Five thousand years ago, the one in front of him turned out to be born, trying to hold the Five Elements Holy Sect to the sky.

Nowadays, Zongmen has undergone major changes and is facing a huge challenge that has not been seen in thousands of years. It is still this one who has come out to save him from the water and fire!

It can be said that if there is no such one to take the initiative, I am afraid that the sect would have been destroyed by the enemy's attack that day!

Since his appearance and birth, he has quickly become the belief in all the hearts of the monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements!

The hearts of the people that had become floating due to the fall of the three ancestors of the Wanhua ancestors also quickly gathered together when they were born.

This one, the momentum among the sect cultivators, has already reached its peak. Up and down the sect, any ancestor in history, or even the founding ancestor, may not have what he has in the hearts of the sect cultivators. Great prestige!

And Yang Tianlan, the head of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, who knows more about it, admires him even more!

After thousands of years of retreat, it is the momentum of thunder, and the calculation is amazing!

Before the opponent knew it, he was already led into the Trap Jedi!

That kid named Zhang Qingyuan, I am afraid he was naive to think that he bypassed them by virtue of his cleverness and successfully entered the secret land of inheritance secretly!

How did he know that everything he saw and thought was nothing but an illusion that they had woven for it!

Wang Boguang,

It's just an abandoned child and bait they sent out,

In order to attract them, they also put on a cloak woven by Wu Nian Temple and it took thousands of years to accumulate enough heavenly magic colorful spider silk!

That is a treasure, even more precious than the spirit weapon of the town faction!


Wang Boguang himself does not know his true role and purpose!

And all of this,

The purpose is just to guide, lead that kid to believe what he sees!

The most perfect lie in this world is not the logically connected words spoken by others, but the stuff that my brain makes up!

After that, the Wanhua realm Dao Venerable of the two realms of Zheng Mo stayed in a space for half a month, and the fierce fighting and conflict broke out, all to deepen the cognition of the little devil's own brain!

From here to the end,

All this happened is just for a big drama set for it!

The real ultimate move,

Just now the final moment of closing the net!

"It's just the old ancestor. There is something unknown in the younger generation. With the strength of the combination of the two realms of righteousness and devil, I can swarm and kill the kid. Why do you have to spend so much time?"

Seeing that the final net closing operation was about to fall, Yang Tianlan, the head of the Five Elements Sacred Sect, couldn't help it after all, asking questions that had been hidden in his mind.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, the light shining, the figure who couldn't see his face glanced at Yang Tianlan who was aside, with a little coldness.

Let the latter's heart become tight, and his back is also cold,

"As the head of the sect, I hope you can understand one thing. In the future, any enemy must be killed with thunder, instead of giving heads and resources again and again to let the opponent grow up!"

Cheng Zu made a cold voice,

It seemed that the surrounding void was frozen and solidified at this moment, causing Yang Tianlan's back to become cold, and facing the attitude of the person in front of him, his waist was even more bent.

"Any genius, no one is a great fortune, he will become stronger if he can't die once, and if he accumulates it again and again, with enough stepping stones under his feet, he will grow to the point where it will overturn you. !"

"This son has only cultivated for a hundred years, and he has already achieved shocking achievements. Where do you come from and underestimate him?!"

The ancestor, who is concealed in the Qi Yunji, has a flat tone without any fluctuations.

But there was something that made Yang Tianlan sweat in the cold,

The head is lower!

"That little ghost named Zhang Qingyuan has such a growth experience, if he has not guessed wrong, he can't be said to be the son of Yunzhou cultivation world in this era."

"For such a great chance generation, it is only a trivial matter to turn a good luck in every case."

"If you don't introduce it to the Jedi where you can't escape, no matter how many people besieged and killed, the final result is that it will at most be severely injured, and then for this and other reasons, let it escape successfully!"

As he spoke, Cheng Zu's eyes became extremely deep.

Deep in the pupil,

It seems to recall some memories that I didn't want to tell.

"Junior understand, Old Ancestor Xie for advice!"

