Jie Rong couldn't help feeling a little dazed, if he couldn't escape now, wouldn't he be going to die?

Jie Rong's four ears trembled violently, the energy of heaven and earth gathered, and Jie Rong's figure turned and rushed towards another direction.

Chen Fei disappeared and stopped in front of Jie Rong again, while the Qianyuan sword in his hand slashed straight down.

The power of the demon king erupted in Jie Rong's body, and it was impossible to forcibly avoid Chen Fei's attack. His body was like catkins, and he continued to flee towards the distance.

Chen Fei's expression moved slightly, the use of the demon king's power by this beast far surpassed the one Chen Fei met in Fenghu City before.

If Jie Rong used such power of the demon king to fight Chen Fei, Chen Fei would actually have to avoid him temporarily, wait for the power of the demon king to dissipate, and then kill him.

But it is obvious that the temperament of this Rong Rong is very different from that of ordinary monsters. He would rather run away than use the power of the monster king to perish with Chen Fei.

In other words, when the two sides met for the first time just now, the strength Chen Fei showed somewhat defeated Jai Rong, making him afraid to face Chen Fei alone again.

Chen Fei moved around, constantly blocking the way of Jie Rong's advance, while Jie Rong dodged from left to right, and forcibly escaped under Chen Fei's sword, finding a gap.

Compared with attacking with the power of the demon king and simply accelerating the movement, the duration of the power of the demon king is undoubtedly much longer.

The two sides entangled for a moment, and had already flown over a distance of hundreds of miles.

The fear in Jie Rong's eyes is getting heavier and heavier. It has already seen that this human being has the talent of teleportation, and the talent is very strong, and there is not much time for short-distance teleportation.

A human being possesses the talent only possessed by monsters, and he has mastered it so well, you are not an old monster, what could it be!

Jie Rong was frightened and frightened, feeling that the power of the demon king in his body was about to dissipate, and his fear became deeper and deeper.

The Rong Rong wanted to rush towards those fleets, making Chen Fei scruples, but for that position, Chen Fei was completely guarded against it, and the Rong Rong would be attacked by Chen Fei several times.

Now the Rong Rong can still escape, because the direction of its flight is controlled by itself.

But once it's oriented, it becomes excellent at judging position.

Jie Rong tried a few times, but he didn't dare to fly in the direction of the fleet, and instead flew to other locations.


A huge roar resounded in front of him, and there was a look of surprise in Jie Rong's one-eyed eyes. There were four of them at the top of the third rank.

Although they are not the descendants of those two demon kings, such power is already extremely powerful, and they can definitely force this human being back.

No, if we set up a formation to limit this human's talent for moving, maybe we can kill it!

Jie Rong's four ears trembled violently, and the four third-tier peak monsters in the distance paused slightly, and then all flew towards this side.

The descendants of the demon king summoned them, and they had to obey orders. In the population of monster beasts, the status of the descendants of the demon king was far higher than that of other monsters.

This is especially true in the case of the same rank.

Chen Fei glanced ahead and frowned slightly. The next moment, Chen Fei disappeared and appeared in front of the four third-order peak monsters.

Seeing Chen Fei's sudden appearance, the four monster beasts at the peak of Tier 3 were startled, but the next moment, the four monster beasts instinctively poured their attacks on Chen Fei.

No matter how many tricks you have, in the face of absolute power, everything is false!

The position between Chen Fei's eyebrows was dazzling, and the attacks of the four third-tier peak monsters became slow under the eyes of the sky, and the flaws between the four attacks were gradually revealed in front of Chen Fei.

However, these flaws are very small. Although the attacks of the four monsters are a bit hasty, the realm is still there.

Many subconscious and instinctive attacks are sometimes the best choice. The attacks of the four monsters were at most flawed in their coordination.

A phantom appeared behind Chen Fei, like a dragon scale, under six feet, stepping on the void, with the sun and the moon above its head.

A huge force suddenly descended, and the four third-order peak monsters felt their bodies tighten, as if they were about to be directly sealed in the void.

The four monsters struggled desperately subconsciously, and the void shook, and they broke free from their restraints.

But it was this moment of stagnation that made the gap between the four monsters attack Chen Fei bigger.

The majestic force circulated in Chen Fei's body, and Chen Fei slashed out with a sword, colliding with the attack of the first monster.


The sound of explosions resounded in all directions. The power possessed by monsters is generally stronger than warriors, but at this moment, in the face-to-face confrontation, the body of this monster couldn't help but tossed backwards, and all the dozens of tentacles protruding forward were crushed into blood. foam.

The severe pain hit, and the monster couldn't help roaring loudly.

Chen Fei moved his body, dodged the attacks of the other three monsters, flashed behind the first monster, and continued to slash out with the Qianyuan sword in his hand.

Compared with the first sword, the power of this sword at this moment is even stronger, and much stronger.

Borrow strength, suppress, smelt, and then mix your own strength and play together.

This is Zhenlongxiang!


Chen Fei slashed at the monster's head with a sword, and the monster's body trembled, before it had time to recover from the first collision just now, the next moment, it exploded into flesh and blood.

