Hearing Chen Fei's words, Jiang Chengji couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Jiang Chengji has lived for thousands of years and has experienced countless things. Almost nothing can make him feel unexpected.

But when he heard that Chen Fei asked for the inheritance of all the emperors in the sun and moon realm, Jiang Chengji had a vague feeling that he had heard wrongly.

"All emperor inheritances?" Jiang Chengji frowned and confirmed.

"Yes!" Chen Fei nodded and affirmed.

"There are a total of fifty-seven volumes of Emperor's Legacy in the treasure house. Excluding the four volumes you redeemed last time, the remaining fifty-three volumes require you to spend 79,500 points." Jiang Chengji said solemnly.

Jiang Chengji naturally knew that Chen Fei had 150,000 merit points at this moment.

This number of performance points is the highest in the entire Qiankun Mansion. Even those who were at the top of the Sun and Moon Realm who set up gambling before had their performance points pale in comparison to Chen Fei's.

But no matter how many performance points you have, if you really redeem all the Emperor Senior Realm inheritance, your performance points will be reduced by more than half in an instant.

The Emperor's inheritance is of course very important, but exchanging one for one is actually enough.

If you are extremely talented, then exchanging two or three books is enough. Any more would be a pure waste.

Chen Fei had redeemed four movies before, and he really found his own path, and his talent was truly monstrous.

But no matter how talented you are, if you want to find what you need in the new fifty-three emperors' inheritance, the amount of work is so huge that it is simply an impossible task.

None of the human emperors in history would do such a thing when they were in the Sun and Moon Realm.

Because it’s a thankless job and it’s a waste of your time, it’s not worth it!

Moreover, Jiang Chengji had already told Chen Fei last time that the Fusion of Dao Realm was about controlling the rules, so when he was in the Sun and Moon Realm, he had to choose the characteristics of the rules that he wanted to control in the future.

At that time, Chen Fei chose the physical power rule, and there was no problem with this.

But what is going on now when all the Emperor's inheritance has to be exchanged? The rules involved are so numerous that the Sun and Moon Realm cannot comprehend them.

"Okay, this junior is willing to redeem." Chen Fei nodded. One inheritance has 1,500 points, which has always been the case.

After losing nearly 80,000 grade points, Chen Fei did feel some pain, but only a little.

Grade points are meant to be used, and exchanging them for exercises is, in Chen Fei's opinion, the most cost-effective thing.

The remaining 70,000 or so grade points are enough for Chen Fei to master magical powers and techniques in the special training room, and may not even be used up in the end.

Once Chen Fei breaks through to the Fusion Dao Realm, Qiankun Mansion's performance points cannot be said to be useless, but their effect is indeed very low.

The Qiankun Mansion is used by the human race to cultivate the Dao Fusion Realm. Once they break through to the Dao Fusion Realm, the help of the Qiankun Mansion to the Dao Fusion Realm will become minimal.

In the final analysis, the Qiankun Cauldron is only a sixth-level Taoist weapon. It is no problem to assist in the Sun and Moon realm, but it is really difficult to assist in the Fusion of Dao realm.

Of course, it cannot be said that it has no effect, but the consumption of the Qiankun Ding will be very alarming, and it will also easily consume the origin of the Qiankun Ding.

The most important function of the Qiankun Cauldron is that it can directly control the enemy when the human race is in danger. The origin must not be consumed.

In essence, Qiankun Mansion can only be said to be a subsidiary function of Qiankun Ding.

Therefore, the Qiankun Mansion only recruits people from the Sun and Moon realm to practice here, and does not have the opportunity to let other Fusion Dao realms be consumed in the Qiankun Mansion.

Jiang Chengji looked at Chen Fei and opened his mouth. He wanted to persuade him a few more words, but finally thought about it and didn't say anything.

What needs to be said has actually been said last time, and if I try to persuade him again, it will seem a bit nagging.

Practitioners who can cultivate to the sun and moon realm all have their own ideas. You can at most give some reminders, but you cannot make life choices for them.

After all, cultivation itself is a very personal matter.

"bring it on."

Jiang Chengji shook his head slightly. As he waved his hands, the surrounding environment changed. The two of them were already standing in front of a row of bookshelves. On the bookshelves were placed all the well-preserved emperor-level inheritance of the human race.

Chen Fei couldn't help but smile on his face when he looked at these Emperor Senior Realm inheritances.

Finally, I have the opportunity to exchange all these long-coveted Emperor Senior Realm inheritances back.

Sometimes if you want to get something, it's really time to take risks, and you still have to take risks.

If it weren't for his trip to the Glazed Plane, Chen Fei would have to save up enough points to exchange for all the inheritance of the Emperor Senior Realm.

Now not only can all these emperor inheritances be taken away, but the remaining points can also be studied in the special training room at will.

Although in the end he was chased by a strong man from the Fusion Dao Realm in the Glazed Plane.

But even in the worst case scenario, if Chen Fei is really trapped and locked in the Liuli Plane, or even dies in the Liuli Plane, Chen Fei still has a resurrection point in the void.

When the time comes, relying on that resurrection point, Chen Fei can still recover.

