From seeing the land to actually getting close to Qianyan City, it took another half an hour.

The fleet stopped when it was more than ten miles away from Qianyan City. Qu Qingsheng flew to Qianyan City with some elders of the Heqiao Realm.

Three days later, the Yuanchen Sword Sect settled down outside a mountain range two hundred miles away from Qianyan City.

This mountain range is called Qianyan Mountain, and it spans nearly ten thousand miles, and many sects use it as the mountain gate.

The Yuanchen Sword Sect now has twelve members of the Aperture Realm, and there is also a peak Aperture Realm like Chen Fei, so Qianyan City is still polite to the Yuanchen Sword Sect.

Although Qianyan City is still a long way from the center of the Endless Sea, that is, the Central Continent, it is still a corner of the Central Continent.

Compared with Qianyu League, Qianyan City is already considered a prosperous place, and naturally there are strong people from the mountain and sea realm sitting in it, and there are still four of them.

The pinnacle of the Heqiao Realm is among the surrounding forces of Qianyan City, and its status is equivalent to the previous Qianyu League's Tiandaomen and other forces.

According to Chen Fei's knowledge, in the Qianyan Mountain Range, there are more than a dozen forces with peak Aperture Realm than the Thousand Feather League.

There are even several factions among them who have produced strong men in the mountains and seas.

It's just that time has passed, and hundreds of years have passed. Although these forces have not completely declined, the Mountain Sea Realm has been completely broken and has not reappeared.

But after all, they had been out of the Mountain Sea Realm back then, so compared to other sects that had the peak of the Aperture Realm, these sects were stronger.

Even among the sects, there are spirit treasures that suppress their own luck.

Of course, the spirit treasure is already incomplete, and has completely fallen into the category of real spirit treasures, but compared to some top-grade magic weapons, its power is still stronger.

Near Qianyan City, there are quite a few secret realms, most of which are naturally in the hands of Qianyan City, but some of them fall into the sects of Qianyan Mountain.

Naturally, the forces near Qianyan City were divided into ranks and ranks according to their own strength.

There is no doubt that the mountain and sea environment is the first place. Then there are those sects with incomplete spirit treasures. They have a large number of secret realms and high quality secret realms, most of which are third-tier secret realms.

Then there are the peak powers of the ordinary Aperture Realm, and naturally they also have secret realms in their hands, a third-tier upper-class secret realm, plus a few third-tier middle secret realms.

The Yuanchen Sword Sect is in this position on the surface, but they are newcomers and don't have a single secret realm.

Without a secret realm, the various spiritual materials needed for the sect's subsequent development are a very big problem, and all the secret realms near Qianyan City have owners, and it is not easy to win one.

The remaining ones are those sects of the later stages of the Heqiao Realm. Because they have developed for a long time, there is no shortage of secret realms, but the quality can be considered as excellent if it can reach the middle level of the third level.

Compared with the Qianyu League, the secret realms controlled by various forces in Qianyan City seem to be less.

For example, the ten factions including Tiandaomen controlled a larger sea area and more resources, but the actual number of powerful people was not as good as that of Qianyan City.

Because it is closer to the Central Continent, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is not only stronger, but also the unique agility in it is more obvious.

Because of the difference in vitality between the heaven and the earth, Qianyan City can produce some rare spiritual materials, which is unmatched by Qianyumeng.

This is also why the competition here is obviously more intense, but no sect force wants to move to a place like Qianyumeng.

Although it cannot be said that in a remote place like Qianyumeng, the possibility of breaking through the mountains and seas is absolutely impossible, but I really hope that it will be reduced.

Warriors, after all, want to continuously increase their own strength, especially those sects that have been out of the mountains and seas.

In the Qianyan Mountain Range, the Yuanchen Sword Sect chose a few peaks in a low-key manner, and set them down as their own mountain gates.

It took less than ten days for the mountain gate to take shape.

There are many craftsmen in Qianyan City, and there are also many disciples of Yuanchen Sword Sect, so it is not difficult for warriors to open mountains and build houses.

On the twentieth day after arriving in Qianyan City, the formation of the Yuanchen Sword Sect's mountain gate rose, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth formed the momentum of a tiger's roar in the sky, and the fluctuations spread in all directions.

There were quite a few other sects who came to the Yuanchen Sword Sect to observe the ceremony. Those sects that had reached the peak of the Heqiao Realm also sent elders of the Heqiao Realm, and even Qianyan City had people there.

It's all for the sake of Chen Fei's cultivation at the peak of the Aperture Realm, but that's all, everyone maintains a polite face.

The power distribution and benefit distribution of the Qianyan Mountain Range have been completely fixed for so many years, even for those talented newcomers.

The location of the mountain gate chosen by the Yuanchen Sword Sect this time was abandoned by other sects, because there are almost no decent resource points around.

As long as there are some reliable resource points around, these hills have already been acquired by other forces.

The easiest and most convenient way for the Yuanchen Sword Sect to obtain resources is to occupy a few secret realms. However, the forces in the Qianyan Mountain Range hand in offerings to Qianyan City every year.

The Yuanchen Sword Sect wants to forcibly occupy the secret realms of other sects, and if one does not operate well, it may be settled by Qian Yancheng Qiuhou.