Two swords, beheading a third-order peak monster.

Lightning and flint, the attacks of the other three monsters had just crossed the void and landed on the sea surface, making a loud noise, and as a result, one of their companions had already fallen.

The efficiency of this killing made the three monsters a little dazed. Did they meet the human mountain and sea realm?

In the distance, Jie Rong, who was rushing towards this side, saw this scene, the eyeballs of his abdomen almost popped out.

This kind of watching Chen Fei's killing from the sidelines was no less shocking than when Jie Rong faced Chen Fei directly just now.

This human being has used almost all the power he has mastered to the fullest. Although he does not have the power of the mountain and sea realm, it seems that there is not much difference to other third-order monsters.

All dead!

Even in the face of human mountains and seas, they may not die, and still have a chance to survive.

Because as long as you see the mountain and sea realm from a distance, you have already scattered and fled. How can you rush forward eagerly like this now, wanting to fight.

There was hesitation in Jie Rong's one-eyed eyes. At this moment, the distance there was less than twenty miles away. This distance, let alone a moment, does not take much time.

Although one monster beast at the peak of Tier 3 died at this moment, there were at least three left, plus Jie Rong himself, not to mention beheading Chen Fei, but they should be able to protect themselves.

Jie Rong hesitated for a moment, and decided to join the remaining three monsters to fight against Chen Fei together.

It's just that before Jie Rong flew several miles, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the distance trembled violently. Looking at the scene over there, Jie Rong had a sense of unreality of entering an illusion.

The human being on the opposite side directly broke the defense of the remaining three third-tier peak monsters with one sword, and then killed one of the monsters that had no time to react with another sword.

Those three monsters, after one of their companions died, understood the horror of the human beings in front of them, so they directly changed from offensive to complete defensive.

If they attacked Chen Fei just now, because of Chen Fei's sudden appearance, they seemed a little hasty in attacking. But now that the mind is tight and the defense is concentrated, there is no question of whether to be hasty or not.

But just like that, the human's sword still broke through the defenses of the three monsters.

Ten miles away, Chen Fei's body was surrounded by blood.

Taking the spirit essence of the first monster as power, Chen Fei catalyzed it and delivered the most explosive blow.

The spirit essence of the third-order peak monster beast is unimaginably thick, and it is needless to say how rare it is. But Chen Fei directly used this spirit essence as his power to unleash his sword moves.

This is undoubtedly an extremely wasteful act, reckless, it is an understatement.

But the power of this move was also unbelievably strong, breaking the full defense of the three monsters in one fell swoop.

Explosive and chaotic power flowed in Chen Fei's body, blood beads oozed from the surface of Chen Fei's skin, internal organs, bones and muscles all made the sound of tearing.

The spirit essence is too messy, playing it like this will put too much burden on the body. No one at the peak of the other Aperture Realm dared to do this. It is estimated that the move was only halfway done, and his body exploded first.

Monster beasts, known for their physical strength, did not dare to do the same.


Behind Chen Fei, the shadow of the dragon elephant roared into the sky, and the ivory shot straight into the sky, as if it wanted to pierce the sky.

Chen Fei turned his eyes and looked at the other two third-order peak monsters.

The two monster beasts at the peak of Tier 3 trembled violently, and they felt cold all over their bodies. From the corner of their eyes, they looked at Jai Rong again, and found that Jai Rong had turned around and fled in another direction.

The hearts of the two third-order peak monsters suddenly sank, they were abandoned!

In less than a moment, with several loud bangs, the remaining two third-order peak monsters were forcibly beheaded by Chen Fei.

The two monsters thought about running away, but they couldn't even run away. How could these monsters without special talents and the power of a monster king escape Chen Fei's pursuit.

Chen Fei stood in mid-air, the thick blood mist almost completely enveloped Chen Fei, and the remaining spirits of the four third-order peak monster beasts were thrown into the hidden yuan bell by Chen Fei.

Chen Fei swept across with his right hand, cutting off the bodies of the four monsters and their remaining auras, and then their figures flickered two after another, chasing behind Jie Rong.

The four monsters died too quickly, and Jie Rong had just escaped for less than a hundred miles.

Chasing with normal body speed, this distance is almost difficult to catch up, but Chen Fei has the talent to move, and this distance is directly erased.

Jie Rong looked at Chen Fei with one eye wide open, his eyes were full of despair.

Just now, the power of the demon king in Jie Rong's body has been exhausted, and because of manipulating the power of the demon king, Jie Rong's mind has been seriously exhausted.

As for the place injured by Chen Fei just now, it has been repaired by the power of the demon king.

But facing the human being in front of him, this completely unreasonable power, Jie Rong didn't know what he could use to resist it.

It can be said that he has chosen to hunt in the open sea, which can be said to be extremely cautious, but he still encountered such a thing.

Ji Rong is not reconciled!


Amidst the thundering swords, only one blade of the sword remained in Jie Rong's field of vision, piercing the void and stabbing at it.

An hour later, Chen Fei dragged Jie Rong's body to a deserted island.

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