"Then Chen Fei is now the leader of the five faction alliance. If he dies, the Yuanchen Sword Sect will decline, and the five faction alliance will exist in name only. At that time, Haifeng Region will definitely be in chaos! But if you want to control that secret realm, you just let Chen Fei die Dropping is not enough!"

Tan Chunyi thought for a moment, shook his head and said.

"Then tell me, what should we do?" Pu Chunxu said in a low voice.

"Catch Chen Fei and control him!" Tan Chunyi laughed softly.

"Then Chen Fei is very talented, and his temperament must be arrogant. It is too difficult to control him." Pu Chunxu shook his head.

"If he is afraid of death, he must be able to control it. If he is not afraid of death, then let him really die!"

There was a gleam of coldness in Tan Chunyi's eyes, if he is sensible, then let him live, if he is not sensible, then there is no need to live.

After all, it was just a third-tier low-level secret realm. At the peak of the Mourning Shadow Sect, it had fully controlled four secret realms of this level. If it weren't for the current special environment, the Mourning Shadow Sect would not have planned a third-order secret realm like this.

"That's it. Find someone to capture that Chen Fei. Whether to kill or keep him, we'll talk about it when he arrives." Pu Chunxu nodded and said.

"Speaking of Chen Fei, I went through the information in our internal library and found something interesting. You can take a look."

As Tan Chunyi said, he took out a jade slip from his sleeve, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Pu Chunxu.

Pu Chunxu glanced at Tan Chunyi with some doubts, and put his mind into it. After a while, Pu Chunxu frowned slightly and withdrew his mind.

"The anomalies of Duan Muxiao and Kou Yuanheng are all related to this Chen Fei?" Pu Chunxu looked at Tan Chunyi and asked.

Both Pu Chunxu and Tan Chunyi's cultivation levels are in the late stage of Heqiao state, but Tan Chunyi is in charge of the main affairs of the Sangying Sect on weekdays, and Pu Chunxu spends more energy on cultivation.

The Sangying Sect has developed for so many years, and has entered a bottleneck period. If it wants to develop further, there must be a peak Aperture Realm in the Sangying Sect to achieve it.

In terms of talent, Pu Chunxu is much stronger than Qin Chunyi. At the beginning, he developed three expansions and three traps, and he developed a top-grade joint, which can withstand the weight of three flowers.

However, when Tan Chunyi was at the sixth rank, he had an accident, and in the end he only achieved a middle-grade combination. There was almost no possibility of three flowers gathering at the top, and gathering two flowers was almost the limit.

Tan Chunyi simply took on the daily affairs of the Sangying Sect, so after coming to Haifeng Domain, Qin Chunyi deliberately searched for information on various Aperture Realms, and found something unusual.

"After accepting the mission to assassinate Chen Fei, Duanmu Xiao didn't disappear. He was still active for a few years. However, some of his actions in the past few years are somewhat different from the past. We suspect that Duanmu Xiao is dead." Tan Chunyi explained.

"So let Kou Yuanheng confirm?"


Qin Chunyi nodded, and continued: "We didn't realize that there was a problem with Kou Yuanheng, but some time ago, Haiyucheng summoned people to resist the sea monster, and Kou Yuanheng completely lost his voice."

Pu Chunxu's eyes narrowed slightly, Kou Yuanheng had been hiding his information from the outside world, the recruitment of Haiyu City could not fall on Kou Yuanheng.

But Kou Yuanheng disappeared, not only did not show up at the various contact points of the Sangying Sect, he did not even go back to the city of Hague.

Obviously, Kou Yuanheng is dead.

"It's less than ten years since Chen Fei broke through to the Aperture Realm?" Pu Chunxu frowned.

In less than ten years, the possibility of breaking through to the middle stage of the Aperture Realm and beheading Kou Yuanheng is a little low, isn't it?

"It may be related to this Chen Fei, not necessarily him. It's just that the disappearance of Kou Yuanheng and the two happened to be somewhat related to this Chen Fei."

Qin Chunyi is also not sure, after all, ten years from the early to the middle stage of Heqiao state, this speed is faster than the Tianjiao of the General League, which is too exaggerated.

"It's probably just a coincidence, but it shouldn't be taken lightly." Pu Chunxu pondered for a moment.


Qin Chunyi nodded and said, "But for the sake of caution, it's inappropriate to let the early stages of the Aperture Realm go, and the movement is too big. So I decided to let the three Wu brothers go. With their strength, even if there is an emergency , can also be properly resolved!"

"Yes!" Pu Chunxu thought for a while and nodded.

The three Wu brothers, triplets, have been connected with each other since they were young. One of them learned a certain exercise, and the other two could comprehend it very quickly.

It is precisely by virtue of this somewhat bizarre talent that the three Wu brothers have continuously comprehended various exercises, making their background more and more abundant.

Now in the early two hundred years, the three of them have all reached the fifth rank of the Aperture Realm, and they are only one step away from entering the late stage of the Aperture Realm.

Because the sixth rank of Heqiao is related to whether they can enter the peak of Heqiao state in the future, the three Wu brothers are extremely cautious, and the goal in their hearts is the top level of Heqiao.

Otherwise, if the three of them set their goals a little lower, they would already be three late-stage powerhouses in the Heqiao state, and the strength of the Mourning Shadow Sect would also expand a circle.

For the plan of the three Wu brothers, Sangyingzong is also very supportive. After all, the three of them have the same heart. Compared with others, their talents are much stronger, and their future may be much greater.

