Xing Xinzhao looked at Chen Fei in disbelief. The sword intent just now seemed to have crashed into a copper wall and an iron wall. The sword intent broke directly, and Xing Xinzhao was immediately backlashed.

As for Chen Fei, nothing happened at all.

This is not like a collision of minds between the same level at all, it seems to be the mind of the late stage of the Aperture Realm to fight for the peak of the Aperture Realm.

Xing Xinzhao's tragic situation made Sui Wengong frown on the side. He is also in the late stage of the Aperture Realm, and even Xing Xinzhao broke through the late stage of the Aperture Realm for several years. It makes no sense that he would lose to Chen Fei in terms of mental strength.

Chen Fei, the arrogant of the Yuanchen Sword Sect, gave Sui Wengong more and more surprises, which also made Sui Wengong's killing intent towards Chen Fei more and more serious.

Since these monsters are already enemies, even if they die together, they must be killed here.

Fortunately, the Zhenyuan mirror has enveloped Chen Fei at this moment, if the Zhenyuan mirror is not broken, then Chen Fei will never want to leave.

"Form formation, kill!"

Sui Wengong yelled violently, took the lead, and rushed towards Chen Fei. At the same time, He Yunrui and the others were connected with each other, and the atmosphere of chilling and murder was overwhelming.

Tens of meters away, Chen Fei glanced at the mirror light on his body in surprise. At this moment, a huge force was constantly crushing Chen Fei, trying to crush Chen Fei into a ball of flesh.

But no matter it was the Yuanli in the late stage of Aperture Training Realm, or the physique added by the dragon-suppressing elephant, they all resisted this huge force.

In the late stage of Aperture Training Realm, it is very unlikely to be crushed to death by the Zhenyuan mirror, but the strength of the whole body will definitely be greatly affected. Just like the body technique, if you can't use it as you wish at this moment, it is tantamount to being abolished.

Unless he also possesses a high-grade spiritual weapon to block the power of the Zhenyuan Mirror, he will always be under the control of others.

This is the power of a high-grade spiritual weapon. The Spirit Locking Pagoda of the Yuanchen Sword Sect also has a similar function, and it is even stronger. After all, the Spirit Locking Pagoda back then was a pinnacle spiritual tool.

It was only after being damaged many times and spiritually damaged that it was reduced to a top-grade spiritual weapon. But even so, the Suo Ling Pagoda still possesses extremely strong power, and is used by the Yuanchen Sword Sect as a sharp weapon to guard the mountain gate.

Chen Fei looked up at Sui Wengong who was rushing towards him, and the fine iron longbow held in his left hand broke into pieces and scattered all over the ground. Without the protection of Chen Fei's Yuanli, the electromagnetic cannon was used a few times just now, and this refined iron longbow has long been overwhelmed.


With a sound of sword sound, the Qianyuan sword itself jumped into Chen Fei's hands, and a wave of sword intent swept out in all directions with Chen Fei as the center. The mirror light bound by the Zhenyuan Mirror kept trembling, as if it was about to be broken free.

Sui Wengong's eyelids twitched, as soon as the Qianyuan sword fell into Chen Fei's hands, Chen Fei's aura changed significantly, and Sui Wengong couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Sui Wengong only felt that way when Chen Fei charged up and used the electromagnetic gun just now.

The Yuanchen Sword Sect didn't have any excellent inheritance of bow techniques, and Sui Wengong subconsciously felt that those bow techniques were acquired by Chen Fei from an adventure abroad. Sui Wengong thought that Chen Fei's strongest skill would be archery.

Only now have I discovered that the situation seems to have changed again.

He has only practiced for a few years, and it is only recently that he has broken through to the later stages of the Aperture Realm. Why does Chen Fei have such endless means?

Sui Wengong didn't believe it. Now that Zhen Yuanjing is suppressing Chen Fei, and there are disciples behind him to support him, in this case, he will lose!


Sui Wengong yelled sharply, and a sword element exploded from Sui Wengong's body, but the sword element did not hit Chen Fei, but rushed towards the other elders who returned to the building with the formation of the formation.

Although Jianhui Jue and Jianhuilou's Zhenpai skills are not comparable to Yuanchen Sword Sect's Yuanchen Sword Canon, they also have their own unique features.

The most obvious of these is the ability to gather the strength of everyone, just like the formation of the sword returning to the peak of the main building. In other words, the formation of Jianhui Louzhu Peak is laid according to Jianhui Jue.

At this moment, the sword elements in Xing Xinzhao's and other people's bodies were connected one by one to form a circle, and almost instantly, the sword elements shot by Sui Wengong returned to his own body.

And compared to when it was hit just now, the power of this sword element has increased by tens of thousands at this moment.

The blade in Sui Wengong's hand swirled, and it was obvious that the power of the sword had increased dramatically, but Sui Wengong still slashed at Chen Fei with ease as if using his own power.

The power has increased dramatically, and it can be used freely. This is the power that really belongs to you, and only in this way can you hit the strongest part of this power.

At this moment, Sui Wengong was the only one who came in front of Chen Fei, but Chen Fei felt as if he was being besieged.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Chen Fei praised in a low voice, his voice was very low at first, but after blinking, he roared like thunder.

It wasn't just the sound that was roaring, Chen Fei's body was also awakening like an ancient monster at this moment. Amidst the roaring of dragons and elephants, majestic power shook the space.


On the Qianyuan Sword, black light filled the air, and all the four forces of the Yuanchen Sword Code were restrained into the small sword body.

If the power of the Zhenyuan mirror was only pushed away just now, then with the power of the Qianyuan sword erupting at this moment, the mirror light of the Zhenyuan mirror was directly torn with a huge hole.

