Chen Fei used the spirit-killing technique to lower his aura to the early stage of Aperture Realm, and because of this, these weirdnesses rushed over unscrupulously.

Countless sword elements began to appear around Chen Fei's body, and then condensed at the front end of the broken ruler. The sharp aura began to rise, just looking at the sword light, it was as if the mind was about to be pierced.

These strange instincts felt something was wrong, and just as he was about to step back and observe, Chen Fei had already taken a step forward.

As if teleporting, Chen Fei appeared in front of a strange monster with a slender tongue covered with barbs, scarlet eyes, and endless curse and hatred pervading all directions.

Chen Fei swept across with his sword, his long tongue screamed sharply, cursed and hated Chen Fei, and at the same time, he dug Chen Fei's eyes with both hands.


There was a blast, and Chen Fei was expressionless. To Chen Fei, the curse was like a breeze, and it couldn't cause the slightest disturbance in Chen Fei's mind.

Wherever Chen Fei swept the sword in his hand, the long tongue exploded into a cloud of yin, and his hands were still a foot away from Chen Fei, but this foot was like a moat that could not be crossed.

After the sword fell, Chen Fei's figure appeared on the other side, and the blade in his hand continued to cut down.


Accompanied by the sound of explosion, another one exploded into pieces strangely, and then the spirit essence was forcefully pulled out and poured into the Qianyuan Sword.

For Chen Fei, whether it is the weirdness at the beginning of the third order or the weirdness at the end of the third order, there is no difference at all, it is all a sword.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chen Fei chopped off seven third-order monsters in a row. As for those below the third-order, they were directly pulverized by the aftermath of the battle.

These weirdnesses were fascinated by Chen Fei's wave, attracted by the tricks and qi and blood, never thought about it, but what was waiting was such a scene.

He wanted to escape, but found that Chen Fei had no intention of letting them go. After a few strikes, several strange ones were beheaded.

The weird ones a little farther away, seeing such a scene, they were born of resentment, were instantly stimulated to go crazy.

If you don't give them a way out, they will die together!

All the strange things around rushed towards Chen Fei, giving up defense, just to attack Chen Fei.

Chen Fei raised his eyelids slightly, and a stream of light appeared on the surface of his body. Those sly hands that caught Chen Fei not only did not hurt Chen Fei, but were melted away by the sly light on Chen Fei's body surface.

The Taixuan sword body is mainly formed by the fusion of body protection skills inherited from Tiandaomen and Fengwu Pavilion.

If the perception is strong enough, you will be able to find that the flowing light on Chen Fei's body surface is not a simple shield, but is composed of countless fine sword elements.

After Chen Fei gathered three flowers at the top and raised his cultivation to the peak of Heqiao state, the Taixuan Tianjian finally showed its ultimate combat power.

Regardless of the power of the attack, the strangeness of the sword just now has already explained everything. As for the Taixuan sword body, below the peak of the third order, unless Chen Fei's body energy is exhausted, it will be difficult to hurt Chen Fei at all.

Under the late stage of the third order, he would be directly injured by the power of the Taixuan sword body. Chen Fei stood there motionless, and these strange things could kill himself.

Therefore, facing these weird attacks at this moment, Chen Fei didn't dodge at all. He just rushed up, slashed down with a sword, drew out the spirit essence, and then appeared in front of another weird one.

The Qianyuan sword in the Qiankun bag has been smashed by the majestic spirit at this moment, making the sword tremble uncontrollably.

After the Qianyuan Sword was upgraded to a top-grade magic weapon, Chen Fei killed several late-stage experts in the Aperture Realm one after another, and those spiritual essences greatly improved the spirituality of the Qianyuan Sword.

But there is a huge threshold between the top-grade magic weapon and the best magic weapon. This kind of threshold cannot be passed by ordinary magic weapons.

Just like the difference between the late stage of Heqiao state and the peak of Heqiao state, the same is true for magic weapons.

But at this moment, Chen Fei gave too much spiritual essence, so much that Qianyuan Sword didn't need to absorb it meticulously like before, trying not to waste a single cent.

The idea given by Chen Fei is to let Qianyuan Sword eat and drink directly, not to use every ounce of spirituality, as long as it can improve one's spirituality, you can absorb it as much as you want, and it doesn't matter if you waste it.

The result of this is that the spirituality of the Qianyuan Sword has been greatly improved. It was already close to the critical point of the top-grade magic weapon, but now it not only directly reaches it, but even begins to consume spirituality to improve its material.

Using spirituality to forcibly improve one's own material is a matter of getting half the result with twice the result. Normally, spirituality is used to drive the vitality of the world, which takes time and let it be strengthened naturally.

But now that there are so many spiritualities, Chen Fei's own strength has reached the peak of the Aperture Realm, but the Qianyuan Sword, a top-grade magic weapon, can no longer keep up with Chen Fei's pace.

Then simply take advantage of the fact that there is enough spirituality now, and directly force a wave of improvement.

In less than a moment, it was surrounded by dense and strange things, and most of them have been emptied at this moment.

These weirdnesses born of resentment, wanted to escape from the beginning, and became crazy later, but now, with the soaring number of weirdos killed by Chen Fei, the madness has long since disappeared.

Being weird and intelligent, it is an instinct to seek good fortune and avoid harm.

When madness no longer works, choosing to escape is almost an inevitable result.

