Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 648 Tianhe Comes into the World

Chen Fei and Shen Yuanjun looked at each other, their hair fluttered back automatically without wind.

In Shen Yuanjun's eyes, there was a heavy coercion, like two sharp knives piercing the pupils, making people want to dodge away.

"How did you find out!"

It seemed that he hadn't spoken for too long, and Shen Yuanjun's voice was extremely hoarse, as if gold and iron were rubbing against each other, trying to pierce a person's eardrum.

After being told by Chen Fei, Shen Yuanjun did not choose to continue dormant, because it was meaningless, because Shen Yuanjun knew that Chen Fei really saw through.

Shen Yuanjun is even more curious now, and it is how Chen Fei sees his concealment.

For nearly a hundred years, Shen Yuanjun has deceived everyone in Luotian Pavilion, including Tan Tixiu's three Aperture Realm peaks.

Even in order to be able to successfully enter his body in the end, Tan Tixiu had to refine his body with his own energy every once in a while.

In this case, Tan Tixiu didn't find anything unusual.

As a result, as soon as Chen Fei came to the altar, he saw through his essence, which made Shen Yuanjun not curious.

Chen Fei didn't answer, but just looked at Shen Yuanjun calmly.

The eyes of the sky cannot see through Shen Yuanjun's concealment. In the past hundred years, Shen Yuanjun has already cultivated Styx Lu to the peak level by relying on his own talent.

Ordinary methods can't see Shen Yuanjun's abnormality at all.

Shen Yuanjun's only flaw lies in his soul!

If Chen Fei didn't have the soul-breaking technique and the dragon-elephant-suppressing soul, Chen Fei wouldn't be able to see the clues of Shen Yuanjun. But because of these two exercises, Chen Fei's spirit sensed something strange about Shen Yuanjun.

Although Shen Yuanjun is now at the critical point of the mountain and sea realm, he has not really taken that step after all.

Moreover, in order to prevent Tan Tixiu and the others from discovering his anomaly, Shen Yuanjun did not dare to let the vitality of heaven and earth nourish his soul.

If it is said that Shen Yuanjun's energy and spirit are at the limit of the Aperture Realm at this moment, then his only flaw is that his spirit is much weaker than the average Aperture Realm peak.

Of course, this is actually not a flaw. Shen Yuanjun only needs to spend a little time. According to his current background, it is not easy for the soul to rise up, but it is much easier than other peaks of the Aperture Realm.

He didn't get an answer, and Shen Yuanjun didn't ask any more questions. His body, which was sitting cross-legged, floated up.

As Shen Yuanjun's feet landed on the ground, a layer of fine ripples spread from the ground, and the vitality of the whole world seemed to be cheering.

The majestic pressure condensed in an instant, pressing on Chen Fei's body.

"You and I have no grievances or enmities, it shouldn't be like this."

Shen Yuanjun looked at Chen Fei, raised his head slightly, and said: "But you are too good, the third-order peak is weird, and the peak fighter of the Aperture Realm is like a child under your hands."

"So, you look down on Tan Tixiu and want to devour me?" Chen Fei laughed softly.

Shen Yuanjun has been dormant for a hundred years, and Luotian Pavilion has always thought that the moment Shen Yuanjun breaks through is the time for them to enter the body of Shen Yuanjun.

But the real situation is that once Tan Zhixiu is really integrated into Shen Yuanjun's body, he will be directly devoured and refined by Shen Yuanjun, and Shen Yuanjun himself will be the ultimate achievement.

All this until Chen Fei appeared.

In Shen Yuanjun's eyes, everything in the deceitful world must be revealed. After Chen Fei killed the thousand-eyed deceitful, Shen Yuanjun focused his attention on Chen Fei.

In the end, Shen Yuanjun changed his target from Tan Tixiu to Chen Fei, because Chen Fei was stronger and could make up for the lack of Ming Helu.

If it is just to refine Tan Zhixiu, even if Shen Yuanjun finally achieves the Mountain Sea Realm, he will be the bottom existence in the Mountain Sea Realm, and will stop here for a lifetime in the future.

How proud Shen Yuanjun is, even in the mountains and seas, it is definitely not the end of Shen Yuanjun's goal.

It's just that Shen Yuanjun's previous thinking was to make up for his own shortcomings from other places after becoming a mountain and sea realm.

And the appearance of Chen Fei, with such a strong physical body, is a perfect material for smelting.

It's just that I didn't expect that Chen Fei would be completely unmoved by the opportunity to step into the mountains and seas, not even the slightest bit tempted.

After that, he revealed his true situation!

Since the temptation has no effect, Shen Yuanjun can only get what he needs by himself.

"You and I are integrated into one, and we will climb to the top of the endless sea in the future!"

Shen Yuanjun took a step forward, and the momentum of landslide and tsunami pressed on Chen Fei. Wrinkles appeared all over Chen Fei, and the whole world seemed to reject Chen Fei.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the entire paradox contains Shen Yuanjun's will, which is the result of nearly a hundred years of gestation.

If it is said that the three of Tan Yinxiu only borrowed the vitality of this world, then in the hands of Shen Yuanjun, he alone owns the whole strange world.

He is the real king here, and all the power belongs to him alone!

Chen Fei raised his eyelids slightly, and the slow-running Yuanli in his body suddenly boiled.

Forbidden law, seven gates!


Chen Fei's momentum suddenly broke through the suppression of the surrounding heaven and earth vitality, and forcibly cut off Shen Yuanjun's will in the heaven and earth vitality.

If it is the peak of other Aperture Realm, in such an environment, fighting Shen Yuanjun, death is almost inevitable, the difference is estimated to be only a few moves.