Now that the three Wu brothers are performing the task together, the power they unleash is not much weaker than that of the general late-stage Heqiao state.

It is impossible to kill, but it is impossible for warriors who have just entered the late stage of the Aperture Realm to kill the three Wu brothers.

For Chen Fei, the biggest estimate, that is, the cultivation base in the mid-stage of the Heqiao state, is already exaggerated enough. And if the three Wu brothers go together, it will be safe.

Chen Fei was still practicing in seclusion in the Yuanchen Sword Sect, except for Chi Shuqing who came a few times, other times, no one else came to bother Chen Fei.

On this day, Qu Qingsheng led some people to meet a ship. The people were the vanguard of the Panfeng faction.

If the Panfeng faction wanted to move to the Haifeng region, it would be best to have a mountain gate to settle down. Therefore, the Panfeng faction first gave up some people, chose a good location, and built the mountain gate in advance.

"Recently, I have to trouble Head Qu." Wei Zikuan cupped his hands at Qu Qingsheng.

Although Wei Zikuan has reached the pinnacle of the Aperture Realm in cultivation and is far stronger than Qu Qingsheng, Wei Zikuan dare not show any face towards Qu Qingsheng.

"Master Wei doesn't need to be so polite." Qu Qingsheng smiled and waved his hand.

Pick up the wind and wash the dust, check the site selection of the mountain gate, along the way, both sides are harmonious. Wei Zikuan was also quite satisfied with the locations of several mountain gates given by the Yuanchen Sword Sect.

After only a few days, people can be summoned to build the mountain gate of the Panfeng faction in the Haifeng area.

Yellowstone City, Qianren Gate.

"Qu Qingsheng received people from the Panfeng sect?" Ye Qishan frowned when he heard the report from the elders in the sect.

Ye Qishan naturally understands the Panfeng faction. The entire Thousand Feather League, Ye Qishan knows the third-level powers by heart, but he has always heard the names.

Compared with other third-level forces, the Panfeng faction is more well-known in that this sect's skills are very good at defense, and it is difficult for people of the same level to break the defense of the Panfeng faction in a short period of time.

Moreover, the strongest person of the Panfeng Sect is still a female warrior, which is also a rare situation among various sects.

"Continue to investigate!" Ye Qishan pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

If the relationship between Yuanchen Sword Sect and Panfeng Sect is very good, then the actions against Yuanchen Sword Sect may have to be much restrained.

The Panfeng faction's skills are good at defense, which doesn't mean they can't attack, but the Panfeng faction's offense is not so prominent compared to their defense, but it is at the level of normal warriors.

Rumor has it that Tong Linyun, the most powerful member of the Panfeng Sect, has now reached the fifth level of Acuity Acuity, and is only one step away from entering the late stage of Acuity Acuity.

But at this step, I don't know how many people were stopped. Ye Qishan has no way of judging whether Tong Linyun can enter the late stage of the Aperture Realm.

But just the strength of the fifth rank of Heqiao is actually much stronger than that of Qianrenmen.

Thinking of this, Ye Qishan couldn't help frowning.

Three hours later.

"The Panfeng faction is going to settle in the Haifeng region, and the people from the Yuanchen Sword faction will help select the mountain gates?"

Ye Qishan looked at the map in his hand, a red dot in it represented the location of Yuanchen Sword Sect. And the possible mountain gate locations of the Panfeng Sect are not very far away from the Yuanchen Sword Sect.

That is to say, if the Yuanchenjian sent something, the Panfeng faction can rush there immediately after learning about it.

"This Yuanchen Sword Sect has really fallen for this Panfeng Sect!" Ye Qishan tapped the table lightly.

With such a short distance, many of the original resources of the Yuanchen Sword Sect must be given up to the Panfeng Sect, but it is difficult to tell whether it is a profit or a loss when it is close to a third-level force.

Not to mention other things, if the Panfeng faction really appeared in the Haifeng area, and if they wanted that secret realm at Qianrenmen, the Panfeng faction would be an insurmountable hurdle.

"I heard that the Panfeng Sect doesn't want any of the original resource points of the Yuanchen Sword Sect, including the third-order secret realm. They will find new resource points by themselves." Elder Qianrenmen said hesitantly.

"Don't want one?" Ye Qishan raised his head, his eyes full of doubts.

The Yuanchen Sword Sect fell to your Panfeng Sect, and you accepted it, but you don't take any of those resource points, and you don't want the secret realm, so what are you planning?

Can Tu Yuanchen Sword Sect build a mountain gate for you?

"Have you found out anything else?" Ye Qishan pressed the doubts in his heart and asked.

"The Panfeng sect will officially come to Haifeng domain in a month's time." Elder Qianrenmen said.

"A month later..." Ye Qishan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

The attitude of the Panfeng Sect towards the Yuanchen Sword Sect is extraordinarily good, and it is inexplicable that it is so good, and it will appear in the Haifeng domain again a month later.

Qianrenmen wanted to slowly suppress Yuanchen Sword Sect and other five sects, and let them take the initiative to hand over part of the third-order secret realm, but now it seems that there is not enough time.

Unless the elders in the door are allowed to directly attack, but this will break the rules of the Thousand Feathers League.

Although the Thousand Feather League is currently in turmoil, the Thousand Feather League has not really dispersed. Things that are too out of bounds may be liquidated afterwards.

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