ps: Don’t subscribe yet. This is a repetitive chapter. The author of this chapter hasn’t finished writing the content of this chapter. Let’s post a scrap chapter and mix it up with full attendance in the last month of 2021. It will take about two or three hours to finish writing and uploading.


Two hundred years ago, Zhang Qingyuan began to practice sword drawing.

Gradually integrating the knowledge of his previous life and what he has learned in this life, he created a variety of swordsmanship, and further developed on the basis of it, becoming the biggest hole card that he used to ramp up the realm of the realm.

Although in the days that followed, Zhang Qingyuan mastered the power of the Great Dao Law and learned supernatural powers, but the sword style extended from the swordsmanship still possessed decent power!

Until I left Yuzhou for almost two hundred years,

Back again,

Feel the ruthlessness of the passage of time, witness the withering and prosperous vegetation, the changes of life and death in the world,

Let Zhang Qingyuan feel something in his heart,

In the end, the swordsmanship that was created that year has reached the extreme that one can achieve, and has changed again!

From drawing swordsmanship to concentrating swordsmanship, to condensing sword seeds, to sword seeds taking root and germinating, growing luxuriantly, and finally the vegetation withered and decayed into dust, a complete reincarnation was completed!

In this evolutionary process,

However, it was based on the vastness of the cultivation knowledge that Zhang Qingyuan knew, and it was ascended to the greatest extent, and a sword move with the power of time passing was born!

This formula,

In the subsequent period, through the ascension since this period of time,

For example, the smashing of the lair of the different demons, the souls of the gods and the induction of heaven and humans, once again entered the sea of ​​ten thousand sources, and the gains obtained from preaching with the two old ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu, etc., etc.

In the improvement of the perception and harvest time and time again, I have also been improved bit by bit.

In the end, before solving the matter of the source of the alien demon this time, he successfully perfected the sword move that brought together the essence of Zhang Qingyuan's practice path——

Grass word swordsmanship,

Spring and Autumn!

This formula,

It is Zhang Qingyuan's masterpiece of all his experiences in the past 300 years and his path of cultivation!

It is even above the two supernatural powers that he has mastered, and it involves the supreme lore of the power of time!

At this moment,

As Zhang Qingyuan swallowed the unknown blue light essence liquid obtained by killing Ning Fufu and Wanhua Alien in one fell swoop, his power not only recovered to its peak state in a short time, but also almost exploded to more than several times in its heyday. The limit state!

In that extreme state,

This power can be called Zhang Qingyuan's ultimate sword move in his lifetime!

I saw,

Cut out with one sword,

Jian Guangbianhan,

It is obviously not a bright sword light, but at this moment it seems to illuminate the whole world!

Heaven and earth,

Come with a chaotic void, a devastating energy storm,


It was all covered by that not-so-bright light!

That gleam of light,

Become the center of everything above and below!

The sword light flutters,

The speed that seemed to be unsatisfactory, but in an instant it was already torn to the dark heaven where the fingers could not be seen, and the unimaginable power slashed towards the figure in the dark depths!

In an instant,

The whole world,

It seems that there is a strange feeling like the passing of time, the vegetation withered, and the coming of spring and autumn!

If it hadn’t been for the previous battle to destroy this world, under that sword light, the vegetation on the earth would grow rapidly, from rooting and sprouting to rapid flourishing, and then the fallen leaves withered and died.

Like the cycle of life and death between heaven and earth,

Spring and autumn pass,

It was born in that instant!

[Damn it! 】

That kind of feeling that made heaven, earth and time intertwine, made the figure in the depths of the endless dark abyss change color in amazement, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart!

This power,

How could it appear on the indigenous people in this ruined place? ! !

The power of time,

This is already the power of time!

That is a power that immortals may not be able to master!

Could it be...? ! ! !

For a moment,

The alien demon king whose figure was sealed in the abyss of the Five Elements Realm flashed through his mind with a terrifying thought, like a stormy sea, almost drowning him!


The existence in the abyss has no time to think about it!

This sword seems to be slow,

But almost in an instant, the vegetation wilted, and the vision of the cycle of spring and autumn had already tore through the endless darkness, and reached him!

At the moment the light shines,

Zhang Qingyuan clearly saw a figure sitting at the end of the darkness, without nose, ears and eyes, only a conceptual pure black humanoid shadow.

He couldn't see his fingers, and the darkness that swallowed all the light!

Void behind him,

Five huge chains of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are criss-crossed, born out of endless wearing, piercing through the sky, and the escaping breath covers the chaotic world!

The terrifying avenue chains are intertwined into a net,

Block it up!

But Zhang Qingyuan also clearly saw that,

On the opponent's body, it seems that a thick black liquid like oil spreads, wherever the **** touches, spreads on the chains that have grown from the depths of the chaos,

The darkness of unknown power is constantly eroding the chain of the road!

A thought suddenly flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

The seals of those chains of avenues,

It won’t last long!

This couldn't help but make Zhang Qingyuan's heart sink.


This is not the time to think about this.

Seeing that extreme sublimation, the most pinnacle of all my strength, the light slashed towards the figure, when the pure black body raised the pitch black palm to resist,

Zhang Qingyuan turned around,

Never looking back,

Step into the space in one step,

At the same time, the sense of God drew the Five Elements token, opened a channel exit directly in the chaotic vacuum, and stepped in!

The figure The exit of the channel followed and closed.

Completely disappeared in the Five Elements Realm!


Rumble! ! !

Until Zhang Qingyuan escaped for a few breaths,

A terrifying coercion swept across the sky and the earth, oppressing the entire world, shivering, as if to shatter in front of that terrifying power!

The weird and unknown will swept back and forth around the sky and the earth,

But after all I couldn’t find the target,

Finally had no choice but to give up.

Deep in the dark,

The dark figure raised a hand,

On the black palm that swallowed all the light, there was an additional scar at this moment, and the aura of time and years lingered on the scar.

It was like an unhealable scar that appeared on a calm and smooth horizontal surface!

The power of time,

It is difficult to erase this scar, let alone the automatic recovery of liquid fluid!

Among the dark pupils of the shadow,

The scarlet light suddenly appeared!

Staring at the weird and unhealable injury in his hand, his eyes were full of jealousy!

The power of time.....

That ant...

Never stay! ! !

Boom! ! !

The terrifying aura broke out again,


That ant...

Never stay! ! !

Boom! ! !

The terrifying aura broke out again, that ant...

Never stay! ! !

Boom! ! !

The terrifying aura broke out again, that ant...

Never stay! ! !

Boom! ! !

The terrifying aura broke out again,

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