Realm can have the opportunity to become a Realm Master after reaching their cultivation level.

But since they have a deep background, it is impossible for them to actively condense the Dao Stone. They have many ways to quickly improve their cultivation level, and they will not even think about condensing the Dao Stone.

Chen Fei looked at the Dao Stone in his hand, his eyes were deep, and he was naturally not satisfied with condensing a Dao Stone in thirty years, because Chen Fei still felt that it was too long.

If you want to continue to shorten the time, you can solve this problem immediately with enough manpower. For example, increase the number of Night Demon Soldiers, for example, if there are dozens of Night Demon Soldiers, the time to condense the Dao Stone will be drastically shortened.

But this is obviously impossible. If there are really dozens of Night Demon Soldiers, and they are all Realm Masters, Chen Fei does not need to stay here, and can go out directly to kill Yuan Mo in exchange for rewards.

In Kongling City, there is a bounty task that is always valid and has no time limit, that is, hunting Yuan Mo.

Any Yuan Mo in the early stage of Realm Master can be exchanged for thirty Dao Stones. Chen Fei needs to collect 1,296 Dao Stones and kill 44 Yuan Mo in the early stage of the Realm Lord Realm to complete the collection.

One-on-one, facing the Yuan Mo in the early stage of the Realm Lord Realm, Chen Fei is still relatively confident. Although he does not have a Dao Stone in his body at the moment, Chen Fei has the Night Demon War Soldiers and the Dao Sword Chapter of the Great Perfection Realm, which is enough to kill the Yuan Mo of the same level.

But it is still the previous problem. Yuan Mo appears in groups, so there is no chance for you to fight alone.

Chen Fei can't really treat dozens of Yuan Mo of the same level as nothing now, mainly because the cultivation methods of Yuan Mo are also in the state of Great Perfection. Chen Fei wants to crush them, but he doesn't have the strength to crush them.

Chen Fei thought for a moment, and his figure flashed and left the courtyard. When he appeared again, Chen Fei was already outside Zhu Shiyu's courtyard.

"I said I was refreshed today. It turns out that Brother Chen is coming. Please come in."

Before Chen Fei asked the guard at the door to pass, Zhu Shiyu appeared in front of Chen Fei with a smile on his face.

"Brother Zhu, I'm going to bother you again." Chen Fei smiled and bowed.

"No way, please." Zhu Shiyu waved his hand with a big laugh, and led Chen Fei into the Zhu Mansion.

In the reception room, servants shuttled back and forth, prepared tea, and then all left the house.

"Brother Chen, are you here to ask the owner of the building? The owner of the building has been tied up by the matter of the Yuan Mo recently, and I don't know when the owner of the building will be free."

Zhu Shiyu took a sip of the teacup and looked at Chen Fei.

That day, he led Chen Fei into Lingxiao Tower and said that the owner of the building would meet Chen Fei in three days. As a result, after waiting for more than ten days, the owner of Lingxiao Tower still couldn't get away.

"This is one thing, and there is another thing that I want to ask Brother Zhu." Chen Fei whispered.

"You and I are in Lingxiao Tower together, there is no need to be so formal, Brother Chen can just say it directly." Zhu Shiyu smiled.

"Thank you, Brother Zhu! I made a lot of gains in the library a few days ago. I came here today to ask Brother Zhu, are there any other faster ways to condense the Dao Stone?" Chen Fei looked at Zhu Shiyu and said.

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Zhu Shiyu couldn't help but be startled, looking at Chen Fei with surprise.

"Brother Chen can already condense the Dao Stone?"

"After listening to Brother Zhu's introduction that day, I went back to the plane to try it out, and luckily succeeded." Chen Fei did not deny it.

When Chen Fei decided to ask Zhu Shiyu, Chen Fei had no intention of hiding this matter.

Being able to condense the Dao Stone is a trait, and there are not many realm masters in Cangxia Domain who have this trait. At first glance, this trait is very rare, but in fact, this trait is only attractive to ordinary realm masters.

For realm masters with slightly higher cultivation, such as those in the late stage of the realm master realm, who cares whether you can condense the Dao Stone. In many cases, what they lack is not the Dao Stone, but the treasure that can help them break through.

"Congratulations, Brother Chen, for being able to condense the Dao Stone. Brother Chen only needs to spend more years in the future, and the Dao Stones needed for cultivation can be condensed one by one." Zhu Shiyu said with some envy.

Zhu Shiyu was really envious, because he was just an ordinary realm master. Being able to condense the Dao Stone meant that if Chen Fei stayed in Lingxiao Tower or Kongling City at ease, he would have more and more immortal crystals on him without going out to take risks.

And Chen Fei was a realm master of a plane. As long as he did not encounter a too powerful opponent, he could just hide back to his own plane.

Many realm masters who found that they could condense the Dao Stone, but did not have a plane, all went to find a ninth-level plane to smelt it, just to stabilize in one place and no longer move at will.

