Not just the sun and moon realm, if it is the sun and moon realm, there will be no warning even if the god is immortal.

Among them are those who are strong in the Fusion Dao Realm. Only the Fusion Dao Realm can pose a threat to the current Chen Fei.

The Qiankun Mansion's Time Tower is number one. This news has already been known to the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe.

They understood what kind of power the Sun and Moon Realm in this position contained. The ordinary Sun and Moon Realm would not pose a threat to Chen Fei at all.

Only in the Fusion Dao realm can one strike kill.

Facing the Fusion Dao Realm, no matter how talented the Sun Moon Realm is, the result will not be much different.

Chen Fei relied on the early warning of seeing God to move quickly within Pushan City, but the scope of his movement was shrinking at an extremely fast speed.

The surrounding fog that disrupts time and space is aimed at the human race, and will not pose much of an obstacle to them, the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe.

Now there are just too many battles in Pushan City, and Chen Fei has completely restrained his aura, making it difficult for the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe to find him for a while.

But no matter how hard it is to find, Pushan City is so big, so you will eventually find it.

Chen Fei frowned slightly and looked at Zangyuan Zhong, wondering if he should hide Qu Qingsheng and the others somewhere first.

Chen Fei's current body can be destroyed. After all, there is still a drop of blood left in a corner of Pushan City.

In order not to arouse suspicion, the drop of blood was just like the blood of ordinary mountains and seas. It only contained a small amount of vitality and was not conspicuous.

Unless the Wei Clan and the Ice Clan are in the Fusion Realm and know in advance that Chen Fei will be reborn with blood, then it is possible to destroy all the blood inch by inch.

Otherwise, after the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe retreat, Chen Fei can completely resurrect with that drop of blood.

Even worse, Chen Fei left a source of information in the void, which was a resurrection characteristic left behind when he was in the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Relying on that information source, Chen Fei can also be reborn.

But if that happens, besides the panel, Chen Fei's most important trump card will also be used.


The entire Pushan City suddenly trembled violently, and a ripple spread from the center of Pushan City in all directions.

The next moment, the entire Pushan City burst into dazzling light, drowning all the races, and the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe were no exception.


Painful screams came from the mouths of the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe, and the explosive power penetrated their bodies. However, in this light, there was nothing wrong with the Human Tribe, and even the injuries in the body were getting better quickly.

Chen Fei looked at this scene with some surprise. There was such a move in Pushan City.


Chen Fei recognized what this light that filled the entire Pushan City was, a power bred within the Qiankun Cauldron.

Except for the human race, any other race facing the Hun Tian Lei would feel as if they were being attacked by ten thousand thunders.

But Hun Tian Lei also has a shortcoming. Normally, there is nothing going on in the Qiankun Cauldron, but once you want to take it out, you have to use it in a short time.

Otherwise, the muddy thunder will automatically escape and become the vitality of heaven and earth again.

The Qiankun Ding was obviously moved away by the human emperor just now, so all the people in the Qiankun Ding were thrown out.

But at this moment, there are Huntian Lei in Pushan City, which means that these Huntian Lei were already buried in Pushan City before the Qiankun Cauldron was removed.

The human emperor is right, there will be an alien invasion?

Various thoughts flashed through Chen Fei's mind, and then, a powerful force covered Chen Fei. This was the power of space movement.

And the breath is very familiar, it is still Hun Tian Lei.

Chen Fei did not refuse and followed the force and disappeared.

Not only Chen Fei, but all the human races in Pushan City at this moment, whether they were in the Sun and Moon Realm or the Fusion of Dao Realm, were all moved away by the power of Hun Tian Lei.

There is no need to stay in Pushan City any longer. Most of the people who have just been admitted into the Taoist Fusion Realm have already been admitted.

If you are unlucky and are not taken into custody, you may have to survive on your own for a while.

And even if it is taken away by the Taoist tools of the Fusion Realm, it does not mean that it is necessarily safe, because the Human Race's Fusion Realm will also be intercepted and killed by the Ice Clan and the Wei Clan's Fusion Realm.

Once it is not resisted, everyone in the Taoist artifact will inevitably die.

It can only be said that if one is taken away by the Fusion Dao Realm, the probability of survival will be higher, but it does not mean that it is foolproof.

On the sky, the Emperor of the Wei Clan looked at the scene below and snorted coldly. The rules in his body trembled, and the rules in the space resonated with it.

The human emperor Tang Yunshou looked at the scene in front of him and his expression changed slightly. He did not expect that the other party had such a profound knowledge of the rules of space.

In the same Emperor Realm, there is also a difference in strength. Tang Yunshou's strength is far inferior to that of the Emperor of the Wei Clan in front of him.

Being able to drag the Emperor of the Kuai Clan here and being unable to launch an attack on Pushan City is Tang Yunshou's limit.

It is no longer possible to drive away the Emperor of the Wei Clan in front of him.

And as time went by, Tang Yunshou became more and more unable to resist. Seeing that the human race below was almost suppressed, Tang Yunshou activated the Hun Tian Lei in Pushan City.

Killing some of the Kuai and Ice tribes is only secondary. The most important thing is to remove the humans in Pushan City.

