Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 968 Emperor, something bad is going to happen

Kuang Xingfeng was standing not far away, originally wanting to help to make Chen Fei's killing easier.

It turns out that you really don’t have to do it yourself.

These beings in the middle stage of the Sun and Moon Realm, who were clearly at the same level as Chen Fei, did not show the power that the same level should have at all. Under Chen Fei's sword, all resistance became vain.

This is what a man should do!

Looking at Chen Fei's figure, only these words echoed in Kuang Xingfeng's heart!

After Chen Fei killed the Ice Tribe and the Gui Tribe present, he waved his left hand, and sixty-three spiritual essences fell into the Zangyuan Bell.

These are now the necessary conditions for the use of Shattering Star Slash. Without these spiritual essences in the middle stage of the Sun and Moon Realm, if Chen Fei wants to use the Shattering Star Slash, he can only use his own power to drive the consumption.

Then Chen Fei won't be able to be as relaxed and comfortable as he is now, and he won't be able to attack with such intensity.

Hundreds of mid-grade mysterious treasures floating around turned into the size of dust and fell into Chen Fei's sleeves.

Chen Fei could no longer get the mysterious treasures they carried that killed more than a hundred people in the middle stage of the Sun and Moon Realm who were killed with the first palm. They were all sucked in by Taiyin Peak.

If Chen Fei wants to get these, he has to smash the entire Taiyin Peak.

With Chen Fei's current strength, he is still unable to do this. After all, the previous second palm only shattered the twisted environment of Taiyin Peak and reduced its power level.

At this moment, standing next to Taiyin Peak, Chen Fei could feel the power of Taiyin Peak recovering slightly.

And I don't know if it was Chen Fei's illusion, but Chen Fei felt that the twisted rules of Taiyin Peak seemed to have been stimulated by Chen Fei's palm, and a strange change occurred.

Originally, Chen Fei thought that the power of Taiyin Peak would decline, but now it seems that it has become more dangerous.

After this glazed plane collided with the Guixu Realm, the rules within it suddenly became elusive.

Chen Fei put away the mysterious treasure, stepped forward, and the person appeared a hundred miles away. In another flash, he had arrived in front of Wuzhi Mountain.

At this moment, there was only a shadow left in Wuzhishan. With Chen Fei's arrival, Wuzhishan was completely shattered, revealing Teng Li inside.

Teng Li did not give up his escape in the end, and still used his greatest strength to break the blockade.

But before the joy in Teng Li's eyes spread, he caught sight of Chen Fei outside Wuzhi Mountain, and his eyes instantly became dull.

Teng Li didn't expect that Chen Fei would come so quickly, or Chen Fei would let the other Kuai and Ice tribes go and pursue him directly.

Either those in the Sun and Moon Realm are already dead at this moment, and once those in the Sun and Moon Realm are really dead, Chen Fei has obtained so much spiritual essence, and Teng Li has no chance of survival.

Chen Fei looked at Teng Li and the other nine clones. Only now did Chen Fei become more interested in checking out this strange twisted copy.

If Chen Fei himself had two hundred clones of the same level, he would feel excited just thinking about that scene.

However, practitioners in the sun and moon realm rarely practice avatars, because the avatars carry most of the information about the original deity. If the avatar is captured, the original deity can easily be targeted.

This is why Chen Fei gave up his plan to cultivate the original mountain and sea realm clone to the sun and moon realm after he arrived at the sun and moon realm.

It's not necessary, and it's easy to leave a big flaw for yourself.

This clone of Teng Li was very different from the clones in the general sense. Chen Fei discovered that most of the information about these clones did not actually belong to Teng Li, but to other practitioners.

Perhaps it was from other mid-Sun and Moon realms before being transformed. Teng Li's information in these clones is very little.

Therefore, these clones must be within a thousand miles of Teng Li at most, otherwise Teng Li will lose control of these clones.

"Spare my life. You can ask for any conditions. I know there may be regular crystals in some places, and I can take you there." Teng Li said in a dry voice.

"There's something wrong with your soul, the sequelae of twisting and transforming into a clone? According to your situation, even if you survive from my hands, I'm afraid your soul will collapse in the end." A black light flashed in Chen Fei's eyes, and he chuckled softly.

"Yes, my soul cannot bear the forced transformation of so many clones. So even if you don't kill me, I will die in the end." Teng Li's head was slightly lowered, and his eyes were covered by his hair.

"Since you're going to die, why are you running?"

"I want revenge. There are so many clones. I originally wanted to find someone who is at the peak of the Sun and Moon Realm in my clan to take revenge. If I don't kill him, I will die with my eyes open!"

The voice seemed to burst out from between Teng Li's teeth, and a deep-seated hatred filled the surroundings.

"You are really cautious. In that situation, you still kept a clone. And with this technique of yours, you can transform between the original body and the clone!"

Chen Fei's eyes fluctuated, and then his body flashed and he rushed directly towards Teng Li.

After talking so much and observing for so long, Chen Fei just wanted to see if Teng Li had any other clones.

As for what Teng Li said about sparing his life and taking revenge, Chen Fei didn't believe a word of it.

In other words, even if these are true, what does it have to do with Chen Fei. An alien's revenge, as a human being, Chen Fei is going to fulfill him?

When Teng Li heard Chen Fei's words, his expression suddenly changed, and all ten clones suddenly burned, and then they all exploded.

As Chen Fei said, Teng Li did indeed have clones left in other places.

Even though Taiyin Peak had more than a thousand mid-level Sun and Moon realms at that time, Teng Li still left a way out.