Yang Tianlan bowed his hands respectfully and authentically,

There is also a vague understanding in my heart.

Recalling the grievances between the Five Elements Saint Sect and the boy, it seems that at first it was only caused by the grievances of the elders of the Realm of Hollow Realm.

Then the conflict intensified step by step, and the strength of that kid's cultivation level finally reached a point where even the sect could not ignore it!

"The ancestors have a wonderful calculation!"

"Now that kid has been introduced into this inheritance secret realm, as long as the door is blocked, it will be from heaven to earth, and there is no room for escape!"

"In this way, that kid is dead!"

At this moment, Yang Tianlan vaguely understood the purpose of his ancestors expending so much energy to calculate!

If it is besieged outside,

God knows if that kid hides some other means, and finally breaks through the encirclement and escapes.

Or is it an accident of passing by a strong man from Central Continent who is not used to bullying the less, or the kid’s talents and helping him? !

The existence of that kid is unreasonable in itself!

This kind of great opportunity, the great fortune generation,

It is not surprising that anything illogical happens to him!

In order to be able to create a chance to kill with one hit,

The preparations for all this are reasonable!

"Go and tell the one from the Demon Sect, the action can begin!"

"Every extra minute and second will give that little devil an extra chance to inherit it!"

"I can't do all kinds of calculations, but in the end I picked up a rock and hit my own foot!"

Cheng Zu's voice was cold,

It’s just that a strange color seems to flash across the faint gaze,

That touch of strange color flashed away,

Yang Tianlan did not perceive it.


Yang Tianlan got the order and backed away.

at this time,

In front of the outside bronze door,

A dozen or so horrific air machines of the tens of thousands of levels blocked the vacuum, completely cutting off the back road, but it was already preventing a fly from flying out!


Zhang Qingyuan, who is currently in the secret realm of inheritance, does not know anything about the changes that have occurred in the outside world.

At this moment he is facing a major decision,

I saw in front of Zhang Qingyuan,

A round fist-sized pebble-like stone is suspended. The surface of the stone is dark, with a little bit of starlight on the surface, like the stars in the dark and deep sky, slowly rotating, giving people a dreamlike meaning!

Above this weird stone exudes a kind of magical power,

Zhang Qingyuan was affected,

The whole person seems to be falling into a deep-space dream, removing all precautions and vigilance, blending into it, and sinking forever!

Looking at this miraculous stone,

Zhang Qingyuan's face was solemn.

[Although you will be immortal with that villain in the future, this inheritance will never be given to mediocre people. 】

[If you want to gain the inheritance of this seat, you must also pass the test! 】

[This stone is made from the three-life stone in the fairyland of the Mengtian Emperor of the Upper Realm. It contains the inheritance of this seat and the test that needs to pass if you want to accept the inheritance! 】

[If you want to gain the inheritance of this seat, you must go through the Three Lives and Three Worlds Dreams that evolve in it, to the end, break out of the dream, and then be eligible to inherit everything in this seat...]

The low voice of dry bones echoed in Zhang Qingyuan's ears.

Zhang Qingyuan silently looked at the strange stone in front of him, without speaking.

His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He doesn't speak,

The dry bone didn't make a sound.

Between the void, there is silence!

Zhang Qingren closed his eyes,

Pondered for a long time,

Then his eyes opened, his eyes filled with determination!


Master of withered bones,

Very mysterious.

Only from the secrets of immortality that he knows, one can guess one or two,

That is definitely not an ordinary character!

This so-called three-life stone refining test, perhaps there are other secrets hidden in it!

But no matter what the other party has,

Myself in the future,

It is very likely to have to face the last fairy who once soared through the air,

In this situation,

Take a risk,

That's a must!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

The soul escaped,


That's a must!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that he has made up his Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

It’s a must to escape the soul!

Only by letting oneself hold more hole cards, when facing such a big enemy in the future, will have more confidence!

Now that I have made up my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan is no longer procrastinating,

Following the guidance of the voice of withered bones,

The soul escaped,

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