Although the power of Hun Tian Lei is harmless to the human race, during the movement process, the power in the space crack is extremely violent. If it does not reach the sun and moon realm, there is a high possibility of death.

Therefore, Tang Yunshou had to wait for the Fusion Dao Realm to take in most of the human race, otherwise many people would directly die on the way to the move.

According to the normal location, the moved humans will appear one million miles away, near Aurora City.

It is considered the hinterland of the entire human race. It does not border any foreign borders. It will not be attacked by the Ice Tribe and the Wei Tribe in a short period of time, so it is relatively safe.

But at this moment, as the Emperor of the Kuai Clan activated the Space Rules, Tang Yunshou could see that the location of Hun Tian Lei had shifted significantly.

They were supposed to be heading to Aurora City, but now they were afraid that the human race in the thunder would be scattered everywhere, and the distance would change from one million miles to hundreds to thousands of miles.

Where you end up is entirely up to your luck.

Tang Yunshou sighed involuntarily in his heart. There was no other way. This was the best that could be done at the moment.

From Dao Yuefeng deliberately being injured while fighting for the origin of the plane, to finally locating the position of the ancestor of the Kuai clan to the extreme, only the nineteen emperors of the human race know all these things.

Except for the nineteen of them, even those in the late stages of Fusion Dao Realm never knew about this matter.

There must be traitors among the human race, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, once more people know about it, there is a risk that the secret will be leaked.

Facing the seventh-level Open Heaven Realm, the human race cannot afford to gamble, nor can it afford to lose.

Once they lose, the possibility of the human race becoming a vassal race is very small, and the most likely possibility is that it will be exterminated.

Dao Yuefeng broke the secondary rules of cause and effect that he controlled, and then the eighteen human emperors, together with the Qiankun Ding, unleashed a powerful attack.

This blow even depleted the Qiankun Mansion's source that had been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and even damaged the Qiankun Cauldron.

Otherwise, it is impossible to cause harm to the seventh-level Open Heaven Realm, even if the Open Heaven Realm itself has been seriously injured.

No matter whether the ancestor of the Kuai clan was injured under the Qiankun Cauldron or not, from the moment the ancestor of the Kuai clan appeared, the war between the Ice clan and the Kuai clan against the human race had already begun.

The human emperor understands this truth, so he has laid thunders in the surrounding cities of all human beings in advance.

When nothing can be done, try to save the lives of the human race.

After all, with destiny, everything is possible.

If people are gone, nothing is gone.

I don’t know about other cities, but how many humans in Pushan City can survive in the end depends entirely on themselves.

Chen Fei felt the power of Hun Tian Lei trembling violently. The next moment, Chen Fei was thrown directly out of the gap in space and appeared on a mountain peak.

Chen Fei looked around and found that this place was still within the sphere of influence of Pushan City, and it was no more than a thousand miles away from Pushan City.

Chen Fei frowned slightly, Hun Tian Lei's power was by no means limited to this, I'm afraid something unexpected happened.

While in Qiankun Mansion, Chen Fei kept the locations of all eleven human cities in his mind.

Be prepared, maybe you can use it one day.

Chen Fei didn't expect that the day he needed would come so quickly and unprepared.

A thousand miles is a far distance for mortals, but for the Sun-Moon Realm and the Fusion of Dao Realm, it can't be crossed in a single step, but it really only takes a moment.

Chen Fei instantly flew high into the sky, flying towards the hinterland of the human race.

This is a war between three races. Chen Fei's identity as a human race makes it impossible for Chen Fei to stay out of it.

And judging from the various measures taken in Pushan City just now, the human emperor seemed to have anticipated these.

Without being able to leave the seventh-level Open Heaven Realm, the human race has no fear of the alliance between the Gui Clan and the Ice Clan.

If the seventh-level Kaitian Realm ancestor of the Wei Clan really appears, then any resistance from the human race will be unnecessary, and from the current point of view, it seems that things have not reached this level.


A ripple rippled out of Chen Fei's body again, resonating with the regular particles in the surrounding space. Sun Guangyuan was locating Chen Fei's position again.

Chen Fei's fists slowly clenched, then his figure blurred and he began to move quickly.

The space in the Guixu Realm is too tight. Chen Fei can only move dozens of miles at a time, and the burden on his body is extremely heavy.

But it has to be said that as long as you can withstand the pressure, even if it is only a few dozen miles at a time, you can still quickly cross a distance by moving a few times.

After a while, Chen Fei landed on the top of a mountain.

This place is already two thousand miles away from where we were just now.

Based on the position that Sun Guangyuan just located, it will take some effort for both the Ice Clan and the Wei Clan to find this place. Therefore, Chen Fei still has some time to remove the rule beacon from his body first.

Otherwise, Chen Fei may still be surrounded by the Rong Dao realm in the end.

Chen Fei started to use Zhen Cang Qiong. Faced with the rules and regulations set by him in the middle stage of the Fusion Dao Realm, there was no other way except Zhen Cang Qiong, the source clan's clan-suppressing technique.

The particles of the law of force in Chen Fei's body began to tremble violently. Facing this main law, it naturally suppressed other secondary rules.

As time went by, the rule mark that Sun Guangyuan placed in Chen Fei's body was finally forcibly struck out by the rules of power.

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