Many sects have been stationed here for hundreds, or even thousands of years, and their relationship with Qianyan City has long been complicated, reckless, and prone to problems.

Without the supply of spiritual materials in the secret territory, it is difficult to maintain such a huge body of the Yuanchen Sword Sect simply by obtaining resources from other sources.

The annual offering alone is actually a huge expense.

"Above the mountains and seas, the sun and the moon can be seen!"

In Tingfeng courtyard, Chen Fei looked at the jade slip in his hand with thoughtful eyes.

This jade slip was sent by Qianyan City, and it can be regarded as a gift for Yuanchen Sword Sect. In addition to introducing the general situation of the various forces in Qianyan Mountain Range, it also briefly mentioned the situation of the entire Zhongzhou Continent.

In the Sun Moon Realm, even in the vast Central Continent, there are actually very few of them. Only a few great holy places have such legendary figures left.

And as a monster beast with slightly better strength, there is naturally such a fifth-order demon emperor over there.

"Sun Moon Realm!"

Chen Fei put down the jade slips, the Sun Moon Realm was still far away from Chen Fei, and what was placed in front of Chen Fei actually broke through to the Mountain Sea Realm.

Suppressing Dragon Elephant and Suppressing Soul is a skill in the mountain and sea realm, and the speed of improvement is not fast. It took Chen Fei several years to upgrade the Taixuan Tianjian, let alone Suppressing Dragon and Elephant Suppressing Soul.

Chen Fei was not too anxious in his heart, what Chen Fei wanted more now was to obtain a real mountain and sea realm cultivation technique.

Chen Fei actually still has a little understanding of the Mountain Sea Realm, and he has a lot of doubts in his heart. If there is a Mountain Sea Realm Cultivation Technique, no matter how common it is, Chen Fei can have a clear understanding.

"Tianxin faction!"

A sect name flashed in Chen Fei's mind, and it was one of the few sects in the Qianyan Mountain Range that had gone out of the mountain and sea realm.

Compared with the other schools, it may be that they feel that they have a deep foundation and a hint of arrogance in their temperament, but the Tianxin School is more peaceful, which may have something to do with the fact that the mountain and sea environment of the Tianxin School was a thousand years ago.

Today's Tianxin Sect, with a hint of tact, has the largest number of sects, but its strength can only be considered medium.

As for which family is willing to share the exercises of the mountain and sea realm, it is estimated that only the Tianxin faction, as long as the reward is sufficient.

Three days later, Chen Fei appeared in front of the Tianxin Sect's mountain gate.

Before coming, the Yuanchen Sword Sect had already handed over the invitation card, so as soon as Chen Fei arrived, the Tianxin Sect welcomed Chen Fei into the mountain gate.

The Tianxin School's mountain gate is extremely grand, but if you look closely, you will find that many facilities are old and obviously built many years ago.

Chen Fei walked on the stairs, looking around.

Under the stairs, there are traces of array patterns, but they are not well maintained now, and the array patterns have dissipated.

After a while, Chen Fei came to the main peak, and the main hall was even more imposing. Standing in the hall and looking into the distance, he could even vaguely see Qianyan City.

Compared with the initial establishment of the Yuanchen Sword Sect, the Tianxin Sect has a much deeper foundation, but it can also be seen that it has weakened more than before.

The Tianxin Sect now has only one peak Aperture Realm, named Situ Song, and the Tianxin Sect's mountain and sea realm powerhouse back then came from this lineage.

"I came to Qianyan City for the first time, and I heard about the past of your sect, and I have great admiration for the real Tianxin!" After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Chen Fei directly stated the purpose of this trip.

Situ Song raised his eyes to look at Chen Fei, the smile on his face remained undiminished.

For this sect that suddenly came to Qianyan City, Situ Song still put some effort into research.

Because the time was too short, we didn't get much information. We only know that the Yuanchen Sword Sect had to migrate from other places because of the chaos caused by monsters.

In recent years, because of the monsters, there are actually quite a few sect forces that have come to Qianyan City, among them there are even forces that sit in the mountains and seas.

However, these forces did not stay in Qianyan City for long, but continued to move towards the depths of the Central Continent.

Therefore, the Yuanchen Sword Sect is considered to be the strongest foreign force that has remained in Qianyan City in these years.

Situ Song didn't know Chen Fei's real age, but he could perceive that kind of vitality, obviously there was still a long time before the end of his life.

Such a person, the purpose of visiting the Tianxin Sect is actually easy to guess, and it must be for the mountain and sea realm exercises.

Today's Tianxin faction, in fact, is the only one that can make the peak of the Heqiao state excited.

Logically speaking, the sect inheritance will never be passed on to others, let alone the mountain and sea realm exercises.

But time has passed, and it has been too long since Tianxin Sect has a strong mountain and sea realm. For Tianxin Sect, this mountain and sea realm exercise has more symbolic meaning than practical significance.

That Tianxin Jue has been covered in dust for nearly a thousand years.

"I already know your purpose."

Situ Song picked up the teacup and took a sip, looked up at Chen Fei, and said, "But I don't know Your Excellency, what can I give?"

Seeing that Situ Song didn't look left and talk about him, Chen Fei couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He waved his right hand, and a sword blade appeared on the table.

In an instant, a sharp sword intent soared into the sky, causing the vitality of the surrounding world to surge.

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