This formation, even if Tan Zhixiu died, or even the other two Aperture Realm peaks died, it would still be displayed by the other Aperture Realm members of Luotian Pavilion after Master Haiyue left.

Under normal circumstances, the Mountain Sea Realm would disdain to fight against the Aperture Realm, even if the opponent was at the peak of the Aperture Realm.

Haiyue Zhenren has an aloof personality, and he is even more unwilling to do such a thing.

However, it is impossible for Luotian Pavilion to leave all the results to the opponent's preferences. It is best for Master Haiyue not to make a move. Even if he kills all three peaks of the Aperture Realm in Luotian Pavilion before leaving, the battle will still rise.

Sensing the changes in the periphery of Luotian Pavilion, the expressions of Gu Danying and the others suddenly changed. They were about to forcibly kill the three of them, only to find that their bodies had long since disappeared.

Not only Tan Tixiu, but the surrounding environment is also changing drastically. Almost in the blink of an eye, the world has changed.

In the secret room, Chen Fei just put away the jade bottle in his hand when he felt the vibration of the vitality of heaven and earth. Almost subconsciously, Chen Fei inspired his talent to move.

But when Chen Fei appeared outside the secret room, he found that the surrounding environment had changed greatly, the whole sky was gray, this was not Luotian Pavilion, all the original buildings of Luotian Pavilion had disappeared.

Even the many Aperture Realms just now, I have not seen any of them now.

In the Endless Sea, Haiyue Cave Mansion fell from the sky, and the formation that had just risen was instantly shattered, but there was no one in Luotian Pavilion at this moment.

Not only the people from Qianyu City were encircled and suppressed, but also the disciples of Luotian Pavilion disappeared completely.

In the four sides of the Luotian Pavilion, in the coordinating environment that prevented the members of the Luotian Pavilion from escaping, they looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment. They did not expect that such an accident would occur in this almost foolproof extermination.

Under the misty night sky, Chen Fei raised his head to look at the blood moon above, the sky eyes at the position between his eyebrows kept flickering, and found that the blood moon was just a projection, not an entity.

A sword element appeared at Chen Fei's fingertips, but as soon as the sword element appeared, it quickly dissipated. Not only that, the vitality in Chen Fei's body was also rapidly draining, and he wanted to absorb the vitality of the surrounding world, but found that he couldn't mobilize it at all.

Chen Fei's figure flickered, and he landed directly on a mountain depression. Just a moment ago, he was stuck in the air, and the speed of the energy consumption in Chen Fei's body increased exponentially.

Chen Fei could still feel the vitality of the heaven and earth, and even the vitality of the heaven and earth here was much stronger than most places in the Qianyumeng.

However, no matter how Chen Fei mobilized, the vitality of these heavens and the earth remained motionless, as if this vitality had its own will and would not accept any orders.

The Taixuan Tianjian was running rapidly in Chen Fei's body, and the energy that was being lost finally slowed down slightly, but it was still difficult to stop the loss of energy in the body.

Comprehension with the cultivation method of Dzogchen Realm can't prevent the loss of Yuanli.

At this moment, Chen Fei felt as if he was in a sea, and he was a drop of ink, which was continuously diluted by the surrounding sea water. The exercises could only slow down this dilution, but they could not stop it completely.

"What the hell is this place!"

Chen Fei raised his head and looked around, the vitality of the heavens and the earth could not be mobilized, and there was a bone-piercing chill in the vitality. This kind of coldness is very similar to weirdness, but it is much stronger than ordinary weirdness.

Warriors can refine strange powers. Although it is a little troublesome, it can be done.

But now the vitality of the world seems to have turned into a rock, motionless, and with the loss of vitality in the body, the cold feeling spreads in the limbs and bones of the body.

In such an environment, in such an environment, not to mention certain death, it would be extremely difficult to live. Even in the Heqiao state, once there is no energy in the body, the physical body will be unable to nourish it, and it may gradually weaken in the end.

Over time, the consequences are unpredictable!

Chen Fei formed a seal with his hands, and the opening in his body trembled violently, generating a huge suction force, bringing all the energy from the whole body into the opening.

"It can only treat the symptoms. After a battle is fought, the energy in the joint will also be exhausted."

Chen Fei lowered his head and felt the Qiankun bag. It is estimated that there is a space barrier, and the vitality and spirituality of the things in the Qiankun bag are still there.

Therefore, relying on the primordial stones or elixir in the Qiankun bag, they can still maintain a few battles. But because of the surrounding environment, once the primeval stone is taken out, it is estimated that its vitality will be quickly absorbed.

When the elixir is refined in the body, it will also be plundered by the surroundings.

The effects of primordial stones and elixirs may only be a few percent of their usual effectiveness.

"This is the last secret of Luotian Pavilion?"

Many people can't figure out the reason for Luotian Pavilion's betrayal, maybe all the reasons are in this strange space.

Chen Fei glanced at it just now, but he didn't see the boundary of this space. Obviously, this space has a radius of no less than a hundred miles, and it is even larger.


There was a wind blowing on the flat ground, and a cloud of coldness suddenly blew in. There seemed to be a faint voice echoing in Chen Fei's ears, it seemed to be mournful, and it seemed to be confiding.