Jiang Chengji looked at Chen Fei's eyes from the side and couldn't help but chuckle. With a wave of his hand, fifty-three Emperor Heritage Stones that had not yet been redeemed appeared in Jiang Chengji's hand.

"Are you sure you want to redeem so many inheritances?" Jiang Chengji confirmed again before handing over the inheritance stone.

"OK." Chen Fei nodded.

If he had more merit points, Chen Fei would actually like to redeem the inheritance left by the strong men in the late Rong Dao realm.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade, and the inheritance of those strong men in the late stages of the Fusion Realm may be able to take the smelted skills to a higher level.

However, compared to the more than 50 emperor inheritances, the number of inheritances in the late Fusion Dao realm is too many. After so many years of accumulation, Chen Fei's performance points are really not enough.

Seeing that Chen Fei did not change his mind, Jiang Chengji nodded and handed the fifty-three inheritance stones into Chen Fei's hands.

"Besides these inheritances, what else do you want to exchange for?" Jiang Chengji looked up at Chen Fei.

"The others are not needed for the time being." Chen Fei thought for a moment and said.

Chen Fei doesn't need the spiritual materials to comprehend supernatural powers. He can just comprehend them together in the special training room.

On the contrary, Chen Fei needs to use elixirs to quickly fill up the space in his body.

Once Chen Fei breaks through from the middle to the late stage of the Sun and Moon Realm, the space in his body will change from the state of the Tongtian Pillar to a basic space with length, width and height.

How big this basic space can be cultivated in the end depends entirely on how large the space can be controlled by the three magical powers that each person has condensed.

The degree of mysticism of the cultivation technique also determines the strength of the magical power.

So normally, Chen Fei should still exchange pills from here.

But in the Liuli Plane, Chen Fei's wealth was too great. Chen Fei only needed to find a time to realize it, which would be enough to support Chen Fei's daily cultivation needs.

After a while, Chen Fei left the treasure house and rushed towards the public area.

Jiang Chengji looked at Chen Fei's disappearing back with thoughtful eyes.

All the Emperor Zun skills and the ambition shown by Chen Fei made even Jiang Chengji, who was in the late Rongdao realm, frown a little.

Whether Chen Fei can support this ambition with the talent he has shown is an unknown, no one can say for sure.

Jiang Chengji now just hopes that once Chen Fei finds that he is unable to do what he wants, he can stop the situation in time, instead of being stubborn and insisting on smelting all the Emperor's skills into one.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei appeared outside the special training room.

When Yu Dingshan saw Chen Fei, he couldn't help but smile.

Chen Fei's achievements in the Glazed Plane are actually unknown to most of the Sun and Moon Realms. After all, those in the middle of the Sun and Moon Realm who know about this are still in the Glazed Plane.

But in the Fusion Dao Realm, as the top combat power of the human race, the channels for news are naturally far greater than those in the Sun and Moon Realm.

"What type of training room do you want and how long will it be rented for?" Yu Dingshan said with a smile.

"Kung Fu Enlightenment, as for the time, the junior is not sure. If the performance points are not enough, the senior can call the junior out." Chen Fei shook his head and said.

Chen Fei really didn't know how long it would take him, but he thought that based on the remaining points, it would be enough for Chen Fei to master all the techniques he wanted to practice.

"Okay, go to that one." Yu Dingshan nodded and pointed to one of the training rooms.

"Thank you, senior." Chen Fei cupped his hands, turned around and walked towards the training room.

Stepping into the designated training room, the furnishings are as simple as ever.

Chen Fei walked to the futon and sat down, his mind involuntarily becoming peaceful.

Chen Fei did not immediately understand the Emperor's inheritance, but began to sort out hundreds of mid-grade mysterious treasures.

At the human border, there was not enough time and the location was not very suitable. Moreover, Dao Yuefeng helped Chen Fei heal his injuries and completely recovered from his weak state.

Now in this training room, no one else is disturbing me. I just want to take stock of the various mid-grade mysterious treasures in my collection.

In the Liuli plane before, Chen Fei only had time to check briefly.

Chen Fei began to empty out the hidden objects in the Xuan Bao one by one. After cleaning one piece, he placed the Xuan Bao aside.

Not to mention the collection of mysterious treasures, these middle-grade mysterious treasures are actually of great value.

Although it is a mysterious treasure from a foreign race, it is not very suitable for humans, and the price is lower.

But no matter how low it is, it is still at the level of a middle-grade mysterious treasure. As long as you are willing to modify it and spend some fifth-level spiritual materials, you can still turn it into a mysterious treasure used by adults.

It took Chen Fei two hours to quickly count the collection of hundreds of mysterious treasures.

The further back he got, the brighter the smile on Chen Fei's face became.

I knew that this would be an astonishing amount of wealth, but only after the inventory was completed did I really know the extent of this wealth.

The total value of top-grade Yuan stones alone is more than five million.

If Chen Fei is not afraid of losing money and exchanges the top-grade Yuan Stone for low-grade Yuan Crystal at any cost, then the top-grade Yuan Stone in Chen Fei's hands at this moment can be exchanged for nearly 10,000 yuan of low-grade Yuan Crystal.

If the sixth-level Suppression of the Sky was to be simplified, it would require 100,000 yuan of low-grade Yuanjing. Now it seems that it is one step closer to the goal?

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