Teng Li's true self is here at this moment, but when needed, Teng Li can transform his clone into his true self. This is the magic of Baigui Ye Xing.

But now, Chen Fei saw through it at a glance.

This genius of the human race has unparalleled fighting power, and even his eyes are incredibly vicious.

Teng Li abandoned all illusions and exploded all the bodies here to preserve his clones elsewhere.

A ray of spiritual essence flew out from the Zangyuan Bell and turned into Tianzhu Mountain to cover the sky. Ten Teng Li clones froze at once.

Chen Fei wanted to kill these ten Teng Li's clones. It was very simple. There was no need to burn any spiritual essence.

But what Chen Fei wants is to kill off Teng Li's true form, so these ten clones cannot die, or in other words, they cannot all die, because Chen Fei needs to rely on them to determine the positions of Teng Li's other clones.

Teng Li's clone's face looked a little distorted due to excessive exertion.

In front of Chen Fei, he couldn't even self-destruct. The strength gap between the two sides was so huge that it was unbelievable.

The Qianyuan Sword turned into a stream of light and flashed on the foreheads of Teng Li's ten clones.

Several regular particles appeared in front of Chen Fei's eyes, and several of them were resonating with the distance.

Thousand Miles of Soul Locking, Chen Fei is now basically tracking Teng Li's soul!

Thousands of miles away, a sleeping figure suddenly opened its eyes. It was the clone arranged by Teng Li here.

This clone is the first clone that Teng Li transformed, and it comes from the Ice Clan shaman. Because the transformation took the longest and Teng Li spent the most time, it was also the easiest to transform into his original form.

Teng Li's aura gradually became stronger, and a crystal appeared in his hand, which was the regular crystal.

Teng Li hesitated for a moment, with a ruthless look in his eyes, and then put the rule crystal directly to his mouth.

The human Chen Fei may be chasing him soon. Teng Li must forcibly increase his strength, not to kill Chen Fei, but to give himself a chance to escape.

Forcibly refine the power in this rule crystal, let yourself blend into the rules, turn into a shadow, and forcefully escape.

Afterwards, maybe the soul really couldn't control it and collapsed directly, but that would all happen later. Teng Li had to survive now.

"Sure enough, you have a regular crystal in your hand."

A sudden voice sounded in Teng Li's ears. The regular crystal that was meant to be put into his mouth was suddenly grabbed by a force and stagnated in mid-air.

Teng Li raised his head in disbelief and looked at the figure in front of him.

How could it be so fast?

What kind of monster is this human being? How come everything has been seen through and broken by it!

Chen Fei looked at Teng Li with a smile on his face, and gently tapped forward with his right index finger.


Teng Li roared wildly, but found that his body could no longer move, and he could only watch helplessly as Chen Fei's index finger hit his forehead.

Teng Li's body suddenly stiffened, and all the strength in his body began to drain away crazily, and a boundless feeling of weakness emerged from the depths of his body.

Teng Li's mouth trembled slightly, and he grasped forward with his right hand, as if he wanted to grab something.

Things shouldn't be like this. After gathering so many clones, why did they still lose?

How could a clone be found so far away? What on earth do you want him to do?


Teng Li fell to the ground and turned into a ball of flying ashes. Chen Fei pulled out the spiritual essence and put it in Chen Fei's palm.

In less than a moment, another figure appeared aside, it was Chen Fei's real body who had moved several times to come.

The person who killed Teng Li just now was the power projection formed by Chen Fei's use of Shattering Star Slash.

Only by relying on the resonance between the rules particles can we cross thousands of miles in an instant, otherwise we would really not be able to stop Teng Li's actions just now.

When Teng Li was in Taiyin Peak, whether he chose to escape or live and die with other Wei tribesmen, Chen Fei had to leave a few clones of Teng Li behind in the end to confirm whether Teng Li's true form was really killed.

Otherwise, once the other party is given time to breathe, I am afraid that the next time it will be more than two hundred clones in the middle stage of the Sun and Moon Realm.

And once I had the experience of fighting against Chen Fei, the opponent would probably avoid Chen Fei all the time, and then secretly kill other humans.

After all, the Liuli Plane is so big, it is really difficult for Chen Fei to find it.

But now, everything is over!

The projection disappeared, Chen Fei took the regular crystal, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

This is the second regular crystal that Chen Fei got. Compared with the one he got in Lingyin Lake before, the one he has in his hand now is smaller. It is estimated that part of it was used by Teng Li.

Moreover, there is something not quite right about the aura of this regular crystal, and the twisted and crazy fluctuations in it are extremely obvious.

With the size of this regular crystal, if Chen Fei uses it to practice Suppression of the Sky, he can make Suppression of the Sky a step closer, but if he wants to reach the perfection state, he is probably still far short of it.

The further Zhen Cang Qiong practices, the more proficiency is required. However, if the proficiency is not at the perfection level, there will be no qualitative change.

If there are enough regular crystals to cultivate Zhencang Qiong to the Great Perfection state, in this glazed plane, the so-called dangerous situation can be passed directly.

After a while, Kuang Xingfeng and Lu Shuzhang rushed over and joined Chen Fei.

At this moment, outside the Glazed Plane, six human emperors were listening to a report from the Sun-Moon Realm that had just come out of the Glazed Plane.

Chen Fei killed sixteen Shui people with one sword and more than thirty Ice people in Bailu Ridge. He is now heading to Taiyin Peak. According to reliable information, there are thousands of foreigners gathered in Taiyin Peak, and there are even more mysterious ones. Teng Li, the proud son of the clan.

They were waiting for Chen Fei to throw himself into a trap so that they could catch the turtle in the jar.

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