But these weirdos wanted to escape, but Chen Fei didn't give them the slightest chance. They killed them with one step, and with one sword strike, sometimes there were only a few weirdos. Chen Fei only took more than ten steps, and within a mile radius, all the weirdos were killed.

Chen Fei pointed at the broken ruler obliquely, and turned his head to look to the right. At some point, dozens of Aperture Realms had gathered there.

They looked at Chen Fei with shock in their eyes.

In their eyes, the weirdness that can only be exhausted, but in Chen Fei's hands, it can't even hold a breath. The weirdness that was enough to drown them all just now, now there is not one left, and they are all killed.

At the peak of the Aperture Realm, it is naturally very strong. This is undoubtedly the pursuit of many Aperture Realms in their lives.

But they never imagined that this stranger at the pinnacle of the Aperture Realm was so strong.

Tong Linyun stood in the crowd, looking at Chen Fei from afar, fascinated.

Chen Fei waved his right hand, and 70% of the surrounding spirits entered the Qianyuan Sword, and the remaining 30% were stuffed into the Tibetan Yuanzhong by Chen Fei.

Although Qianyuanjian has extensively improved himself, there are really too many spirits to eat. At this moment, Qianyuanjian has been completely silent, and all spirituality has been restrained, and it has entered the final stage of improvement.

Most of the magic weapons are not very useful to Chen Fei today.

Chen Fei seldom collects magical treasures on purpose, except for the Qianyuan Sword and Duanchi, most of the others are taken from other Aperture Realms.

Among the many magic weapons, Tibetan Yuanzhong has extremely special effects. Although its defensive power is average, its ability to restrain breath and figure is very strong.

The level of the medium-grade magic weapon is a little weaker, so it is better to give these spiritual essences to the Tibetan Yuanzhong to raise its level.

Cangyuan Bell felt the spirit coming in, the whole body of the clock trembled slightly, and the spirit was full of excitement.

At the level of the magic weapon, the spirituality conceived is not as intelligent as that of ordinary people, but in fact it is not far behind.

When Zang Yuanzhong was brought by Chen Fei, Zang Yuanzhong was very reluctant in his heart. After all, it had been in Qianrenmen for many years, and he was also used to the breath of Qianrenmen's exercises.

But Chen Fei is too strong, Zang Yuanzhong has nothing to do.

But now with these spirits pouring in, Qianrenmen? What sect is that?

But after a while, Zang Yuanzhong also fell into silence and began to change.

The surrounding air was full of yin, and Chen Fei made seals with both hands, and continued to use the vertical trick.

There are always some weirdnesses that are too late to come over. Now that the Yin Qi is so strong here, Chen Fei doesn't even need to show his blood, and those weirdnesses will be naturally attracted.

Tens of miles away, at a stream, Ran Xintang, Grand Master of the Tianya Gate, stood with a sword in his hand, his aura was terribly decayed, as if he would fall to death in the next moment.

Ran Xintang's expression was neither happy nor sad. Although he was about to die, Ran Xintang's mood was always the same.

Go to the end of the world, travel to the end of the world, end the end of the world.

There are goals and pursuits, but there is also the consciousness of death.

This is the characteristic of Tianyamen's technique. Ran Xintang's own character is exactly the same as Tianyamen's inheritance, so as early as decades ago, Ran Xintang was already at the peak of the Aperture Realm.

Many people in the Qianyu League think that Ran Xintang may become the next Mountain Sea Realm, but Ran Xintang has not yet achieved a breakthrough.

I don't know how many people have been stopped by the hurdle of the mountain and sea.

The three of Tan Tixiu looked down at Ran Xintang, and just about to continue to work together to kill him, Tan Tixiu frowned slightly, and the movements of his hands couldn't help but stop.

Guo Xuanji and Si Huayuan gave Tan Tixiu a strange look. They have practiced in the same school for more than two hundred years. The three of them can't say that they have the same heart, but sometimes you can tell a lot about some things by looking at their expressions.

"Deal with Ran Xintang first!" Tan Tixiu said in a low voice, and the next moment, the majestic sword element pressed towards Ran Xintang.

It's just that compared to the methodical one just now, Tan Tixiu undoubtedly seemed a little anxious at the moment.

Guo Xuanji and the two nodded and continued to attack together.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ran Xintang finally failed to resist the siege of three strong men of the same rank, and fell into the stream.

Tan Tingxiu reached out and grabbed Ran Xintang's spirit essence, pulled out the hidden portal of Luotian Pavilion, and stepped out, Tan Tingxiu was already in front of the altar.

"What happened?" Si Huayuan asked in confusion.

"There are a lot of strange people in the strange land." Tan Tixiu used his power to draw out the entire terrain of the strange land, and pointed to one of the positions.

Guo Xuanji and Si Huayuan didn't speak, Weiyi died more, which is actually normal, after all, Weiyi wanted to kill the Aperture Realm warriors.

Under the confrontation, it is impossible for Weird to remain unscathed.

Tan Tingxiu must be aware of this point, but he just mentioned this matter again, obviously there is something abnormal in it.

"However, Shen Yuanjun's body has not absorbed much spiritual essence!" Tan Tingxiu said in a condensed voice.

Tan Tixiu didn't care about how many strange deaths there were in the strange realm. These were consumables, just like those in the Aperture Realm, they were all for nourishing Shen Yuanjun's body.

But now that Wei Wei has died, Ling Cui has not received it. This is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Without these strange nutrients, it would be difficult for Shen Yuanjun's body to break through to the mountain and sea realm.

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