However, Chen Fei, who opened the Seven Doors Forbidden Method, almost raised his energy to the critical position of the mountain and sea realm, and even the Yuanli was even more extreme to a certain extent.

As for Shen Yuanjun's blockade of this heaven and earth vitality, not to mention the filtering and conversion of the space grid, just Chen Fei's own mind at the moment can forcibly grab a part of the heaven and earth vitality.

After all, the vitality of heaven and earth in this treacherous territory will be filled with Shen Yuanjun's will, not because Shen Yuanjun's mind is strong enough to control such a large range of vitality in an instant.

It is only after so many years of continuous refining that it has such an effect.

For other Aperture Realm peaks, there doesn't seem to be any difference, and they can't beat them anyway.

But for Chen Fei, the difference is huge.

If Shen Yuanjun's mind can control such a range of heaven and earth vitality power in an instant, then Chen Fei's first thing to do is to tear the space barrier and leave here.

Because then there is no need to fight at all.

But now, if Shen Yuanjun didn't want to let him go, but wanted to devour him, he would only know after beating him.

Chen Fei's flesh and blood kept trembling, and the pressure of the Seven Doors Forbidden Law on Chen Fei remained the same as before.

But I don't know if it's the reason for suppressing the dragon and elephant's soul. Compared with the first time when he used the seven-door ban method this time, Chen Fei found that the flesh and blood had adapted a lot to the impact of this force.

Outside the altar, the aura of Chen Fei's avatar slowly descended. At this moment, in the avatar's body, there was a part of Qin's spiritual essence for the avatar to consume.

With the power of three flowers at the peak of the Aperture Realm, as a consumable, only Chen Fei would be so extravagant.

Shen Yuanjun looked at Chen Fei's imposing manner, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

Although Shen Yuanjun had already perceived Chen Fei's violent fighting style from afar when Chen Fei fought Luotian Pavilion before, seeing him face to face at this moment still made Shen Yuanjun amazed.

What a powerful physique!

Shen Yuanjun's physique tempered by Minghelu in the past hundred years has already reached the barrier of mountains and seas, but compared with Chen Fei, it seems to lack some key strength.

As a result, Shen Yuanjun is completely unable to directly activate the seven-door forbidden method to fight like Chen Fei.


Shen Yuanjun's momentum soared, and the three-door prohibition method was in operation. This is Shen Yuanjun's limit. With the addition of forbidden methods, Yuanli will directly break through the shackles of the physical body, and directly explode to death.

Shen Yuanjun stared at Chen Fei, as long as he swallowed Chen Fei, all these abilities of Chen Fei would belong to him in the end.

In the early stage of Mountain Sea Realm, it is definitely no longer the end, but the starting point, a glorious starting point!

"Chi Chi Chi!"

The momentum of the two collided, and the folds and cracks in the void opened, and countless fine cracks appeared. The strength of this strange environment could no longer withstand the critical power of the two people.

Chen Fei took a step forward, and the vitality in his body roared up.

Wanting to devour him, Chen Fei wanted to see if the most talented person in the Thousand Feathers League, who was rumored by countless people, had such a good mouth!

On Chen Feizhou's body, countless vitality turned into sword energy, and the sword energy interweaved with each other to form a sword array, and the sword array melted into each other to form sword blades. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of sword blades appeared on Chen Feizhou's body.

The broken ruler in Chen Fei's hand stabbed forward, hundreds of sword blades surrounded the broken ruler, forming a peerless sharp edge, and as the broken ruler fell, it slashed towards Shen Yuanjun.

Even after opening the Seven Doors of the Forbidden Law, Chen Fei's control over the energy in his body still did not lose control in the slightest.

The Taixuan Tianjian in the Great Perfection Realm can still display all of Chen Fei's power.

Shen Yuanjun's expression became dignified, and countless yuan power turned into a blade, just like the heaven and earth descended into the world, countless heaven and earth yuan qi surrounded Shen Yuanjun, and then smashed down like nine heavens descending into the world.

Shen Yuanjun has been around for so many years, Ming Helu doesn't talk about it, because Tan Tixiu needs Shen Yuanjun's body, so he naturally imprinted all kinds of yuan force operation methods in Shen Yuanjun's body.

In addition to Minghelu, Shen Yuanjun has only used the vitality of heaven and earth to passively perceive everything in the treacherous territory in recent years, and has transformed the various vitality operation methods of Luotian Pavilion disciples into corresponding martial arts skills.

Shen Yuanjun's martial arts talent is said to be the first in the Qianyu League, it is by no means a lie.

Regarding the various exercises of Luotian Pavilion, including Luotian Jue, Shen Yuanjun can be said to be the one who has the strongest mastery. None of the three of them, Tan Tixiu, can compare with Shen Yuanjun.


As the swords collided, a wave swept out, and the entire altar trembled slightly, then burst into pieces instantly. Those so-called barriers are like paper in front of the power of two people.

Chen Fei raised his head slightly, and the huge force impacted his limbs and bones. The physical body, which was already in the limit state, finally couldn't bear it because of this powerful force.

Countless flesh and blood began to shatter, and directly died of necrosis. In the blink of an eye, Chen Fei became a blood man. At a glance, the remaining bones in his body were already faintly visible.

Moreover, the breaking of the balance made Chen Fei's seven-door ban method extremely unstable, and the berserk Yuanli began to get out of control, as if to blow Chen Fei himself to pieces.

Chen Fei's situation at the moment is just like Guo Xuanji before, forcibly opening the five-door ban method, but the result was just a collision, and he couldn't withstand the back-shock, and burst to death.

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