Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 158: Zhang Qingyuan in the eyes of a disciple

   That is a vastness, with no end in sight!

   Over the years, because of the friendship between the Yue family and that one, he has been taught by that one, so he has mastered the sword intent of water, and has gradually improved to Dahe sword power.

   This undoubtedly made him a great increase,

   and among the younger generation, he also made his mark, becoming a famous rookie in the North Mountain domain comprehension world!

   Someone from the outside world said.

   He got one or two points of the true biography of that person,

   But in fact, in Yue Wenhe's eyes, this is a joke!

   Don't say one or two points, I am afraid that one thousandth, one thousandth is not!

   Inheritance taught him that day that an ordinary branch cut out the boundless and invisible view of the vast sea, which is already firmly inscribed in his heart!

   If he really got the one or two points of the true biography of that person, Yue Wenhe even suspected that he could even have the body of the eighth layer of true essence, challenge to kill the strength of the nineth layer of true essence!

   That is a vast and mighty force that no one can imagine!

   The people outside, who are extremely far away from that one, have no chance to get close, and naturally cannot understand the level of the other person.

   In their eyes, the one who stands high in the clouds, above the entire northern mountains, is like a living mythical and legendary person like a peerless figure,

   is something that cannot be seen, and the impression is extremely vague and powerful!

   But they don’t know how strong it is, how strong it is,

only know,

   That one is the well-deserved number one monk in the northern mountain domain cultivation world today!

   This powerful impression,

   Very vague!

   blurred to the point where I can’t see the real face,

   can only be described by one or two powerful adjectives.

   Those who truly understand and understand the tip of the iceberg of the power possessed by them are the only disciples who are practicing with them!

   "If I can get one or two points of the true biography of the master, I am afraid that I will be enough to climb the first level of the dragon and phoenix list in the North Mountain Region and even the entire Yunzhou!"

   Yue Wenhe sighed, put the long sword in his sheath, raised his head and looked in a certain direction in the distant sky, his eyes full of sigh of complexity.

   The longer you stay with that person, the more you can feel the horror of the other person!

   That is a kind of power with no bottom, no end in sight!

that person,

   It seems to know something, everything is fine,

  Whether it is swordsmanship, martial arts or martial arts, or formation, alchemy, and cultivation, it seems that there is no such thing as he can't!

   It's just these years, following the other side, seeing the scenes, enough to make him feel shaken, it is hard to imagine such a genius and evil spirit in this world!

  One sword technique,

   That one just cut out the sword in front of Yue Wenhe, and gave him a jade slip about practicing kendo, and then occasionally instructed him to teach a young generation who has risen to fame!

   In terms of formation,

Among the gates of Qianyun Mountain, he had seen it with his own eyes. The opponent displayed his mighty power, moved the mountains and moved the mountains, and changed the general trend of the earth veins around Qianyun Mountain. In response to the heavenly aura, he successfully set up a huge, world-beating good fortune. Formation.

   That large formation successfully changed the ground veins in a radius of thousands of miles, and swallowed a huge amount of heaven and earth aura, and greatly transformed the aura on Qianyun Mountain.


   For many years, the many resources used to carry up the mountain under the mountain have all been refined in the hands of that person to make a large number of pills for practice.

   Even several times, Yue Wenhe was in the middle of the mountain gate and saw that the originally clear sky was suddenly overcast with thunder, and bombarded the top of that closed mountain!

   Then there was a sky full of glow, like the morning sun rising on the top of the mountain, a strange fragrance permeated within a radius of a hundred miles!

   Among the gates of Qianyun Mountain, as the two caves of Qianyun Mountain were crushed by breath, Qianyun Mountain was quickly destroyed, so all the books in it remained intact.

   As the disciple of that income, Yue Wenhe has the qualification to browse all the books in Qianyun Mountain.

   This is a Buddhist scripture pavilion of the overlord-level sect that has been passed on for thousands of years and has reached the top of the Northern Mountain Region's cultivation world!

The collection records in    are all-encompassing, and there are even some manuscript records of the power of the cave!

   is also because of this,

   Yue Wenhe knows what it means for the thunder tribulation pill incense.

   That is an elixir that has been passed down in the Qianyun Mountain sect, but no one has been able to practice it for thousands of years, and it is an elixir that can be taken by the cultivators of the true realm of the cave to take the elevating elixir!

   can refining pill of that degree, that person's achievement in alchemy is self-evident!

   And these,

   is just the tip of the iceberg shown by that person!

   Yue Wenhe is really hard to imagine, why there are such characters in this world,

   If someone else can cultivate one of them to such a level, it will be hard to reach after exhausting their entire life!

   And that one,

   is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipotent!

   Yue Wenhe knows very well that his talent is actually not high.

   Among the younger generation of the Yue family, perhaps it can be regarded as a leader, but even if you zoom in a little, not to mention the Northern Mountains, even a small Izumo country can only be said to be mediocre!

   However, he is such a mediocre person, because of the Yue family and that one's incense love, he was able to worship that one's name, and then he became Hezhong Jianzi, a genius among the younger generation in the northern mountains!

   After that person gave himself a jade slip of kendo practice summed up by the other party,

  In order to practice kendo better,

   Yue Wenhe once searched through all the jade slips related to kendo in Qianyun Mountain for reference, including a kendo hole that Qianyun Mountain once had!

However, Yue Wenhe soon discovered that the jade slip given to him by contained the detailed explanation of the kendo practice system, and the depth of the practice was that no one could match it, even Qianyun. The same is true of the basic code for the true power of the Kendo Cave in the mountain!

   The achievement of that man in Kendo is simply unimaginable!

   Without the guidance of that person, without the swordsmanship jade slip, Yue Wenhe wants to cultivate Dahe swordsmanship and become the prestigious Hezhong sword among the younger generation in the North Mountain Region, that would be a joke!

   "Master is an extraordinary person, how can I compare with it!"

   Qilian Mountain, over the Lingshi Mine Camp, the woman behind Yue Wenhe shook her head slightly, and also sighed, her eyes flashed with a touch of splendor.

"There are rumors from outside that the master’s age is probably only one or two hundred years of the Spring and Autumn Period. It is possible for others to reach a level that all beings in the Northern Mountain Region cannot reach for a lifetime. Such an achievement, I How can mortals be compared with it!"

   "The achievements of the brothers are already very impressive,"

   "If we can inherit 1% of the master's methods, we will be invincible to the monks of the same generation!"



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