Ps: This is a repeat chapter. I have something to do today, and I am tired and sleepy. I really can’t write it. I’d better go to bed early and get up early tomorrow to finish writing it.

   will update tomorrow, sorry.


  This sword,

   With the help of the will of heaven and earth, Zhang Qingyuan drew the power of the law of heaven and earth, resulting in endless thunder sea attacks!

   The power of the envoy at that moment,

   made Zhang Qingyuan a rare feeling of the resonance of the humane ancestor series power in the world of the three life stone!

   That moment,

   is in charge of yin and yang, transforming into the boundless power of the endless thunder sea,

   directly caused Zhang Qingyuan to have a rare resonance with the power of the ancestors of heaven and humanity in the world of Sanshengshi!

   That kind of feeling,

   Even though it's just passing away in a flash,

   But with the ability to record on the proficiency panel, it allows Zhang Qingyuan to record all the scenes and continue to comprehend.

   This undoubtedly can greatly speed up his own understanding of the power of the Heavenly Human Taoist ancestor,

   Speed ​​up the speed to reach that realm!

   But now,

   Zhang Qingyuan also didn't have time to recollect that moment of sentiment.

   One sword smashed countless strange demons, and brought many heavenly materials and earth treasures, spirit stone treasures, etc. into thunder crystals. The mighty power in it was truly earth-shattering!


   With one sword, Wan Lei has indeed swept away all the miscellaneous soldiers.

   But the leading Qi machine,

   never disappeared!


   Zhang Qingyuan’s eyes were condensed,

   is also at this moment,

   Boom! ! !

  The vast divine power swept through,

   The aura of eternity is crushed and shaken!

   I could only see the ground below, and suddenly a surging hostility rose up, like a giant column of wolf smoke, instantly soaring into the sky, piercing the sky, infecting this one hundred miles of heaven and earth!

   The whole world seems to be contaminated by an unspeakable evil force!

   Deep in this space of heaven and earth,

   the sense of consciousness,

   actually had a feeling of being in the dust!

   Boom! ! !

There was another blast of earth-shattering, and the whole earth was torn apart by an indescribable force. An indescribable monster broke out from under the earth. Unparalleled terrifying force impacted the sky and changed the color of the sky. !

  The black mist swept across, setting off that huge figure like a **** or devil!

The huge body seems to cover the sky and is higher than a thousand-foot high mountain. The whole body is covered with countless twisted tentacles and minions, like a huge twisted squid, but above the head where the face is, mouths are cracked. Open, rows of huge teeth lined up neatly, and above the tentacles, there are rows of scary red eyeballs!



   exudes a kind of magical power that twists and confuses people's spirits!

   Kang Hou beside,

   The first time he saw the monster, he had a feeling of being contaminated and almost nauseous!

   "Is it finally out!"

   Looking at the front that covered half of the sky like a mountain, exuding a huge shadow of terrible energy, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes became more dignified at this moment.

   The moment I saw this monster in front of me.

   The supernatural power that twists the soul, twists the spirit, and twists the laws of heaven and earth is also acting on him!

   But fortunately,

   Taiyi alchemy works automatically,

   in my mind,

   A clear stream is born leisurely,

   clean the pollution,

   at the same time turned into an invisible protective shield, isolating the supernatural force that twists the spirit!

   This undoubtedly makes his condition much better than Kanghou next to him!


   Facing the huge figure in front of me,

   Zhang Qingyuan still feels unparalleled pressure!

   That kind of face-faced emotion with chaos, destruction, decay, darkness, and violence invaded the world and caused the entire world to be polluted!

   Straight as a tsunami, coming towards Zhang Qingyuan!


  At this moment,

  Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate at all, the long sword transformed from the sword pill in his hand oscillated with clear light. During the yin and yang two currents, the heaven and earth Qi machine was also inspired at this moment!


   The space trembled violently, and an astonishing aura emerged from Zhang Qingyuan's body, and stormy waves were set off within the boundless world!

   Zhang Qingyuan took the lead,

   a sword slashed at the monster!

   Yin and Yang two air currents,

   rules are intertwined,

   Transformation and thunder are melted into a sword!

   The sky and the earth are turned upside down, the light and darkness have lost their color!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   Qianzhang Wuxi Jianguang cut through the vacuum and slashed heavily on the behemoth in an instant, causing an earth-shattering explosion immediately!

The astonishing sword power and the Taoism continue to interweave, engulfing the mysterious and unpredictable power, it bursts to the extreme, like a round of sun intertwined there, burst out, the brilliant dazzling light produced by the explosion, almost a round of the sun has come. The world!

   Thousands of miles away,

   can see the terrifying light rising up!


   Under the blazing light, there were waves of screams,

   The sword that merged the power of Yin and Yang, experienced the heart of heaven, and was infinitely close to the power of the ancestor of Heaven and Human Dao, broke a huge hole in the behemoth!

   The tentacles were broken, and a huge gap appeared in half of the body!

   A puff of black blood swayed in the air like rain,


  The black blood hasn't landed yet, it is the black loathing in the mid-air, which flows back quickly like a living thing, entangled in the giant beast and monster.

   the wound,

The black flesh and blood grew rapidly and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within a short breathing time, the huge gap that was originally as wide as a few hundred feet and almost cut off his body was quickly reduced to ten feet, and it was only one hundred feet wide. Kind of extremely fast speed in the jade box!

   Seeing this scene,

   Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils shrank sharply,

   can't let it recover like this!

   almost instantly,

   Such an idea has already flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind!

   However almost at the same moment,

   Boom boom boom!

   The monster's counterattack has arrived!

   Huge tentacles pierced through the void, densely packed with thousands and tens of thousands, covering the world ahead like a torrent, sweeping towards Zhang Qingyuan like a tsunami!

   Every tentacle is as powerful as the collapse of the void!

   terrible momentum,

   is no less than the full blow of a monk in the realm of Wanhua!

   Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly,

   step forward,

   Boom! ! !

   The splendid Taoism power intertwined under his feet, and the whole person escaped the vacuum, and Zhang Qingyuan's figure instantly escaped from the sticky and solidified space.

   Mayfly between heaven and earth!

In the past years in the True Origin Realm, Yu Yuzhou attacked and killed an enemy's body art secret technique, as early as Zhang Qingyuan in the three-life stone world for thousands of years, has been deduced to completion, and innovated, mastering the law of space , Achieve travel in the realm of Qingming!

   almost instantly,

   Zhang Qingyuan appeared ten miles away!

   And at this moment,


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