Chen Fei turned his head to look behind, and a red shadow flashed past. In this gray environment, the red dress looked extremely dazzling.

The sky began to rain. It was very small at first, but it immediately turned into a torrential rain. The coldness in the rain was several times worse than before. With Chen Fei's physique, he could feel the coldness penetrating to the bone marrow.

Suddenly, a piece of paper floated past Chen Fei's eyes. Chen Fei raised his head and fixed his eyes to see what kind of paper it was, it was clearly paper money.

And with the appearance of a piece of paper money, more and more, the rain from the sky mixed with the paper pieces fell around Chen Fei.

Not far away, there seemed to be a team appearing, with the sound of suona playing music, the team staggered, as if they were carrying heavy objects, and walked towards Chen Fei's step by step.

The feeling of coldness around him became even worse, and it didn't penetrate into the bone marrow anymore, but the whole body, inside and outside, was constantly entangled with coldness, and even the mind began to become dizzy.

"Officer, how about going with my concubine?"

A whisper sounded in Chen Fei's ear, and at some point, a cold palm was placed on Chen Fei's shoulder. The palm was so cold that it seemed to freeze a person's heart.

But subconsciously, he wanted to agree to this sentence.

The tearing feeling of contradictions almost crushed the mind.


Chen Fei stabbed the blade backward with his backhand, although the blade used at this moment was only a low-grade magic weapon, and there was no elemental force attached to the blade.

But with Chen Fei's current physical strength, the attack of this sword is still astonishingly large.

It was like a red-hot knife piercing the butter, and a scorched stench wafted out.

But there was no sharp screaming from behind. Chen Fei frowned slightly, and looked down at his abdomen. At some point, a huge wound appeared there.

The wound was bloody, and the blood even stained the surrounding clothes. Chen Fei didn't feel any pain, only the coldness seemed to freeze his internal organs.

"Officer, how about going with my concubine?"

The voice behind him became softer, but the coldness attached to his palm also became more terrifying, the sound of suona in the distance became more passionate, and more and more paper money fell from the sky.

Drowsy in the sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to sleep right away.

Chen Fei's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment, the person disappeared in place.

Tens of miles away, Chen Fei's figure appeared, and he turned his head to look at his shoulder. It was already dark there, but Chen Fei couldn't feel the slightest pain, and even the feeling had disappeared.

The bloody wound on the abdomen has now started to rot and turn black, and the surrounding vitality, which is like a rock, was motionless just now when Chen Fei wanted to mobilize it.

Now that Chen Fei was injured, the vitality of the surrounding world suddenly became active, and all rushed over. But these heaven and earth vitality are not here to heal, but directly aggravate Chen Fei's injury.

Not only the physical injuries, but Chen Fei could feel that as the injuries continued to worsen, the sense of chaos in his mind began to increase.

The vitality of the world around here is like a poison, if you touch it for a moment, it will be the backlash against you.

Chen Fei's physique is strong enough, but compared with this majestic vitality of heaven and earth, it is undoubtedly much weaker.

Heqiao began to tremble, and the pure energy flowed out, rushing towards the abdomen.

A cold and foul smell permeated from the flesh and blood. With the continuous erosion of Yuanli, the blackened flesh and blood began to return to normal color, and the black marks on Chen Fei's shoulders also began to disappear.

After a while, Chen Fei's strong resilience began to take effect, and the abdominal injury gradually healed, and then it was intact, and there was no abnormality on the shoulder.

If it was in the Endless Sea, as far as Chen Fei's injury just now, if he didn't really hurt his heart, he could recover in a short time.

But now here, not only the speed of recovery has slowed down, but also the vitality in the body has been directly consumed by 30%.

Chen Fei originally estimated that the Yuanli in his body could go through a battle, but looking at it now, if the battle was more intense, just keeping the injury from getting worse would be enough to completely exhaust the Yuanli.

There are quite a lot of primordial stones in Chen Fei's Qiankun bag, and there are also a lot of third-tier high-grade elixir, but at this rate of consumption, no amount of primordial stones and elixir can last for too long.

"We must find a way out! It's a pity that the talent can only be moved to an unobstructed area. This kind of space barrier cannot be forcibly left, even if there are restrictions, it cannot be moved in."

Chen Fei frowned slightly, looked around with Tianyan, chose a direction, stepped back with his right foot, and disappeared in place.


"If this continues, the situation is not good!"

"Someone else must be found!"

In a dense forest, two people walked cautiously, one old man and the other a little younger.

They have already discovered the abnormality of the vitality of the world and the dissipation of the vitality in the body. It's just that compared to Chen Fei being able to incorporate Yuanli into Heqiao without losing Yuanli, there is no doubt that there is a lot of difference between the two of them.

At this moment, even though the Yuanli has been concentrated in the opening, the Yuanli is still dissipating slowly.

"There's a grave over there!" The young Heqiaojing pointed forward and whispered.

The old man could not help but pause slightly, instead of rushing forward, he fixed his eyes on the earthen grave in front of him.

As the old man gathered his energy in his eyes, the earthen grave became clear.

A stele was erected in front of the grave, on which were written a few lines distorted, including the name of the owner of the tomb.

Seeing the name, the old man was startled, because the name was just like him!

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