"Brother Zhu, you are too polite." Chen Fei bowed.

"If you want to speed up the condensation of the Dao Stone, there is indeed a way. Many realm masters like Brother Chen have never stopped studying this matter."

Zhu Shiyu said, taking out a secret book from his sleeve and placing it on the table.

Zhu Shiyu's attitude was more friendly than before. After all, in the future, Chen Fei will have more and more immortal crystals.

If there is an emergency in the future, Chen Fei will be a good person to borrow money. Now that we have a good relationship, we can ask for it in the future.

"What is this?" Chen Fei looked at the secret book on the table.

"Da Dao Shi Yan, Zhu Mou accidentally got it before. It is not a precious secret book, because this technique has a great flaw." Zhu Shiyu said, and pushed the secret book in front of Chen Fei without hesitation.

"What flaws?" Chen Fei did not open the secret book immediately, but looked at Zhu Shiyu.

Chen Fei didn't want to get a specific secret book from Zhu Shiyu, but he didn't expect that Zhu Shiyu really had it. Maybe every ordinary realm master wants to try to see if he can condense the Dao Stone by himself through other means.

"Fishing all the fish in the pond! I don't know which realm master created this technique. It consumes one's own essence to forcibly condense the Dao Stone, which is not worth the loss. Brother Chen can only refer to it, don't really practice it." Zhu Shiyu instructed.

"Consume one's own essence just to condense a Dao Stone, isn't this putting the cart before the horse?" Chen Fei frowned.

"Maybe that realm master has a faster recovery speed. There are three thousand Daos, and each realm master has different characteristics, which is also very normal." Zhu Shiyu shook his head and said.

"Thank you, Brother Zhu. Chen is short of money now. If there is a chance, I will repay you one day." Chen Fei accepted the secret book and said very seriously.

Chen Fei really had nothing in his hands. He had no natural treasures that the realm master could use, and no immortal crystals.

As for the Dao Sword Chapter, it was created purely for Chen Fei himself, and Zhu Shiyu did not have the characteristics of condensing Dao Stone, so there was no need to practice it.

"It's just an ordinary practice, brother Chen, you don't have to do this. Zhu has only this practice, and I got it by accident at that time. If brother Chen needs more similar practices, he still has to go to Miaoxuanhui."

Zhu Shiyu said, put a storage bag on the table, pushed it to Chen Fei, and said:

"Here are some immortal crystals, brother Chen can use them first."

Zhu Shiyu started to invest directly, and there were 30,000 immortal crystals in the storage bag, which was equivalent to Chen Fei's three-year salary.

Thirty thousand low-grade immortal crystals are definitely nothing for other realm masters, but for a realm master like Chen Fei who has just broken through, it is still quite generous.

Chen Fei looked at Zhu Shiyu with some surprise. Just after he said that he could condense Dao Stone, Zhu Shiyu became so polite.

Chen Fei looked down at the storage bag, thought for a while, and took the storage bag. Chen Fei really needed to go to Miaoxuanhui to buy some skills to speed up the condensation of the Dao Stone.

Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Now we are ready to condense the Dao Stone faster.

"Thank you, Brother Zhu. I will return this amount of immortal crystals to Brother Zhu as soon as possible." Chen Fei said seriously.

"What are you talking about? Since I gave these immortal crystals, I didn't think about taking them back. I hope Brother Chen won't say such polite words again!" Zhu Shiyu said seriously.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei left Zhu Mansion. Zhu Shiyu personally sent him to the door and watched Chen Fei disappear from his back.

"Condensing the Dao Stone, why don't I have this fate!" Zhu Shiyu sighed slightly.

To be able to cultivate to become a realm master is already one in a billion, but after becoming a realm master, I found that there is a big difference between realm masters.

Same level, but different fate!

Chen Fei went straight to the Miaoxuanhui in Kongling City and used the 30,000 low-grade immortal crystals in his hand to buy six secret manuals that can speed up the condensation of the Dao Stone.

This price is not expensive, and it can even be said to be very cheap.

Chen Fei now has nothing in his hands, purely in his own pocket, which is really too embarrassing.

Chen Fei returned to the courtyard quiet room, and then returned to the depths of the void in Guixu Realm, reading all seven secret manuals about condensing the Dao Stone, and finally integrated them into the Dao Sword Chapter.

The name of the technique did not change, and the proficiency fell to 90% of the perfect state.

Chen Fei drew the spiritual power and spent dozens of breaths to cultivate the Dao Sword Chapter to the great perfection state again, and at the same time mastered many techniques to speed up the condensation of the Dao Stone.

Chen Fei opened his eyes, disappeared, and returned to the courtyard of Kongling City.

Chen Fei stretched out his right hand, and the prototype of the Dao Stone that had been condensed before reappeared.

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