Although the mirror light is still attached to Chen Fei's body, it can no longer restrain Chen Fei, because the power Chen Fei displayed at this moment has far exceeded the range that Zhenyuan Mirror can suppress.

Chen Fei looked at Sui Wengong, took a step forward with his right foot, and stabbed Qianyuan sword forward.

Sui Wengong felt the breath from the Qianyuan sword, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

Although this sword is not as exaggerated as the arrow shot at Jianhui Louzhu Peak, and it has reached the level of almost the peak of the Aperture Realm, but it is still very close.

He has only broken through to the late stage of Aperture Training, so why can he attack at such a level so easily?

There is at least a little reason for accumulating energy to strike a blow that surpasses one's own strength, because if the Sword Back Art is accumulating energy for a long time, one's own attack can also be increased by several tenths.

But what happened to this casual strike?


Sui Wengong roared loudly, and the acupuncture points all over his body began to crack, but it was too late, the distance between the two was too close, and only a small gap appeared in Sui Wengong's acupuncture points, and the sword blades of both sides had already collided.


A ripple centered on the location where the two swords collided, and rippled towards the surroundings. The ripples were small at first, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into a wave of Yuan Force, sweeping in all directions.

Sui Wengong's whole body groaned, and the long sword in his hand was only held on for a moment, before the sword element in it was forcibly smashed, and then bounced back with extremely strong force.

Sui Wengong watched Qianyuan sword drive straight in, and with all his strength, he blocked the spirit sword in front of his chest. The next moment, Qianyuan sword stabbed.


The sound of the spirit sword whining, Sui Wengong heard the sound of his own flesh being crushed, and the sound of ribs breaking. Sui Wengong didn't have the slightest power to resist, and flew out backwards.

The blood mist filled the air, and Sui Wengong was rigidly embedded in the ground, unable to move, and even lost the strength to cough up blood.

Sui Wengong couldn't see anything, there was a black shadow in front of his eyes, his heart beat a few times, and then gradually stopped. There was an inexplicable smile on Sui Wengong's face, which seemed to be self-deprecating and lamenting.

In just an instant, Sui Wengong's aura completely dissipated. The strong man in the late stage of the dignified practice state was completely beheaded by Chen Fei with a single sword.

Although Sui Wengong was not very strong in the late stage of Aperture Realm, the visual picture displayed after being killed by such a sword is still shocking.

Xing Xinzhao and others who followed Sui Wengong wanted to surround and kill Chen Fei, but when they saw the scene in front of them, they all stopped involuntarily.

They watched in disbelief at the scene in front of them. Sui Wengong, the strongest in the sect, died like this after being strengthened.

"Run, run for me all!"

Xing Xinzhao roared loudly as if awakened from a start, and at the same time the acupoints all over his body shattered, and at the same time burned all his energy and energy, and in a short time, he recovered to the strength of the late stage of Aperture Training.

Xing Xinzhao still had a chance to heal his injuries at the Cracking Aperture Point last time. With such actions at this moment, no matter what the final result is, Xing Xinzhao himself will undoubtedly die.

"Destroy my sword and go back to the building to inherit it, and the sky will kill you!" Xing Xinzhao roared loudly and rushed towards Chen Fei.

He Yunrui and the others woke up like a dream, they didn't dare to hesitate, turned around and fled to the dense forest. No matter what they do, they can't resist this kind of power.

Only by running can there be a chance of survival.

"You shouldn't be so lucky to be greedy for my Yuanchen inheritance!" Chen Fei looked at Xing Xinzhao and said flatly.

The Qianyuan sword turned back, and the majestic power swept over Xing Xinzhao. Although Xing Xinzhao had tried his best, he had no way to resist in the face of the huge gap in strength.


Xing Xinzhao's figure was hit high, blood mist filled the air, Xing Xinzhao's eyes were full of unwillingness and a trace of regret. If he hadn't thought about keeping Yuan Chen's inheritance, Jian Huilou would not have suffered such a catastrophe.

Time is fate!

Chen Fei looked at the few people who had escaped from Jianhui downstairs, and with a move with his right hand, the fine iron longbow in the distance flew into Chen Fei's hand.

Nocking the arrow and drawing the bow, amidst the electromagnetic roar, several arrows pierced through like lightning, and flew in three directions respectively.


The crackling sound came from a distance, and under the stargazing technique, Chen Fei used the electromagnetic cannon, which can be said to have been fired without fail. Even though others kept moving around, Chen Fei predicted their predictions.

The result is naturally self-evident.

The phantom walked out of Chen Fei's body, and the clone rushed to the dense forest, taking back the things on several people. The most important thing is the spiritual weapon, which can be exchanged for Chen Fei's cultivation resources.

Chen Fei came in front of Sui Wengong, and with a move with his right hand, the Zhenyuan Mirror fell into Chen Fei's hands. A heavy feeling penetrated Chen Fei's mind, and the spirituality contained in it was astonishingly majestic.

Although not as good as the Suo Ling Pagoda, compared to other high-grade spiritual weapons, this Zhenyuan mirror is not bad.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei appeared in Jianhui Building.

At this moment, the Jianhui building was extremely chaotic, many disciples had already abandoned the door and fled, and some were hiding.

Chen Fei turned a blind eye to these, and rushed to the main peak of Jianhui Building. Yuan Nanyun died of a broken heart because he resisted Chen Fei's extreme electromagnetic gun.

Chen Fei put away Yuan Nanyun's spiritual weapon, and with a wave of his right hand, turned Yuan Nanyun into flying ash.

Chen Fei's figure flickered, and he stepped into the main hall of Jianhui Building.

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